コード例 #1
ファイル: TestNPOI.cs プロジェクト: abdulalimmasud/TestDocx
        // Copy Page Layout.
        // if next error message shows up, download "ooxml-schemas-1.1.jar" file and
        // add it to classpath.
        // [Error]
        // The type org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTPageMar
        // cannot be resolved.
        // It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
        // This error happens because there is no CTPageMar class in
        // poi-ooxml-schemas-3.10.1-20140818.jar.
        // [ref.] http://poi.apache.org/faq.html#faq-N10025
        // [ref.] http://poi.apache.org/overview.html#components
        // < ooxml-schemas 1.1 download >
        // http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/poi/ooxml-schemas/1.1/

        private static void CopyLayout(XWPFDocument srcDoc, XWPFDocument destDoc)
            CT_PageMar pgMar = srcDoc.Document.body.sectPr.pgMar;

            string bottom = pgMar.bottom;
            ulong  footer = pgMar.footer;
            ulong  gutter = pgMar.gutter;
            ulong  header = pgMar.header;
            ulong  left   = pgMar.left;
            ulong  right  = pgMar.right;
            string top    = pgMar.top;

            //CT_PageMar addNewPgMar = destDoc.Document.body.sectPr.pgMar;

            //addNewPgMar.bottom = bottom;
            //addNewPgMar.footer = footer;
            //addNewPgMar.gutter = gutter;

            //CT_PageSz pgSzSrc = srcDoc.Document.body.sectPr.pgSz;

            //string code = pgSzSrc.code;
            //BigInteger h = pgSzSrc.getH();
            //Enum orient = pgSzSrc.getOrient();
            //BigInteger w = pgSzSrc.getW();

            //CT_PageSz addNewPgSz = destDoc.getDocument().getBody().addNewSectPr().addNewPgSz();

コード例 #2
        private bool word_export_student(StudentData s)
            XWPFParagraph p;
            XWPFRun       r;
            int           chapter_idx;
            int           section_idx;

                _log.Info("Esportazione sudente in Word...");
                _log.Info("Cartella di esportazione: " + _settings.ExportFolder);

                if (Directory.Exists(_settings.ExportFolder) == false)
                    _log.Error("Errore! La cartella di esportazione non esiste!");

                // see https://github.com/tonyqus/npoi/blob/master/examples/xwpf/SimpleDocument/Program.cs

                XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument();
                doc.Document.body.sectPr = new CT_SectPr();
                CT_PageMar margin = doc.Document.body.sectPr.pgMar;
                margin.top    = mm_to_twip(15).ToString();
                margin.bottom = mm_to_twip(15).ToString();
                margin.left   = mm_to_twip(15);
                margin.right  = mm_to_twip(15);

                string font_family = "Courier New";

                // Title
                p                   = doc.CreateParagraph();
                p.Alignment         = ParagraphAlignment.CENTER;
                p.VerticalAlignment = NPOI.XWPF.UserModel.TextAlignment.CENTER;
                p.SpacingAfter      = 500;
                r                   = p.CreateRun();
                r.IsBold            = true;
                r.FontSize          = 16;
                r.FontFamily        = font_family;

                // Header: teacher, data
                p            = doc.CreateParagraph();
                p.Alignment  = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
                r            = p.CreateRun();
                r.FontSize   = 12;
                r.FontFamily = font_family;
                r.SetText("Insegnante: " + _settings.TeacherFirstName + " " + _settings.TeacherLastName);
                p              = doc.CreateParagraph();
                p.Alignment    = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
                p.SpacingAfter = 500;
                r              = p.CreateRun();
                r.FontSize     = 12;
                r.FontFamily   = font_family;
                r.SetText("Data      : " + DateStringName);

                // Student
                p            = doc.CreateParagraph();
                p.Alignment  = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
                r            = p.CreateRun();
                r.FontSize   = 12;
                r.FontFamily = font_family;
                r.SetText("Studente       : " + s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName);
                p = doc.CreateParagraph();
                p.SpacingAfter = 500;
                p.Alignment    = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
                r            = p.CreateRun();
                r.FontSize   = 12;
                r.FontFamily = font_family;
                r.SetText("Data di nascita: " + s.BirthDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));

                // Evaluation
                chapter_idx = 0;
                foreach (EvaluationChapter chapter in DataContainer.Instance.EvaluationScheme.Chapters)
                    // Student
                    p              = doc.CreateParagraph();
                    p.Alignment    = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
                    p.SpacingAfter = 200;
                    r              = p.CreateRun();
                    r.FontSize     = 16;
                    r.IsBold       = true;
                    r.FontFamily   = font_family;

                    section_idx = 0;
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (EvaluationSection section in chapter.Sections)
                        int level = s.GetEvaluationLevel(chapter_idx, section_idx);
                        if (level >= 0)
                            sb.Append(DataContainer.Instance.EvaluationScheme.GetLevelDescription(chapter_idx, section_idx, level) + " ");
                    p              = doc.CreateParagraph();
                    p.Alignment    = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
                    p.SpacingAfter = 400;
                    r              = p.CreateRun();
                    r.FontSize     = 12;
                    r.FontFamily   = font_family;

                // Save to disk
                string word_file_name = s.LastName + "_" + s.FirstName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm") + ".docx";
                _log.Info("Nome file               : " + word_file_name);
                string     complete_word_file_name = Path.Combine(_settings.ExportFolder, word_file_name);
                FileStream out1 = new FileStream(complete_word_file_name, FileMode.Create);

                if (_settings.OpenAfterExport)
                    MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Valutazione studente esportata in formato Word!", "Esportazione riuscita!", MessageBoxButton.OK);

            catch (Exception exc)
                _log.Error("Exception in export_student_word(): " + exc.Message);