コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: houseofmackee/BrightcoveCS
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            /// Check if a filename was passed as an argument
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: bcdi <filename>");

            /// Check if the file exists
            string strFullPath      = args[0];
            string strFilenameNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFullPath);

            if (!File.Exists(strFullPath))
                Console.WriteLine("***ERROR: File '{0}' doesn't exist.", strFullPath);

            /// Set up API authentication information
            /// This is expecting a file called api.json to be in the current user's
            /// home directory. The content should look like this:
            /// {
            ///     "AccountID" : "YourAccountID",
            ///     "ClientID" : "YourClientID",
            ///     "ClientSecret" : "YourClientSecret"
            /// }

            var myAPIAuth = APIAuthentication.FromFile((Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "/account_config.json"));

            /// in case the api.json file wasn't found set some dummy defaults
            if (myAPIAuth == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Error getting API authentication info, using invalid generic values.");
                myAPIAuth              = new APIAuthenticationInfo();
                myAPIAuth.AccountID    = "1234";
                myAPIAuth.ClientID     = "5678";
                myAPIAuth.ClientSecret = "abcd";

            /// Obtain Access Token from OAUTH API
            Console.Write("Getting the OAUTH token: ");
            var theToken = new OAuthToken(myAPIAuth.ClientID, myAPIAuth.ClientSecret);


            /// Use CMS API to create the video asset
            CMS cmsAPI = new CMS(theToken, myAPIAuth.AccountID);

            Console.Write("Creating Brightcove asset for '{0}': ", strFilenameNoExt);
            string strVideoID;

                strVideoID = cmsAPI.CreateVideo(strFilenameNoExt);
            catch (CMS.BrightcoveAPIException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("Done (ID {0}).", strVideoID);

            /// Use Source File Upload API to create a S3 upload URL for the video
            /// and use the AWS S3 API to upload the local file(s)
            SourceFileUpload sfuUploader = new SourceFileUpload(theToken, myAPIAuth.AccountID, strVideoID);
            string           strVideoURL = sfuUploader.UploadFile(strFullPath);

            /// Use Dynamic Ingest API to ingest uploaded file into Video Cloud
            Console.WriteLine("\nExecuting Dynamic Ingest.");

            DynamicIngest myDI = new DynamicIngest(theToken, myAPIAuth.AccountID);

            string strJSONContent = "{" +
                                    "	\"master\": {"+
                                    "		\"url\": \""+ strVideoURL + "\"" +
                                    "	},"+
                                    //"   \"callbacks\": [ \"https://hookb.in/vaPPdpMX\" ]" +
                                    "	\"capture-images\": true"+

            Console.WriteLine("API response: {0}", myDI.IngestMediaAsset(strVideoID, strJSONContent));