コード例 #1
    // returns the distance between this cluster and another one
    // we use a complete link approach for hierarchical clustering,
    // so this is the maximum distance between two members of each
    // cluster
    public float Distance(CandidateCluster other, bool useBestPosition)
        // get leaf nodes of this cluster
        List <CLCandidate> leaves = GetCandidatesInCluster();

        // get leaf nodes of other cluster
        List <CLCandidate> otherLeaves = other.GetCandidatesInCluster();

        // compute max distance
        float distance = 0.0f;

        foreach (CLCandidate c1 in leaves)
            foreach (CLCandidate c2 in otherLeaves)
                float d = c1.Distance(c2, useBestPosition);
                if (d > distance)
                    distance = d;

コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CandidatesClustering"/> class and performs clusterng
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="solver">Solver, whose found solutions we want to cluster</param>
    /// <param name="minSat">Minimum sat. We will exclude solutions that do not reach this sat.</param>
    /// <param name="maxDistance">Max distance.</param>
    /// <param name="maxClusters">Max clusters. Maximum number of clusters to build</param>
    public HierarchicalClustering(CLSolver solver, float minSat, bool useBestPosition)
        List <CandidateCluster> clusters = new List <CandidateCluster> ();

        // select only candidates with sat >= minSat and assign each candidate to a cluster
        for (int i = 0; i < solver.numberOfCandidates; i++)
            if (solver.candidates[i].bestEvaluation >= minSat)
                clusters.Add(new CandidateCluster(solver.candidates[i]));

        Debug.Log("found " + clusters.Count + " candidates with min sat");

        // now, loop until |clusters| = 1
        while (clusters.Count > 1)
            // compute distances matrix
            float[,] distances = ComputeDistanceMatrix(clusters, useBestPosition);

            // find closest clusters
            int   cluster1    = 0;
            int   cluster2    = 0;
            float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
            for (int i = 0; i < clusters.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < clusters.Count; j++)
                    if (i > j)                        // we need to compute distance
                        if (distances[i, j] < minDistance)
                            cluster1    = i;
                            cluster2    = j;
                            minDistance = distances[i, j];

            float value1, value2;
            // select representative
            if (useBestPosition)
                value1 = clusters[cluster1].bestCandidate.bestEvaluation;
                value2 = clusters[cluster2].bestCandidate.bestEvaluation;
                value1 = clusters[cluster1].bestCandidate.evaluation;
                value2 = clusters[cluster2].bestCandidate.evaluation;

            int best = (value1 > value2)? cluster1:cluster2;
            CandidateCluster newCluster = new CandidateCluster(clusters[best].bestCandidate);
            newCluster.maxDistance = distances[cluster1, cluster2];
            clusters[cluster1].parent = newCluster;
            clusters[cluster2].parent = newCluster;

            // remove clusters cluster1 and cluster2

        if (clusters.Count > 0)
            clustering = clusters [0];