public void Fkt_Test(object obj) { //if (obj is object[]) //{ // var param = obj as object[]; // FieldContent[4] = param[0].ToString(); // OnNotifyPropertyChanged("FieldContent"); // TextContent = param[1].ToString(); // OnNotifyPropertyChanged("TextContent"); //} //else //{ // string input = obj as String; // char[] seperator = { '|' }; // string[] param = input.Split(seperator); // FieldContent[4] = param[0].ToString(); // OnNotifyPropertyChanged("FieldContent"); // TextContent = param[1].ToString(); // OnNotifyPropertyChanged("TextContent"); //} TextContent = CanExecute.ToString() + " " + GameInProgress.ToString(); OnNotifyPropertyChanged("TextContent"); OnNotifyPropertyChanged("FieldContent"); }
public FormatTemplateElement SetCanFormat([CanBeNull] CanExecute canFormat) { if (IsFrozen) { throw new InvalidOperationException("This object is Frozen"); } CanFormat = canFormat; return(this); }
public LoginContent() { UserId.EnableValidation(() => UserId); Password.EnableValidation(() => Password); CanExecute.Bind( context => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.GetValueAt <string>(0)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.GetValueAt <string>(1)), UserId, Password ); }
public FormatTemplateElement([NotNull] Delegate formatTemplate, [CanBeNull] CanExecute canFormat, [NotNull] Type inputTypes, [CanBeNull] Type outputType, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] MultiFormatterInfo[] argumentMeta) { Format = formatTemplate ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(formatTemplate)); CanFormat = canFormat; InputTypes = inputTypes ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inputTypes)); OutputType = outputType ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputType)); MetaData = new MultiFormatterInfoCollection(argumentMeta ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(argumentMeta))); if (MetaData.Any(e => e == null)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You cannot use a Null value in the collection of MultiFormatterInfo"); } }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { await base.OnInitializedAsync(); if (CanExecute.HasDelegate) { var ev = new CanExecuteEventArgs(); await CanExecute.InvokeAsync(ev); _canExecute = ev.Result; } else { _canExecute = true; } }
public ButtonCellTestViewModel(IPageDialogService pageDialog) { CanExecute.Value = CanExecutes[0]; Commands[0] = CanExecute.ToReactiveCommand(); Commands[1] = CanExecute.ToReactiveCommand(); CommandParameter.Value = Parameters[0]; Command.Value = Commands[0]; Commands[0].Subscribe(async p => { await pageDialog.DisplayAlertAsync("Command1", p?.ToString(), "OK"); }); Commands[1].Subscribe(async p => { await pageDialog.DisplayAlertAsync("Command2", p?.ToString(), "OK"); }); }
public LabelCellTestViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IPageDialogService pageDialog) { BackgroundColor.Value = Color.White; PickerTitle.Value = "Hoge"; TimeFormat.Value = "t"; Time.Value = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0); DateFormat.Value = DateFormats[0]; TodayText.Value = TodayTexts[0]; Date.Value = Dates[0]; MaxDate.Value = MaxDates[0]; MinDate.Value = MinDates[0]; CanExecute.Value = CanExecutes[0]; Commands[0] = CanExecute.ToReactiveCommand(); Commands[1] = CanExecute.ToReactiveCommand(); CommandParameter.Value = Parameters[0]; Command.Value = Commands[0]; Commands[0].Subscribe(async p => { await pageDialog.DisplayAlertAsync("Command1", p?.ToString(), "OK"); await navigationService.NavigateAsync("ContentPage"); }); Commands[1].Subscribe(async p => { await pageDialog.DisplayAlertAsync("Command2", p?.ToString(), "OK"); }); NumberSelectedCommand.Subscribe(async p => { await pageDialog.DisplayAlertAsync("", p.ToString(), "OK"); }); TextSelectedCommand.Subscribe(async p => { await pageDialog.DisplayAlertAsync("", p?.ToString(), "OK"); }); }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { await base.OnInitializedAsync(); if (CanExecute.HasDelegate) { var ev = new CanExecuteEventArgs(); await CanExecute.InvokeAsync(ev); _canExecute = ev.Result; } else { _canExecute = true; if (Screen != null) { var dws = Screen.GetDataWorkspace(); if (dws != null) { dws.SavedChanges += Dws_SavedChanges; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Raises the <see cref="CanExecute"/> event. /// </summary> private void RaiseCanExecute(DependencyObject element, ICommand command, Object parameters, CanExecuteRoutedEventData data) => CanExecute?.Invoke(element, command, parameters, data);
public FormatTemplateElement SetCanFormat([CanBeNull] CanExecute canFormat) { CanFormat = canFormat; return(this); }
public InternalReactiveCommand(MonoBehaviour disposer) { CanExecute.Subscribe(_ => CanExecuteChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty)).AddTo(disposer); }
/// <inheritdoc/> protected override bool ICommandCanExecute(object parameter) { return(CanExecute.FirstAsync().Wait()); }
public virtual bool OnCanExecute(TArgs args) => CanExecute?.Invoke(args) ?? true;
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DelegateCommand"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="canDoAction">The delegate that defines if the command is enabled.</param> /// <param name="doAction">The delegate that defines the command action.</param> public DelegateCommand(CanExecute canDoAction, Execute doAction) : this(null, canDoAction, doAction) { }
public FormatTemplateElement([NotNull] Func <object, object, object> formatTemplate, [CanBeNull] CanExecute canFormat, [NotNull] Type inputTypes, [CanBeNull] Type outputType, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] MultiFormatterInfo[] argumentMeta) : this((Delegate)formatTemplate, canFormat, inputTypes, outputType, argumentMeta) { }
public PlanExecutionEvents OnCanExecute(bool canExecute) { CanExecute?.Invoke(this, new PlanCanExecuteUpdatedEventArgs(backupPlan, canExecute)); return(this); }
public void RaiseCanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteEventArgs args) { CanExecute.NullableInvoke(sender, args); }
public IDisposable NonGenericSubscribe(Action <object> onNext) { return(CanExecute.Subscribe(obj => onNext.Invoke(obj))); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CombinedReactiveCommand{TParam, TResult}"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="childCommands">The child commands which will be executed.</param> /// <param name="canExecute">A observable when the command can be executed.</param> /// <param name="outputScheduler">The scheduler where to dispatch the output from the command.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Fires when required arguments are null.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Fires if the child commands container is empty.</exception> protected internal CombinedReactiveCommand( IEnumerable <ReactiveCommandBase <TParam, TResult> > childCommands, IObservable <bool> canExecute, IScheduler outputScheduler) { if (childCommands is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(childCommands)); } if (canExecute is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(canExecute)); } if (outputScheduler is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputScheduler)); } var childCommandsArray = childCommands.ToArray(); if (childCommandsArray.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No child commands provided.", nameof(childCommands)); } _exceptions = new ScheduledSubject <Exception>(outputScheduler, RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler); var canChildrenExecute = childCommandsArray.Select(x => x.CanExecute) .CombineLatest() .Select(x => x.All(y => y)); var combinedCanExecute = canExecute .Catch <bool, Exception>(ex => { _exceptions.OnNext(ex); return(Observables.False); }) .StartWith(false) .CombineLatest(canChildrenExecute, (ce, cce) => ce && cce) .DistinctUntilChanged() .Replay(1) .RefCount(); _exceptionsSubscription = childCommandsArray.Select(x => x.ThrownExceptions) .Merge() .Subscribe(ex => _exceptions.OnNext(ex)); _innerCommand = new ReactiveCommand <TParam, IList <TResult> >( param => childCommandsArray .Select(x => x.Execute(param)) .CombineLatest(), combinedCanExecute, outputScheduler); // we already handle exceptions on individual child commands above, but the same exception // will tick through innerCommand. Therefore, we need to ensure we ignore it or the default // handler will execute and the process will be torn down _innerCommand .ThrownExceptions .Subscribe(); CanExecute.Subscribe(OnCanExecuteChanged); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DelegateCommand"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="canDoAction">The can do action.</param> /// <param name="doAction">The do action.</param> public DelegateCommand(string name, CanExecute canDoAction, Execute doAction) { = name; this.canDoAction = canDoAction; this.doAction = doAction; }
public AddCommandPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) { Navigation = navigationService; EffectOn = true; EffectColor = Color.FromHex("#FFFF00"); IsExecutedCommand = false; IsExecutedLong = false; EnableRipple = true; TestParam = "Hoge"; TestLongParam = "LongHoge"; EnableSound = true; SyncCanExecute = true; ToggleCanExecute.Subscribe(_ => { CanExecute.Value = !CanExecute.Value; }); IDisposable subCommand = null; ChangeCommand.Subscribe(_ => { if (EffectCommand != null) { subCommand?.Dispose(); EffectCommand = null; } else { EffectCommand = CanExecute.ToReactiveCommand(); subCommand = EffectCommand.Subscribe(ExecCommand); } OnPropertyChanged(() => this.EffectCommand); }); ChangeCommand.Execute(); IDisposable subLongCommand = null; ChangeLongCommand.Subscribe(_ => { if (LongCommand != null) { subLongCommand.Dispose(); LongCommand = null; } else { LongCommand = CanExecute.ToReactiveCommand(); subLongCommand = LongCommand.Subscribe(ExecLongCommand); } OnPropertyChanged(() => this.LongCommand); }); ChangeLongCommand.Execute(); CanExecuteNullToggle.Subscribe(_ => { if (CanExecuteCommand != null) { CanExecuteCommand = null; CommandParameterText = "Command is null"; } else { CanExecuteCommand = CanExecute.ToAsyncReactiveCommand(); CanExecuteCommand.Subscribe(async x => { CommandParameterText = "Done Command"; await Task.Delay(500); }); } OnPropertyChanged(() => CanExecuteCommand); }); CanExecuteLongNullToggle.Subscribe(_ => { if (CanExecuteLongCommand != null) { CanExecuteLongCommand = null; CommandParameterText = "LongCommand is null"; } else { CanExecuteLongCommand = CanExecuteLong.ToReactiveCommand(); CanExecuteLongCommand.Subscribe(async x => { CommandParameterText = "Done Long Command"; await Task.Delay(500); }); } OnPropertyChanged(() => CanExecuteLongCommand); }); CanExecuteNullToggle.Execute(); CanExecuteLongNullToggle.Execute(); }