コード例 #1
ファイル: ShapeChecker.cs プロジェクト: KFlaga/Cam3D
        public override bool CheckShape(CalibrationShape shape)
            int cx = shape.GravityCenter.X.Round();
            int cy = shape.GravityCenter.Y.Round();
            int redCount = 0;

            for(int dx = -_r; dx <= _r; ++dx)
                for(int dy= -_r; dy <= _r; ++dy)
                    redCount = Image[cy + dy, cx + dx, (int)RGBChannel.Red] > _minRed ?
                        redCount + 1 : redCount;

            return redCount > _winSize * 0.75;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ShapesGridCPFinder.cs プロジェクト: KFlaga/Cam3D
        // 1) Move around the border and FF for each 'Unvisited', fill background ( dark ) with 'Background'
        // 2) During FF mark some white field and now start FF and fill light area with 'WhiteField'
        //    We assume white field is one big connected area ( with 'holes' for calibration shapes )
        // 3) If during WF some unvisited dark area is run into, FF it with 'Shape', create CalibrationShape
        //    for it and add its points, save index in pixel codes
        public override void FindCalibrationPoints()
            //    // Preprocess with median filter to remove some noise (edges should stay in same place )
            //    MedianFilter filter = new MedianFilter();
            //    filter.FilterBorder = false;
            //    filter.Image = Image.ImageMatrix;
            //    filter.WindowRadius = MedianFilterRadius;
            //    ImageGray.ImageMatrix = filter.ApplyFilter();

            PrimaryShapeChecker.Image = Image;

            _pixelCodes = new DenseMatrix(Image.RowCount, Image.ColumnCount);
            CalibShapes = new List<CalibrationShape>(32);

            _whiteBorder = new List<TPoint2D<int>>();
            // Fill whole background first

            _currentShape = null;
            CalibShapes.Add(null); // Reserve slot for primary shape
            if(_whiteBorder.Count == 0)
                // No white field detected -> error
                MessageBox.Show("No white field detected on calibration image: no calibration points can be found");

            // Fill white field and shapes (inside FillWhiteField)
            if(CalibShapes[0] == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No primary calibration shape (reddish) detected on calibration image: no calibration points can be found");

            // Now find main white field ( one with primary shape ) and remove all shapes
            // not from this field
            uint primaryField = CalibShapes[0].Index;
            for(int i = 1; i < CalibShapes.Count;)
                if(CalibShapes[i].Index != primaryField)

            // At this point CalibrationShapes should be created, so find its centers
            // and sort them to form grid

            // From each valid shape from grid, create CalibrationPoint
            Points = new List<CalibrationPoint>();
            foreach(var shape in CalibGrid)
                if(shape != null && !shape.IsInvalid)
                    Points.Add(new CalibrationPoint()
                        Img = shape.GravityCenter,
                        RealGridPos = shape.GridPos

            ((ShapeGridLinesExtractor)LinesExtractor).CalibGrid = CalibGrid;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ShapesGridCPFinder.cs プロジェクト: KFlaga/Cam3D
        private void FindLocalAxes(out CalibrationShape shapeX, out CalibrationShape shapeY)

            // Find calibration grid axes 
            // 1) Sort shapes by distance to primary shape
            CalibShapes.Sort((s1, s2) =>
                // Compares distance of s1 and s2 to primary shape
                return (s1.GravityCenter - CalibShapes[0].GravityCenter).LengthSquared().CompareTo(
                     (s2.GravityCenter - CalibShapes[0].GravityCenter).LengthSquared());

            // 2) Find direction vectors from PS to closest one and then find
            //    closest one with direction rotated by 90deg ( by comparing its dot product ->
            //    for 90deg its 0, having like 10deg tolerance we have :
            //    dot(A,B) / (|A||B|) = cos(a) < 0.17
            // Use 2 next closest ones
            shapeX = null;
            shapeY = null;
            Vector2 direction_1 = (CalibShapes[1].GravityCenter - CalibShapes[0].GravityCenter);
            shapeX = CalibShapes[1];

            //Vector2 direction_2 = direction_1;
            //int pointNum = 2;
            //for(; pointNum < CalibShapes.Count; ++pointNum)
            //    // Find direction and dot product
            //    direction_2 = (CalibShapes[pointNum].GravityCenter - CalibShapes[0].GravityCenter);
            //    direction_2.Normalise();

            //    if(Math.Abs(direction_1.CosinusTo(direction_2)) < 0.17)
            //    {
            //        // Found prependicular direction
            //        shapeY = CalibShapes[pointNum];
            //        break;
            //    }
            Vector2 direction_2 = (CalibShapes[2].GravityCenter - CalibShapes[0].GravityCenter);
            double cos2 = Math.Abs(direction_1.CosinusTo(direction_2));

            Vector2 direction_3 = (CalibShapes[3].GravityCenter - CalibShapes[0].GravityCenter);
            double cos3 = Math.Abs(direction_1.CosinusTo(direction_3));

            // Choose one with angle closer to 90deg (so cos closer to 0)
            direction_2 = cos2 < cos3 ? direction_2 : direction_3;
            shapeY = cos2 < cos3 ? CalibShapes[2] : CalibShapes[3];

            // Now depending on sign of sin(a), we can determine which axis is X and Y
            // Using cross-product of d1 and d2 ( casting it to 3d with z = 0 ) we have sin(a) = (d1.x * d2.y - d1.y * d2.x)
            // If sin(a) > 0, then d1 is local x axis, d2 is y
            if(direction_1.SinusTo(direction_2) > 0.0)
                AxisX = direction_1;
                AxisY = direction_2;
                AxisX = direction_2;
                AxisY = direction_1;

                var temp = shapeY;
                shapeY = shapeX;
                shapeX = temp;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ShapesGridCPFinder.cs プロジェクト: KFlaga/Cam3D
        private void InitCalibrationGrid(CalibrationShape shapeX, CalibrationShape shapeY)
            CalibGrid = new CalibrationGrid(4, 4);
            CalibGrid.Add(0, 0, CalibShapes[0]);

            CalibGrid.Add(0, 1, shapeX);

            CalibGrid.Add(1, 0, shapeY);
コード例 #5
ファイル: ShapesGridCPFinder.cs プロジェクト: KFlaga/Cam3D
 private void AddDummyShape(int x, int y, Vector2 eP)
     CalibrationShape dummy = new CalibrationShape();
     dummy.GravityCenter = eP;
     dummy.IsInvalid = true;
     CalibGrid.Add(y, x, dummy);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ShapesGridCPFinder.cs プロジェクト: KFlaga/Cam3D
        void FillShape(int y, int x)
            _flood = new IterativeBasicFloodAlgorithm();
            _flood.ImageHeight = Image.RowCount;
            _flood.ImageWidth = Image.ColumnCount;
            _flood.FillCondition = ShapeFillCondition;
            _flood.FillAction = ShapeFillAction;

            // Create new CalibrationShape and set index in pixelcodes
            _currentShape = new CalibrationShape();
            _currentShape.Index = (uint)_currentWhiteField;

            _pixelCodes[y, x] = CellCodeToFloat(CellCode.Unvisited);
            _flood.FloodFill(y, x);


            // Check if its primary shape -> should have very high red value
                CalibShapes[0] = _currentShape;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ShapeChecker.cs プロジェクト: KFlaga/Cam3D
 public abstract bool CheckShape(CalibrationShape shape);