protected void ButtonDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CSS RequestDirector = new CSS(); DateTime defaultTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1800-01-01 12:00:00 PM"); //default date for event start and end times //get event info Event ActiveEvent = new Event(); ActiveEvent.EventID = ((Event)Session["Event"]).EventID; ActiveEvent = RequestDirector.GetEvent(ActiveEvent); //if event has started and not ended if (ActiveEvent.EventStart != defaultTime) { if (ActiveEvent.EventEnd == defaultTime) { //limit rating to 1-10 int Rating = int.Parse(LabelRating.Text); Rating = (Rating - 1 < 1) ? Rating = 1 : Rating - 1; LabelRating.Text = Rating.ToString(); //create evaluation and send to DB Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), Rating, ((Evaluator)Session["Evaluator"]).EvaluatorID, ((Event)Session["Event"]).EventID); bool Success = RequestDirector.AddEvaluation(eval); } else { Evaluator eval = new Evaluator(); eval.EvaluatorID = ((Evaluator)Session["Evaluator"]).EvaluatorID; FinishEvent(ActiveEvent, eval); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('The Event has not yet begun')", true); } }
protected void JoinBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //only validate if user has agreed to terms if (consentCheck.Checked) { DateTime defaultTime = Convert.ToDateTime("01-01-1800 12:00:00"); CSS RequestDirector = new CSS(); //check all open events to match event Key //return Event ID //get event info for key input Event currentEvent = new Event(); currentEvent.EventID = ((Event)Session["Event"]).EventID; currentEvent = RequestDirector.GetEvent(currentEvent); currentEvent.CustomQuestions = RequestDirector.GetQuestions(currentEvent.EventID); //check if event key exists if (currentEvent.EventKey != default(string)) { //if event end time is not default value, event is over. Can not join if (currentEvent.EventKey != "ZZZZ") { //create new evaluator Evaluator activeEvaluator = new Evaluator(); //get name if supplied if (tbName.Text == "") { activeEvaluator.Name = "Default"; } else { activeEvaluator.Name = tbName.Text; } //get criteria if selected if (DDLCrit.Items.Count > 0) { activeEvaluator.Criteria = DDLCrit.SelectedValue; } else { activeEvaluator.Criteria = "Overall Quality"; } activeEvaluator = RequestDirector.CreateEvaluator(activeEvaluator); foreach (Question q in currentEvent.CustomQuestions) { q.EvaluatorID = activeEvaluator.EvaluatorID; string responseTBID = string.Format("tb{0}", q.QID); TextBox tb = (TextBox)(PanelQuestions.FindControl(responseTBID)); q.ResponseText = tb.Text; RequestDirector.AddResponse(q); } //redirect to evaluate page if evaluator is created if (activeEvaluator.EvaluatorID != default(int)) { //create consent cookie if there isn't one var consentCookie = Request.Cookies["ConsentCookie"]; if (consentCookie == null) { HttpCookie newConsent = new HttpCookie("ConsentCookie", "true"); //set cookie to expire in 100 days newConsent.Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(100); Response.Cookies.Add(newConsent); } //Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(defaultTime, 999, activeEvaluator.EvaluatorID, currentEvent.EventID); Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), 999, activeEvaluator.EvaluatorID, currentEvent.EventID); RequestDirector.AddEvaluation(eval); Session["Event"] = currentEvent; Session["Evaluator"] = activeEvaluator; Response.Redirect("EvaluateEvent.aspx"); } else { //error creating evaluator ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('There was an error joining this event.')", true); } } else { } } else { } } else { consentCheck.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } }