コード例 #1
        public override void Initialize()
            SetStartDate(2013, 10, 7);
            SetEndDate(2013, 10, 11);
            AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Second);

            // Create two custom indicators, where one of them defines WarmUpPeriod parameter
            _customNotWarmUp = new CustomSMA("_customNotWarmUp", 60);
            _customWarmUp    = new CSMAWithWarmUp("_customWarmUp", 60);

            // Register the daily data of "SPY" to automatically update both indicators
            RegisterIndicator("SPY", _customWarmUp, Resolution.Minute);
            RegisterIndicator("SPY", _customNotWarmUp, Resolution.Minute);

            // Warm up _customWarmUp indicator
            WarmUpIndicator("SPY", _customWarmUp, Resolution.Minute);

            // Check _customWarmUp indicator has already been warmed up with the requested data
            if (!_customWarmUp.IsReady)
                throw new Exception("_customWarmUp indicator was expected to be ready");
            if (_customWarmUp.Samples != 60)
                throw new Exception("_customWarmUp indicator was expected to have processed 60 datapoints already");

            // Try to warm up _customNotWarmUp indicator. It's expected from LEAN to skip the warm up process
            // because this indicator doesn't implement IIndicatorWarmUpPeriodProvider
            WarmUpIndicator("SPY", _customNotWarmUp, Resolution.Minute);

            // Check _customNotWarmUp indicator is not ready, because the warm up process was skipped
            if (_customNotWarmUp.IsReady)
                throw new Exception("_customNotWarmUp indicator wasn't expected to be warmed up");
コード例 #2
        public override void Initialize()
            SetStartDate(2013, 10, 7);
            SetEndDate(2013, 10, 11);
            AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Second);

            // Create two custom indicators, where one of them defines WarmUpPeriod parameter
            _customNotWarmUp  = new CSMANotWarmUp("_customNotWarmUp", 60);
            _customWarmUp     = new CSMAWithWarmUp("_customWarmUp", 60);
            _customNotInherit = new SimpleMovingAverage("_customNotInherit", 60);
            // using 2nd SMA to match counterpart python algorithm ( CustomSMA + csharpIndicator )
            // so that AlgorithmHistoryDataPoints are the same in both
            _duplicateSMA = new SimpleMovingAverage("_duplicateSMA", 60);

            // Register the daily data of "SPY" to automatically update both indicators
            RegisterIndicator("SPY", _customWarmUp, Resolution.Minute);
            RegisterIndicator("SPY", _customNotWarmUp, Resolution.Minute);
            RegisterIndicator("SPY", _customNotInherit, Resolution.Minute);
            RegisterIndicator("SPY", _duplicateSMA, Resolution.Minute);

            // Warm up _customWarmUp indicator
            WarmUpIndicator("SPY", _customWarmUp, Resolution.Minute);

            // Check _customWarmUp indicator has already been warmed up with the requested data
            if (!_customWarmUp.IsReady)
                throw new Exception("_customWarmUp indicator was expected to be ready");
            if (_customWarmUp.Samples != 60)
                throw new Exception("_customWarmUp indicator was expected to have processed 60 datapoints already");

            // Try to warm up _customNotWarmUp indicator. It's expected from LEAN to skip the warm up process
            // because this indicator doesn't implement IIndicatorWarmUpPeriodProvider
            WarmUpIndicator("SPY", _customNotWarmUp, Resolution.Minute);

            // Check _customNotWarmUp indicator is not ready, because the warm up process was skipped
            if (_customNotWarmUp.IsReady)
                throw new Exception("_customNotWarmUp indicator wasn't expected to be warmed up");

            WarmUpIndicator("SPY", _customNotInherit, Resolution.Minute);
            // Check _customWarmUp indicator has already been warmed up with the requested data
            if (!_customNotInherit.IsReady)
                throw new Exception("_customNotInherit indicator was expected to be ready");
            if (_customNotInherit.Samples != 60)
                throw new Exception("_customNotInherit indicator was expected to have processed 60 datapoints already");

            WarmUpIndicator("SPY", _duplicateSMA, Resolution.Minute);
            // Check _customWarmUp indicator has already been warmed up with the requested data
            if (!_duplicateSMA.IsReady)
                throw new Exception("_duplicateSMA indicator was expected to be ready");
            if (_duplicateSMA.Samples != 60)
                throw new Exception("_duplicateSMA indicator was expected to have processed 60 datapoints already");