コード例 #1
    /// Function:               StopSound
    public static void StopSound(int iSourceID, bool bFadeOut = true)
        // The below GameObject will contain the Audio Object.
        GameObject goAudioObject = null;

        // Loop through all active audio objects and retrieve the object that
        //  matches the provided id.
        foreach (GameObject goAudio in m_liActiveAudioObjects)
            if (goAudio == null)

            // Attempt to retrieve the audio clip object.
            CAudioClip aClip = goAudio.GetComponent <CAudioClip>();
            if (aClip == null)

            if (aClip.ClipId == iSourceID)
                // We found a match.
                goAudioObject = goAudio;

        // Check if we managed to find the gameobject.
        if (goAudioObject == null)

        // Retrieve the clip information object.
        CAudioClip cClipInfo = goAudioObject.GetComponent <CAudioClip>();

        // Check if it's marked for deletion.
        if (true == cClipInfo.MarkedForDestruction)
            // Take out the object and try stopping the sound again.

            StopSound(iSourceID, bFadeOut);

            // No point in going forward, we can exit the function.
            // Take out the object and try stopping the sound again.

            // Ensure we don't reprocess this clip.
            cClipInfo.MarkedForDestruction = true;

        // Retrieve the audio source for the fadeout functionality.
        AudioSource asSource = goAudioObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        if (true == bFadeOut)
            asSource.volume = 0;
コード例 #2
    /// Function:               CreateAndPlayAudio
    public static int CreateAndPlayAudio(Vector3 v3Position, string strAudioName, bool bLoop, bool bPlayOnAwake, bool bFadeIn, float fVolume)
        // This function will create a GameObject using the provided parameters and will add an
        //  AudioSource component to it which we will configure to suit our needs. The GameObject
        //  will be destroyed once we're done with it.

        string strFunctionName = "CAudioControl::CreateAndPlayAudio()";

        // Check if we have a collection available for the provided audio name.
        if (false == m_dAudioClipContainer.ContainsKey(strAudioName))
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0} {1} " + ErrorStrings.ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME, strFunctionName, strAudioName));

        // Get a list of audio clips available to us.
        List <AudioClip> liAudioClips = m_dAudioClipContainer[strAudioName];

        // Attempt to select a random clip from the list.
        AudioClip aClip = liAudioClips.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).FirstOrDefault();

        GameObject goAudioClipObject = new GameObject(strAudioName);

        goAudioClipObject.tag = Tags.TAG_AUDIO;

        // Set the position of the object.
        goAudioClipObject.transform.position = v3Position;

        // Add the Audio Source component
        goAudioClipObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();

        // Add the Clip Info object.
        goAudioClipObject.AddComponent <CAudioClip>();

        // Retrieve the Audio source component. We will use this reference to set up values, etc.
        AudioSource asSource = goAudioClipObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        // Retrieve the Clip information object.
        CAudioClip cClipInfo = goAudioClipObject.GetComponent <CAudioClip>();

        // Set up the audio source.
        asSource.playOnAwake = bPlayOnAwake;
        asSource.loop        = bLoop;
        asSource.clip        = aClip;
        asSource.volume      = 0f;

        // Check if we want to fade in the sound.
        if (true == bFadeIn)
            CStaticCoroutine.DoCoroutine(FadeIn(asSource, fVolume));
            asSource.volume = fVolume;

        // Play the clip and destroy the game object once we're done with it.

        if (false == bLoop)
            Destroy(goAudioClipObject, aClip.length);

        // Return an invalid id.