コード例 #1
ファイル: CQuadtree_Indie.cs プロジェクト: dexo568/LightFight
    public CQuadtree(Vector3 up, Vector3 front, CPlanet planet, Texture2D shapeTex)
        m_Planet = planet;
        m_ShapeTex = shapeTex;

        m_Up = m_SUp = up;
        m_Front = m_SFront = front;
        m_Right = -Vector3.Cross(m_Up, m_Front);

        m_Parent = null;
        m_SplitLevel = 0;
        m_Size = m_Planet.m_Radius * 2;

        m_Neighbors[0].node = m_Neighbors[1].node = m_Neighbors[2].node = m_Neighbors[3].node = null;
        m_Neighbors[0].isFixed = m_Neighbors[1].isFixed = m_Neighbors[2].isFixed = m_Neighbors[3].isFixed = false;
        m_Children[0] = m_Children[1] = m_Children[2] = m_Children[3] = null;

        m_NeedsRejoinCount = 0;
        m_HasChildren = false;
        m_NeedsReedge = true;
        m_NeedsTerrain = true;
        m_GapFixMask = 15;

        m_NormalMapTex = null;


        m_Plane = new Plane(m_Volume.vertices[0], m_Volume.vertices[2], m_Volume.vertices[1]);
コード例 #2
        public CPlanet Get(string id)
            Planet planet = ST.GetPlanet(id);

            List <CFilm>     cFilms     = new List <CFilm>();
            List <CResident> cResidents = new List <CResident>();

            String name       = planet.name;
            String population = planet.population;

            foreach (string filmURI in planet.films)
                addFilm(cFilms, filmURI);

            foreach (string resURI in planet.residents)
                addRes(cResidents, resURI);

            CPlanet cPlanet = new CPlanet(name, population, cFilms, cResidents);

コード例 #3
    public void CreatePlanetsData()
        CPlanet tmpPlanet;
        int     randomType;
        float   distance;
        float   angle;
        float   scale;
        Vector3 position;

        for (int i = 0; i < m_planetNumber; i++)
            //randomType =(int)Mathf.Round(UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)E_PLANET_TYPE.E_BARREN,
            //                                                      (float)E_PLANET_TYPE.E_NB_PLANET_TYPE - 1.55f));
            randomType = planetTypeComputing();
            distance   = (float)(cst.E_MINIMAL_PLANET_DISTANCE + (int)cst.E_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PLANETS * i);
            angle      = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 2 * Mathf.PI);

            scale = 1f;

            position = new Vector3(distance * Mathf.Cos(angle), 0, distance * Mathf.Sin(angle));

            tmpPlanet = new CPlanet(this, m_starName + "_" + i, (E_PLANET_TYPE)randomType, scale, position);

コード例 #4
ファイル: CPatchManager.cs プロジェクト: dexo568/LightFight
 public CPatchManager(CPatchConfig config, CPlanet planet)
     for (byte i=0; i<16; i++)
         GenGrid(i, config, planet);
コード例 #5
 public CPatchManager(CPatchConfig config, CPlanet planet)
     for (byte i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         GenGrid(i, config, planet);
コード例 #6
    public CLodSphere(bool outer, CPlanet planet)
        CGlobal global = CGlobal.GetInstance();

        m_Planet = planet;

        if (outer)
            // outer atmosphere
            m_Material = (Material)Material.Instantiate(global.OuterAtmosphereMaterial);
            // inner atmosphere
            m_Material = (Material)Material.Instantiate(global.InnerAtmosphereMaterial);

        m_Material.SetFloat("_planetRadius", m_Planet.m_Radius);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_atmosRadius", m_Planet.AtmosRadius);
        m_Material.SetColor("_color1", m_Planet.m_AtmosColor1);
        m_Material.SetColor("_color2", m_Planet.m_AtmosColor2);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_sunIntensity", m_Planet.m_sunIntensity);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_horizonHeight", m_Planet.m_HorizonHeight);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_horizonIntensity", m_Planet.m_HorizonIntensity);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_horizonPower", m_Planet.m_HorizonPower);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_minAlpha", m_Planet.m_MinAtmosAlpha);

        m_Spheres = new GameObject[3];

        // lod is 0:lowest, 1:mid, 2:highest detail
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            // save original parent transformations
            Vector3    parentPos = m_Planet.gameObject.transform.position;
            Quaternion parentQua = m_Planet.gameObject.transform.rotation;

            // reset parent transformations before assigning mesh data (so our vertices will be centered on the parent transform)
            m_Planet.gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
            m_Planet.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

            m_Spheres[i] = new GameObject("atmos lod " + i);
            m_Spheres[i].AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            m_Spheres[i].AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            // ### outer atmosphere tesselation should be using AtmosSlices and AtmosStacks configs from CPatchConfig...
            m_Spheres[i].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = global.MakeSphere((outer ? m_Planet.AtmosRadius : m_Planet.AtmosRadius * 1.25f), 15 * ((i + 1) * 4), 11 * ((i + 1) * 4));
            m_Spheres[i].transform.parent = m_Planet.gameObject.transform;

            m_Spheres[i].renderer.sharedMaterial = m_Material;

            // restore parent transformations
            m_Planet.gameObject.transform.position = parentPos;
            m_Planet.gameObject.transform.rotation = parentQua;

            // inactivate this gameobject
            m_Spheres[i].hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.NotEditable;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CLodSphere.cs プロジェクト: dexo568/LightFight
    public CLodSphere(bool outer, CPlanet planet)
        CGlobal global = CGlobal.GetInstance();

        m_Planet = planet;

        if (outer)
            // outer atmosphere
            m_Material = (Material)Material.Instantiate(global.OuterAtmosphereMaterial);
            // inner atmosphere
            m_Material = (Material)Material.Instantiate(global.InnerAtmosphereMaterial);

        m_Material.SetFloat("_planetRadius", m_Planet.m_Radius);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_atmosRadius", m_Planet.AtmosRadius);
        m_Material.SetColor("_color1", m_Planet.m_AtmosColor1);
        m_Material.SetColor("_color2", m_Planet.m_AtmosColor2);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_sunIntensity", m_Planet.m_sunIntensity);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_horizonHeight", m_Planet.m_HorizonHeight);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_horizonIntensity", m_Planet.m_HorizonIntensity);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_horizonPower", m_Planet.m_HorizonPower);
        m_Material.SetFloat("_minAlpha", m_Planet.m_MinAtmosAlpha);

        m_Spheres = new GameObject[3];

        // lod is 0:lowest, 1:mid, 2:highest detail
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            // save original parent transformations
            Vector3 parentPos = m_Planet.gameObject.transform.position;
            Quaternion parentQua = m_Planet.gameObject.transform.rotation;

            // reset parent transformations before assigning mesh data (so our vertices will be centered on the parent transform)
            m_Planet.gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
            m_Planet.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

            m_Spheres[i] = new GameObject("atmos lod " + i);

            // ### outer atmosphere tesselation should be using AtmosSlices and AtmosStacks configs from CPatchConfig...
            m_Spheres[i].GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = global.MakeSphere((outer ? m_Planet.AtmosRadius : m_Planet.AtmosRadius * 1.25f), 15 * ((i + 1) * 4), 11 * ((i + 1) * 4));
            m_Spheres[i].transform.parent = m_Planet.gameObject.transform;

            m_Spheres[i].GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial = m_Material;

            // restore parent transformations
            m_Planet.gameObject.transform.position = parentPos;
            m_Planet.gameObject.transform.rotation = parentQua;

            // inactivate this gameobject
            m_Spheres[i].hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.NotEditable;
コード例 #8
ファイル: CPlanetEditor.cs プロジェクト: Heavenfather/Mission
    void OnSceneGUI()
        CPlanet p = (CPlanet)target;

        if (p.m_Wysiwyg)
コード例 #9
ファイル: CPlanetEditor.cs プロジェクト: Heavenfather/Mission
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        CPlanet p = (CPlanet)target;


        if (GUI.changed)
            if (!p.m_Wysiwyg)
コード例 #10
    private void SelectPlayerStar()
        int selectedStar, selectedPlanet;

        selectedStar = returnStarIndexContainingLushPlanet();
        if (selectedStar == -1)
            Debug.Log("Alert, impossible to find star with lush planet !");

        selectedPlanet = returnLushPlanetIndex(selectedStar);
        if (selectedPlanet == -1)
            Debug.Log("Alert impossible to find lush planet in star " + selectedStar);

        CStar star = listOfStars[selectedStar];

        star.m_parentFaction = E_FACTION.E_PLAYER;


        CPlanet selectStartPlanet = star.m_planetList[selectedPlanet];
        CColony startColony       = new CColony(selectStartPlanet);

        selectStartPlanet.m_colony = startColony;

        GameObject instance = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Constantes.prefab_sprite_green_circle_name)) as GameObject;

        instance.transform.localScale *= 3f;
        instance.transform.position    = star.m_starPosition;
        //store star and green circle game object in dict
        PlayerManager.playerInstance.m_playerStarsToCircle.Add(star, instance);

        GameObject instanceColonyGreenCircle = Instantiate(Resources.Load(Constantes.prefab_sprite_green_circle_name)) as GameObject;

        instanceColonyGreenCircle.transform.localScale *= 3f;
        instanceColonyGreenCircle.transform.position    = startColony.m_parentPlanet.m_planetPosition;
        instanceColonyGreenCircle.gameObject.SetActive(false); // will be done in solar system view
        PlayerManager.playerInstance.m_playerPlanetcolonyToPlayerCircle.Add(startColony, instanceColonyGreenCircle);
コード例 #11
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Ray        mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit hit      = new RaycastHit();

        if (Physics.Raycast(mouseRay, out hit))
            // Entering from galaxy view to solar system view
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && !solarSystemViewActive)
                m_star = GalaxyManager.galaxyInstance.returnStarFromGameobject(hit.transform.gameObject);
                if (m_star != null)
            else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && solarSystemViewActive)
                CPlanet planet = returnPlanetFromGameObject(hit.transform.gameObject);
                if (planet != null)
                    infoText.text = "Selected Planet     : \n" +
                                    "Planet Name         : " + planet.m_planetName + "\n" +
                                    "Planet Type         : " + planet.m_planetType + "\n" +
                                    "Position            : " + planet.m_planetPosition.ToString() + "\n";
                else if (m_centralStarToGameObject.Values.ToList().IndexOf(hit.transform.gameObject) != -1)
                    infoText.text = "Star of the solar system    : \n" +
                                    "Name         : " + m_star.m_starName + "\n" +
                                    "Type         : " + m_star.m_starType + "\n";
コード例 #12
ファイル: CQuadtree_Indie.cs プロジェクト: dexo568/LightFight
    // volume is already passed as 1/2 of the parent's volume
    public CQuadtree(CQuadtree parent, CBoundingVolume volume)
        m_Parent = parent;
        m_Planet = parent.m_Planet;
        m_ShapeTex = parent.m_ShapeTex;

        m_SplitLevel = (ushort)(m_Parent.m_SplitLevel + 1);
        if (m_SplitLevel > m_Planet.HighestSplitLevel) m_Planet.HighestSplitLevel = m_SplitLevel;
        m_Size = m_Parent.m_Size / 2;

        // make the new spherical projected volume

        m_Volume = volume;

        Vector3 v1 = m_Volume.vertices[0];
        Vector3 v2 = m_Volume.vertices[1];
        Vector3 v3 = m_Volume.vertices[2];
        Vector3 v4 = m_Volume.vertices[3];

        Vector2 uv1 = m_Volume.uvs[0];
        Vector2 uv2 = m_Volume.uvs[1];
        Vector2 uv3 = m_Volume.uvs[2];
        Vector2 uv4 = m_Volume.uvs[3];

        m_SVolume = new CBoundingVolume();

        m_SVolume.vertices.Add(CMath.ProjectToSphere(v1, m_Planet.m_Radius));
        m_SVolume.vertices.Add(CMath.ProjectToSphere(v2, m_Planet.m_Radius));
        m_SVolume.vertices.Add(CMath.ProjectToSphere(v3, m_Planet.m_Radius));
        m_SVolume.vertices.Add(CMath.ProjectToSphere(v4, m_Planet.m_Radius));


        // extrapolate the flat volume vertices and uvs for normalmapping

        float vertSpace = m_Size / (m_Planet.PatchConfig.PatchSize - 1);		// vertex spacing
        Vector3 left = -m_Right;

        v1 += left * vertSpace + m_Up * vertSpace;
        v2 += m_Right * vertSpace + m_Up * vertSpace;
        v3 += m_Right * vertSpace - m_Up * vertSpace;
        v4 += left * vertSpace - m_Up * vertSpace;


        // --

        m_Neighbors[0].node = m_Neighbors[1].node = m_Neighbors[2].node = m_Neighbors[3].node = null;
        m_Neighbors[0].isFixed = m_Neighbors[1].isFixed = m_Neighbors[2].isFixed = m_Neighbors[3].isFixed = false;
        m_Children[0] = m_Children[1] = m_Children[2] = m_Children[3] = null;

        m_NeedsRejoinCount = 0;
        m_HasChildren = false;
        m_NeedsReedge = true;
        m_NeedsTerrain = true;
        m_GapFixMask = 15;

        m_NormalMapTex = null;

        m_Normal = m_Parent.m_Normal;

        m_Up = m_Parent.m_Up;

        m_Center = (volume.vertices[0] + volume.vertices[1] + volume.vertices[2] + volume.vertices[3]) / 4;
        m_SCenter = m_Center;
        m_SCenter = CMath.ProjectToSphere(m_SCenter, m_Planet.m_Radius);

        m_SUp = m_SCenter;

        m_Front = m_Parent.m_Front;
        m_SFront = Vector3.Lerp(m_SVolume.vertices[0], m_SVolume.vertices[1], 0.5f) - m_SCenter;

        m_Plane = m_Parent.m_Plane;

        m_Right = m_Parent.m_Right;
コード例 #13
 public CColony(CPlanet parent)
     m_buildingList = new List <CBuilding>();
     m_parentPlanet = parent;
コード例 #14
ファイル: CPatchManager.cs プロジェクト: dexo568/LightFight
    private void GenGrid(byte edges, CPatchConfig config, CPlanet planet)
                +++ +O+ +++ +O+
                +++ +++ O+O O+O
                +++ +O+ +++ +O+

                +O+ +++ +++ +++
                +++ ++O +++ O++
                +++ +++ +O+ +++

                +O+ +++ +++ +O+
                ++O ++O O++ O++
                +++ +O+ +O+ +++

                +O+ +O+ +++ +O+
                O+O ++O O+O O++
                +++ +O+ +O+ +O+

        // number of triangles in one full-res line
        // discounting the two extremities triangles that aren't included on this edge
        ushort edgeFullTrianglesCount = (ushort)((config.PatchSize-1) * 2 - 2);

        // number of indices in one full-res edge
        ushort edgeFullIndexCount = (ushort)(edgeFullTrianglesCount * 3);

        // number of triangles in one half-res edge
        // discounting the two extremities triangles that aren't included on this edge
        ushort edgeHalfTriangleCount = (ushort)((edgeFullTrianglesCount/2) + (edgeFullTrianglesCount/4));

        // number of indices in one half-res edge
        ushort edgeHalfIndexCount = (ushort)(edgeHalfTriangleCount * 3);

        // number of indices within the main part of the patch,
        // discounting the four edges that will sum up to this
        ushort mainIndexCount = (ushort)(((config.PatchSize - 3) * (config.PatchSize - 3)) * 6);

        // our total of indices
        // starts with the mainIndexCount,
        // and gets update with edges index counts
        ushort totalIndexCount = mainIndexCount;

        // add index count for each edge
        int i=1;
        while (i < 16)
            if ((edges & i) > 0)
                // half-res edge
                totalIndexCount += edgeHalfIndexCount;
                // full-res edge
                totalIndexCount += edgeFullIndexCount;

            i <<= 1;

        // allocate indices (triangles) for the patch type
        int[] idxList = new int[totalIndexCount];

        // generate indices for the interior of the patch - at full-res

        ushort idx = 0;
        for (ushort lin=1; lin<config.PatchSize-2; lin++)
            ushort pos = (ushort)(lin * config.PatchSize);
            for (ushort col = 1; col < config.PatchSize - 2; col++)
                ushort pp = (ushort)(pos + col);

                // x, x+1, x+config.PatchSize
                idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;
                idxList[idx++] = pp+1;
                idxList[idx++] = pp;

                // x+config.PatchSize, x+1, x+1+config.PatchSize
                idxList[idx++] = pp + 1 + config.PatchSize;
                idxList[idx++] = pp+1;
                idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;

        // generate indices for the edges

        // 0000 == all edges at full-res
        // 0001 (1) == top edge at half-res
        // 0010 (2) == right edge at half-res
        // 0100 (4) == bottom edge at half-res
        // 1000 (8) == left edge at half-res

        // top edge

        if ((edges & (1 << (int)en_NeighborDirection.NB_Top)) > 0)
            // top edge at half-resolution
            bool flag = false;
            ushort x = 0;
            ushort pp = 0;
            while (x < config.PatchSize-2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+2;

                    x += 2;
                    pp += 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;

                flag = !flag;
            // top edge at full-resolution
            bool flag = false;
            ushort x = 0;
            ushort pp = 0;
            while (x < config.PatchSize-2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+2;

                    x += 2;
                    pp += 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;

                flag = !flag;

        // right edge

        if ((edges & (1 << (int)en_NeighborDirection.NB_Right)) > 0)
            // right edge at half-resolution
            bool flag = false;
            ushort y = 0;
            ushort pp = (ushort)(config.PatchSize-1);
            while (y < config.PatchSize-2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize*2;

                    y += 2;
                    pp += (ushort)(config.PatchSize*2);
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize-1;

                flag = !flag;
            // right edge at full-resolution
            bool flag = false;
            ushort y = 0;
            ushort pp = (ushort)(config.PatchSize-1);
            while (y < config.PatchSize-2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize*2;

                    y += 2;
                    pp += (ushort)(config.PatchSize*2);
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize-1;

                flag = !flag;

        // bottom edge

        if ((edges & (1 << (int)en_NeighborDirection.NB_Bottom)) > 0)
            // bottom edge at half-resolution
            bool flag = false;
            ushort x = 0;
            ushort pp = (ushort)((config.PatchSize-1) * config.PatchSize);
            while (x < config.PatchSize-2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize+1;

                    x += 2;
                    pp += 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize-1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize;

                flag = !flag;
            // bottom edge at full-resolution
            bool flag = false;
            ushort x = 0;
            ushort pp = (ushort)((config.PatchSize-1) * config.PatchSize);
            while (x < config.PatchSize-2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize+1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize+1;

                    x += 2;
                    pp += 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize-1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize;

                flag = !flag;

        // left edge

        if ((edges & (1 << (int)en_NeighborDirection.NB_Left)) > 0)
            // left edge at half-resolution
            bool flag = false;
            ushort y = 0;
            ushort pp = 0;
            while (y < config.PatchSize-2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize*2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;

                    y += 2;
                    pp += (ushort)(config.PatchSize*2);
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize+1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+1;

                flag = !flag;
            // left edge at full-resolution
            bool flag = false;
            ushort y = 0;
            ushort pp = 0;
            while (y < config.PatchSize-2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize*2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;

                    y += 2;
                    pp += (ushort)(config.PatchSize*2);
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+config.PatchSize+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp+1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp-config.PatchSize+1;

                flag = !flag;

コード例 #15
    private void GenGrid(byte edges, CPatchConfig config, CPlanet planet)
         +++ +O+ +++ +O+
         +++ +++ O+O O+O
         +++ +O+ +++ +O+
         +O+ +++ +++ +++
         +++ ++O +++ O++
         +++ +++ +O+ +++
         +O+ +++ +++ +O+
         ++O ++O O++ O++
         +++ +O+ +O+ +++
         +O+ +O+ +++ +O+
         +++            O+O ++O O+O O++
         +++ +O+ +O+ +O+

        // number of triangles in one full-res line
        // discounting the two extremities triangles that aren't included on this edge
        ushort edgeFullTrianglesCount = (ushort)((config.PatchSize - 1) * 2 - 2);

        // number of indices in one full-res edge
        ushort edgeFullIndexCount = (ushort)(edgeFullTrianglesCount * 3);

        // number of triangles in one half-res edge
        // discounting the two extremities triangles that aren't included on this edge
        ushort edgeHalfTriangleCount = (ushort)((edgeFullTrianglesCount / 2) + (edgeFullTrianglesCount / 4));

        // number of indices in one half-res edge
        ushort edgeHalfIndexCount = (ushort)(edgeHalfTriangleCount * 3);

        // number of indices within the main part of the patch,
        // discounting the four edges that will sum up to this
        ushort mainIndexCount = (ushort)(((config.PatchSize - 3) * (config.PatchSize - 3)) * 6);

        // our total of indices
        // starts with the mainIndexCount,
        // and gets update with edges index counts
        ushort totalIndexCount = mainIndexCount;

        // add index count for each edge
        int i = 1;

        while (i < 16)
            if ((edges & i) > 0)
                // half-res edge
                totalIndexCount += edgeHalfIndexCount;
                // full-res edge
                totalIndexCount += edgeFullIndexCount;

            i <<= 1;

        // allocate indices (triangles) for the patch type
        int[] idxList = new int[totalIndexCount];

        // generate indices for the interior of the patch - at full-res

        ushort idx = 0;

        for (ushort lin = 1; lin < config.PatchSize - 2; lin++)
            ushort pos = (ushort)(lin * config.PatchSize);
            for (ushort col = 1; col < config.PatchSize - 2; col++)
                ushort pp = (ushort)(pos + col);

                // x, x+1, x+config.PatchSize
                idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;
                idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;
                idxList[idx++] = pp;

                // x+config.PatchSize, x+1, x+1+config.PatchSize
                idxList[idx++] = pp + 1 + config.PatchSize;
                idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;
                idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;

        // generate indices for the edges

        // 0000 == all edges at full-res
        // 0001 (1) == top edge at half-res
        // 0010 (2) == right edge at half-res
        // 0100 (4) == bottom edge at half-res
        // 1000 (8) == left edge at half-res

        // top edge

        if ((edges & (1 << (int)en_NeighborDirection.NB_Top)) > 0)
            // top edge at half-resolution
            bool   flag = false;
            ushort x    = 0;
            ushort pp   = 0;
            while (x < config.PatchSize - 2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 2;

                    x  += 2;
                    pp += 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;

                flag = !flag;
            // top edge at full-resolution
            bool   flag = false;
            ushort x    = 0;
            ushort pp   = 0;
            while (x < config.PatchSize - 2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 2;

                    x  += 2;
                    pp += 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;

                flag = !flag;

        // right edge

        if ((edges & (1 << (int)en_NeighborDirection.NB_Right)) > 0)
            // right edge at half-resolution
            bool   flag = false;
            ushort y    = 0;
            ushort pp   = (ushort)(config.PatchSize - 1);
            while (y < config.PatchSize - 2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize * 2;

                    y  += 2;
                    pp += (ushort)(config.PatchSize * 2);
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize - 1;

                flag = !flag;
            // right edge at full-resolution
            bool   flag = false;
            ushort y    = 0;
            ushort pp   = (ushort)(config.PatchSize - 1);
            while (y < config.PatchSize - 2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize * 2;

                    y  += 2;
                    pp += (ushort)(config.PatchSize * 2);
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize - 1;

                flag = !flag;

        // bottom edge

        if ((edges & (1 << (int)en_NeighborDirection.NB_Bottom)) > 0)
            // bottom edge at half-resolution
            bool   flag = false;
            ushort x    = 0;
            ushort pp   = (ushort)((config.PatchSize - 1) * config.PatchSize);
            while (x < config.PatchSize - 2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize + 1;

                    x  += 2;
                    pp += 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize - 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize;

                flag = !flag;
            // bottom edge at full-resolution
            bool   flag = false;
            ushort x    = 0;
            ushort pp   = (ushort)((config.PatchSize - 1) * config.PatchSize);
            while (x < config.PatchSize - 2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize + 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize + 1;

                    x  += 2;
                    pp += 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize - 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize;

                flag = !flag;

        // left edge

        if ((edges & (1 << (int)en_NeighborDirection.NB_Left)) > 0)
            // left edge at half-resolution
            bool   flag = false;
            ushort y    = 0;
            ushort pp   = 0;
            while (y < config.PatchSize - 2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize * 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;

                    y  += 2;
                    pp += (ushort)(config.PatchSize * 2);
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize + 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;

                flag = !flag;
            // left edge at full-resolution
            bool   flag = false;
            ushort y    = 0;
            ushort pp   = 0;
            while (y < config.PatchSize - 2)
                if (!flag)
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize * 2;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;

                    y  += 2;
                    pp += (ushort)(config.PatchSize * 2);
                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + config.PatchSize + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;

                    idxList[idx++] = pp;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp + 1;
                    idxList[idx++] = pp - config.PatchSize + 1;

                flag = !flag;

コード例 #16
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     //Update in galaxy
     if (!SolarSystemManager.m_solarSystemInstance.solarSystemViewActive)
         //check for star clicks
         if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
             Ray        mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
             RaycastHit hit      = new RaycastHit();
             if (Physics.Raycast(mouseRay, out hit))
                 CStar star = GalaxyManager.galaxyInstance.returnStarFromGameobject(hit.transform.gameObject);
                 if (star != null)
                     if (star.m_parentFaction == E_FACTION.E_PLAYER)
     }// Update in solar system view
         // check for planet clicks
         if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
             Ray        mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
             RaycastHit hit      = new RaycastHit();
             if (Physics.Raycast(mouseRay, out hit))
                 CPlanet planet = SolarSystemManager.m_solarSystemInstance.returnPlanetFromGameObject(hit.transform.gameObject);
                 if (planet != null)
                     if (planet.m_parentStar.m_parentFaction == E_FACTION.E_PLAYER)
                         if (planet.m_colony != null)
         // Check right click on colonized planet to print colony management canva;
         else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
             Ray        mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
             RaycastHit hit      = new RaycastHit();
             if (Physics.Raycast(mouseRay, out hit))
                 CPlanet planet = SolarSystemManager.m_solarSystemInstance.returnPlanetFromGameObject(hit.transform.gameObject);
                 if (planet != null)
                     if (planet.m_parentStar.m_parentFaction == E_FACTION.E_PLAYER)
                         if (planet.m_colony != null)
                             // todo
                             Debug.Log("Entering in colony management scene");
コード例 #17
 public void ShowColonyManager(CColony colony)
     currentPlanet = colony.m_parentPlanet;
コード例 #18
 public void CloseColonyManager()
     currentPlanet = null;