public void UseCommandListGetAndJumpToTest() { bool didPass = false; try { Ca.TestName = "UseCommandListGetAndJumpToTest"; List <BatchCommandList> cmd = new List <BatchCommandList>(); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { Actions = GeneralActions.MyAction.Click, UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.WaitFound, ElementName = "//li[4]/a", FindBy = GeneralActions.FindBy.XPath, TestName = @"Click On iOS App Menu" }); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.GetUrlAndGoTo, ElementName = "My Essential Oil Remedies", FindBy = GeneralActions.FindBy.LinkText, TestName = "Get Link Text and GOto url" }); List <BatchCommandList> value = Ca.RunBatchCommands(cmd, out var errOut); int testNumber = 1; foreach (BatchCommandList v in value) { string passfailed = v.PassedFailed ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"; TestContext.WriteLine($"{testNumber}.) {passfailed} - {v.TestName}"); TestContext.WriteLine(v.ReturnedValue); testNumber++; } didPass = true; } catch (Exception e) { TestContext.WriteLine(e.Message); } Assert.IsTrue(didPass); }
public void UseCommandListGetAndJumpToTest() { bool didPass = false; try { Ca.TestName = "UseCommandListGetAndJumpToTest"; List <BatchCommandList> cmd = new List <BatchCommandList>(); cmd.AddRange(BatchCmdHelper.Sleep500()); cmd.AddRange(BatchCmdHelper.ClickOnElement("//ul[@id='jetmenu']/li[3]/a", "software app menu")); cmd.AddRange(BatchCmdHelper.Sleep500()); cmd.AddRange(BatchCmdHelper.ClickOnElement("//ul[@id='jetmenu']/li[4]/a", "iOS App Menu")); cmd.AddRange(BatchCmdHelper.Sleep500()); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.GetUrlAndGoTo, ElementName = "//a[contains(.,'My Essential Oil Remedies')]", TestName = "Get Link Text and GOto url" }); List <BatchCommandList> value = Ca.RunBatchCommands(cmd, out var errOut); int testNumber = 1; foreach (BatchCommandList v in value) { string passfailed = v.PassedFailed ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"; TestContext.WriteLine($"{testNumber}.) {passfailed} - {v.TestName}"); TestContext.WriteLine(v.ReturnedValue); testNumber++; } didPass = Ca.AllTestsPassed(value); } catch (Exception e) { TestContext.WriteLine(e.Message); } Assert.IsTrue(didPass); }
public void PublicSideBatch() { Ca.TestName = "PublicUIBatch"; string softwareMenu = "//ul[@id='jetmenu']/li[3]/a"; List <BatchCommandList> cmd = new List <BatchCommandList>(); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { Actions = GeneralActions.MyAction.Click, UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.WaitFound, ElementName = softwareMenu, FindBy = GeneralActions.FindBy.XPath, TestName = @"Click On Windows App Menu" }); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { Actions = GeneralActions.MyAction.Click, UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.WaitFound, ElementName = "My Gun Collection", FindBy = GeneralActions.FindBy.LinkText, TestName = "Click on the My Gun Collection link" }); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { Actions = GeneralActions.MyAction.Click, UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.WaitFound, ElementName = softwareMenu, FindBy = GeneralActions.FindBy.XPath, TestName = @"Click On Windows App Menu" }); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { Actions = GeneralActions.MyAction.Click, UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.WaitFound, ElementName = "My Gun Collection", FindBy = GeneralActions.FindBy.LinkText, TestName = "Click on the My Gun Collection link" }); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { Actions = GeneralActions.MyAction.Nothing, UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.GetTextValue, ElementName = "//h3/span", FindBy = GeneralActions.FindBy.XPath, TestName = "Get Price of My Gun Collector Software" }); cmd.Add(new BatchCommandList() { Actions = GeneralActions.MyAction.Nothing, UseCommand = GeneralActions.UseCommand.GetTextValueAndCompare, ElementName = "//h3/span", FindBy = GeneralActions.FindBy.XPath, TestName = "Get Price of My Gun Collector Software and Compare to exptected Version", ExpectedReturnedValue = "FREE!" }); List <BatchCommandList> value = Ca.RunBatchCommands(cmd, out var errOut); int testNumber = 1; foreach (BatchCommandList v in value) { string passfailed = v.PassedFailed ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"; TestContext.WriteLine($"{testNumber}.) {passfailed} - {v.TestName}"); TestContext.WriteLine(v.ReturnedValue); testNumber++; } }