public void add(CPage page) { _embeddedPages.Add(page); _currentIndex = 0; base.add(page); }
private void GetPage() { if (m_IdChapter == null) { m_oPage = m_oBook.GetPage(m_iActualPage); } else { CChapter oChapter = (CChapter)m_oBook.Chapter[m_IdChapter]; m_oPage = oChapter.GetPage(m_iActualPage); } }
private void PopulateCPage() { try { using (RockyingDataClassesDataContext dc = new RockyingDataClassesDataContext(Utility.ConnectionString)) { CustomPage p = (from u in dc.CustomPages where u.ID == ID select u).SingleOrDefault(); try { cp = Utility.Deserialize <CPage>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(string.Format("{1}/cpagexml-{0}.txt", ID, Utility.CustomPageFolder)))); cp.CreatedBy = p.CreatedBy; cp.CreatedByName = p.Member.MemberName; cp.DateCreated = p.DateCreated; if (p.ModifiedBy.HasValue) { cp.ModifiedBy = p.ModifiedBy.Value; cp.ModifiedByName = p.Member1.MemberName; } if (p.DateModified.HasValue) { cp.DateModified = p.DateModified.Value; } cp.Status = (PostStatusType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PostStatusType), p.Status.ToString()); cp.Name = p.Name; cp.ID = p.ID; } catch (Exception inner) { Trace.Write("Unable to load cpage details."); Trace.Write(inner.Message); Trace.Write(inner.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Write("Unable to load page details."); Trace.Write(ex.Message); Trace.Write(ex.StackTrace); } }
private void LoadPicturePage() { string sImage = ""; splitContainer5.SplitterDistance = this.Width - 59; splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = this.Width - splitContainer5.Width - 1; if (pictureBox1.BackgroundImage != null) { pictureBox1.BackgroundImage.Dispose(); pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = null; GC.Collect(); } try { if (m_IdChapter == null) { m_oPage = m_oBook.GetPage(m_iActualPage); } else { CChapter oChapter = (CChapter)m_oBook.Chapter[m_IdChapter]; m_oPage = oChapter.GetPage(m_iActualPage); } sImage = CGenDef.BooksDir + "\\" + m_oBook.NameId + "\\" + m_oPage.Background; pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(sImage); } catch { pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(CGenDef.BooksDir + m_oBook.NameId + "\\cover.png"); } if (pictureBox1.BackgroundImage.Width < this.Width - 119) { splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = this.Width - pictureBox1.BackgroundImage.Width - 59; splitContainer5.SplitterDistance = pictureBox1.BackgroundImage.Width; } }
public FBook(CBook oBook) { InitializeComponent(); speaker = new SpeechSynthesizer(); Program.EyeXHost.Connect(behaviorMap1); //behaviorMap1.Add(btNext, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGaze)); behaviorMap1.Add(btNext, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeClick) { DelayMilliseconds = 2000 }); behaviorMap1.Add(btBack, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGaze)); behaviorMap1.Add(btBack, new EyeXFramework.ActivatableBehavior(OnButtonActivated)); behaviorMap1.Add(richTextBox1, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeRichTextBox)); behaviorMap1.Add(button1, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); behaviorMap1.Add(button2, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); behaviorMap1.Add(button3, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); behaviorMap1.Add(button4, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); behaviorMap1.Add(button5, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); behaviorMap1.Add(button6, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); behaviorMap1.Add(button7, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); behaviorMap1.Add(button8, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); behaviorMap1.Add(button9, new EyeXFramework.GazeAwareBehavior(OnGazeWord)); KeyDown += OnKeyDown; KeyUp += OnKeyUp; m_oBook = oBook; m_iActualPage = 1; m_oPage = m_oBook.GetPage(m_iActualPage); GetPage(); m_sWords = new string[] { "Halloween", "brincar", "pizza", "floresta", "porta", "barulho", "monstro", "televisão" }; btNext.Select(); }
private void GetPage() { richTextBox1.ResetText(); m_oPage = m_oBook.GetPage(m_iActualPage); for (int i = 1; i < m_oPage.Lines.Count + 1; i++) { richTextBox1.AppendText("\n\n"); richTextBox1.AppendText(m_oPage.GetLine(i).Text); richTextBox1.AppendText("\n"); } richTextBox1.SelectAll(); richTextBox1.SelectionAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; btNext.Visible = m_iActualPage == m_oBook.Pages.Count ? false : true; btBack.Visible = m_iActualPage == 1 ? false : true; label1.Text = m_oBook.Name; label2.Text = m_oPage.PageId.ToString() + " de " + m_oBook.Pages.Count.ToString(); SetEffectWord(); }
private void dlgShow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; try { myModule.fMain.initBanDo(this.AxMap1); this.myPages = new CPages(); try { IEnumerator enumerator = myModule.fMain.myPages.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CPage cPage = (CPage)enumerator.Current; this.myPages.AddNewPage(cPage.Symbols); } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) { (enumerator as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } this.PageCount = this.myPages.Count; } catch (Exception expr_84) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(expr_84); Exception ex = expr_84; MessageBox.Show("SaiRoi: " + ex.Message); this.Dispose(); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.AxMap1.ZoomTo(myModule.fMain.AxMap1.Zoom, myModule.fMain.AxMap1.CenterX, myModule.fMain.AxMap1.CenterY); this.ShowPage(this.iCurrPage); }
private void ShowPage(int pPageIndex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { CPage cPage = this.myPages[pPageIndex]; if (!Information.IsNothing(cPage)) { this.m_DrawingSymbols = CSymbols.String2KHs(cPage.Symbols); } this.AxMap1.Refresh(); } catch (Exception expr_40) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(expr_40); Exception ex = expr_40; Interaction.MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Show Error"); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; this.iCurrPage = pPageIndex; this.AxMap1.Select(); this.AxMap1.CurrentTool = ToolConstants.miPanTool; }
void removePage(CPage pg) { pg.mPre.mNext = pg.mNext; pg.mNext.mPre = pg.mPre; pg.detach(); }
public CPage setPrePage() { if (mPageMain == null) return null; mPageCurrent = mPageCurrent.mPre; return mPageCurrent; }
public CPage setNextPage() { if (mPageMain == null) return null; mPageCurrent = mPageCurrent.mNext; return mPageCurrent; }
public CPage pushPage(string name) { CPage ret = null; if (mPageMain == null) { mPageMain = new CPage(name, mPages ); mPageMain.mPre = mPageMain; mPageMain.mNext = mPageMain; mPageLast = mPageMain; mPageCurrent = mPageMain; ret = mPageCurrent; } else { mPageCurrent = new CPage(name, mPages); mPageCurrent.mPre = mPageLast; mPageLast.mNext = mPageCurrent; mPageCurrent.mNext = mPageMain; mPageMain.mPre = mPageCurrent; mPageLast = mPageCurrent; ret = mPageCurrent; } ret.mSplit.evtOnLMDownClear(); Action<int, int> moveHandle = (x, y) => { var dt = ret.mSplit.updateFixpointDelta(x, y); //Console.WriteLine(dt.X); ret.mRoot.width = ret.mRoot.width + dt.X; ret.mNext.mRoot.width = ret.mNext.mRoot.width - dt.X; //Console.WriteLine(ret.mRoot.width); UIRoot.Instance.root.adjustLayout(); ret.mSplit.beginFixpoint(x, y); ret.mRoot.attrs["oringWidth"] = ret.mRoot.width; ret.mRoot.setDirty(true); }; Action<int, int> upHandle = null; ; upHandle = (x, y) => { UIRoot.Instance.evtMove -= moveHandle; UIRoot.Instance.evtLeftUp -= upHandle; }; mPageCurrent.mSplit.evtOnLMDown += (ui, x, y) => { ret.mSplit.beginFixpoint(x, y); ret.mRoot.attrs["oringWidth"] = ret.mRoot.width; ret.mSplit.attrs["oringPx"] = ret.mSplit.px; UIRoot.Instance.evtMove += moveHandle; UIRoot.Instance.evtLeftUp += upHandle; return false; }; relayoutPages(); return mPageCurrent; }
public void popPage() { if (mPageMain == null) return; if (mPageLast == mPageMain) return; removePage(mPageLast); if (mPageCurrent == mPageLast) { mPageCurrent = mPageLast.mPre; } mPageLast = mPageLast.mPre; }
public void remove(CPage page) { _embeddedPages.Remove(page); base.remove(page); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HPM = null; string pname = "home"; if (Page.RouteData.Values["pagename"] != null) { pname = Page.RouteData.Values["pagename"].ToString(); } if (pname != "home") { using (RockyingDataClassesDataContext dc = new RockyingDataClassesDataContext(Utility.ConnectionString)) { int pid = (from u in dc.CustomPages where u.Name == pname && u.Status == (byte)PostStatusType.Publish select u.ID).SingleOrDefault(); CP = Utility.Deserialize <CPage>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(string.Format("{1}/cpagexml-{0}.txt", pid, Utility.CustomPageFolder)))); Master.NoTemplate = CP.NoTemplate; #region Replace Custom Data Source DataSourceManager dsm = new DataSourceManager(); CP.Body = dsm.ParseAndPopulate(CP.Body); #endregion } } else { HPM = new HomePageModel(); using (RockyingDataClassesDataContext dc = new RockyingDataClassesDataContext(Utility.ConnectionString)) { var items = (from t in dc.Posts where t.Status == (byte)PostStatusType.Publish orderby t.DateCreated descending select t).Take(9); foreach (var i in items) { Article a = new Article(); a.Category = i.Category; a.CategoryName = i.Category1.Name; a.CreatedBy = i.CreatedBy; a.CreatedByName = i.Member.MemberName; a.DateCreated = i.DateCreated; a.DateModified = i.DateModified; a.Description = i.Description; a.ID = i.ID; a.ModifiedBy = i.ModifiedBy; a.Status = (PostStatusType)i.Status; a.Tag = i.Tag; a.Text = string.Empty; a.Title = i.Title; a.OGImage = Utility.TrimStartHTTP(i.OGImage); a.OGDescription = i.OGDescription; a.WriterEmail = i.WriterEmail; a.WriterName = i.WriterName; a.Viewed = i.Viewed; a.URL = i.URL; HPM.LatestList.Add(a); } var top = from t in dc.TopStories orderby t.DateCreated descending select t; foreach (var i in top) { Article a = new Article(); a.Category = i.Post.Category; a.CategoryName = i.Post.Category1.Name; a.CreatedBy = i.Post.CreatedBy; a.CreatedByName = i.Post.Member.MemberName; a.DateCreated = i.Post.DateCreated; a.DateModified = i.Post.DateModified; a.Description = i.Post.Description; a.ID = i.Post.ID; a.ModifiedBy = i.Post.ModifiedBy; a.Status = (PostStatusType)i.Post.Status; a.Tag = i.Post.Tag; a.Text = string.Empty; a.Title = i.Post.Title; a.OGImage = Utility.TrimStartHTTP(i.Post.OGImage); a.OGDescription = i.Post.OGDescription; a.WriterEmail = i.Post.WriterEmail; a.WriterName = i.Post.WriterName; a.URL = i.Post.URL; HPM.HeroList.Add(a); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { CP = new CPage(); CP.Body = Resources.Resource._404; Trace.Write("Invalid pagename"); Trace.Write(ex.Message); Trace.Write(ex.StackTrace); } }