コード例 #1
    // set object color

    internal void setColor(Color color)
        if (ctunity == null)
            ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();                  // async?
//        Debug.Log(name + ": setColor(" + color + "), autoColor: " + autoColor+", ctunity: "+ctunity+", clear: "+Color.clear);
        if (autoColor && color == Color.clear && ctunity != null)
            color = ctunity.objectColor(gameObject);
//            Debug.Log(">setColor(" + color + "), autoColor: " + autoColor);
        if (color == Color.clear)
            return;                                // use default color
        myColor = color;

        Renderer rend = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        if (rend != null)
            rend.material.color = color;

        // apply color to any model component labelled "Trim":
        Component[] renderers = GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Renderer));
        foreach (Renderer childRenderer in renderers)
            if (childRenderer.material.name.StartsWith("Trim"))    // clugy
                childRenderer.material.color = color;
コード例 #2
    // detect collisions

    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log(CTunity.fullName(gameObject) + ", Collision with: " + CTunity.fullName(collision.collider.gameObject));
        if (!showHP)

        ScoreBoard tkso = collision.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <ScoreBoard>();

        if (debug)
            //           Debug.Log(gameObject.name + ", activePlayer: " + ctunity.activePlayer(gameObject) + ", activeWrite: " + CTunity.activeWrite + ", newSession: " + ctunity.newSession + ", localP: " + ctunity.localPlayer(gameObject));
            //           Debug.Log("ctplayer: " + ctunity.ctplayer + ", paused: " + ctunity.gamePaused + ", replayActive: " + ctunity.replayActive + ", Player: " + ctunity.Player);
        if (tkso != null && ctunity.activePlayer(gameObject) && !ctunity.localPlayer(collision.gameObject))
            kso          = tkso;
            thisCollider = collision.collider;
            targetScale  = transform.localScale;
            stopWatch    = damageInterval;  // quick hit to start
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("HIT! thisCollider: " + thisCollider);
コード例 #3
    static internal String custom = null;          // "global" params (shared between objects)

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ctunity  = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();
        ctclient = GetComponent <CTclient>();

        //       if (showHP) int.TryParse(ctclient.getCustom("HP", HP + ""), out HP);
        if (showHP)
            initialHP = HP;         // init to static global value
            int hp = ctclient.getCustom("HP", 0);
//            Debug.Log(name+",startup HP: "+HP+", hp: " + hp + ", custom: " + ctclient.custom);
            if (hp != 0)
                HP        = hp;            // over-ride baked-in if custom present
                initialHP = HP;
            if (HP == 0)
                showHP = false;             // nope

        initialScale = transform.localScale;
        stopWatch    = 0;
        //        Debug.Log(name + ", showHP: " + showHP);
        mainCamera = Camera.main;                   // up front for efficiency
コード例 #4
    // Update is called once per frame

    void Update()
        if (ctunity == null || ctclient == null)
            Debug.Log(name + ", oops no ctunity/ctlient!");
            return;        // async
        if (!ctunity.activePlayer(gameObject))

        launchInterval = ctclient.getCustom("dt", launchInterval);

        stopWatch += Time.deltaTime;
        if (stopWatch >= launchInterval)
            String missile = ctclient.getCustom("M", Missile);  // optional custom missile
            Ilaunch = ctclient.getCustom("N", Ilaunch);
            Nlaunch = ctclient.getCustom("Nmax", Nlaunch);
            //           Debug.Log(name + ": Nlaunch: " + Nlaunch+", launchInterval: "+launchInterval);

            if (Nlaunch != 0 && Ilaunch >= Nlaunch)

            ctunity.deployInventory(missile, CTunity.fullName(gameObject) + "/R-" + Ilaunch);
            ctclient.putCustom("N", Ilaunch);

            stopWatch = 0;
コード例 #5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
//       ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity");
        ctunity    = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();
        targetPos  = transform.position;
        mainCamera = Camera.main;                   // up front for efficiency
コード例 #6
    public Boolean keyToggleReplay = false;     // set true for down/up arrow key toggle RT-Replay

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        slider  = GameObject.Find("Slider").GetComponent <Slider> ();
        ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity> ();                 // reference CTunity script
        replayText.supportRichText = true;
コード例 #7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
//		ctclient = GetComponent<CTclient>();
        ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();               // reference CTgroupstate script

//		random = new System.Random();
        random = new System.Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());              // unique seed
コード例 #8
    private Color myColor = Color.clear;      // clear means use default color

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ctunity  = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();             // reference CTunity script
        ctclient = GetComponent <CTclient>();

        lineR1 = gameObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
        //		Color myColor = ctunity.Text2Color(name, 1F);
        setLineProps(lineR1, Color.black, Color.clear);                     // KISS
コード例 #9
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ctunity        = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();
        winText.text   = "";
        countText.text = "";

        winText.supportRichText   = true;
        countText.supportRichText = true;
コード例 #10
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //		Debug.Log (CTunity.fullName(gameObject)+": Hello World!");

        ctunity      = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>(); // reference CTunity script
        rb           = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        baseRotation = transform.rotation;                                  // for relative rotation setting
        mainCamera   = Camera.main;                                         // up front for efficiency
コード例 #11
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ctunity  = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();             // reference CTunity script
        ctclient = GetComponent <CTclient>();

        lineR1 = gameObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
        Color myColor = ctunity.objectColor(gameObject);

        setLineProps(lineR1, myColor, myColor);
コード例 #12
 void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision)
     if (debug)
         Debug.Log(CTunity.fullName(gameObject) + ", END Collision with: " + collision.collider.name);
     if (thisCollider == collision.collider)
         thisCollider = null;
コード例 #13
 void OnTriggerExit(Collider collider)
     if (debug)
         Debug.Log(CTunity.fullName(gameObject) + ", END Trigger with: " + collider.name);
     if (thisCollider == collider)
         thisCollider = null;
コード例 #14
    void doCollision(Collider other)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log(name + ": doCollision, showHP: " + showHP + ", kso: " + kso);
        if (!showHP || kso == null)
            return;                                                              // no game
//        if (!showHP || kso == null || !ctunity.activePlayer(gameObject)) return;                                        // no game

        String myName    = CTunity.fullName(gameObject);
        String otherName = CTunity.fullName(other.gameObject);

        if (ctunity == null)
            ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();
        if (other.gameObject == null || ctunity == null)
            Debug.Log(name + ": OnTrigger null other object: " + other.name);

        // compare hit levels to see who wins
        HP = ctclient.getCustom("HP", HP);
        int damage = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)kso.ATK / (float)AC);

        HP -= damage;
        if (HP < 0)
            HP = 0;
        ctclient.putCustom("HP", HP);
        if (HP <= 0)
            if (killParent)  // can't destroyImmediate inside collision callback
                ctunity.clearObject(gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject, false);
                ctunity.clearObject(gameObject, false);
//        Debug.Log(myName + ", collide with: " + otherName+", damage: "+damage+", kso.ATK: "+kso.ATK+", AC: "+AC);

        if (scaleSize)
            targetScale = initialScale * (0.1f + 0.9f * ((float)(HP) / (float)initialHP));
コード例 #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a CSV serialized version of the player information.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ctunityI">Source of the information to be serialized.</param>
    /// <returns>Serialized player information.</returns>
    private static string serialize_csv(CTunity ctunityI)
        // header line:
        string CTstateString = "#" + ctunityI.replayText + ":" + ctunityI.ServerTime().ToString() + ":" + ctunityI.Player + "\n";

        string delim       = ";";
        int    objectCount = 0;

        foreach (GameObject ct in ctunityI.CTlist.Values)
            if (ct == null)
            CTclient ctp = ct.GetComponent <CTclient>();
            if (ctp == null)
            //			UnityEngine.Debug.Log("CTput: " + ct.name+", active: "+ct.activeSelf);

            String prefab = ctp.prefab;
            if (prefab.Equals("Ghost"))
                continue;                                                                       // no save ghosts
//			if (!ctunityI.replayActive && !ct.name.StartsWith(ctunityI.Player)) continue;  // only save locally owned objects
            if (!ctunityI.localPlayer(ct))
                continue;                                                 // only save locally owned objects
            CTstateString += ct.name;
            //            CTstateString += (delim + ct.tag);
            CTstateString += (delim + prefab);
            CTstateString += (delim + (ct.activeSelf ? "1" : "0"));
            CTstateString += (delim + ct.transform.localPosition.ToString("F4"));
            CTstateString += (delim + ct.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.ToString("F4"));
            if (ctp.link != null && ctp.link.Length > 0)
                CTstateString += (delim + ctp.link);
            CTstateString += "\n";


        if (objectCount == 0)
            return(null);                           // no objects, don't bother
コード例 #16
    public String TrackTarget = null;                   // child target (player.tracktarget)

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ctunity  = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();             // reference CTunity script
        ctclient = GetComponent <CTclient>();

        //		myScale = transform.localScale;                             // scale not set until enabled?
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);            // hide at startup

        //		ctclient.custom = TrackTarget;
        if (TrackTarget == null || TrackTarget.Equals(""))
            TrackTarget = ctunity.Player + "/Ball";
コード例 #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Deserialize a string into a List of one or more CTworld objects.
    /// This method supports parsing ".txt"/csv and JSON strings.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strI">The serialized world objects.</param>
    /// <returns>A List of CTworlds, parsed from the given string.</returns>
    public static List <CTworld> deserialize(CTunity ctunityI, string strI)
        List <CTworld> worlds = null;

        if (strI[0] == '#')
            worlds = CTserdes.deserialize_csv(strI);
        else if (strI[0] == '{')
            worlds = CTserdes.deserialize_json(ctunityI, strI);
コード例 #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a serialized version of the player information.
    /// This method supports serializing to ".txt"/csv and JSON formats.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ctunityI">Source of the information to be serialized.</param>
    /// <param name="formatI">Specifies the desired output serialization format.</param>
    /// <returns>Serialized player information.</returns>
    public static string serialize(CTunity ctunityI, Format formatI)
        string serStr = null;

        if (formatI == Format.CSV)
            serStr = serialize_csv(ctunityI);
        else if (formatI == Format.JSON)
            serStr = serialize_json(ctunityI);
コード例 #19
    private Dictionary <String, String> kvdict = null; // local dictionary of custom key-values

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        rb      = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>(); // reference CTunity script
        //       if (autoColor) setColor();          // set default color based on object name
        fullName = CTunity.fullName(gameObject);                       // get once in advance
        ctunity.CTregister(gameObject);                                // register with CTunity...
        trail = GetComponent <TrailRenderer>();                        // optional trail track
        // Debug.Log(name+": start ctunity: " + ctunity);

        if (LookAtMe)
            GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <maxCamera>().setTarget(transform);
コード例 #20
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();               // reference CTgroupstate script

        ctclient = GetComponent <CTclient>();
        if (ctclient == null)
            ctclient = transform.parent.GetComponent <CTclient>();                // try parent (e.g. RocketPlane/Launcher)
        if (ctclient == null)
            Debug.Log("Launcher no CTclient!");

        stopWatch = 0;
コード例 #21
    // detect triggers

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log(CTunity.fullName(gameObject) + ", Trigger with: " + collider.name);

        if (!showHP)
        ScoreBoard tkso = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <ScoreBoard>();

        //        if(tkso != null) Debug.Log("new kso.ATK: " + tkso.ATK + ", thisCollider: " + thisCollider);

        if (tkso != null && ctunity.activePlayer(gameObject) && !ctunity.localPlayer(collider.gameObject))
            kso          = tkso;
            thisCollider = collider;
            targetScale  = transform.localScale;
            stopWatch    = damageInterval;  // quick hit to start
コード例 #22
//	string[] xvals = null, yvals = null;

    void Start()
        ctunity  = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>(); // reference CTunity script
        ctclient = GetComponent <CTclient>();                           // interactive CT updates

        foreach (Transform child in transform)
            if (child.name == "Chart1")
                Chart1 = child.gameObject;
                Chart1.AddComponent <LineRenderer> ();
                lineR1 = Chart1.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
            if (child.name == "Chart2")
                Chart2 = child.gameObject;
                Chart2.AddComponent <LineRenderer> ();
                lineR2 = Chart2.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        setLineProps(lineR1, Color.blue);
        setLineProps(lineR2, Color.red);
コード例 #23
    void Start()
        ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();              // reference CTunity script
//		Init();
コード例 #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Deserialize the given JSON string into a List of CTworld objects.
    /// The given string may contain one or a concatenation of several "world" objects.
    /// JSON example:
    /// {"mode":"Live","time":1.536844452785E9,"name":"Blue","objects":[{"id":"Blue","prefab":"Ball","state":true,"pos":[-8.380356788635254,0.25,3.8628578186035156],"rot":[0.0,0.0,0.0],"custom":""}]}
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strI">The JSON serialized world objects.</param>
    /// <returns>A List of CTworlds, parsed from the given string.</returns>
    private static List <CTworld> deserialize_json(CTunity ctunityI, string strI)
        if ((strI == null) || (strI.Length < 10))

        List <CTworld> worlds = new List <CTworld>();

        // Break up the given string into different "world" objects
        // NOTE: This assumes that "player" is the first field in the JSON string
        List <int> indexes = AllIndexesOf(strI, @"{""player"":""");

        if (indexes.Count == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Count; ++i)
            int startIdx = indexes[i];
            int endIdx   = strI.Length - 1;
            if (i < (indexes.Count - 1))
                endIdx = indexes[i + 1];
            string      nextWorldStr = strI.Substring(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);
            CTworldJson dataFromJson = null;
                dataFromJson = JsonUtility.FromJson <CTworldJson>(nextWorldStr);
            catch (Exception e)
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Exception deserializing JSON: " + e.Message);
            if (dataFromJson == null || dataFromJson.objects == null)

            // skip active local player ( save the effort here and in MergeWorlds() )
            // ??  seems to have issues PB <--> RT ??
            //           if(ctunityI.activePlayer(dataFromJson.player)) continue;

            // Create CTworld object from CTworldJson (these classes are very similar but there are differences, see definitions above)
            CTworld jCTW = new CTworld();
            jCTW.player = dataFromJson.player;
            jCTW.time   = dataFromJson.time;
//			jCTW.mode = dataFromJson.mode;
            jCTW.objects = new Dictionary <String, CTobject>();
            foreach (CTobjectJson ctobject in dataFromJson.objects)
                CTobject cto = new CTobject();
                cto.id = ctobject.id;

                // legacy format conversion:
                //				if (cto.id.Equals(jCTW.player)) cto.id = cto.id + "/" + cto.id;  // convert old top-level player
                //				else if (cto.id.StartsWith(jCTW.player + ".")) cto.id = cto.id.Remove(0, jCTW.player.Length + 1);
//                Debug.Log("deserialize id: " + cto.id);
                cto.model = ctobject.model;
//				cto.state = ctobject.state;
//				cto.link = ctobject.link;
                cto.pos    = new Vector3((float)ctobject.pos[0], (float)ctobject.pos[1], (float)ctobject.pos[2]);
                cto.rot    = Quaternion.Euler((float)ctobject.rot[0], (float)ctobject.rot[1], (float)ctobject.rot[2]);
                cto.scale  = new Vector3((float)ctobject.scale[0], (float)ctobject.scale[1], (float)ctobject.scale[2]);
                cto.color  = new Color((float)ctobject.color[0], (float)ctobject.color[1], (float)ctobject.color[2], (float)ctobject.color[3]);
                cto.custom = ctobject.custom;
                jCTW.objects.Add(cto.id, cto);

        if (worlds.Count == 0)

コード例 #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a JSON serialized version of the player information.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ctunityI">Source of the information to be serialized.</param>
    /// <returns>Serialized player information.</returns>
    private static string serialize_json(CTunity ctunityI)
        CTworldJson world = new CTworldJson();

        world.player = ctunityI.Player;
        world.time   = ctunityI.ServerTime();
//		world.mode = ctunityI.replayText;
        world.objects = new List <CTobjectJson>();

        int objectCount = 0;

        foreach (GameObject ct in ctunityI.CTlist.Values)
            if (!ctunityI.localPlayer(ct))
                continue;                                                 // only save locally owned objects
//			Debug.Log("CTserdes ct.name: " + fullName);

            if (ct == null)
            CTclient ctp = ct.GetComponent <CTclient>();
            if (ctp == null)
            String prefab = ctp.prefab;
            if (prefab.Equals("Ghost"))
                continue;                                      // no save ghosts
//			if (!ctunityI.replayActive && !ct.name.StartsWith(ctunityI.Player)) continue;  // only save locally owned objects
//			if (!ctunityI.doCTwrite(fullName)) continue;          // only save locally owned objects

            CTobjectJson obj = new CTobjectJson();
//			obj.id = ct.name;

            // strip leading world-name from embedded object name
            String fullName = CTunity.fullName(ct);
            if (fullName.StartsWith(world.player + "/"))
                fullName = fullName.Remove(0, world.player.Length + 1);
            //           Debug.Log("CTserdes obj.id: " + obj.id + ", world.player: " + world.player+", fullName: "+fullName);
            obj.id = fullName;

            obj.model = prefab;
//			obj.state = (ct.activeSelf ? true : false);
            // NOTE: limit floating point values to 4 decimal places
            obj.pos = new List <Double>();
            obj.pos.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localPosition.x, 4));                //  was .position
            obj.pos.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localPosition.y, 4));
            obj.pos.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localPosition.z, 4));
            obj.rot = new List <Double>();
            obj.rot.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.x, 4));                // was .rotation
            obj.rot.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y, 4));
            obj.rot.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.z, 4));
            obj.scale = new List <Double>();
            obj.scale.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localScale.x, 4));
            obj.scale.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localScale.y, 4));
            obj.scale.Add(LimitPrecision(ct.transform.localScale.z, 4));

            Renderer renderer = ct.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            if (renderer != null)
//				Color mycolor = renderer.material.color;    // this NG for multi-part prefabs (e.g. biplane)
                Color mycolor = ctp.myColor;                                // NG?
                obj.color = new List <Double>();
                obj.color.Add(LimitPrecision(mycolor.r, 4));
                obj.color.Add(LimitPrecision(mycolor.g, 4));
                obj.color.Add(LimitPrecision(mycolor.b, 4));
                obj.color.Add(LimitPrecision(mycolor.a, 4));

//			if (ctp.link != null && ctp.link.Length > 0) obj.link = ctp.link;
            if (ctp.custom != null && ctp.custom.Length > 0)
                obj.custom = ctp.custom;

//		Debug.Log("serialize: "+ world.player+", count: "+ objectCount);
        //		if (objectCount == 0) return null;  // notta.  (returning no-object string writes header-only)

        string jsonData = null;

            jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(world);
        catch (Exception e)
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Exception serializing JSON: " + e.Message);

//		jsonData = jsonData.Replace("},", "},\n");     // for readability
        jsonData = jsonData.Replace("{\"id", "\n{\"id");             // for readability

コード例 #26
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     ctplayer = GetComponent <CTclient>();
     ctunity  = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();                 // reference CTunity script
コード例 #27
 // Take a shot immediately
 void Start()
     ctunity = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();
コード例 #28
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     gameOptions = GameObject.Find("Setup").gameObject;
     ctunity     = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();           // reference CTgroupstate script
コード例 #29
 void Start()
     ctunity  = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>();
     rawimage = GetComponent <RawImage>();
コード例 #30
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        replayControl = GameObject.Find("replayControl");
        ctunity       = GameObject.Find("CTunity").GetComponent <CTunity>(); // reference CTgroupstate script
        gameOptions   = GameObject.Find("Setup").gameObject;

        // define menu objects
        myCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <maxCamera>();

        Server   = GameObject.Find("Server");
        Session  = GameObject.Find("Session");
        Player   = GameObject.Find("Player1");
        Deploy   = GameObject.Find("Deploy");
        Login    = GameObject.Find("Login");
        User     = GameObject.Find("User");
        Password = GameObject.Find("Password");

        // setup callbacks

        Button[] buttons = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Button>();
        foreach (Button b in buttons)
            switch (b.name)
            case "Login":

            case "Quit":

        Dropdown[] drops = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Dropdown>();
        foreach (Dropdown d in drops)
            switch (d.name)
            case "Session":
                //                    ctunity.Session = d.GetComponent<Dropdown>().options[d.value].text;  // initialize
                // add listener to update session settings
                    ctunity.Session = d.GetComponent <Dropdown>().options[d.value].text; // set selected session
                    myCamera.setTarget(null);                                            // reset cam target to default

                    if (playerDrop != null)
                        ctunity.Player = playerDrop.GetComponent <Dropdown>().options[0].text;
                        ctunity.serverConnect();      // reset player path
                        playerDrop.value = 0;


            case "Deploy":
                // add listener to deploy new world
                                             { if (d.value != 0)
                                                   string svalue = d.GetComponent <Dropdown>().options[d.value].text;

                                                   if (svalue.Equals(ctunity.Save))
                                                       //	StartCoroutine("getInventoryList");         // update list of "World" prefabs
                                                   else if (svalue.Equals(ctunity.Clear))
                                                   else if (svalue.Equals(ctunity.Load))

                                                   d.value = 0; // reset to blank


            case "Player1":
                playerDrop     = d;
                ctunity.Player = d.GetComponent <Dropdown>().options[d.value].text;         // init?
                //  playerDrop.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(onClick);
                    String player = d.GetComponent <Dropdown>().options[d.value].text;
//                        Debug.Log("onValueChanged, d.value: " + d.value + ", ctunity.Player: " + ctunity.Player + ", player: " + player);
                    if (!player.Equals(ctunity.Player))
                        updateSession();                      // avoid new player set as child of prior player?
                        ctunity.Player = player;
//                           Debug.Log("new Player: " + player + ", d.value: " + d.value);
                        ctunity.serverConnect();      // reset player path
