internal static void RevitFileProcessor(ObservableCollection <RevitFile> filenames) { var openOptions = new OpenOptions(); openOptions.Audit = false; openOptions.DetachFromCentralOption = DetachFromCentralOption.DoNotDetach; var num = 2; var strList = new List <string> { "File Name", "Volume of Column", "Volume of Beam", "Volume of Floor", "Area of Floor", "Length of Beam" }; Excel excel = new Excel(); excel.initNew();"C:\Users\Raja\Desktop\hackathon test files\datawriter.xlsx"); excel.writeRow("Tabelle1", 1, strList); foreach (var file in filenames) { var fullPath = file.FullPath; var excelFile = file.Directory; ModelPath modelPath = ModelPathUtils.ConvertUserVisiblePathToModelPath(fullPath); var openedDoc = CachedApp.OpenDocumentFile(modelPath, openOptions); double volColumn = 0.0, volBeam = 0.0, volFloor = 0.0, areaFloor = 0.0, lenBeam = 0.0; var fecColumn = new FilteredElementCollector(openedDoc) .OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_StructuralColumns) .WhereElementIsNotElementType(); var fecBeam = new FilteredElementCollector(openedDoc) .OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_StructuralFraming) .WhereElementIsNotElementType(); var fecFloor = new FilteredElementCollector(openedDoc) .OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Floors) .WhereElementIsNotElementType(); volColumn = fecColumn.Select(x => x.LookupParameter("Volume").AsDouble()).ToList().Sum(); volBeam = fecBeam.Select(x => x.LookupParameter("Volume").AsDouble()).ToList().Sum(); volFloor = fecFloor.Select(x => x.LookupParameter("Volume").AsDouble()).ToList().Sum(); areaFloor = fecFloor.Select(x => x.LookupParameter("Area").AsDouble()).ToList().Sum(); lenBeam = fecBeam.Select(x => x.LookupParameter("Length").AsDouble()).ToList().Sum(); var valList = new List <string> { file.Filename, volColumn.ToString(), volBeam.ToString(), volFloor.ToString(), areaFloor.ToString(), lenBeam.ToString() }; excel.writeRow("Tabelle1", num, valList); num += 1; openedDoc.Close(false); //TaskDialog.Show("Wishbox", $"The Total volume of column is: {volColumn.ToString()} \n The Total volume of beam is: {lenBeam.ToString()}"); } }
public static void get_all_paramters(List <string> full_files_name) { // foreach(DefinitionGroup myGroup in defFile.Groups) // { // SortedSet<string> tmp = new SortedSet<string>(); // Globals.SP_with_groups.Add(myGroup.Name,tmp); // foreach(Definition df in myGroup.Definitions) // { // Globals.SP_with_groups[myGroup.Name].Add(df.Name); //// TaskDialog.Show("Revit",df.Name); //// return; // } // // TaskDialog.Show("Revit",Globals.SP_with_groups[myGroup.Name].Count.ToString()); // // } Document doc; Globals.files_with_SP.Clear(); foreach (string filename in full_files_name) { doc = CachedApp.OpenDocumentFile(filename); try{ if (doc.IsFamilyDocument) { SortedSet <FamilyParameter> tmp = new SortedSet <FamilyParameter>(new cmp()); FamilyManager fm = doc.FamilyManager; FamilyParameterSet fmSet = fm.Parameters; Globals.files_with_SP.Add(filename, tmp); foreach (FamilyParameter fp in fmSet) { if (fp.IsShared) { Globals.files_with_SP[filename].Add(fp); //tmp.Add(fp.Definition.Name); } //fp.Definition. //TaskDialog.Show("Revit",fp.Definition.Name); } } } catch (System.Exception ea) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ea.Message.ToString()); } } }
public static void Add_SP_To_Families(List <string> full_files_name, List <string> parm_to_add, bool instance) { Document doc; //Application app; //string folder = @"F:\ECG work\ECG_Shared_Parameters\Samples\sample 1\f1"; // loop through all files in the directory // TaskDialog.Show("Revit","Hey"); foreach (string filename in full_files_name) { doc = CachedApp.OpenDocumentFile(filename); try { if (doc.IsFamilyDocument) { Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Add Param"); using (trans) { FamilyManager fm = doc.FamilyManager; DefinitionFile deFile = CachedApp.OpenSharedParameterFile(); DefinitionGroups myGroups = deFile.Groups; foreach (string s in parm_to_add) { foreach (DefinitionGroup myGroup in myGroups) { // DefinitionGroup myGroup = myGroups.get_Item("New len"); trans.Start(); Definitions myDefinitions = myGroup.Definitions; //TaskDialog.Show("Revit",s); ExternalDefinition eDef = myDefinitions.get_Item(s) as ExternalDefinition; if (eDef != null) { fm.AddParameter(eDef, eDef.ParameterGroup, instance); } //TaskDialog.Show("Revit","Hey"); trans.Commit(); // if(eDef != null) break; } } } // doc.SaveAs(filename); doc.Close(true); //int tmp = Form1.progressBar1.Maximum; // int c = tmp/Globals.full_files_name_variables.Count; //Form1.progressBar1.Increment(c); } } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ArgumentNullException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); //trans.Commit(); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FamilyContextException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileAccessException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileNotFoundException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ApplicationException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (SystemException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } } }
public static void Remove_Parameter(List <string> full_files_name, List <string> parm_to_add) { // UIDocument uidoc = this.ActiveUIDocument; // Document CachedDoc = uidoc.Document; Document doc; //Application app; //string folder = @"F:\ECG work\ECG_Shared_Parameters\Samples\sample 1\f1"; // loop through all files in the directory foreach (string filename in full_files_name) { doc = CachedApp.OpenDocumentFile(filename); try { if (doc.IsFamilyDocument) { FamilyManager fm = doc.FamilyManager; Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Remove Param"); using (trans) { //ExternalDefinition extdef = RawFindExternalDefinition(Application.OpenSharedParameterFile(), "CompanyName"); foreach (string s in parm_to_add) { trans.Start(); FamilyParameter fp = RawConvertSetToList <FamilyParameter>(fm.Parameters). FirstOrDefault(e => e.Definition.Name.Equals(s, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); // TaskDialog.Show("Revit","Shared Parameter !!"); if (fp == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid ParameterName Input!"); } fm.RemoveParameter(fp); trans.Commit(); } // doc.SaveAs(filename); doc.Close(true); } } } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ArgumentNullException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); //trans.Commit(); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FamilyContextException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileAccessException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileNotFoundException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ApplicationException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (SystemException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } } //TaskDialog.Show("Iam","Here"); }
// public void Rename_Shared_Parameters(string p_name,string new_name) // { //// UIDocument uidoc = this.ActiveUIDocument; //// Document CachedDoc = uidoc.Document; // Document doc; // //Application app; // string folder = @"F:\ECG work\ECG_Shared_Parameters\Samples\sample 1\f1"; // // // loop through all files in the directory // // foreach (string filename in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder)) // { // try // { // doc = Application.OpenDocumentFile(filename); // if (doc.IsFamilyDocument) // { // // Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Remove Param"); // trans.Start(); // using(trans) // { // //ExternalDefinition extdef = RawFindExternalDefinition(Application.OpenSharedParameterFile(), "CompanyName"); // FamilyManager fm = doc.FamilyManager; // FamilyParameter fp = RawConvertSetToList<FamilyParameter>(fm.Parameters). // FirstOrDefault(e => e.Definition.Name.Equals(p_name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); // if (fp == null) throw new Exception("Invalid ParameterName Input!"); // if(fp.IsShared) // { // ExternalDefinition extdef = RawFindExternalDefinition(Application.OpenSharedParameterFile(), p_name); //// Guid guid = extdef.GUID; //// ParameterType type = extdef.ParameterType; //// string group_name = extdef.ParameterGroup.ToString(); // // //Create_SP(new_name,type,group_name); // //// fm.ReplaceParameter(fp,"temp_test",BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TEXT,true); //// FamilyParameter new_fp = RawConvertSetToList<FamilyParameter>(fm.Parameters). //// FirstOrDefault(e => e.Definition.Name.Equals("temp_test", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); //// ExternalDefinition new_extdef = RawFindExternalDefinition(Application.OpenSharedParameterFile(), new_name); //// fm.ReplaceParameter(new_fp,new_extdef,new_extdef.ParameterGroup,true); // } // trans.Commit(); // // doc.SaveAs(filename); // doc.Close(true); // } // } // // } // catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ArgumentNullException ae) // { // TaskDialog.Show("Revit",ae.ToString()); // // return; // } // catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FamilyContextException ae) // { // TaskDialog.Show("Revit",ae.ToString()); // // return; // } // catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileAccessException ae) // { // TaskDialog.Show("Revit",ae.ToString()); // // return; // } // catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileNotFoundException ae) // { // TaskDialog.Show("Revit",ae.ToString()); // // return; // } // catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ApplicationException ae) // { // TaskDialog.Show("Revit",ae.ToString()); // return; // } // catch (SystemException ae) // { // TaskDialog.Show("Revit",ae.ToString()); // //return; // } // } // // //TaskDialog.Show("Iam","Here"); // // } /* public static string GetParameterValue(FamilyParameter p) * { * switch(p.StorageType) * { * case StorageType.Double: * return p.AsValueString(); * case StorageType.ElementId: * return p.AsElementId().IntegerValue.ToString(); * case StorageType.Integer: * return p.AsValueString(); * case StorageType.None: * return p.AsValueString(); * case StorageType.String: * return p.AsString(); * default: * return ""; * * } * }*/ public static void Rename_Family_Parameters(List <string> full_files_name) { // UIDocument uidoc = this.ActiveUIDocument; // Document CachedDoc = uidoc.Document; Document doc; //Application app; //string folder = @"F:\ECG work\ECG_Shared_Parameters\Samples\sample 1\f1"; // loop through all files in the directory foreach (string filename in full_files_name) { doc = CachedApp.OpenDocumentFile(filename); try { if (doc.IsFamilyDocument) { Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Rename Param"); using (trans) { //string s = Globals.new_name_for_rename; trans.Start(); FamilyManager fm = doc.FamilyManager; FamilyParameter fp = RawConvertSetToList <FamilyParameter>(fm.Parameters). FirstOrDefault(e => e.Definition.Name.Equals(Globals.parm_to_Replace, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); // TaskDialog.Show("Revit","Shared Parameter !!"); trans.Commit(); if (fp.IsShared) { // TaskDialog.Show("Revit",fm.Types.Size.ToString()); // Element e = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(fm.CurrentType); // Parameter p = fm.Parameter(fp.Definition); // if (fp == null) throw new Exception("Invalid ParameterName Input!"); // string tmp = "Parameter name: "+ fp.Definition.Name + "\n" +"Is Shared!"; //TaskDialog.Show("Warrning",tmp); ExternalDefinition edf; // if(!Globals.all_SP_variables.Contains(fp.Definition.Name)) edf = Create_SP(Globals.new_name_for_rename, Globals.new_type, Globals.new_group); trans.Start(); fm.AddParameter(edf, edf.ParameterGroup, Globals.instance_or_not); // fm.Parameter(edf.Name).Set(fp.ToString()); FamilyParameter fp_tmp = fm.get_Parameter(Globals.new_name_for_rename); foreach (FamilyType t in fm.Types) { if (t.HasValue(fp)) { //TaskDialog.Show("R","Here"); fm.CurrentType = t; if (fp_tmp.StorageType == StorageType.Double) { fm.Set(fp_tmp, t.AsDouble(fp).Value); } else if (fp_tmp.StorageType == StorageType.Integer) { fm.Set(fp_tmp, t.AsInteger(fp).Value); } else if (fp_tmp.StorageType == StorageType.ElementId) { fm.Set(fp_tmp, t.AsElementId(fp).IntegerValue); } else if (fp_tmp.StorageType == StorageType.String) { fm.Set(fp_tmp, t.AsString(fp)); } } // TaskDialog.Show("R",); } //fm.Types trans.Commit(); trans.Start(); fm.RemoveParameter(fp); trans.Commit(); // string k = "Parameter name: "+ edf.Name + "\n" +"Is Shared!"; // TaskDialog.Show("Warrning",k); // fm.AddParameter(); // rename_in_shared_parm_file(fp.Definition.Name,Globals.new_name_for_rename); //doc.Close(false); continue; } // if (fp == null) throw new Exception("Invalid ParameterName Input!"); // fm.RenameParameter(fp,new_name); // Test(); trans.Commit(); //ExternalDefinition extdef = RawFindExternalDefinition(Application.OpenSharedParameterFile(), "CompanyName"); // FamilyManager fm = doc.FamilyManager; // FamilyParameter fp = RawConvertSetToList<FamilyParameter>(fm.Parameters). // FirstOrDefault(e => e.Definition.Name.Equals(p_name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); // if (fp == null) throw new Exception("Invalid ParameterName Input!"); // fm.RenameParameter(fp,new_name); // trans.Commit(); // doc.SaveAs(filename); doc.Close(true); } } } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ArgumentNullException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); //trans.Commit(); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FamilyContextException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileAccessException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileNotFoundException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ApplicationException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } catch (SystemException ae) { TaskDialog.Show("Revit", ae.ToString()); doc.Close(false); // return; } } //TaskDialog.Show("Iam","Here"); }