コード例 #1
ファイル: Actor.cs プロジェクト: Karina10135/Harmonique
        // init functions as well as a check to see if we're staring out as the player
        protected virtual void Start()
            anim = GetComponent <Animator>();
            //if(Camera.main.GetComponent<CameraMoveToPoint>() != null)
            //    camChange = Camera.main.GetComponent<CameraMoveToPoint>();


            camChange = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraMoveToPoint>();

            // store name tag color
            nameTagStartColor = nameTagColor;

            // required
            if (!InitRenderers())
                Debug.Log(name + "(Actor) could not initialize Renderers.");
            // required
            if (!InitPhysics())
                Debug.Log(name + "(Actor) could not initialize Physics.");
            // optional
            if (!InitNameTag())
                Debug.Log(name + "(Actor) does not have TextMesh, OK...");
            // optional
            if (!InitAnimation())
                Debug.Log(name + "(Actor) does not have Animation, OK...");

            // register for attachment notification
            User.Instance.onPlayerAttached += OnPlayerAttached;

            // if we're starting out as player -- only one actor should start as player!
            if (player)
                User.Instance.Player = this;
コード例 #2
ファイル: User.cs プロジェクト: Karina10135/Harmonique
 // Init
 protected virtual void Awake()
     Instance  = this;
     camChange = GetComponent <CameraMoveToPoint>();