public IEnumerable <Transform> GetAllTransforms() { var transforms = Entities.SelectMany(entity => entity.GetAllTransforms()).ToList(); transforms.AddRange(CalculatedFields.SelectMany(field => field.Transforms)); return(transforms); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a primary key if there isn't one. /// </summary> private void ModifyMissingPrimaryKey() { if (!Fields.Any()) { return; } if (Fields.Any(f => f.PrimaryKey)) { return; } if (CalculatedFields.Any(cf => cf.PrimaryKey)) { return; } if (!CalculatedFields.Any(cf => cf.Name.Equals("TflHashCode", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { var pk = GetDefaultOf <TflField>(f => { f.Name = "TflHashCode"; f.Type = "int"; f.PrimaryKey = true; f.T = "copy(*).concat().hashcode()"; }); CalculatedFields.Add(pk); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Version)) { Version = "TflHashCode"; } }
public IEnumerable <Operation> GetAllTransforms() { var transforms = Fields.SelectMany(field => field.Transforms).ToList(); transforms.AddRange(CalculatedFields.SelectMany(field => field.Transforms)); return(transforms); }
private void PreValidateSorting() { // if set, an entity's sortable setting will over-ride it's individual input field's sortable settings if (Sortable != Constants.DefaultSetting) { foreach (var field in Fields.Where(f => f.Sortable == Constants.DefaultSetting)) { field.Sortable = Sortable; } foreach (var field in CalculatedFields.Where(f => f.Sortable == Constants.DefaultSetting)) { field.Sortable = Sortable; } } // if field settings are still default, input fields default to true and other default to false foreach (var field in GetAllFields().Where(f => f.Sortable == Constants.DefaultSetting)) { field.Sortable = field.Input ? "true" : "false"; } // any fields that are sortable should have sort-field populated foreach (var field in GetAllFields().Where(f => f.Sortable == "true" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.SortField))) { field.SortField = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Query) ? field.Alias : field.Name; } }
void ModifyTflHashCode() { var hash = this.GetDefaultOf <Field>(f => { f.Name = Constants.TflHashCode; f.Alias = Constants.TflHashCode; f.Type = "int"; f.Input = false; f.Output = true; }); CalculatedFields.Add(hash); }
public void Dispose() { Log?.Clear(); Entities?.Clear(); Actions?.Clear(); CalculatedFields?.Clear(); Connections?.Clear(); Environments?.Clear(); Maps?.Clear(); Relationships?.Clear(); Scripts?.Clear(); SearchTypes?.Clear(); Templates?.Clear(); }
public void ModifyIndexes() { for (short i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++) { var context = new PipelineContext(new NullLogger(), this, Entities[i]); context.Entity.Index = i; foreach (var field in context.Entity.GetAllFields()) { field.EntityIndex = i; } if (!context.Entity.IsMaster) { continue; } // set the master indexes short masterIndex = -1; var fields = context.GetAllEntityFields().ToArray(); foreach (var field in fields) { field.MasterIndex = ++masterIndex; } // set the process calculated fields starting where master entity fields left off if (!CalculatedFields.Any()) { continue; } var index = fields.Where(f => f.Index < short.MaxValue).Select(f => f.Index).Max(); foreach (var field in CalculatedFields) { field.Index = ++index; } } foreach (var field in GetAllFields()) { var tCount = 0; foreach (var transform in field.Transforms) { transform.Index = tCount++; } } }
public void MergeParameters() { foreach (var field in Fields) { foreach (var transform in field.Transforms.Where(t => t.Parameter != string.Empty && !Transform.Producers().Contains(t.Method))) { if (transform.Parameter == "*") { Error("You can not reference all parameters within an entity's field: {0}", field.Name); } else { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, transform.Parameter)); } transform.Parameter = string.Empty; } } var index = 0; foreach (var calculatedField in CalculatedFields) { foreach (var transform in calculatedField.Transforms.Where(t => t.Parameter != string.Empty && !Transform.Producers().Contains(t.Method))) { if (transform.Parameter == "*") { foreach (var field in Fields) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, field.Alias, field.Type)); } var thisField = calculatedField.Name; foreach (var calcField in CalculatedFields.Take(index).Where(cf => cf.Name != thisField)) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, calcField.Alias, calcField.Type)); } } else { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, transform.Parameter)); } transform.Parameter = string.Empty; } index++; } }
void PreValidateMergeParameters() { foreach (var entity in Entities) { entity.MergeParameters(); } var index = 0; foreach (var field in CalculatedFields) { foreach (var transform in field.Transforms.Where(t => t.Parameter != string.Empty && !Transform.Producers().Contains(t.Method))) { if (transform.Parameter == ALL) { foreach (var entity in Entities) { foreach (var entityField in entity.GetAllFields().Where(f => f.Output)) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(entity.Alias, entityField.Alias, entityField.Type)); } } var thisField = field; foreach (var cf in CalculatedFields.Take(index).Where(cf => cf.Name != thisField.Name)) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(string.Empty, cf.Alias, cf.Type)); } } else { if (transform.Parameter.IndexOf('.') > 0) { var split = transform.Parameter.Split(new[] { '.' }); transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(split[0], split[1])); } else { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(transform.Parameter)); } } transform.Parameter = string.Empty; } index++; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a primary key if there isn't one. /// </summary> public void ModifyMissingPrimaryKey() { if (!Fields.Any()) { return; } if (Fields.Any(f => f.PrimaryKey)) { return; } if (CalculatedFields.Any(cf => cf.PrimaryKey)) { return; } TflKey().PrimaryKey = true; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a primary key if there isn't one. /// </summary> void ModifyMissingPrimaryKey() { if (!Fields.Any()) { return; } if (Fields.Any(f => f.PrimaryKey)) { return; } if (CalculatedFields.Any(cf => cf.PrimaryKey)) { return; } CalculatedFields.First(cf => cf.Name == Constants.TflHashCode).PrimaryKey = true; }
public Field TflHashCode() { return(CalculatedFields.First(f => f.Name == Constants.TflHashCode)); }
private void InitializeComponent() { components = new Container(); var resources = new ComponentResourceManager(typeof(EmployeeDirectory)); topMarginBand1 = new TopMarginBand(); xrPictureBox1 = new XRPictureBox(); detailBand1 = new DetailBand(); xrLabel1 = new XRLabel(); xrTable2 = new XRTable(); xrTableRow2 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell4 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow3 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell5 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow4 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell6 = new XRTableCell(); xrLine1 = new XRLine(); xrTableRow5 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell7 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell8 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow6 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell9 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell10 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow7 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell11 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell12 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow8 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell13 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow9 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell14 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell15 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow10 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell16 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell17 = new XRTableCell(); bottomMarginBand1 = new BottomMarginBand(); xrPageInfo2 = new XRPageInfo(); xrPageInfo1 = new XRPageInfo(); bindingSource1 = new BindingSource(components); PageHeader = new PageHeaderBand(); xrTable1 = new XRTable(); xrTableRow1 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell1 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell2 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell3 = new XRTableCell(); FirstLetter = new CalculatedField(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable2).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)bindingSource1).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable1).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)this).BeginInit(); // // topMarginBand1 // topMarginBand1.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrPictureBox1 }); topMarginBand1.Dpi = 96F; topMarginBand1.HeightF = 120F; topMarginBand1.Name = "topMarginBand1"; // // xrPictureBox1 // xrPictureBox1.Dpi = 96F; xrPictureBox1.Image = (Image)resources.GetObject("xrPictureBox1.Image"); xrPictureBox1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(369F, 10F); xrPictureBox1.Name = "xrPictureBox1"; xrPictureBox1.SizeF = new SizeF(345.528F, 110F); xrPictureBox1.Sizing = ImageSizeMode.StretchImage; // // detailBand1 // detailBand1.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrLabel1, xrTable2 }); detailBand1.Dpi = 96F; detailBand1.HeightF = 215.2001F; detailBand1.KeepTogether = true; detailBand1.Name = "detailBand1"; detailBand1.SortFields.AddRange(new[] { new GroupField("LastName", XRColumnSortOrder.Ascending) }); // // xrLabel1 // xrLabel1.CanGrow = false; xrLabel1.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "FirstLetter") }); xrLabel1.Dpi = 96F; xrLabel1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 48F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrLabel1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 16.58599F); xrLabel1.Name = "xrLabel1"; xrLabel1.Padding = new PaddingInfo(2, 2, 0, 0, 96F); xrLabel1.ProcessDuplicatesMode = ProcessDuplicatesMode.Merge; xrLabel1.SizeF = new SizeF(53.25F, 73.39456F); xrLabel1.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrLabel1.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrLabel1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TopCenter; xrLabel1.WordWrap = false; // // xrTable2 // xrTable2.Dpi = 96F; xrTable2.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(172.8822F, 16.1875F); xrTable2.Name = "xrTable2"; xrTable2.Rows.AddRange(new[] { xrTableRow2, xrTableRow3, xrTableRow4, xrTableRow5, xrTableRow6, xrTableRow7, xrTableRow8, xrTableRow9, xrTableRow10 }); xrTable2.SizeF = new SizeF(441.6458F, 169.6342F); // // xrTableRow2 // xrTableRow2.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell4 }); xrTableRow2.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow2.Name = "xrTableRow2"; xrTableRow2.Weight = 0.48150076635820022D; // // xrTableCell4 // xrTableCell4.CanGrow = false; xrTableCell4.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "FullName") }); xrTableCell4.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell4.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 20F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableCell4.ForeColor = Color.LawnGreen; xrTableCell4.Name = "xrTableCell4"; xrTableCell4.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableCell4.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell4.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell4.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableCell4.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.BottomLeft; xrTableCell4.Weight = 3D; // // xrTableRow3 // xrTableRow3.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell5 }); xrTableRow3.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow3.Name = "xrTableRow3"; xrTableRow3.Weight = 0.34068025346384434D; // // xrTableCell5 // xrTableCell5.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Title") }); xrTableCell5.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell5.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(127, 127, 127); xrTableCell5.Name = "xrTableCell5"; xrTableCell5.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableCell5.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell5.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell5.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableCell5.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TopLeft; xrTableCell5.Weight = 3D; // // xrTableRow4 // xrTableRow4.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell6 }); xrTableRow4.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow4.Name = "xrTableRow4"; xrTableRow4.Weight = 0.37828530166861157D; // // xrTableCell6 // xrTableCell6.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrLine1 }); xrTableCell6.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell6.Name = "xrTableCell6"; xrTableCell6.Weight = 3D; // // xrLine1 // xrLine1.Dpi = 96F; xrLine1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(218, 218, 218); xrLine1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(1.525879E-05F, 0F); xrLine1.Name = "xrLine1"; xrLine1.SizeF = new SizeF(441.6458F, 12.20348F); xrLine1.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; // // xrTableRow5 // xrTableRow5.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell7, xrTableCell8 }); xrTableRow5.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow5.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableRow5.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(166, 166, 166); xrTableRow5.Name = "xrTableRow5"; xrTableRow5.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableRow5.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableRow5.Weight = 0.21567219504415658D; // // xrTableCell7 // xrTableCell7.CanGrow = false; xrTableCell7.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell7.Name = "xrTableCell7"; xrTableCell7.StylePriority.UseBorderColor = false; xrTableCell7.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell7.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell7.Text = "ADRESSE"; xrTableCell7.Weight = 1.4868341453229292D; // // xrTableCell8 // xrTableCell8.CanGrow = false; xrTableCell8.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell8.Name = "xrTableCell8"; xrTableCell8.Text = "MOBILE"; xrTableCell8.Weight = 1.5131658546770708D; // // xrTableRow6 // xrTableRow6.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell9, xrTableCell10 }); xrTableRow6.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow6.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableRow6.Name = "xrTableRow6"; xrTableRow6.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableRow6.Weight = 0.22076846350092508D; // // xrTableCell9 // xrTableCell9.CanGrow = false; xrTableCell9.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell9.Multiline = true; xrTableCell9.Name = "xrTableCell9"; xrTableCell9.RowSpan = 2; xrTableCell9.Text = "[Address.Line]\r\n[Address.CityLine]"; xrTableCell9.Weight = 1.4868341548048936D; xrTableCell9.WordWrap = false; // // xrTableCell10 // xrTableCell10.CanGrow = false; xrTableCell10.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell10.Name = "xrTableCell10"; xrTableCell10.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell10.Text = "[MobilePhone] (Mobile)"; xrTableCell10.Weight = 1.5131658451951064D; xrTableCell10.WordWrap = false; // // xrTableRow7 // xrTableRow7.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell11, xrTableCell12 }); xrTableRow7.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow7.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableRow7.Name = "xrTableRow7"; xrTableRow7.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableRow7.Weight = 0.25449824869166587D; // // xrTableCell11 // xrTableCell11.CanGrow = false; xrTableCell11.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell11.Name = "xrTableCell11"; xrTableCell11.Text = "xrTableCell8"; xrTableCell11.Weight = 1.4868341548048936D; // // xrTableCell12 // xrTableCell12.CanGrow = false; xrTableCell12.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell12.Name = "xrTableCell12"; xrTableCell12.Text = "[HomePhone] (Fixe)"; xrTableCell12.Weight = 1.5131658451951064D; xrTableCell12.WordWrap = false; // // xrTableRow8 // xrTableRow8.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell13 }); xrTableRow8.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow8.Name = "xrTableRow8"; xrTableRow8.Weight = 0.12622171748791217D; // // xrTableCell13 // xrTableCell13.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell13.Name = "xrTableCell13"; xrTableCell13.Weight = 3D; // // xrTableRow9 // xrTableRow9.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell14, xrTableCell15 }); xrTableRow9.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow9.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableRow9.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(166, 166, 166); xrTableRow9.Name = "xrTableRow9"; xrTableRow9.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableRow9.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableRow9.Weight = 0.22588296444312883D; // // xrTableCell14 // xrTableCell14.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell14.Name = "xrTableCell14"; xrTableCell14.Text = "EMAIL"; xrTableCell14.Weight = 1.486834109845256D; // // xrTableCell15 // xrTableCell15.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell15.Name = "xrTableCell15"; xrTableCell15.Text = "SKYPE"; xrTableCell15.Weight = 1.513165890154744D; // // xrTableRow10 // xrTableRow10.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell16, xrTableCell17 }); xrTableRow10.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow10.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableRow10.Name = "xrTableRow10"; xrTableRow10.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableRow10.Weight = 0.34098411262588169D; // // xrTableCell16 // xrTableCell16.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Email") }); xrTableCell16.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell16.Name = "xrTableCell16"; xrTableCell16.Weight = 1.4868337384779746D; // // xrTableCell17 // xrTableCell17.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Skype") }); xrTableCell17.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell17.Name = "xrTableCell17"; xrTableCell17.Weight = 1.5131662615220254D; // // bottomMarginBand1 // bottomMarginBand1.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrPageInfo2, xrPageInfo1 }); bottomMarginBand1.Dpi = 96F; bottomMarginBand1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 11F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); bottomMarginBand1.HeightF = 100F; bottomMarginBand1.Name = "bottomMarginBand1"; bottomMarginBand1.StylePriority.UseFont = false; // // xrPageInfo2 // xrPageInfo2.Dpi = 96F; xrPageInfo2.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(166, 166, 166); xrPageInfo2.Format = "{0:MMMM d, yyyy}"; xrPageInfo2.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(466F, 0F); xrPageInfo2.Name = "xrPageInfo2"; xrPageInfo2.Padding = new PaddingInfo(2, 2, 0, 0, 96F); xrPageInfo2.PageInfo = PageInfo.DateTime; xrPageInfo2.SizeF = new SizeF(150F, 22.08F); xrPageInfo2.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrPageInfo2.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrPageInfo2.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TopRight; // // xrPageInfo1 // xrPageInfo1.Dpi = 96F; xrPageInfo1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(166, 166, 166); xrPageInfo1.Format = "Page {0} of {1}"; xrPageInfo1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 0F); xrPageInfo1.Name = "xrPageInfo1"; xrPageInfo1.Padding = new PaddingInfo(2, 2, 0, 0, 96F); xrPageInfo1.SizeF = new SizeF(150F, 22.08F); xrPageInfo1.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; // // bindingSource1 // bindingSource1.DataSource = typeof(Employee); // // PageHeader // PageHeader.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrTable1 }); PageHeader.Dpi = 96F; PageHeader.HeightF = 29.5198F; PageHeader.Name = "PageHeader"; PageHeader.StylePriority.UseFont = false; // // xrTable1 // xrTable1.Dpi = 96F; xrTable1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 0F); xrTable1.Name = "xrTable1"; xrTable1.Rows.AddRange(new[] { xrTableRow1 }); xrTable1.SizeF = new SizeF(616F, 28.50856F); // // xrTableRow1 // xrTableRow1.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell1, xrTableCell2, xrTableCell3 }); xrTableRow1.Dpi = 96F; xrTableRow1.Name = "xrTableRow1"; xrTableRow1.Weight = 1D; // // xrTableCell1 // xrTableCell1.BackColor = Color.LimeGreen; xrTableCell1.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 13F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableCell1.ForeColor = Color.White; xrTableCell1.Multiline = true; xrTableCell1.Name = "xrTableCell1"; xrTableCell1.Padding = new PaddingInfo(8, 0, 0, 0, 96F); xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UseBackColor = false; xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableCell1.Text = "Répertoire"; xrTableCell1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.MiddleLeft; xrTableCell1.Weight = 0.7808441558441559D; // // xrTableCell2 // xrTableCell2.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell2.Name = "xrTableCell2"; xrTableCell2.Weight = 0.043932629870129913D; // // xrTableCell3 // xrTableCell3.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(218, 218, 218); xrTableCell3.Dpi = 96F; xrTableCell3.Name = "xrTableCell3"; xrTableCell3.StylePriority.UseBackColor = false; xrTableCell3.Weight = 2.1752232142857144D; // // FirstLetter // FirstLetter.Expression = "Substring([LastName], 0, 1)"; FirstLetter.Name = "FirstLetter"; // // EmployeeDirectory // Bands.AddRange(new Band[] { topMarginBand1, detailBand1, bottomMarginBand1, PageHeader }); CalculatedFields.AddRange(new[] { FirstLetter }); DataSource = bindingSource1; Dpi = 96F; DrawWatermark = true; Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 9.75F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); Margins = new Margins(100, 34, 120, 100); PageHeight = 1056; PageWidth = 816; ReportUnit = ReportUnit.Pixels; Version = "15.1"; ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable2).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)bindingSource1).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable1).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)this).EndInit(); }
protected override void Validate() { // if validation has been defined, check to see if corresponding valid and message fields are present and create them if not var calculatedKeys = new HashSet <string>(CalculatedFields.Select(f => f.Alias ?? f.Name).Distinct(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (Fields.Any(f => f.Validators.Any())) { foreach (var field in Fields.Where(f => f.Validators.Any())) { if (!calculatedKeys.Contains(field.ValidField)) { CalculatedFields.Add(new Field { Name = field.ValidField, Alias = field.ValidField, Input = false, Type = "bool", Default = "true", IsCalculated = true }); } if (!calculatedKeys.Contains(field.MessageField)) { CalculatedFields.Add(new Field { Name = field.MessageField, Alias = field.MessageField, Length = "255", Default = "", IsCalculated = true, Input = false }); } } // create an entity-wide valid field if necessary if (ValidField == string.Empty) { var valid = Alias + "Valid"; if (!CalculatedFields.Any(f => f.Name.Equals(valid))) { var add = new Field { Name = valid, Alias = valid, Type = "bool", ValidField = valid, Input = false, IsCalculated = true }; add.Validators.Add(new Operation { Method = "all", Operator = "equals", Value = "true", Parameters = GetAllFields().Where(f => f.ValidField != string.Empty).Select(f => f.ValidField).Distinct().Select(n => new Parameter { Field = n }).ToList() }); CalculatedFields.Add(add); ValidField = valid; } } } var fields = GetAllFields().ToArray(); var names = new HashSet <string>(fields.Select(f => f.Name).Distinct()); var aliases = new HashSet <string>(fields.Select(f => f.Alias)); ValidateVersion(names, aliases); ValidateFilter(names, aliases); ValidateOrder(names, aliases); foreach (var field in GetAllOutputFields().Where(f => f.Sortable == "true" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.SortField))) { if (GetField(field.SortField) == null) { Error($"Can't find sort field {field.SortField} defined in field {field.Alias}."); } } // Paging Madness if (Page > 0) { if (PageSizes.Any()) { if (PageSizes.All(ps => ps.Size != PageSize)) { var first = PageSizes.First().Size; Warn($"The entity {Name} has an invalid PageSize of {PageSize}. Set to {first}."); PageSize = first; } } else { if (PageSize > 0) { PageSizes.Add(new PageSize { Size = PageSize }); } else { PageSizes.Add(new PageSize { Size = 25 }); PageSizes.Add(new PageSize { Size = 50 }); PageSizes.Add(new PageSize { Size = 100 }); if (PageSize != 25 && PageSize != 50 && PageSize != 100) { PageSize = 25; } } } } else { if (PageSize > 0) { PageSize = 0; } } }
/// <summary> /// clone process, remove entities, and create entity needed for calculated fields /// </summary> /// <returns>A made-up process that represents the denormalized output's fields that contribute to calculated fields</returns> public Process ToCalculatedFieldsProcess() { // clone process, remove entities, and create entity needed for calculated fields var calc = this.Clone(); calc.LogLimit = LogLimit; calc.EntityLogLimit = EntityLogLimit; calc.FieldLogLimit = FieldLogLimit; calc.TransformLogLimit = TransformLogLimit; calc.Entities.Clear(); calc.CalculatedFields.Clear(); calc.Relationships.Clear(); var entity = new Entity { Name = "Calculated" }; entity.Alias = entity.Name; entity.Key = calc.Name + entity.Alias; entity.Connection = "output"; entity.Fields.Add(new Field { Name = Constants.TflKey, Alias = Constants.TflKey, PrimaryKey = true, System = true, Input = true, Type = "int" }); // Add fields that calculated fields depend on entity.Fields.AddRange(CalculatedFields .SelectMany(f => f.Transforms) .SelectMany(t => t.Parameters) .Where(p => !p.HasValue() && p.IsField(this)) .Select(p => p.AsField(this).Clone()) .Where(f => f.Output) .Distinct() .Except(CalculatedFields) ); var mapFields = CalculatedFields .SelectMany(cf => cf.Transforms) .Where(t => t.Method == "map") .Select(t => Maps.First(m => m.Name == t.Map)) .SelectMany(m => m.Items) .Where(i => i.Parameter != string.Empty) .Select(i => i.AsParameter().AsField(this)) .Distinct() .Except(entity.Fields) .Select(f => f.Clone()); entity.Fields.AddRange(mapFields); entity.CalculatedFields.AddRange(CalculatedFields.Select(cf => cf.Clone())); foreach (var parameter in entity.GetAllFields().SelectMany(f => f.Transforms).SelectMany(t => t.Parameters)) { parameter.Entity = string.Empty; } foreach (var field in entity.Fields) { field.Source = Utility.GetExcelName(field.EntityIndex) + "." + field.FieldName(); } foreach (var field in entity.CalculatedFields) { field.Source = Utility.GetExcelName(field.EntityIndex) + "." + field.FieldName(); } entity.ModifyIndexes(); calc.Entities.Add(entity); calc.ModifyKeys(); calc.ModifyIndexes(); // create entity field's matcher var pattern = string.Join("|", entity.GetAllFields().Where(f => !f.System).OrderByDescending(f => f.Alias.Length).Select(f => f.Alias)); #if NETS10 entity.FieldMatcher = new Regex(pattern); #else entity.FieldMatcher = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled); #endif return(calc); }
public bool HasSort() { return(Fields.HaveSort() || CalculatedFields.HaveSort()); }
void ValidateValidationFields(Field[] fields) { /* if validation has been defined, check to see if corresponding valid * and message fields are present and create them if not */ if (!fields.Any(f => f.Validators.Any())) { return; } var keys = new HashSet <string>(fields.Select(f => f.Alias ?? f.Name).Distinct(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var field in fields.Where(f => f.Validators.Any())) { if (keys.Contains(field.ValidField)) { if (TryGetField(field.ValidField, out Field vf)) { if (!vf.Type.StartsWith("bool")) { Error($"The valid field `{field.ValidField}` must be a bool."); } vf.Default = "true"; // innocent until proven guilty } } else { CalculatedFields.Add(new Field { Name = field.ValidField, Alias = field.ValidField, Input = false, Type = "bool", Default = "true", // innocent until proven guilty IsCalculated = true }); } if (!keys.Contains(field.MessageField)) { CalculatedFields.Add(new Field { Name = field.MessageField, Alias = field.MessageField, Length = "255", Default = "", IsCalculated = true, Input = false }); } } // create an entity-wide valid field if necessary if (ValidField == string.Empty) { var validFieldName = Alias + "Valid"; if (CalculatedFields.Any(f => f.Name.Equals(validFieldName))) { Warn($"Could not create the entity-wide valid field `{validFieldName}` because it already exists. If `{validFieldName}` is the entity-wide valid field, please set it in the entity's valid-field property. If not, resolve this naming conflict by changing the name / alias of the entity or the `{validFieldName}` field."); } else { var add = new Field { Name = validFieldName, Alias = validFieldName, Type = "bool", ValidField = validFieldName, Input = false, IsCalculated = true, Default = "true" // innocent until proven guilty }; add.Validators.Add(new Operation { Method = "all", Operator = "equals", Value = "true", Parameters = GetAllFields().Where(f => f.ValidField != string.Empty).Select(f => f.ValidField).Distinct().Select(n => new Parameter { Field = n }).ToList() }); CalculatedFields.Add(add); ValidField = validFieldName; } } if (ValidField != string.Empty && TryGetField(ValidField, out Field evf)) { if (!evf.Type.StartsWith("bool")) { Error($"The valid field `{ValidField}` must be a bool."); } evf.Default = "true"; // innocent until proven guilty } }
protected override void Validate() { if (Name == "Control" && Alias == Name) { Error("An entity may not be named 'Control' without an alias. Please provide an alias."); } // if validation has been defined, check to see if corresponding valid and message fields are present and create them if not var calculatedKeys = new HashSet <string>(CalculatedFields.Select(f => f.Alias ?? f.Name).Distinct(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (Fields.Any(f => f.Validators.Any())) { foreach (var field in Fields.Where(f => f.Validators.Any())) { if (!calculatedKeys.Contains(field.ValidField)) { CalculatedFields.Add(new Field { Name = field.ValidField, Alias = field.ValidField, Input = false, Type = "bool", Default = "true", IsCalculated = true }); } if (!calculatedKeys.Contains(field.MessageField)) { CalculatedFields.Add(new Field { Name = field.MessageField, Alias = field.MessageField, Length = "255", Default = "", IsCalculated = true, Input = false }); } } // create an entity-wide valid field if necessary if (ValidField == string.Empty) { var valid = Alias + "Valid"; if (!CalculatedFields.Any(f => f.Name.Equals(valid))) { var add = new Field { Name = valid, Alias = valid, Type = "bool", ValidField = valid, Input = false, IsCalculated = true, Default = "true" }; add.Validators.Add(new Operation { Method = "all", Operator = "equals", Value = "true", Parameters = GetAllFields().Where(f => f.ValidField != string.Empty).Select(f => f.ValidField).Distinct().Select(n => new Parameter { Field = n }).ToList() }); CalculatedFields.Add(add); ValidField = valid; } } } var fields = GetAllFields().ToArray(); var names = new HashSet <string>(fields.Select(f => f.Name).Distinct()); var aliases = new HashSet <string>(fields.Select(f => f.Alias)); ValidateVersion(names, aliases); ValidateFilter(names, aliases); ValidateOrder(names, aliases); foreach (var field in GetAllOutputFields().Where(f => f.Sortable == "true" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.SortField))) { if (GetField(field.SortField) == null) { Error($"Can't find sort field {field.SortField} defined in field {field.Alias}."); } } }
/// <summary> /// clone process, remove entities, and create entity needed for calculated fields /// </summary> /// <returns>A made-up process that represents the denormalized output's fields that contribute to calculated fields</returns> public Process ToCalculatedFieldsProcess() { // clone process, remove entities, and create entity needed for calculated fields var calc = this.Clone(); calc.LogLimit = LogLimit; calc.EntityLogLimit = EntityLogLimit; calc.FieldLogLimit = FieldLogLimit; calc.TransformLogLimit = TransformLogLimit; calc.Entities.Clear(); calc.CalculatedFields.Clear(); calc.Relationships.Clear(); var entity = new Entity().WithDefaults(); entity.Name = "Calculated"; entity.Alias = entity.Name; entity.Key = calc.Name + entity.Alias; entity.Connection = "output"; entity.Fields.Add(new Field { Name = Constants.TflKey, Alias = Constants.TflKey, PrimaryKey = true, Input = true, Type = "int" }.WithDefaults()); // Add fields that calculated fields depend on entity.Fields.AddRange(CalculatedFields .SelectMany(f => f.Transforms) .SelectMany(t => t.Parameters) .Where(p => !p.HasValue() && p.IsField(this)) .Select(p => p.AsField(this).Clone()) .Where(f => f.Output) .Distinct() .Except(CalculatedFields) ); var mapFields = CalculatedFields .SelectMany(cf => cf.Transforms) .Where(t => t.Method == "map") .Select(t => Maps.First(m => m.Name == t.Map)) .SelectMany(m => m.Items) .Where(i => i.Parameter != string.Empty) .Select(i => i.AsParameter().AsField(this)) .Distinct() .Except(entity.Fields) .Select(f => f.Clone()); entity.Fields.AddRange(mapFields); entity.CalculatedFields.AddRange(CalculatedFields.Select(cf => cf.Clone())); foreach (var parameter in entity.GetAllFields().SelectMany(f => f.Transforms).SelectMany(t => t.Parameters)) { parameter.Entity = string.Empty; } entity.ModifyIndexes(); calc.Entities.Add(entity); calc.ModifyKeys(); calc.ModifyIndexes(); return(calc); }
public void MergeParameters() { foreach (var field in Fields) { foreach (var transform in field.Transforms.Where(t => t.Parameter != string.Empty && !Transform.ProducerSet().Contains(t.Method))) { if (transform.Parameter == "*") { foreach (var f in Fields.Where(f => !f.System)) { if (transform.Parameters.All(p => p.Field != f.Alias)) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, f.Alias, f.Type)); } } } else { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, transform.Parameter)); } transform.Parameter = string.Empty; if (transform.Parameters.Count == 1 && transform.Parameters.First().Field == "*") { foreach (var f in Fields.Where(f => !f.System)) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, f.Alias, f.Type)); } } } } var index = 0; foreach (var calculatedField in CalculatedFields) { foreach (var transform in calculatedField.Transforms.Where(t => t.Parameter != string.Empty && !Transform.ProducerSet().Contains(t.Method))) { if (transform.Parameter == "*") { foreach (var field in GetAllFields().Where(f => !f.System)) { if (transform.Parameters.All(p => p.Field != field.Alias)) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, field.Alias, field.Type)); } } var thisField = calculatedField.Name; foreach (var calcField in CalculatedFields.Take(index).Where(cf => cf.Name != thisField)) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, calcField.Alias, calcField.Type)); } } else { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, transform.Parameter)); } transform.Parameter = string.Empty; if (transform.Parameters.Count == 1 && transform.Parameters.First().Field == "*") { foreach (var f in GetAllFields().Where(f => !f.System)) { transform.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(Alias, f.Alias, f.Type)); } } } index++; } }
private void InitializeComponent() { components = new Container(); var resources = new ComponentResourceManager(typeof(LeaveList)); topMarginBand1 = new TopMarginBand(); xrPictureBox1 = new XRPictureBox(); detailBand1 = new DetailBand(); xrTable4 = new XRTable(); xrTableRow6 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell15 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell17 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell18 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell22 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell24 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow7 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell19 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell20 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell21 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell23 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell25 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow8 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell26 = new XRTableCell(); xrLabel2 = new XRLabel(); xrTable3 = new XRTable(); xrTableRow4 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell14 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow5 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell16 = new XRTableCell(); xrLabel1 = new XRLabel(); bottomMarginBand1 = new BottomMarginBand(); xrPageInfo2 = new XRPageInfo(); xrPageInfo1 = new XRPageInfo(); bindingSource1 = new BindingSource(components); xrTable1 = new XRTable(); xrTableRow1 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell1 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell2 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell3 = new XRTableCell(); xrTable2 = new XRTable(); xrTableRow2 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell4 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell5 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell7 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell8 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell6 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableRow3 = new XRTableRow(); xrTableCell9 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell10 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell11 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell12 = new XRTableCell(); xrTableCell13 = new XRTableCell(); ReportHeader = new ReportHeaderBand(); GroupHeader1 = new GroupHeaderBand(); xrLabel3 = new XRLabel(); statusCompleted = new CalculatedField(); statusNotStarted = new CalculatedField(); statusInProgress = new CalculatedField(); statusNeedAssistance = new CalculatedField(); statusDeferred = new CalculatedField(); parameter1 = new Parameter(); GroupFooter1 = new GroupFooterBand(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable4).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable3).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)bindingSource1).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable1).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable2).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)this).BeginInit(); // // topMarginBand1 // topMarginBand1.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrPictureBox1 }); topMarginBand1.HeightF = 138F; topMarginBand1.Name = "topMarginBand1"; // // xrPictureBox1 // xrPictureBox1.Image = (Image)resources.GetObject("xrPictureBox1.Image"); xrPictureBox1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(392.7083F, 6.243578F); xrPictureBox1.Name = "xrPictureBox1"; xrPictureBox1.SizeF = new SizeF(344.7917F, 125.1618F); xrPictureBox1.Sizing = ImageSizeMode.StretchImage; // // detailBand1 // detailBand1.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrTable4, xrLabel2, xrTable3, xrLabel1 }); detailBand1.HeightF = 179.1667F; detailBand1.Name = "detailBand1"; detailBand1.SortFields.AddRange(new[] { new GroupField("DueDate", XRColumnSortOrder.Ascending) }); // // xrTable4 // xrTable4.KeepTogether = true; xrTable4.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 106.875F); xrTable4.Name = "xrTable4"; xrTable4.Rows.AddRange(new[] { xrTableRow6, xrTableRow7, xrTableRow8 }); xrTable4.SizeF = new SizeF(650F, 56.87504F); // // xrTableRow6 // xrTableRow6.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell15, xrTableCell17, xrTableCell18, xrTableCell22, xrTableCell24 }); xrTableRow6.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(175, 175, 175); xrTableRow6.Name = "xrTableRow6"; xrTableRow6.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableRow6.Weight = 0.45665942772890605D; // // xrTableCell15 // xrTableCell15.Name = "xrTableCell15"; xrTableCell15.Padding = new PaddingInfo(17, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell15.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableCell15.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell15.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell15.Text = "DATE DE RETOUR"; xrTableCell15.Weight = 0.60771602766636823D; // // xrTableCell17 // xrTableCell17.Name = "xrTableCell17"; xrTableCell17.Padding = new PaddingInfo(4, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell17.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell17.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell17.Text = "CRÉE PAR"; xrTableCell17.Weight = 0.62980608396886717D; // // xrTableCell18 // xrTableCell18.Name = "xrTableCell18"; xrTableCell18.Padding = new PaddingInfo(4, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell18.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell18.Text = "EMPLOYÉ"; xrTableCell18.Weight = 0.58008992577285823D; // // xrTableCell22 // xrTableCell22.Name = "xrTableCell22"; xrTableCell22.Padding = new PaddingInfo(4, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell22.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell22.Text = "PROGRESSION"; xrTableCell22.Weight = 0.70420532486194742D; // // xrTableCell24 // xrTableCell24.Name = "xrTableCell24"; xrTableCell24.Padding = new PaddingInfo(0, 4, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell24.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell24.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableCell24.Text = "PRIORITÉ"; xrTableCell24.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TopRight; xrTableCell24.Weight = 0.47818263772995884D; // // xrTableRow7 // xrTableRow7.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell19, xrTableCell20, xrTableCell21, xrTableCell23, xrTableCell25 }); xrTableRow7.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableRow7.Name = "xrTableRow7"; xrTableRow7.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableRow7.Weight = 0.45665943679824827D; // // xrTableCell19 // xrTableCell19.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "DueDate", "{0:d}") }); xrTableCell19.Name = "xrTableCell19"; xrTableCell19.Padding = new PaddingInfo(17, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell19.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableCell19.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell19.Text = "12/17/2013"; xrTableCell19.Weight = 0.60771602766636823D; // // xrTableCell20 // xrTableCell20.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "AssignedEmployee.FullName") }); xrTableCell20.Name = "xrTableCell20"; xrTableCell20.Padding = new PaddingInfo(4, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell20.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell20.Text = "John Hansen"; xrTableCell20.Weight = 0.62980636210376506D; // // xrTableCell21 // xrTableCell21.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Owner.FullName") }); xrTableCell21.Name = "xrTableCell21"; xrTableCell21.Padding = new PaddingInfo(4, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell21.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell21.Text = "Jane Mitchell"; xrTableCell21.Weight = 0.58008964763796045D; // // xrTableCell23 // xrTableCell23.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Completion") }); xrTableCell23.Name = "xrTableCell23"; xrTableCell23.Padding = new PaddingInfo(4, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell23.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell23.Text = "xrTableCell23"; xrTableCell23.Weight = 0.70420532486194742D; // // xrTableCell25 // xrTableCell25.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Priority") }); xrTableCell25.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(221, 128, 71); xrTableCell25.Name = "xrTableCell25"; xrTableCell25.Padding = new PaddingInfo(0, 4, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell25.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell25.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell25.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableCell25.Text = "High"; xrTableCell25.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TopRight; xrTableCell25.Weight = 0.47818263772995884D; // // xrTableRow8 // xrTableRow8.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(175, 175, 175); xrTableRow8.Borders = BorderSide.Bottom; xrTableRow8.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell26 }); xrTableRow8.Name = "xrTableRow8"; xrTableRow8.StylePriority.UseBorderColor = false; xrTableRow8.StylePriority.UseBorders = false; xrTableRow8.Weight = 0.45665943679824827D; // // xrTableCell26 // xrTableCell26.Name = "xrTableCell26"; xrTableCell26.Weight = 3D; // // xrLabel2 // xrLabel2.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Description") }); xrLabel2.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10F, FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrLabel2.KeepTogether = true; xrLabel2.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(128.125F, 53.66668F); xrLabel2.Name = "xrLabel2"; xrLabel2.Padding = new PaddingInfo(7, 2, 0, 0, 100F); xrLabel2.SizeF = new SizeF(342.7083F, 40.625F); xrLabel2.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrLabel2.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrLabel2.Text = "Artwork is ready. The printer’s address is 100 Main Rd. We need to see the proofs" + " before we go to print."; // // xrTable3 // xrTable3.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 53.66668F); xrTable3.Name = "xrTable3"; xrTable3.Padding = new PaddingInfo(17, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTable3.Rows.AddRange(new[] { xrTableRow4, xrTableRow5 }); xrTable3.SizeF = new SizeF(109.6389F, 40.625F); xrTable3.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; // // xrTableRow4 // xrTableRow4.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell14 }); xrTableRow4.Name = "xrTableRow4"; xrTableRow4.Weight = 0.79591859610841031D; // // xrTableCell14 // xrTableCell14.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(175, 175, 175); xrTableCell14.Name = "xrTableCell14"; xrTableCell14.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell14.Text = "DATE DÉBUT"; xrTableCell14.Weight = 3D; // // xrTableRow5 // xrTableRow5.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell16 }); xrTableRow5.Name = "xrTableRow5"; xrTableRow5.Weight = 0.79591820772148691D; // // xrTableCell16 // xrTableCell16.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "StartDate", "{0:d}") }); xrTableCell16.Name = "xrTableCell16"; xrTableCell16.Text = "12/15/2013"; xrTableCell16.Weight = 3D; // // xrLabel1 // xrLabel1.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Subject") }); xrLabel1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 11F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrLabel1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 16F); xrLabel1.Name = "xrLabel1"; xrLabel1.Padding = new PaddingInfo(17, 2, 0, 0, 100F); xrLabel1.SizeF = new SizeF(649.4167F, 22.91667F); xrLabel1.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrLabel1.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; // // bottomMarginBand1 // bottomMarginBand1.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrPageInfo2, xrPageInfo1 }); bottomMarginBand1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 11F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); bottomMarginBand1.HeightF = 100F; bottomMarginBand1.Name = "bottomMarginBand1"; bottomMarginBand1.StylePriority.UseFont = false; // // xrPageInfo2 // xrPageInfo2.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(166, 166, 166); xrPageInfo2.Format = "{0:MMMM d, yyyy}"; xrPageInfo2.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(485.4167F, 0F); xrPageInfo2.Name = "xrPageInfo2"; xrPageInfo2.Padding = new PaddingInfo(2, 2, 0, 0, 100F); xrPageInfo2.PageInfo = PageInfo.DateTime; xrPageInfo2.SizeF = new SizeF(156.25F, 23F); xrPageInfo2.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrPageInfo2.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrPageInfo2.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TopRight; // // xrPageInfo1 // xrPageInfo1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(166, 166, 166); xrPageInfo1.Format = "Page {0} of {1}"; xrPageInfo1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 0F); xrPageInfo1.Name = "xrPageInfo1"; xrPageInfo1.Padding = new PaddingInfo(2, 2, 0, 0, 100F); xrPageInfo1.SizeF = new SizeF(156.25F, 23F); xrPageInfo1.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; // // bindingSource1 // bindingSource1.DataSource = typeof(Leave); // // xrTable1 // xrTable1.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 22F); xrTable1.Name = "xrTable1"; xrTable1.Rows.AddRange(new[] { xrTableRow1 }); xrTable1.SizeF = new SizeF(650F, 29.69642F); // // xrTableRow1 // xrTableRow1.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell1, xrTableCell2, xrTableCell3 }); xrTableRow1.Name = "xrTableRow1"; xrTableRow1.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableRow1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.MiddleRight; xrTableRow1.Weight = 1D; // // xrTableCell1 // xrTableCell1.BackColor = Color.LimeGreen; xrTableCell1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 11F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableCell1.ForeColor = Color.White; xrTableCell1.Name = "xrTableCell1"; xrTableCell1.Padding = new PaddingInfo(8, 0, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UseBackColor = false; xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell1.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableCell1.Text = "Congés"; xrTableCell1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.MiddleLeft; xrTableCell1.Weight = 0.80032469757233127D; // // xrTableCell2 // xrTableCell2.Name = "xrTableCell2"; xrTableCell2.Weight = 0.024452088141954528D; // // xrTableCell3 // xrTableCell3.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(218, 218, 218); xrTableCell3.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 8F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableCell3.Name = "xrTableCell3"; xrTableCell3.Padding = new PaddingInfo(0, 8, 0, 0, 100F); xrTableCell3.StylePriority.UseBackColor = false; xrTableCell3.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableCell3.StylePriority.UsePadding = false; xrTableCell3.Text = "Grouped by Status | Sorted by Due Date"; xrTableCell3.Weight = 2.2141840142121296D; // // xrTable2 // xrTable2.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 73.70834F); xrTable2.Name = "xrTable2"; xrTable2.Rows.AddRange(new[] { xrTableRow2, xrTableRow3 }); xrTable2.SizeF = new SizeF(648.9583F, 148.9583F); xrTable2.StylePriority.UseBorders = false; xrTable2.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTable2.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.MiddleCenter; // // xrTableRow2 // xrTableRow2.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell4, xrTableCell5, xrTableCell7, xrTableCell8, xrTableCell6 }); xrTableRow2.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 36F); xrTableRow2.Name = "xrTableRow2"; xrTableRow2.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableRow2.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableRow2.Weight = 1D; // // xrTableCell4 // xrTableCell4.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "statusNotStarted") }); xrTableCell4.Name = "xrTableCell4"; xrTableCell4.Weight = 1D; xrTableCell4.WordWrap = false; // // xrTableCell5 // xrTableCell5.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "statusInProgress") }); xrTableCell5.Name = "xrTableCell5"; xrTableCell5.Weight = 1D; xrTableCell5.WordWrap = false; // // xrTableCell7 // xrTableCell7.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "statusCompleted") }); xrTableCell7.Name = "xrTableCell7"; xrTableCell7.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableCell7.Weight = 1D; xrTableCell7.WordWrap = false; // // xrTableCell8 // xrTableCell8.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "statusNeedAssistance") }); xrTableCell8.Name = "xrTableCell8"; xrTableCell8.Weight = 1D; xrTableCell8.WordWrap = false; // // xrTableCell6 // xrTableCell6.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "statusDeferred") }); xrTableCell6.Name = "xrTableCell6"; xrTableCell6.Weight = 1D; xrTableCell6.WordWrap = false; // // xrTableRow3 // xrTableRow3.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(175, 175, 175); xrTableRow3.Borders = BorderSide.Bottom; xrTableRow3.Cells.AddRange(new[] { xrTableCell9, xrTableCell10, xrTableCell11, xrTableCell12, xrTableCell13 }); xrTableRow3.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrTableRow3.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(175, 175, 175); xrTableRow3.Name = "xrTableRow3"; xrTableRow3.StylePriority.UseBorderColor = false; xrTableRow3.StylePriority.UseBorders = false; xrTableRow3.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrTableRow3.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrTableRow3.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrTableRow3.Weight = 0.5423728813559322D; // // xrTableCell9 // xrTableCell9.Name = "xrTableCell9"; xrTableCell9.Text = "NOT STARTED"; xrTableCell9.Weight = 1D; // // xrTableCell10 // xrTableCell10.Name = "xrTableCell10"; xrTableCell10.Text = "IN PROGRESS"; xrTableCell10.Weight = 1D; // // xrTableCell11 // xrTableCell11.Name = "xrTableCell11"; xrTableCell11.Text = "COMPLETED"; xrTableCell11.Weight = 1D; // // xrTableCell12 // xrTableCell12.Name = "xrTableCell12"; xrTableCell12.Text = "ASSISTANCE"; xrTableCell12.Weight = 1D; // // xrTableCell13 // xrTableCell13.Name = "xrTableCell13"; xrTableCell13.Text = "DEFERRED"; xrTableCell13.Weight = 1D; // // ReportHeader // ReportHeader.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrTable2, xrTable1 }); ReportHeader.HeightF = 246.8749F; ReportHeader.Name = "ReportHeader"; // // GroupHeader1 // GroupHeader1.Controls.AddRange(new XRControl[] { xrLabel3 }); GroupHeader1.GroupFields.AddRange(new[] { new GroupField("Status", XRColumnSortOrder.Ascending) }); GroupHeader1.HeightF = 26.04167F; GroupHeader1.Name = "GroupHeader1"; // // xrLabel3 // xrLabel3.DataBindings.AddRange(new[] { new XRBinding("Text", null, "Status") }); xrLabel3.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 14F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); xrLabel3.ForeColor = Color.LawnGreen; xrLabel3.LocationFloat = new PointFloat(0F, 0F); xrLabel3.Name = "xrLabel3"; xrLabel3.Padding = new PaddingInfo(2, 2, 0, 0, 100F); xrLabel3.SizeF = new SizeF(648.9583F, 26.04167F); xrLabel3.StylePriority.UseFont = false; xrLabel3.StylePriority.UseForeColor = false; xrLabel3.StylePriority.UseTextAlignment = false; xrLabel3.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.BottomCenter; // // statusCompleted // statusCompleted.Expression = "[][ToStr([Status]) = \'Completed\'].Count()"; statusCompleted.FieldType = FieldType.Int32; statusCompleted.Name = "statusCompleted"; // // statusNotStarted // statusNotStarted.Expression = "[][ToStr([Status]) = \'NotStarted\'].Count()"; statusNotStarted.FieldType = FieldType.Int32; statusNotStarted.Name = "statusNotStarted"; // // statusInProgress // statusInProgress.Expression = "[][ToStr([Status]) = \'InProgress\'].Count()"; statusInProgress.FieldType = FieldType.Int32; statusInProgress.Name = "statusInProgress"; // // statusNeedAssistance // statusNeedAssistance.Expression = "[][ToStr([Status]) = \'NeedAssistance\'].Count()"; statusNeedAssistance.FieldType = FieldType.Int32; statusNeedAssistance.Name = "statusNeedAssistance"; // // statusDeferred // statusDeferred.Expression = "[][ToStr([Status]) = \'Deferred\'].Count()"; statusDeferred.FieldType = FieldType.Int32; statusDeferred.Name = "statusDeferred"; // // parameter1 // parameter1.Description = "Parameter1"; parameter1.Name = "parameter1"; parameter1.Type = typeof(bool); parameter1.ValueInfo = "True"; parameter1.Visible = false; // // GroupFooter1 // GroupFooter1.HeightF = 0F; GroupFooter1.Name = "GroupFooter1"; GroupFooter1.PageBreak = PageBreak.AfterBand; // // LeaveList // Bands.AddRange(new Band[] { topMarginBand1, detailBand1, bottomMarginBand1, ReportHeader, GroupHeader1, GroupFooter1 }); CalculatedFields.AddRange(new[] { statusCompleted, statusNotStarted, statusInProgress, statusNeedAssistance, statusDeferred }); DataSource = bindingSource1; DesignerOptions.ShowExportWarnings = false; DrawWatermark = true; Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 9.75F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); Margins = new Margins(100, 82, 138, 100); Parameters.AddRange(new[] { parameter1 }); SnappingMode = SnappingMode.SnapToGrid; SnapToGrid = false; Version = "15.1"; DataSourceDemanded += LeaveList_DataSourceDemanded; ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable4).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable3).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)bindingSource1).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable1).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)xrTable2).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize)this).EndInit(); }
public CalculatedFieldInfo GetCalculatedLengthInfo() { return(CalculatedFields.First(item => item.CalculatorResultAttribute is CalculatedLengthResultAttribute)); }