コード例 #1
    protected void ActivateSelecetedRaycastCheckersNEW(GameObject[] selectedGameObjects)
        List <CS_RaycastChecker> raycastCheckersToRemoveFromInactiveList = new List <CS_RaycastChecker>();

        // cycle selected objects and get their raycast checkers
        foreach (GameObject goRaycastChecker in selectedGameObjects)
            CS_RaycastChecker selectedRC = goRaycastChecker.GetComponent <CS_RaycastChecker>();
            // if the selected object is a raycast checker, activate it
            if (selectedRC)
                // serialize the raycast checker
                SerializedObject serializedRC = new SerializedObject(selectedRC);
                // get the raycaster active property
                SerializedProperty raycasterActiveProperty = serializedRC.FindProperty("raycasterActive");

                bool prevRCActiveValue = raycasterActiveProperty.boolValue;
                raycasterActiveProperty.boolValue = true; // activate the raycast checker

                // apply the serialized object property changes

                // if the editor is running
                if (EditorApplicationRunning)
                    // if value has changed
                    if (prevRCActiveValue != raycasterActiveProperty.boolValue)
                        // clear the view mesh


        // if raycast checkers are to be moved lists
        if (raycastCheckersToRemoveFromInactiveList.Count > 0)
            foreach (CS_RaycastChecker activeRaycastChecker in raycastCheckersToRemoveFromInactiveList)
                // if the raycast checker is in the inactive raycast checkers list
                if (inactiveRaycastCheckers.Contains(activeRaycastChecker))

コード例 #2
    protected void DeactivateSelectedRaycastCheckersNEW(GameObject[] selectedGameObjects)
        // cycle selected objects and get their raycast checkers
        foreach (GameObject goRaycastChecker in selectedGameObjects)
            CS_RaycastChecker selectedRC = goRaycastChecker.GetComponent <CS_RaycastChecker>();
            // if the selected object is a raycast checker, activate it
            if (selectedRC)
                // serialize the raycast checker
                SerializedObject serializedRC = new SerializedObject(selectedRC);
                // get the raycaster active property
                SerializedProperty raycasterActiveProperty = serializedRC.FindProperty("raycasterActive");
                bool prevRCActiveValue = raycasterActiveProperty.boolValue;
                raycasterActiveProperty.boolValue = false;

                // if the selected raycast checker is not in the inactive raycast checker list, add it
                if (!inactiveRaycastCheckers.Contains(selectedRC))

                // apply the serialized object property changes

                // if the editor is running
                if (EditorApplicationRunning)
                    // if value has changed
                    if (prevRCActiveValue != raycasterActiveProperty.boolValue)
                        // clear the view mesh