コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the new output file object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ai">AttachmentInfo</param>
    /// <param name="data">Output file data</param>
    public CMSOutputFile NewOutputFile(AttachmentInfo ai, byte[] data)
        CMSOutputFile file = new CMSOutputFile(ai, data);

        file.Watermark         = this.Watermark;
        file.WatermarkPosition = this.WatermarkPosition;

コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the new output file object.
    /// </summary>
    public CMSOutputFile NewOutputFile()
        CMSOutputFile file = new CMSOutputFile();

        file.Watermark         = this.Watermark;
        file.WatermarkPosition = this.WatermarkPosition;

コード例 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the attachment.
    /// </summary>
    protected void ProcessAttachment()
        outputFile = null;

        // If guid given, process the attachment
        guid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("guid", Guid.Empty);
        allowLatestVersion = CheckAllowLatestVersion();

        if (guid != Guid.Empty)
            // Check version
            if (VersionHistoryID > 0)
                ProcessFile(guid, VersionHistoryID);
            // Get by node GUID
            nodeGuid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("nodeguid", Guid.Empty);
            if (nodeGuid != Guid.Empty)
                // If node GUID given, process the file
                // Get by alias path and file name
                aliasPath = QueryHelper.GetString("aliaspath", null);
                fileName  = QueryHelper.GetString("filename", null);
                if (aliasPath != null)
                    ProcessNode(aliasPath, fileName);

        // If chset specified, do not cache
        string chset = QueryHelper.GetString("chset", null);

        if (chset != null)
            mIsLatestVersion = true;
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if page visit activity logging is enabled, if so returns contact ID.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to be sent</param>
    /// <param name="contactId">Current contact ID</param>
    protected bool LoggingActivityEnabled(CMSOutputFile file, out int contactId)
        contactId = 0;
        if ((file == null) || (file.FileNode == null))

        // Check if logging is enabled
        if (ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(CurrentSiteName) && ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledForThisUser(CMSContext.CurrentUser) &&
            if (file.Attachment != null)
                // Get allowed extensions (if not specified log everything)
                bool   doLog   = true;
                string tracked = SettingsKeyProvider.GetStringValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSActivityTrackedExtensions");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tracked))
                    string extension = file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension;
                    if (extension != null)
                        string extensions = String.Format(";{0};", tracked.ToLower().Trim().Trim(';'));
                        extension = extension.TrimStart('.').ToLower();
                        doLog     = extensions.Contains(String.Format(";{0};", extension));

                if (doLog)
                    // Check if logging is enabled for current document
                    TreeNode fileNode = file.FileNode;
                    if ((fileNode != null) && ((fileNode.DocumentLogVisitActivity == true) ||
                                               (fileNode.DocumentLogVisitActivity == null) && ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(fileNode.GetInheritedValue("DocumentLogVisitActivity", SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(CurrentSiteName)), false)))
                        contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID();
                        return(contactId > 0);
コード例 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the last modified and expires header to the response
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">Output file data</param>
    private void SetTimeStamps(CMSOutputFile file)
        DateTime expires = DateTime.Now;

        // Send last modified header to allow client caching

        if (!file.IsSecured)
            // Setup the client cache
            if (AllowClientCache)
                expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(this.ClientCacheMinutes);

コード例 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Logs analytics and/or activity event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to be sent</param>
    protected void LogEvent(CMSOutputFile file)
        if (IsLiveSite && (file != null) && (file.FileNode != null) && (file.FileNode.NodeClassName.ToLower() == "cms.file"))
            // Check if request is multipart request and log event if not
            GetRange(100, HttpContext.Current);  // GetRange() parses request header and sets 'IsMultipart' property
            if (!IsMultipart)
                if (IsRangeRequest && (BrowserHelper.IsIE() || BrowserHelper.IsChrome()))

            if (file.Attachment == null)

            // Log analytics hit
            if (AnalyticsHelper.IsLoggingEnabled(CurrentSiteName, String.Empty) && AnalyticsHelper.TrackFileDownloadsEnabled(CurrentSiteName) && !AnalyticsHelper.IsFileExtensionExcluded(CurrentSiteName, file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension))
                HitLogProvider.LogHit(HitLogProvider.FILE_DOWNLOADS, CurrentSiteName, file.FileNode.DocumentCulture, file.FileNode.NodeAliasPath, file.FileNode.NodeID);

            // Log download activity
            // Get current contact ID and check if activity logging is enabled
            int  contactId = 0;
            bool loggingActivityEnabled = LoggingActivityEnabled(file, out contactId);
            if (loggingActivityEnabled && (contactId > 0))
                ActivityLogHelper.LogFileDownload(contactId, CurrentSiteName, file.FileNode.NodeID, file.FileNode.DocumentName, file.Attachment.AttachmentName, file.FileNode.DocumentCulture);
コード例 #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Ensures the physical file.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">Output file</param>
    public bool EnsurePhysicalFile(CMSOutputFile file)
        if (file == null)

        // Try to link to file system
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Watermark) && (file.Attachment != null) && (file.Attachment.AttachmentVersionHistoryID == 0) && AttachmentManager.StoreFilesInFileSystem(file.SiteName))
            string filePath = AttachmentManager.EnsurePhysicalFile(file.Attachment, file.SiteName);
            if (filePath != null)
                if (file.Resized)
                    // If resized, ensure the thumbnail file
                    if (AttachmentManager.GenerateThumbnails(file.SiteName))
                        filePath = AttachmentManager.EnsureThumbnailFile(file.Attachment, file.SiteName, Width, Height, MaxSideSize);
                        if (filePath != null)
                            // Link to the physical file
                            file.PhysicalFile = filePath;
                    // Link to the physical file
                    file.PhysicalFile = filePath;

        file.PhysicalFile = "";
コード例 #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the specified version of the file and returns the data to the output stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="attachmentGuid">Attachment GUID</param>
    /// <param name="versionHistoryId">Document version history ID</param>
    protected void ProcessFile(Guid attachmentGuid, int versionHistoryId)
        AttachmentInfo atInfo = GetFile(attachmentGuid, versionHistoryId);

        if (atInfo != null)
            // If attachment is image, try resize
            byte[] mFile = atInfo.AttachmentBinary;
            if (mFile != null)
                string mimetype = null;
                if (ImageHelper.IsImage(atInfo.AttachmentExtension))
                    if (AttachmentManager.CanResizeImage(atInfo, Width, Height, MaxSideSize))
                        // Do not search thumbnail on the disk
                        mFile    = AttachmentManager.GetImageThumbnail(atInfo, CurrentSiteName, Width, Height, MaxSideSize, false);
                        mimetype = "image/jpeg";

                if (mFile != null)
                    outputFile = NewOutputFile(atInfo, mFile);
                    outputFile = NewOutputFile();
                outputFile.Height      = Height;
                outputFile.Width       = Width;
                outputFile.MaxSideSize = MaxSideSize;
                outputFile.MimeType    = mimetype;

            // Get the file document
            if (node == null)
                node = TreeProvider.SelectSingleDocument(atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID);

            if (node != null)
                // Check secured area
                SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(node.NodeSiteID);
                if (si != null)
                    if (pi == null)
                        pi = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(si.SiteName, node.NodeAliasPath, node.DocumentCulture, node.DocumentUrlPath, false);
                    if (pi != null)
                        URLRewriter.RequestSecurePage(pi, false, ViewMode, CurrentSiteName);
                        URLRewriter.CheckSecuredAreas(CurrentSiteName, pi, false, ViewMode);

                // Check the permissions for the document
                if ((CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed) || (node.NodeOwner == CurrentUser.UserID))
                    if (outputFile == null)
                        outputFile = NewOutputFile();

                    outputFile.AliasPath   = node.NodeAliasPath;
                    outputFile.CultureCode = node.DocumentCulture;
                    if (IsLiveSite && AttachmentManager.CheckPublishedFiles(CurrentSiteName))
                        outputFile.IsPublished = node.IsPublished;
                    outputFile.FileNode = node;
                    outputFile = null;
コード例 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the specified version of the file and returns the data to the output stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="attachmentGuid">Attachment GUID</param>
    /// <param name="versionHistoryId">Document version history ID</param>
    protected void ProcessFile(Guid attachmentGuid, int versionHistoryId)
        AttachmentInfo atInfo = GetFile(attachmentGuid, versionHistoryId);
        if (atInfo != null)
            // If attachment is image, try resize
            byte[] mFile = atInfo.AttachmentBinary;
            if (mFile != null)
                string mimetype = null;
                if (ImageHelper.IsImage(atInfo.AttachmentExtension))
                    if (AttachmentInfoProvider.CanResizeImage(atInfo, Width, Height, MaxSideSize))
                        // Do not search thumbnail on the disk
                        mFile = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetImageThumbnail(atInfo, CurrentSiteName, Width, Height, MaxSideSize, false);
                        mimetype = "image/jpeg";

                if (mFile != null)
                    outputFile = NewOutputFile(atInfo, mFile);
                    outputFile = NewOutputFile();
                outputFile.Height = Height;
                outputFile.Width = Width;
                outputFile.MaxSideSize = MaxSideSize;
                outputFile.MimeType = mimetype;

            // Get the file document
            if (node == null)
                node = TreeProvider.SelectSingleDocument(atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID);

            if (node != null)
                // Check secured area
                SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(node.NodeSiteID);
                if (si != null)
                    if (pi == null)
                        pi = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(si.SiteName, node.NodeAliasPath, node.DocumentCulture, node.DocumentUrlPath, false);
                    if (pi != null)
                        URLRewriter.RequestSecurePage(pi, false, ViewMode, CurrentSiteName);
                        URLRewriter.CheckSecuredAreas(CurrentSiteName, pi, false, ViewMode);

                // Check the permissions for the document
                if ((CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed) || (node.NodeOwner == CurrentUser.UserID))
                    if (outputFile == null)
                        outputFile = NewOutputFile();

                    outputFile.AliasPath = node.NodeAliasPath;
                    outputFile.CultureCode = node.DocumentCulture;
                    if (IsLiveSite && AttachmentInfoProvider.CheckPublishedFiles(CurrentSiteName))
                        outputFile.IsPublished = node.IsPublished;
                    outputFile.FileNode = node;
                    outputFile = null;
コード例 #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the specified file and returns the data to the output stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="attachmentGuid">Attachment guid</param>
    protected void ProcessFile(Guid attachmentGuid)
        AttachmentInfo atInfo = null;

        bool requiresData = true;

        // Check if it is necessary to load the file data
        if (useClientCache && IsLiveSite && AllowClientCache)
            // If possibly cached by client, do not load data (may not be sent)
            string ifModifiedString = Request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"];
            if (ifModifiedString != null)
                requiresData = false;

        // If output data available from cache, do not require loading the data
        byte[] cachedData = GetCachedOutputData();
        if (cachedData != null)
            requiresData = false;

        // Get AttachmentInfo object
        if (!IsLiveSite)
            // Not livesite mode - get latest version
            if (node != null)
                atInfo = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(node, attachmentGuid, TreeProvider, true);
                atInfo = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(attachmentGuid, TreeProvider, CurrentSiteName);
            if (!requiresData || AttachmentInfoProvider.StoreFilesInFileSystem(CurrentSiteName))
                // Do not require data from DB - Not necessary or available from file system
                atInfo = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetAttachmentInfoWithoutBinary(attachmentGuid, CurrentSiteName);
                // Require data from DB - Stored in DB
                atInfo = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetAttachmentInfo(attachmentGuid, CurrentSiteName);

            // If attachment not found,
            if (allowLatestVersion && ((atInfo == null) || (latestForHistoryId > 0) || (atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID == latestForDocumentId)))
                // Get latest version
                if (node != null)
                    atInfo = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(node, attachmentGuid, TreeProvider, true);
                    atInfo = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(attachmentGuid, TreeProvider, CurrentSiteName);

                // If not attachment for the required document, do not return
                if ((atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID != latestForDocumentId) && (latestForHistoryId == 0))
                    atInfo = null;
                    mIsLatestVersion = true;

        if (atInfo != null)
            // Temporary attachment is always latest version
            if (atInfo.AttachmentFormGUID != Guid.Empty)
                mIsLatestVersion = true;

            // Check if current mimetype is allowed
            if (!CheckRequiredMimeType(atInfo))

            bool checkPublishedFiles = AttachmentInfoProvider.CheckPublishedFiles(CurrentSiteName);
            bool checkFilesPermissions = AttachmentInfoProvider.CheckFilesPermissions(CurrentSiteName);

            // Get the document node
            if ((node == null) && (checkPublishedFiles || checkFilesPermissions))
                // Try to get data from cache
                using (CachedSection<TreeNode> cs = new CachedSection<TreeNode>(ref node, CacheMinutes, !allowLatestVersion, null, "getfilenodebydocumentid", atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID))
                    if (cs.LoadData)
                        // Get the document
                        node = TreeProvider.SelectSingleDocument(atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID, false);

                        // Cache the document
                        CacheNode(cs, node);

            bool secured = false;
            if ((node != null) && checkFilesPermissions)
                secured = (node.IsSecuredNode == 1);

                // Check secured pages
                if (secured)
                    URLRewriter.CheckSecuredAreas(CurrentSiteName, false, ViewMode);
                if (node.RequiresSSL == 1)
                    URLRewriter.RequestSecurePage(false, node.RequiresSSL, ViewMode, CurrentSiteName);

                // Check permissions
                bool checkPermissions = false;
                switch (URLRewriter.CheckPagePermissions(CurrentSiteName))
                    case PageLocationEnum.All:
                        checkPermissions = true;

                    case PageLocationEnum.SecuredAreas:
                        checkPermissions = secured;

                // Check the read permission for the page
                if (checkPermissions)
                    if (CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)

            bool resizeImage = (ImageHelper.IsImage(atInfo.AttachmentExtension) && AttachmentInfoProvider.CanResizeImage(atInfo, Width, Height, MaxSideSize));

            // If the file should be redirected, redirect the file
            if (!mIsLatestVersion && IsLiveSite && SettingsKeyProvider.GetBoolValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSRedirectFilesToDisk"))
                if (AttachmentInfoProvider.StoreFilesInFileSystem(CurrentSiteName))
                    string path = null;
                    if (!resizeImage)
                        path = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetFilePhysicalURL(CurrentSiteName, atInfo.AttachmentGUID.ToString(), atInfo.AttachmentExtension);
                        int[] newDim = ImageHelper.EnsureImageDimensions(Width, Height, MaxSideSize, atInfo.AttachmentImageWidth, atInfo.AttachmentImageHeight);
                        path = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetFilePhysicalURL(CurrentSiteName, atInfo.AttachmentGUID.ToString(), atInfo.AttachmentExtension, newDim[0], newDim[1]);

                    // If path is valid, redirect
                    if (path != null)
                        // Check if file exists
                        string filePath = Server.MapPath(path);
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            outputFile = NewOutputFile();
                            outputFile.IsSecured = secured;
                            outputFile.RedirectTo = path;
                            outputFile.Attachment = atInfo;

            // Get the data
            if ((outputFile == null) || (outputFile.Attachment == null))
                outputFile = NewOutputFile(atInfo, null);
                outputFile.Width = Width;
                outputFile.Height = Height;
                outputFile.MaxSideSize = MaxSideSize;
                outputFile.SiteName = CurrentSiteName;
                outputFile.Resized = resizeImage;

                // Load the data if required
                if (requiresData)
                    // Try to get the physical file, if not latest version
                    if (!mIsLatestVersion)
                    bool loadData = string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFile.PhysicalFile);

                    // Load data if necessary
                    if (loadData)
                        if (atInfo.AttachmentBinary != null)
                            // Load from the attachment
                            // Load from the disk
                            byte[] data = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetFile(atInfo, CurrentSiteName);

                        // Save data to the cache, if not latest version
                        if (!mIsLatestVersion && (CacheMinutes > 0))
                            SaveOutputDataToCache(outputFile.OutputData, GetOutputDataDependency(outputFile.Attachment));
                else if (cachedData != null)
                    // Load the cached data if available
                    outputFile.OutputData = cachedData;

            if (outputFile != null)
                outputFile.IsSecured = secured;

                // Add node data
                if (node != null)
                    outputFile.AliasPath = node.NodeAliasPath;
                    outputFile.CultureCode = node.DocumentCulture;
                    outputFile.FileNode = node;

                    // Set the file validity
                    if (IsLiveSite && !mIsLatestVersion && checkPublishedFiles)
                        outputFile.ValidFrom = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(node.GetValue("DocumentPublishFrom"), DateTime.MinValue);
                        outputFile.ValidTo = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(node.GetValue("DocumentPublishTo"), DateTime.MaxValue);

                        // Set the published flag
                        outputFile.IsPublished = node.IsPublished;
コード例 #11
ファイル: GetFile.aspx.cs プロジェクト: KuduApps/Kentico
    /// <summary>
    /// Logs analytics and/or activity event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to be sent</param>
    protected void LogEvent(CMSOutputFile file)
        if (IsLiveSite && (file != null) && (file.FileNode != null) && (file.FileNode.NodeClassName.ToLower() == "cms.file"))
            // Check if request is multipart request and log event if not
            GetRange(100, HttpContext.Current);  // GetRange() parses request header and sets 'IsMultipart' property
            if (!IsMultipart)
                if (IsRangeRequest && (BrowserHelper.IsIE() || BrowserHelper.IsChrome()))

            if (file.Attachment == null)

            // Log analytics hit
            if (AnalyticsHelper.IsLoggingEnabled(CurrentSiteName, String.Empty) && AnalyticsHelper.TrackFileDownloadsEnabled(CurrentSiteName) && !AnalyticsHelper.IsFileExtensionExcluded(CurrentSiteName, file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension))
                HitLogProvider.LogHit(HitLogProvider.FILE_DOWNLOADS, CurrentSiteName, file.FileNode.DocumentCulture, file.FileNode.NodeAliasPath, file.FileNode.NodeID);

            // Log download activity
            // Get current contact ID and check if activity logging is enabled
            int contactId = 0;
            bool loggingActivityEnabled = LoggingActivityEnabled(file, out contactId);
            if (loggingActivityEnabled && (contactId > 0))
                ActivityLogHelper.LogFileDownload(contactId, CurrentSiteName, file.FileNode.NodeID, file.FileNode.DocumentName, file.Attachment.AttachmentName, file.FileNode.DocumentCulture);
コード例 #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Sends the given file within response.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to send</param>
    protected void SendFile(CMSOutputFile file)
        // Clear response.

        // Set the revalidation

        // Send the file
        if ((file != null) && file.IsValid)
            // Redirect if the file should be redirected
            if (file.RedirectTo != "")
                // Log hit or activity before redirecting

                if (StorageHelper.IsExternalStorage(file.RedirectTo))
                    string url = File.GetFileUrl(file.RedirectTo, CurrentSiteName);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                        URLHelper.Redirect(url, true, CurrentSiteName);

                URLHelper.Redirect(file.RedirectTo, true, CurrentSiteName);

            // Check authentication if secured file
            if (file.IsSecured)
                URLRewriter.CheckSecured(CurrentSiteName, ViewMode);

            string etag = GetFileETag(file);

            // Client caching - only on the live site
            if (useClientCache && AllowCache && AllowClientCache && ETagsMatch(etag, file.LastModified))
                // Set the file time stamps to allow client caching

                RespondNotModified(etag, !file.IsSecured);

            // If physical file not present, try to load
            if (file.PhysicalFile == null)

            // If the output data should be cached, return the output data
            bool cacheOutputData = false;
            if (file.Attachment != null)
                // Cache data if allowed
                if (!LatestVersion && (CacheMinutes > 0))
                    cacheOutputData = CacheHelper.CacheImageAllowed(CurrentSiteName, file.Attachment.AttachmentSize);

            // Ensure the file data if physical file not present
            if (!file.DataLoaded && (file.PhysicalFile == ""))
                byte[] cachedData = GetCachedOutputData();
                if (file.EnsureData(cachedData))
                    if ((cachedData == null) && cacheOutputData)
                        SaveOutputDataToCache(file.OutputData, GetOutputDataDependency(file.Attachment));

            // Send the file
            if ((file.OutputData != null) || (file.PhysicalFile != ""))
                // Setup the mime type - Fix the special types
                string mimetype = file.MimeType;
                if (file.Attachment != null)
                    string extension = file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension;
                    switch (extension.ToLowerCSafe())
                        case ".flv":
                            mimetype = "video/x-flv";

                    // Prepare response
                    Response.ContentType = mimetype;
                    SetDisposition(file.Attachment.AttachmentName, extension);

                    // Setup Etag property
                    ETag = etag;

                    // Set if resumable downloads should be supported
                    AcceptRange = !IsExtensionExcludedFromRanges(extension);

                if (useClientCache && AllowCache)
                    // Set the file time stamps to allow client caching


                // Log hit or activity
                // Add the file data
                if ((file.PhysicalFile != "") && (file.OutputData == null))
                    // Stream the file from the file system
                    file.OutputData = WriteFile(file.PhysicalFile, cacheOutputData);
                    // Use output data of the file in memory if present

コード例 #13
ファイル: GetFile.aspx.cs プロジェクト: KuduApps/Kentico
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if page visit activity logging is enabled, if so returns contact ID.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to be sent</param>
    /// <param name="contactId">Current contact ID</param>
    protected bool LoggingActivityEnabled(CMSOutputFile file, out int contactId)
        contactId = 0;
        if ((file == null) || (file.FileNode == null))
            return false;

        // Check if logging is enabled
        if (ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(CurrentSiteName) && ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledForThisUser(CMSContext.CurrentUser) &&
            if (file.Attachment != null)
                // Get allowed extensions (if not specified log everything)
                bool doLog = true;
                string tracked = SettingsKeyProvider.GetStringValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSActivityTrackedExtensions");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tracked))
                    string extension = file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension;
                    if (extension != null)
                        string extensions = String.Format(";{0};", tracked.ToLower().Trim().Trim(';'));
                        extension = extension.TrimStart('.').ToLower();
                        doLog = extensions.Contains(String.Format(";{0};", extension));

                if (doLog)
                    // Check if logging is enabled for current document
                    TreeNode fileNode = file.FileNode;
                    if ((fileNode != null) && ((fileNode.DocumentLogVisitActivity == true)
                                           || (fileNode.DocumentLogVisitActivity == null) && ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(fileNode.GetInheritedValue("DocumentLogVisitActivity", SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(CurrentSiteName)), false)))
                        contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID();
                        return (contactId > 0);
        return false;
コード例 #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the new output file object.
    /// </summary>
    public CMSOutputFile NewOutputFile()
        CMSOutputFile file = new CMSOutputFile();

        file.Watermark = Watermark;
        file.WatermarkPosition = WatermarkPosition;

        return file;
コード例 #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Ensures the physical file.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">Output file</param>
    public bool EnsurePhysicalFile(CMSOutputFile file)
        if (file == null)
            return false;

        // Try to link to file system
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Watermark) && (file.Attachment != null) && (file.Attachment.AttachmentVersionHistoryID == 0) && AttachmentInfoProvider.StoreFilesInFileSystem(file.SiteName))
            string filePath = AttachmentInfoProvider.EnsurePhysicalFile(file.Attachment, file.SiteName);
            if (filePath != null)
                if (file.Resized)
                    // If resized, ensure the thumbnail file
                    if (AttachmentInfoProvider.GenerateThumbnails(file.SiteName))
                        filePath = AttachmentInfoProvider.EnsureThumbnailFile(file.Attachment, file.SiteName, Width, Height, MaxSideSize);
                        if (filePath != null)
                            // Link to the physical file
                            file.PhysicalFile = filePath;
                            return true;
                    // Link to the physical file
                    file.PhysicalFile = filePath;
                    return false;

        file.PhysicalFile = "";
        return false;
コード例 #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the last modified and expires header to the response
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">Output file data</param>
    private void SetTimeStamps(CMSOutputFile file)
        DateTime expires = DateTime.Now;

        // Send last modified header to allow client caching

        if (!file.IsSecured)
            // Setup the client cache
            if (AllowClientCache)
                expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ClientCacheMinutes);

コード例 #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Check if logging is enabled for current document.
    /// </summary>
    private bool LogFileDownload(CMSOutputFile file)
        if ((file == null) || (file.FileNode == null))
            return false;

        return (((file.FileNode.DocumentLogVisitActivity == true)
             || (file.FileNode.DocumentLogVisitActivity == null)
             && ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(file.FileNode.GetInheritedValue("DocumentLogVisitActivity", SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(CurrentSiteName)), false)));
コード例 #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the file ETag
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File</param>
    private static string GetFileETag(CMSOutputFile file)
        // Prepare etag
        string etag = file.CultureCode.ToLowerCSafe();
        if (file.Attachment != null)
            etag += "|" + file.Attachment.AttachmentGUID + "|" + file.Attachment.AttachmentLastModified.ToUniversalTime();

        if (file.IsSecured)
            // For secured files, add user name to etag
            etag += "|" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

        etag += "|" + CMSContext.ViewMode;

        // Put etag into ""
        etag = "\"" + etag + "\"";

        return etag;
コード例 #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the specified file and returns the data to the output stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="attachmentGuid">Attachment guid</param>
    protected void ProcessFile(Guid attachmentGuid)
        AttachmentInfo atInfo = null;

        bool requiresData = true;

        // Check if it is necessary to load the file data
        if (useClientCache && IsLiveSite && AllowClientCache)
            // If possibly cached by client, do not load data (may not be sent)
            string ifModifiedString = Request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"];
            if (ifModifiedString != null)
                requiresData = false;

        // If output data available from cache, do not require loading the data
        byte[] cachedData = GetCachedOutputData();
        if (cachedData != null)
            requiresData = false;

        // Get AttachmentInfo object
        if (!IsLiveSite)
            // Not livesite mode - get latest version
            if (node != null)
                atInfo = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(node, attachmentGuid, TreeProvider, true);
                atInfo = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(attachmentGuid, TreeProvider, CurrentSiteName);
            if (!requiresData || AttachmentManager.StoreFilesInFileSystem(CurrentSiteName))
                // Do not require data from DB - Not necessary or available from file system
                atInfo = AttachmentManager.GetAttachmentInfoWithoutBinary(attachmentGuid, CurrentSiteName);
                // Require data from DB - Stored in DB
                atInfo = AttachmentManager.GetAttachmentInfo(attachmentGuid, CurrentSiteName);

            // If attachment not found,
            if (allowLatestVersion && ((atInfo == null) || (latestForHistoryId > 0) || (atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID == latestForDocumentId)))
                // Get latest version
                if (node != null)
                    atInfo = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(node, attachmentGuid, TreeProvider, true);
                    atInfo = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(attachmentGuid, TreeProvider, CurrentSiteName);

                // If not attachment for the required document, do not return
                if ((atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID != latestForDocumentId) && (latestForHistoryId == 0))
                    atInfo = null;
                    mIsLatestVersion = true;

        if (atInfo != null)
            // Temporary attachment is always latest version
            if (atInfo.AttachmentFormGUID != Guid.Empty)
                mIsLatestVersion = true;

            bool checkPublishedFiles   = AttachmentManager.CheckPublishedFiles(CurrentSiteName);
            bool checkFilesPermissions = AttachmentManager.CheckFilesPermissions(CurrentSiteName);

            // Get the document node
            if ((node == null) && (checkPublishedFiles || checkFilesPermissions))
                // Try to get data from cache
                using (CachedSection <TreeNode> cs = new CachedSection <TreeNode>(ref node, CacheMinutes, !allowLatestVersion, null, "getfilenodebydocumentid", atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID))
                    if (cs.LoadData)
                        // Get the document
                        node = TreeProvider.SelectSingleDocument(atInfo.AttachmentDocumentID, false);

                        // Cache the document
                        CacheNode(cs, node);

            bool secured = false;
            if ((node != null) && checkFilesPermissions)
                secured = (node.IsSecuredNode == 1);

                // Check secured pages
                if (secured)
                    URLRewriter.CheckSecuredAreas(CurrentSiteName, false, ViewMode);
                if (node.RequiresSSL == 1)
                    URLRewriter.RequestSecurePage(false, node.RequiresSSL, ViewMode, CurrentSiteName);

                // Check permissions
                bool checkPermissions = false;
                switch (URLRewriter.CheckPagePermissions(CurrentSiteName))
                case PageLocationEnum.All:
                    checkPermissions = true;

                case PageLocationEnum.SecuredAreas:
                    checkPermissions = secured;

                // Check the read permission for the page
                if (checkPermissions)
                    if (CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)

            bool resizeImage = (ImageHelper.IsImage(atInfo.AttachmentExtension) && AttachmentManager.CanResizeImage(atInfo, Width, Height, MaxSideSize));

            // If the file should be redirected, redirect the file
            if (!mIsLatestVersion && IsLiveSite && SettingsKeyProvider.GetBoolValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSRedirectFilesToDisk"))
                if (AttachmentManager.StoreFilesInFileSystem(CurrentSiteName))
                    string path = null;
                    if (!resizeImage)
                        path = AttachmentManager.GetFilePhysicalURL(CurrentSiteName, atInfo.AttachmentGUID.ToString(), atInfo.AttachmentExtension);
                        int[] newDim = ImageHelper.EnsureImageDimensions(Width, Height, MaxSideSize, atInfo.AttachmentImageWidth, atInfo.AttachmentImageHeight);
                        path = AttachmentManager.GetFilePhysicalURL(CurrentSiteName, atInfo.AttachmentGUID.ToString(), atInfo.AttachmentExtension, newDim[0], newDim[1]);

                    // If path is valid, redirect
                    if (path != null)
                        // Check if file exists
                        string filePath = Server.MapPath(path);
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))
                            outputFile            = NewOutputFile();
                            outputFile.IsSecured  = secured;
                            outputFile.RedirectTo = path;
                            outputFile.Attachment = atInfo;

            // Get the data
            if ((outputFile == null) || (outputFile.Attachment == null))
                outputFile             = NewOutputFile(atInfo, null);
                outputFile.Width       = Width;
                outputFile.Height      = Height;
                outputFile.MaxSideSize = MaxSideSize;
                outputFile.SiteName    = CurrentSiteName;
                outputFile.Resized     = resizeImage;

                // Load the data if required
                if (requiresData)
                    // Try to get the physical file, if not latest version
                    if (!mIsLatestVersion)
                    bool loadData = string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFile.PhysicalFile);

                    // Load data if necessary
                    if (loadData)
                        if (atInfo.AttachmentBinary != null)
                            // Load from the attachment
                            outputFile.LoadData(atInfo.AttachmentBinary, AttachmentManager);
                            // Load from the disk
                            byte[] data = AttachmentManager.GetFile(atInfo, CurrentSiteName);
                            outputFile.LoadData(data, AttachmentManager);

                        // Save data to the cache, if not latest version
                        if (!mIsLatestVersion && (CacheMinutes > 0))
                            SaveOutputDataToCache(outputFile.OutputData, GetOutputDataDependency(outputFile.Attachment));
                else if (cachedData != null)
                    // Load the cached data if available
                    outputFile.OutputData = cachedData;

            if (outputFile != null)
                outputFile.IsSecured = secured;

                // Add node data
                if (node != null)
                    outputFile.AliasPath   = node.NodeAliasPath;
                    outputFile.CultureCode = node.DocumentCulture;
                    outputFile.FileNode    = node;

                    // Set the file validity
                    if (IsLiveSite && !mIsLatestVersion && checkPublishedFiles)
                        outputFile.ValidFrom = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(node.GetValue("DocumentPublishFrom"), DateTime.MinValue);
                        outputFile.ValidTo   = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(node.GetValue("DocumentPublishTo"), DateTime.MaxValue);

                        // Set the published flag
                        outputFile.IsPublished = node.IsPublished;
コード例 #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the new output file object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ai">AttachmentInfo</param>
    /// <param name="data">Output file data</param>
    public CMSOutputFile NewOutputFile(AttachmentInfo ai, byte[] data)
        CMSOutputFile file = new CMSOutputFile(ai, data);

        file.Watermark = Watermark;
        file.WatermarkPosition = WatermarkPosition;

        return file;
コード例 #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the specified document node.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="treeNode">Document node to process</param>
    /// <param name="columnName">Column name</param>
    /// <param name="processedFileName">File name</param>
    protected void ProcessNode(TreeNode treeNode, string columnName, string processedFileName)
        if (treeNode != null)
            // Check if latest or live site version is required
            bool latest = !IsLiveSite;
            if (allowLatestVersion && ((treeNode.DocumentID == latestForDocumentId) || (treeNode.DocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID == latestForHistoryId)))
                latest = true;

            // If not published, return no content
            if (!latest && !treeNode.IsPublished)
                outputFile = NewOutputFile(null, null);
                outputFile.AliasPath = treeNode.NodeAliasPath;
                outputFile.CultureCode = treeNode.DocumentCulture;
                if (IsLiveSite && AttachmentInfoProvider.CheckPublishedFiles(CurrentSiteName))
                    outputFile.IsPublished = treeNode.IsPublished;
                outputFile.FileNode = treeNode;
                outputFile.Height = Height;
                outputFile.Width = Width;
                outputFile.MaxSideSize = MaxSideSize;
                // Get valid site name if link
                if (treeNode.IsLink)
                    TreeNode origNode = TreeProvider.GetOriginalNode(treeNode);
                    if (origNode != null)
                        SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(origNode.NodeSiteID);
                        if (si != null)
                            CurrentSiteName = si.SiteName;

                // Process the node
                // Get from specific column
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(processedFileName) && treeNode.NodeClassName.EqualsCSafe("CMS.File", true))
                    columnName = "FileAttachment";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName))
                    // File document type or specified by column
                    Guid attachmentGuid = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(treeNode.GetValue(columnName), Guid.Empty);
                    if (attachmentGuid != Guid.Empty)
                    // Get by file name
                    if (processedFileName == null)
                        // CMS.File - Get
                        Guid attachmentGuid = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(treeNode.GetValue("FileAttachment"), Guid.Empty);
                        if (attachmentGuid != Guid.Empty)
                        // Other document types, get the attachment by file name
                        AttachmentInfo ai = null;
                        if (latest)
                            // Not livesite mode - get latest version
                            ai = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(treeNode, processedFileName, TreeProvider, false);
                            // Live site mode, get directly from database
                            ai = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetAttachmentInfo(treeNode.DocumentID, processedFileName, false);

                        if (ai != null)
コード例 #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Sends the given file within response.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to send</param>
    protected void SendFile(CMSOutputFile file)
        // Clear response.

        // Set the revalidation

        // Send the file
        if ((file != null) && file.IsValid)
            // Redirect if the file should be redirected
            if (file.RedirectTo != "")
                // Log hit or activity before redirecting

                if (StorageHelper.IsExternalStorage)
                    string url = File.GetFileUrl(file.RedirectTo, CurrentSiteName);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                        URLHelper.Redirect(url, true, CurrentSiteName);

                URLHelper.Redirect(file.RedirectTo, true, CurrentSiteName);

            // Check authentication if secured file
            if (file.IsSecured)
                URLRewriter.CheckSecured(CurrentSiteName, ViewMode);

            // Prepare etag
            string etag = file.CultureCode.ToLower();
            if (file.Attachment != null)
                etag += "|" + file.Attachment.AttachmentGUID + "|" + file.Attachment.AttachmentLastModified.ToUniversalTime();

            if (file.IsSecured)
                // For secured files, add user name to etag
                etag += "|" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

            // Put etag into ""
            etag = "\"" + etag + "\"";

            // Client caching - only on the live site
            if (useClientCache && AllowCache && AllowClientCache && ETagsMatch(etag, file.LastModified))
                // Set the file time stamps to allow client caching

                RespondNotModified(etag, !file.IsSecured);

            // If physical file not present, try to load
            if (file.PhysicalFile == null)

            // If the output data should be cached, return the output data
            bool cacheOutputData = false;
            if (file.Attachment != null)
                // Cache data if allowed
                if (!LatestVersion && (CacheMinutes > 0))
                    cacheOutputData = CacheHelper.CacheImageAllowed(CurrentSiteName, file.Attachment.AttachmentSize);

            // Ensure the file data if physical file not present
            if (!file.DataLoaded && (file.PhysicalFile == ""))
                byte[] cachedData = GetCachedOutputData();
                if (file.EnsureData(cachedData))
                    if ((cachedData == null) && cacheOutputData)
                        SaveOutputDataToCache(file.OutputData, GetOutputDataDependency(file.Attachment));

            // Send the file
            if ((file.OutputData != null) || (file.PhysicalFile != ""))
                // Setup the mime type - Fix the special types
                string mimetype = file.MimeType;
                if (file.Attachment != null)
                    string extension = file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension;
                    switch (extension.ToLower())
                    case ".flv":
                        mimetype = "video/x-flv";

                    // Prepare response
                    Response.ContentType = mimetype;
                    SetDisposition(file.Attachment.AttachmentName, extension);

                    // Setup Etag property
                    ETag = etag;

                    // Set if resumable downloads should be supported
                    AcceptRange = !IsExtensionExcludedFromRanges(extension);

                if (useClientCache && AllowCache)
                    // Set the file time stamps to allow client caching


                // Log hit or activity
                // Add the file data
                if ((file.PhysicalFile != "") && (file.OutputData == null))
                    // Stream the file from the file system
                    file.OutputData = WriteFile(file.PhysicalFile, cacheOutputData);
                    // Use output data of the file in memory if present

コード例 #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Logs analytics and/or activity event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to be sent</param>
    protected void LogEvent(CMSOutputFile file)
        if (IsLiveSite && (file != null) && (file.FileNode != null) && (file.FileNode.NodeClassName.ToLowerCSafe() == "cms.file"))
            // Check if request is multipart request and log event if not
            GetRange(100, HttpContext.Current);  // GetRange() parses request header and sets 'IsMultipart' property
            if (!IsMultipart)
                if (IsRangeRequest && (BrowserHelper.IsIE() || BrowserHelper.IsChrome()))

            if (file.Attachment == null)

            // Log analytics hit
            if (AnalyticsHelper.IsLoggingEnabled(CurrentSiteName, String.Empty, LogExcludingFlags.SkipFileExtensionCheck) && AnalyticsHelper.TrackFileDownloadsEnabled(CurrentSiteName) && !AnalyticsHelper.IsFileExtensionExcluded(CurrentSiteName, file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension))
                HitLogProvider.LogHit(HitLogProvider.FILE_DOWNLOADS, CurrentSiteName, file.FileNode.DocumentCulture, file.FileNode.NodeAliasPath, file.FileNode.NodeID);

            // Log download activity
            if (LoggingActivityEnabled(file) && LogFileDownload(file))
                Activity activity = new ActivityPageVisit(file.FileNode, file.FileNode.GetDocumentName(), null, null, CMSContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);
                if (activity.Data != null)
                    activity.Data.Value = file.Attachment.AttachmentName;
                    activity.Data.Culture = file.FileNode.DocumentCulture;
                    activity.Data.NodeID = file.FileNode.NodeID;
                    activity.Data.SiteID = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteID(CurrentSiteName);
コード例 #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if page visit activity logging is enabled, if so returns contact ID.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to be sent</param>
    protected bool LoggingActivityEnabled(CMSOutputFile file)
        if ((file == null) || (file.FileNode == null))
            return false;

        // Check if logging is enabled
        if (ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(CurrentSiteName) && ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledForThisUser(CMSContext.CurrentUser))
            if (file.Attachment != null)
                // Get allowed extensions (if not specified log everything)
                bool doLog = true;
                string tracked = SettingsKeyProvider.GetStringValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSActivityTrackedExtensions");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tracked))
                    string extension = file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension;
                    if (extension != null)
                        string extensions = String.Format(";{0};", tracked.ToLowerCSafe().Trim().Trim(';'));
                        extension = extension.TrimStart('.').ToLowerCSafe();
                        doLog = extensions.Contains(String.Format(";{0};", extension));

                return doLog;
        return false;
コード例 #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the attachment.
    /// </summary>
    protected void ProcessAttachment()
        outputFile = null;

        // If guid given, process the attachment
        guid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("guid", Guid.Empty);
        allowLatestVersion = CheckAllowLatestVersion();

        if (guid != Guid.Empty)
            // Check version
            if (VersionHistoryID > 0)
                ProcessFile(guid, VersionHistoryID);
            // Get by node GUID
            nodeGuid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("nodeguid", Guid.Empty);
            if (nodeGuid != Guid.Empty)
                // If node GUID given, process the file
                // Get by alias path and file name
                aliasPath = QueryHelper.GetString("aliaspath", null);
                fileName = QueryHelper.GetString("filename", null);
                if (aliasPath != null)
                    ProcessNode(aliasPath, fileName);

        // If chset specified, do not cache
        string chset = QueryHelper.GetString("chset", null);
        if (chset != null)
            mIsLatestVersion = true;
コード例 #26
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the specified document node.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="treeNode">Document node to process</param>
    /// <param name="columnName">Column name</param>
    /// <param name="processedFileName">File name</param>
    protected void ProcessNode(TreeNode treeNode, string columnName, string processedFileName)
        if (treeNode != null)
            // Check if latest or live site version is required
            bool latest = !IsLiveSite;
            if (allowLatestVersion && ((treeNode.DocumentID == latestForDocumentId) || (treeNode.DocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID == latestForHistoryId)))
                latest = true;

            // If not published, return no content
            if (!latest && !treeNode.IsPublished)
                outputFile             = NewOutputFile(null, null);
                outputFile.AliasPath   = treeNode.NodeAliasPath;
                outputFile.CultureCode = treeNode.DocumentCulture;
                if (IsLiveSite && AttachmentManager.CheckPublishedFiles(CurrentSiteName))
                    outputFile.IsPublished = treeNode.IsPublished;
                outputFile.FileNode    = treeNode;
                outputFile.Height      = Height;
                outputFile.Width       = Width;
                outputFile.MaxSideSize = MaxSideSize;
                // Get valid site name if link
                if (treeNode.IsLink)
                    TreeNode origNode = TreeProvider.GetOriginalNode(treeNode);
                    if (origNode != null)
                        SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(origNode.NodeSiteID);
                        if (si != null)
                            CurrentSiteName = si.SiteName;

                // Process the node
                // Get from specific column
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(processedFileName) && treeNode.NodeClassName.Equals("CMS.File", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    columnName = "FileAttachment";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName))
                    // File document type or specified by column
                    Guid attachmentGuid = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(treeNode.GetValue(columnName), Guid.Empty);
                    if (attachmentGuid != Guid.Empty)
                    // Get by file name
                    if (processedFileName == null)
                        // CMS.File - Get
                        Guid attachmentGuid = ValidationHelper.GetGuid(treeNode.GetValue("FileAttachment"), Guid.Empty);
                        if (attachmentGuid != Guid.Empty)
                        // Other document types, get the attachment by file name
                        AttachmentInfo ai = null;
                        if (latest)
                            // Not livesite mode - get latest version
                            ai = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(treeNode, processedFileName, TreeProvider, false);
                            // Live site mode, get directly from database
                            ai = AttachmentManager.GetAttachmentInfo(treeNode.DocumentID, processedFileName, false);

                        if (ai != null)
コード例 #27
    /// <summary>
    /// Sends the given file within response.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="file">File to send</param>
    protected void SendFile(CMSOutputFile file)
        // Clear response.

        // Set the revalidation

        // Send the file
        if ((file != null) && file.IsValid)
            // Redirect if the file should be redirected
            if (file.RedirectTo != "")
                // Log hit before redirecting
                if (IsLiveSite && (file.FileNode != null) && (file.FileNode.NodeClassName.ToLower() == "cms.file"))
                    if (AnalyticsHelper.IsLoggingEnabled(CurrentSiteName, String.Empty) && AnalyticsHelper.TrackFileDownloadsEnabled(CurrentSiteName))
                        HitLogProvider.LogHit(HitLogProvider.FILE_DOWNLOADS, CurrentSiteName, file.FileNode.DocumentCulture, file.FileNode.NodeAliasPath, file.FileNode.NodeID);

                // Redirect directly to Windows Azure storage
                if ((AzureHelper.IsRunningOnAzure && AzureHelper.IsContainerPublic) || (StorageHelper.IsAzureStorage && SettingsKeyProvider.GetBoolValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSRedirectFilesToAzure")))
                    // SubString(2) - remove starting "~/"
                    string url = AzureHelper.BlobUrl + AzureHelper.RootContainer + "/" + file.RedirectTo.Substring(2);
                    URLHelper.Redirect(url.ToLower(), true, CurrentSiteName);
                else if (!AzureHelper.IsRunningOnAzure && !StorageHelper.IsAzureStorage)
                    URLHelper.Redirect(file.RedirectTo, true, CurrentSiteName);

            // Check authentication if secured file
            if (file.IsSecured)
                URLRewriter.CheckSecured(CurrentSiteName, ViewMode);

            // Prepare etag
            string etag = file.CultureCode.ToLower();
            if (file.Attachment != null)
                etag += "|" + file.Attachment.AttachmentGUID + "|" + file.Attachment.AttachmentLastModified.ToUniversalTime();

            if (file.IsSecured)
                // For secured files, add user name to etag
                etag += "|" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

            // Put etag into ""
            etag = "\"" + etag + "\"";

            // Client caching - only on the live site
            if (useClientCache && AllowCache && AllowClientCache && ETagsMatch(etag, file.LastModified))
                // Set the file time stamps to allow client caching

                RespondNotModified(etag, !file.IsSecured);

            // If physical file not present, try to load
            if (file.PhysicalFile == null)

            // If the output data should be cached, return the output data
            bool cacheOutputData = false;
            if (file.Attachment != null)
                // Cache data if allowed
                if (!LatestVersion && (CacheMinutes > 0))
                    cacheOutputData = CacheHelper.CacheImageAllowed(CurrentSiteName, file.Attachment.AttachmentSize);

            // Ensure the file data if physical file not present
            if (!file.DataLoaded && (file.PhysicalFile == ""))
                byte[] cachedData = GetCachedOutputData();
                if (file.EnsureData(cachedData))
                    if ((cachedData == null) && cacheOutputData)
                        SaveOutputDataToCache(file.OutputData, GetOutputDataDependency(file.Attachment));

            // Send the file
            if ((file.OutputData != null) || (file.PhysicalFile != ""))
                // Setup the mime type - Fix the special types
                string mimetype = file.MimeType;
                if (file.Attachment != null)
                    string extension = file.Attachment.AttachmentExtension;
                    switch (extension.ToLower())
                        case ".flv":
                            mimetype = "video/x-flv";

                    // Prepare response
                    Response.ContentType = mimetype;
                    SetDisposition(file.Attachment.AttachmentName, extension);

                    // Setup Etag property
                    ETag = etag;

                    // Set if resumable downloads should be supported
                    AcceptRange = !IsExtensionExcludedFromRanges(extension);

                if (useClientCache && AllowCache)
                    // Set the file time stamps to allow client caching


                // Log hit
                if (IsLiveSite && (file.FileNode != null) && (file.FileNode.NodeClassName.ToLower() == "cms.file"))
                    if (file.Attachment != null)
                        if (AnalyticsHelper.IsLoggingEnabled(CurrentSiteName, String.Empty) && AnalyticsHelper.TrackFileDownloadsEnabled(CurrentSiteName))
                            HitLogProvider.LogHit(HitLogProvider.FILE_DOWNLOADS, CurrentSiteName, file.FileNode.DocumentCulture, file.FileNode.NodeAliasPath, file.FileNode.NodeID);

                // Add the file data
                if ((file.PhysicalFile != "") && (file.OutputData == null))
                    // Stream the file from the file system
                    file.OutputData = WriteFile(file.PhysicalFile, cacheOutputData);
                    // Use output data of the file in memory if present
