コード例 #1
        public JsonResult updateTimeTrack(CTimeTrack model)
            string message = "";

            if (Session["userId"] == null)
                message = "Ej inloggad";
            if (message == "")
                int                   userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userId"]);
                CTimeTrack            ct     = new CTimeTrack();
                pdsTidRedLiveEntities db     = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities();
                    if (model.timeTrackRowID == 0)
                        ct.addTimeTrack(model, userId);
                        ct.editTimeTrack(model, userId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message = ex.Message;
            return(Json(message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
コード例 #2
        public JsonResult updateTimeTrack3(CTimeTrack model)
            string message = "";
            // 2018-04-03 KJBO
            int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userId"]);

            CTimeTrack            ct = new CTimeTrack();
            pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities();

                if (model.timeTrackRowID == 0)
                    ct.addTimeTrack(model, userId);

/*                    timeTrackHead th = db.timeTrackHead.FirstOrDefault(x => x.customerID == model.customerID
 *                  && x.userId == userId && x.tDate == model.tDate);
 *                  if (th == null)
 *                  {
 *                      int ttHeadId = db.timeTrackHead.Max(x => x.timeTrackHeadID);
 *                      ttHeadId++;
 *                      th = new timeTrackHead();
 *                      th.timeTrackHeadID = ttHeadId;
 *                      th.customerID = model.customerID;
 *                      th.userId = userId;
 *                      th.tDate = model.tDate;
 *                      db.timeTrackHead.Add(th);
 *                      db.SaveChanges();
 *                  }
 *                  model.timeTrackHeadID = th.timeTrackHeadID;
 *                  int ttRowId = db.timeTrackRow.Max(x => x.timeTrackRowID);
 *                  ttRowId++;
 *                  timeTrackRow tr = new timeTrackRow();
 *                  tr.timeTrackHeadID = model.timeTrackHeadID;
 *                  tr.timeTrackRowID = ttRowId;
 *                  tr.hours = model.hours;
 *                  tr.note = model.note;
 *                  tr.regDate = System.DateTime.Now;
 *                  tr.subProjectID = model.subProjectID;
 *                  db.timeTrackRow.Add(tr);
 *                  db.SaveChanges(); */
                    ct.editTimeTrack(model, userId);

                     * // First get the timeTrackHead to check if the date is the same as before
                     * timeTrackHead th = db.timeTrackHead.FirstOrDefault(x => x.timeTrackHeadID == model.timeTrackHeadID);
                     * if (th.tDate != model.tDate)
                     * {
                     *  int customerId = th.customerID;
                     *  int ttHeadId = db.timeTrackHead.Max(x => x.timeTrackHeadID);
                     *  ttHeadId++;
                     *  th = new timeTrackHead();
                     *  th.timeTrackHeadID = ttHeadId;
                     *  th.customerID = customerId;
                     *  th.userId = userId;
                     *  th.tDate = model.tDate;
                     *  db.timeTrackHead.Add(th);
                     *  db.SaveChanges();
                     *  model.timeTrackHeadID = th.timeTrackHeadID;
                     *  // Here we have work to do. First check if there are other timeTracks that uses the same timeTrackRow
                     *  int cntTTh = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHeadID == model.timeTrackHeadID).Count();
                     *  if (cntTTh == 1)
                     *  {
                     *      // In this case, only the current row points to this head and we can easily change the date without any problems
                     *      th.tDate = model.tDate;
                     *      db.SaveChanges();
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      // Check if there exists one timeTrackHead with the same values and in that case use that
                     *      th = db.timeTrackHead.FirstOrDefault(x => x.customerID == model.customerID
                     *          && x.userId == userId && x.tDate == model.tDate);
                     *      if (th != null)
                     *          model.timeTrackHeadID = th.timeTrackHeadID;
                     *      else
                     *      {
                     *          int ttHeadId = db.timeTrackHead.Max(x => x.timeTrackHeadID);
                     *          ttHeadId++;
                     *          th = new timeTrackHead();
                     *          th.timeTrackHeadID = ttHeadId;
                     *          th.customerID = model.customerID;
                     *          th.userId = userId;
                     *          th.tDate = model.tDate;
                     *          db.timeTrackHead.Add(th);
                     *          db.SaveChanges();
                     *          model.timeTrackHeadID = th.timeTrackHeadID;
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * timeTrackRow tr = db.timeTrackRow.FirstOrDefault(x => x.timeTrackRowID == model.timeTrackRowID);
                     * tr.timeTrackHeadID = model.timeTrackHeadID;
                     * tr.subProjectID = model.subProjectID;
                     * tr.hours = model.hours;
                     * tr.note = model.note;
                     * db.SaveChanges();
                     * }
                     * subProject2 p = null;
                     * if (model.subProjectID == 0)
                     * {
                     * p = new subProject2();
                     * p.projectID = model.projectID;
                     * }
                     * else
                     * p = db.subProject2.SingleOrDefault(x => x.subProjectID == model.subProjectID);
                     * p.subProjectName = model.subProjectName;
                     * if (model.subProjectID == 0)
                     * db.subProject2.Add(p);
                     * db.SaveChanges();
            catch (Exception ex)
                message = ex.Message;

            return(Json(message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));