コード例 #1
        private void UpdateDictUserOpenedOrders(FUTTRADE.orders_log ol)
                string isin = m_plaza2Connector.Instruments.GetInstrumentByIsinId(ol.isin_id);
                CRawOrdersLogStruct rawOls = new CRawOrdersLogStruct((FUTTRADE.orders_log)ol.Copy());

                if (ol.action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Added)
                    DictUsersOpenedOrders[ol.id_ord] = rawOls;
                    //  m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.UpdateOrders(isin, new CRawOrdersLogStruct(ol));
                    Log("Update " + ol.id_ord);
                    string dbgString = "Update " + ol.id_ord;
                    m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.ExecuteWindowsUpdate(new Action(() => m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.UpdateOrders(isin, rawOls)));
                    Log("End update " + ol.id_ord);
                else if (ol.action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Deleted || ol.action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Deal)

                    Log("Remove " + ol.id_ord);
                    string dbgString = "Remove " + ol.id_ord;
                    m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.ExecuteWindowsUpdate(new Action(() => m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.RemoveOrder(rawOls.Id_ord)));
                    Log("End remove " + ol.id_ord);
            catch (Exception e)
                Error("UpdateDictUserOpenedOrders", e);
コード例 #2
 public OrderInst(string isin, CRawOrdersLogStruct ols)
     Id     = ols.Id_ord;
     Isin   = isin;
     Dir    = (ols.Dir == (int)OrderDirection.Buy) ? "Buy" : "Sell";
     Price  = ols.Price;
     Moment = ols.Moment;
     Amount = ols.Amount;
     Ext_id = ols.Ext_id;
コード例 #3
        public void DBGDeleted(CRawOrdersLogStruct userOrdLogStruct)
            string msg = "[ORDBOX_DELETED] ";

            msg += String.Format("Ext_id={0} Instrument={1} Id_ord={2} ",

コード例 #4
        public void Process(CTableRecrd record)
            //TODO normal
            //  if (!_client.IsOnlineUserOrderLog)
            //    _client.IsOnlineUserOrderLog = true;


            //TODO check partial acception!
            CRawOrdersLogStruct userOrdLogStruct = new CRawOrdersLogStruct()
                Id_ord = Convert.ToInt64(record.values["ORDERNO"]),
                Ext_id = Convert.ToInt16(record.values["EXTREF"]),
                Dir    = Convert.ToChar(record.values["BUYSELL"]) == 'B' ?
                         (sbyte)EnmOrderDir.Buy : (sbyte)EnmOrderDir.Sell,
                Price      = Convert.ToDecimal(record.values["PRICE"]),
                Amount     = Convert.ToInt16(record.values["QUANTITY"]),
                Instrument = Convert.ToString(record.values["SECCODE"]),
                Action     = (sbyte)CASTSConv.ASTSActionToEnmOrderAction(Convert.ToChar(record.values["STATUS"])),
                Moment     = CASTSConv.ASTSTimeToDateTime(record.values["ORDERTIME"].ToString())

            EnmBotEventCode evnt = EnmBotEventCode.OnEmptyEvent;

            if (userOrdLogStruct.Action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Added)
                evnt = EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderAccepted;
            else if (userOrdLogStruct.Action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Deleted)
                evnt = EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderCancel;
            else if (userOrdLogStruct.Action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Deal)
                evnt = EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderDeal;

                                          evnt, userOrdLogStruct);

            //foreach(CBotBase bb in
コード例 #5
         *                                              INHERITED METHODS

        /// <summary>
        /// Extends CBotBase Method.
        /// - Sends data to traders
        /// - Updates subbot's datra
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessRawOrdLogStruct(CRawOrdersLogStruct rols)


            if (_tradersDispatcher != null)
            //if (m_plaza2Connector.IsOnlineUserOrderLog)
                //TODO enqueue
                _tradersDispatcher.EnqueueUserOrdersUpdate(BotId, this);

コード例 #6
        public void UpdateOrders(string isin, CRawOrdersLogStruct rols)
            if (m_plaza2Connector.IsOnlineUserOrderLog &&
                m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.ExecuteWindowsUpdate(new Action(() =>
                    m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.IsOnlineUserOrderLogDelayed = true;


            m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.ExecuteWindowsUpdate(new Action(() =>
                                                                     Orders.UpdateWithId(new OrderInst(isin, rols))
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Call from ProcessRawOrdLogStruct
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rols"></param>
        private void UpdateSubBotOrdersMonitorInstr(CRawOrdersLogStruct rols)
            if (rols.Ext_id != BotId)

            string instrument = "unknown";

            //update 2017-08-10 for ASTS
            if (rols.Instrument != null && rols.Instrument != "") //for ASTS
                instrument = rols.Instrument;
            else //for Plaza 2
                if (_dealingServer.Instruments.IsContainsIsinId(rols.Isin_Id))
                    instrument = _dealingServer.Instruments.DictIsinId_Instrument[rols.Isin_Id];

                    Log("Error ! Unknown isin");

            if (!_subBots.ContainsKey(instrument))

            //2017-07-18 check _monitorOrdersAllTotal
            if (_monitorOrdersAllTotal.ContainsKey(instrument))
コード例 #8
        public void Recalc(CRawOrdersLogStruct ol, CLogger logger)
            decimal oldAmount = Amount;

            Amount = (ol.Dir == (sbyte)OrderDirection.Buy) ?   Amount + ol.Amount : Amount - ol.Amount;
            if (Amount != 0)
                //new del has same dir as pos
                if ((oldAmount >= 0 && ol.Dir == (sbyte)OrderDirection.Buy) || (oldAmount <= 0 && ol.Dir == (sbyte)OrderDirection.Sell))
                    AvPos = (AvPos * Math.Abs(oldAmount) + ol.Deal_Price * ol.Amount) / (Math.Abs(oldAmount) + ol.Amount);
                else //new dir has another direction and more than pos
                if ((Math.Abs(ol.Amount) > Math.Abs(oldAmount)))
                    AvPos = ol.Deal_Price;
                AvPos = 0;
            logger.Log("Amount=" + Amount + " AvPos=" + AvPos.ToString("0.0") + " | oldAmount=" + oldAmount + " | ol.Price=" + ol.Deal_Price + " ol.Amount=" + ol.Amount + " ol.Dir=" + ol.Dir + " ol.Id_ord=" + ol.Id_ord);
コード例 #9
 public void UpdateOrders(string isin, CRawOrdersLogStruct rols)
     ExecuteWindowsUpdate(new Action(() =>
                                     Orders.UpdateWithId(new OrderInst(isin, rols))
コード例 #10
 public void RemoveOrders(string isin, CRawOrdersLogStruct rols)
     m_plaza2Connector.GUIBox.ExecuteWindowsUpdate(new Action(() =>
コード例 #11
        public void Update(FUTTRADE.orders_log ol)
            int i;



                    //Here we fill "Raw Orders struct list based on replRev/replId

                    for (i = 0; i < m_listRawOrdersStruct.Count; i++)
                        if (m_listRawOrdersStruct[i].ReplId == ol.replID)
                            //Seems like this will never happened
                            m_listRawOrdersStruct[i] = new CRawOrdersLogStruct(ol);

                    if (i == m_listRawOrdersStruct.Count)
                        m_listRawOrdersStruct.Add(new CRawOrdersLogStruct(ol));

                        if (ol.action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Deal)

                        //TO DO put trigger new log here ?

                            foreach (CBotBase bt in m_plaza2Connector.ListBots)
                                if (bt.BotId == ol.ext_id)
                                    EnmBotEventCode evCode = EnmBotEventCode.OnEmptyEvent;
                                    if (ol.action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Added)
                                        evCode = EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderAccepted;
                                        //TEMPO ! comment it

                                        /*   CRawOrdersLogStruct rlstr = new CRawOrdersLogStruct(ol);
                                         * string instr = m_plaza2Connector.Instruments.GetInstrumentByIsinId(ol.isin_id);
                                         * bt.Recalc(instr, EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderAccepted, rlstr);
                                    else if (ol.action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Deleted)
                                        /*  CRawOrdersLogStruct rls = new CRawOrdersLogStruct(ol);
                                         * string isin = m_plaza2Connector.Instruments.GetInstrumentByIsinId(ol.isin_id);
                                         * bt.Recalc(isin, EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderCancel, rls);*/
                                        evCode = EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderCancel;
                                    else if (ol.action == (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Deal)
                                        /*  CRawOrdersLogStruct rls = new CRawOrdersLogStruct(ol);
                                         * string isin = m_plaza2Connector.Instruments.GetInstrumentByIsinId(ol.isin_id);
                                         * bt.Recalc(isin, EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderDeal, rls);
                                        evCode = EnmBotEventCode.OnOrderDeal;

                                    CRawOrdersLogStruct rls = new CRawOrdersLogStruct(ol);

                                    string isin = m_plaza2Connector.Instruments.GetInstrumentByIsinId(ol.isin_id);
                                    bt.Recalc(isin, evCode, rls);

                catch (Exception e)
                    Error("CUserOrderBox.Update", e);

            // TODO gen here orderslist for each obot
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Algorithm is described here:
        /// https://github.com/bitfinexcom/bitfinex-api-node/issues/153
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="respOrders"></param>
        /// <param name="orderAction"></param>
        public void ProcessOrder(ResponseOrders respOrders, EnmOrderAction orderAction)
            //TODO normal

            string instrument       = respOrders.Symbol.Remove(0, 1);
            int    decimalsOfVolume = _client.GetDecimalVolume(instrument);
            //int iAmount = (int)Math.Abs(CUtilConv.GetIntVolume((decimal)respOrders.Amount, decimalsOfVolume));
            //int iAmountOrig = (int)Math.Abs(CUtilConv.GetIntVolume((decimal)respOrders.AmountOrig, decimalsOfVolume));
            decimal amount     = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Abs((double)respOrders.Amount));
            decimal amountOrig = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Abs((double)respOrders.AmountOrig));

            //int iAmountRest = (int) CBfxUtils.GetIntVolume( Math.Abs((decimal)respOrders.AmountOrig) -  Math.Abs((decimal)respOrders.Amount),decimalsOfVolume);
            DateTime momentOrderCreate = CUtilTime.DateTimeFromUnixTimestampMillis((long)respOrders.MtsCreate);
            DateTime momentOrderUpdate = CUtilTime.DateTimeFromUnixTimestampMillis((long)respOrders.MtsUpdate);

            //check advance data in status field
            //Could by like "Cancelled" or  more complex "EXECUTED @ 10908.0(-0.0)
            EnmBfxOrderStatus orderStatus = CBfxUtils.GetOrderStatus(respOrders.OrderStatus);

            //common parametters same for all order update type
            CRawOrdersLogStruct userOrdLogStruct = new CRawOrdersLogStruct
                Id_ord = respOrders.Id,
                Ext_id = (int)respOrders.Gid,

                Price = Math.Abs((decimal)respOrders.Price),
                //	Amount = (int)iAmount,
                //    Amount_rest = iAmountRest,
                Instrument = instrument,
                Action     = (sbyte)BfxOrdStatusToEnmOrderAction(orderStatus),
                //    Moment = momentOrderCreate

            //case of add order
            if (orderAction == EnmOrderAction.Added)
                //2018-04-04 NOTE. Added order could be two cases:
                //1) Jast Added limit order - we do use amount
                //2) Put limit order by market and it is partialy filled - we alse do
                //   use amount as we initial order in bot with rest of order.
                //   One important thing - we do override Action from "Partialy filled" to "OrderAccepted"

                userOrdLogStruct.Amount = amount;
                userOrdLogStruct.Dir    = respOrders.Amount > 0 ? (sbyte)EnmOrderDir.Buy : (sbyte)EnmOrderDir.Sell;

                //Override to "OrderAccepted" for "partially filled" case
                if (orderStatus == EnmBfxOrderStatus.PartiallyFilled)
                    userOrdLogStruct.Action = (sbyte)EnmOrderAction.Added;

                //added 2018-06-06
                //first process deal if exist
                //old place of CheckForDealsWithNoBotId before 2018-08-03

                CUserOrder userOrder = new CUserOrder
                    Amount          = amount,
                    BotId           = userOrdLogStruct.Ext_id,
                    Instrument      = userOrdLogStruct.Instrument,
                    OrderActionLast = EnmOrderAction.Added,
                    OrderId         = userOrdLogStruct.Id_ord,
                    Status          = respOrders.OrderStatus
                //2018-06-03 move AFTER adding order (as is _userOrderLog later)
                _client.CheckForDealsWithNoBotId(userOrdLogStruct.Id_ord, userOrdLogStruct.Ext_id);

            //case of fully deleted order
            else if (orderAction == EnmOrderAction.Deleted && orderStatus == EnmBfxOrderStatus.Canceled)
                //just tell bot to cancell order

                //added 2018-05-13
                //first process deal if exist
                //old place of CheckForDealsWithNoBotId before 2018-08-03

                //no order is not need even for "very late" update.
                //2018-05-31 removed (user cancel before "te" and "tu"- having a problem)
                //				  userOrdLogStruct.Instrument,
                //			  userOrdLogStruct.Id_ord);

                //2018-05-31 set order deleted
                CUserOrder userOrder = new CUserOrder
                    Amount          = amount,
                    BotId           = userOrdLogStruct.Ext_id,
                    Instrument      = userOrdLogStruct.Instrument,
                    OrderActionLast = EnmOrderAction.Deleted,
                    OrderId         = userOrdLogStruct.Id_ord,
                    Status          = respOrders.OrderStatus

                //2018-06-03 move AFTER adding order (as is _userOrderLog later)
                _client.CheckForDealsWithNoBotId(userOrdLogStruct.Id_ord, userOrdLogStruct.Ext_id);


                //TODO check not processed deals
            //case of full or partial executed order
            else if ((orderAction == EnmOrderAction.Deleted && orderStatus == EnmBfxOrderStatus.Executed) ||
                     //case of partial filled
                     (orderAction == EnmOrderAction.Update && orderStatus == EnmBfxOrderStatus.PartiallyFilled))

                decimal amountUse = amountOrig - amount;
                //check for partially filled
                userOrdLogStruct.Dir = respOrders.AmountOrig > 0 ? (sbyte)EnmOrderDir.Buy : (sbyte)EnmOrderDir.Sell;

                //2018-04-04 possible cases:
                //1) Deleted and executed order by market when limit order was not set yet, on that case amount=0
                //   but as no order exist in BotBase.MonitorOrders - nothing happens
                //2) Deal for order that exists, we do encrease amounts of orders on that case -NOT TESTED-
                userOrdLogStruct.Amount = amount;

                //first tell bot order deal

                //_userOrderTracker.Update(userOrdLogStruct.Ext_id, userOrdLogStruct.Id_ord, respOrders.OrderStatus);

                //2018-06-13 the same as in all two other conditions
                //old place of CheckForDealsWithNoBotId before 2018-08-03

                EnmOrderAction ordActUse = EnmOrderAction.Unknown;

                if (orderStatus == EnmBfxOrderStatus.Executed)
                    ordActUse = EnmOrderAction.Deal;
                else if (orderStatus == EnmBfxOrderStatus.PartiallyFilled)
                    ordActUse = EnmOrderAction.PartialFilled;

                CUserOrder userOrder = new CUserOrder
                    Amount          = amount,
                    BotId           = userOrdLogStruct.Ext_id,
                    Instrument      = userOrdLogStruct.Instrument,
                    OrderActionLast = ordActUse,
                    OrderId         = userOrdLogStruct.Id_ord,
                    Status          = respOrders.OrderStatus


                _client.CheckForDealsWithNoBotId(userOrdLogStruct.Id_ord, userOrdLogStruct.Ext_id);

                _dbg.DBGExecPartFilled(ordActUse, userOrder);