void TestStartSync(MSession session) { var path = new MinecraftPath(); var launcher = new CMLauncher(path); launcher.FileChanged += Downloader_ChangeFile; launcher.ProgressChanged += Downloader_ChangeProgress; var versions = launcher.GetAllVersions(); foreach (var item in versions) { Console.WriteLine(item.Name); } var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.5.2", new MLaunchOption { Session = session }); var processUtil = new CmlLib.Utils.ProcessUtil(process); processUtil.OutputReceived += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e); processUtil.StartWithEvents(); }
public static MVersionCollection LoadVersions() { var mcp = new MinecraftPath(Path.Combine(Utility.GetWorkingDir(), ".minecraft")); var launcher = new CMLauncher(mcp); return(launcher.GetAllVersions()); }
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnLogin.Enabled = false; btnSignout.Enabled = false; btnStart.Enabled = false; new Thread(() => { try { var path = new MinecraftPath(); var launcher = new CMLauncher(path); launcher.FileChanged += Launcher_FileChanged; launcher.ProgressChanged += Launcher_ProgressChanged; var versions = launcher.GetAllVersions(); var lastVersion = versions.LatestReleaseVersion; var process = launcher.CreateProcess(lastVersion.Name, new MLaunchOption() { Session = this.session }); process.Start(); MessageBox.Show("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }).Start(); }
private void winactive(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { var McPath = Minecraft.GetOSDefaultPath(); var launcher = new CMLauncher(McPath); // you must write this because of cmllib.core bug. it will be fixed soon launcher.ProgressChanged += Launcher_ProgressChanged; launcher.FileChanged += Launcher_FileChanged; launcher.UpdateProfiles(); // this code will block ui, so it should run in thread Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate // call UI Thread { foreach (var item in launcher.Profiles) { if (item.MType == MProfileType.Release || item.MType == MProfileType.Custom) { LauncherProfiles.Items.Add(item.Name); } } })); })); th.Start(); }
public static async Task LaunchGameAsync(FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { try { var path = new MinecraftPath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + $@"\Launcher\{modpack}"); var launcher = new CMLauncher(path); // more options : https://github.com/AlphaBs/CmlLib.Core/wiki/MLaunchOption var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = Settings.RAM, Session = SESSION }; forgeVersion = File.ReadAllText($"Launcher/{modpack}/Forge Version.txt"); var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync(forgeVersion, launchOption); process.Start(); } catch (Exception) { main.GetError($"Failed Launching {modpack}!"); } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // Get the versions for the ComboBox var McPath = Minecraft.GetOSDefaultPath(); var Launcher = new CMLauncher(McPath); }
async Task StartAsync(MSession session) // async version { var path = new MinecraftPath(); var launcher = new CMLauncher(path); System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 256; var versions = await launcher.GetAllVersionsAsync(); foreach (var item in versions) { Console.WriteLine(item.Type + " " + item.Name); } launcher.FileChanged += Downloader_ChangeFile; launcher.ProgressChanged += Downloader_ChangeProgress; Console.WriteLine("input version (example: 1.12.2) : "); var versionName = Console.ReadLine(); var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync(versionName, new MLaunchOption { Session = session, MaximumRamMb = 1024 }); Console.WriteLine(process.StartInfo.Arguments); process.Start(); }
async Task Start(MSession session) { var path = MinecraftPath.GetOSDefaultPath(); var game = new MinecraftPath(path); // Create CMLauncher instance var launcher = new CMLauncher(game); // if you want to download with parallel downloader, add below code : System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 256; launcher.ProgressChanged += Downloader_ChangeProgress; launcher.FileChanged += Downloader_ChangeFile; Console.WriteLine($"{launcher.MinecraftPath.BasePath} adresine kuruldu."); // Get all installed profiles and load all profiles from mojang server var versions = await launcher.GetAllVersionsAsync(); foreach (var item in versions) // Display all profiles { // You can filter snapshots and old versions to add if statement : if (item.MType == CmlLib.Core.Version.MVersionType.Release || item.MType == CmlLib.Core.Version.MVersionType.Custom) { List <string> list = new List <string> { item.Type + " " + item.Name }; list.ForEach(i => Console.Write("{0}\n", i)); } } var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = 1024, Session = session, }; Console.WriteLine("Versiyon yazın (örnek 1.12.2): "); var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync(Console.ReadLine(), launchOption); //var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.16.2", "33.0.5", launchOption); Console.WriteLine(process.StartInfo.Arguments); // Below codes are print game logs in Console. var processUtil = new CmlLib.Utils.ProcessUtil(process); processUtil.OutputReceived += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e); processUtil.StartWithEvents(); process.WaitForExit(); // or just start it without print logs // process.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); return; }
async Task TestAll(MSession session) { var path = MinecraftPath.GetOSDefaultPath(); var game = new MinecraftPath(path); var launcher = new CMLauncher(game); System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 256; launcher.FileDownloader = new AsyncParallelDownloader(); launcher.ProgressChanged += Downloader_ChangeProgress; launcher.FileChanged += Downloader_ChangeFile; Console.WriteLine($"Initialized in {launcher.MinecraftPath.BasePath}"); var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = 1024, Session = session, }; var versions = await launcher.GetAllVersionsAsync(); foreach (var item in versions) { Console.WriteLine(item.Type + " " + item.Name); if (!item.IsLocalVersion) { continue; } var process = launcher.CreateProcess(item.Name, launchOption); //var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.16.2", "33.0.5", launchOption); Console.WriteLine(process.StartInfo.Arguments); // Below codes are print game logs in Console. var processUtil = new CmlLib.Utils.ProcessUtil(process); processUtil.OutputReceived += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e); processUtil.StartWithEvents(); Thread.Sleep(1000 * 15); if (process.HasExited) { Console.WriteLine("FAILED!!!!!!!!!"); Console.ReadLine(); } process.Kill(); process.WaitForExit(); } return; }
private async Task initializeLauncher(MinecraftPath path) { txtPath.Text = path.BasePath; this.gamePath = path; launcher = new CMLauncher(path); launcher.FileChanged += Launcher_FileChanged; launcher.ProgressChanged += Launcher_ProgressChanged; await refreshVersions(null); }
private void LaunchClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LaunchProgress.Opacity = 100; var th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { string selectedver = ""; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { LaunchButton.IsEnabled = false; selectedver = versionList.Text; }); var ThisThreadOptions = new MLaunchOption(); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { int screenHeight = 0; int screenWidth = 0; int MaxRamMB = Convert.ToInt32(MaxMemSlider.Value); try { screenHeight = Convert.ToInt32(ScreenHeightBox.Text); screenWidth = Convert.ToInt32(ScreenWidthBox.Text); } catch { screenHeight = 0; screenWidth = 0; } var launchOptions = new MLaunchOption { JavaPath = JavaPathBox.Text, ServerIp = ServerIPBox.Text, ScreenHeight = screenHeight, ScreenWidth = screenWidth, MaximumRamMb = MaxRamMB, Session = MainSession, JVMArguments = CustomArgsBox.Text.Split(" ") }; ThisThreadOptions = launchOptions; }); CMLauncher launcher = new CMLauncher(Minecraft.GetOSDefaultPath()); launcher.ProgressChanged += Launcher_ProgressChanged; launcher.FileChanged += Launcher_FileChanged; var process = launcher.CreateProcess(selectedver, ThisThreadOptions); process.Start(); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { LaunchButton.IsEnabled = true; LaunchProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LaunchLog.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }); })); th.Start(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Instance = this; Accounts.LoadAccounts(); CMLauncher = new CMLauncher(new MinecraftPath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Data/Game", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Data/Assets")); TryAutoLogin(); JObject Object = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText("Config.json")); ForgeInstalled = (bool)Object["ForgeInstalled"]; }
private void reloadVersions() { string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\MaiksLauncher\"; File.WriteAllText(path + @"VersionList.mvl", String.Empty); var McPath = Minecraft.GetOSDefaultPath(); launcher = new CMLauncher(McPath); // you must write this because of cmllib.core bug. it will be fixed soon launcher.ProgressChanged += Launcher_ProgressChanged; launcher.FileChanged += Launcher_FileChanged; launcher.UpdateProfiles(); int MTypeAmount = 0; foreach (var profile in launcher.Profiles) { if (profile.MType == MProfileType.Release) { MTypeAmount++; } } string[] vers = new string[MTypeAmount];// this code will block ui, so it should run in thread int index = 0; foreach (var profile in launcher.Profiles) { if (profile.MType == MProfileType.Release) { vers[index] = profile.Name; index++; } } StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path + @"VersionList.mvl"); foreach (string VARIABLE in vers) { sw.WriteLine(VARIABLE); } sw.Close(); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { versionList.Items.Clear(); foreach (string ver in vers) { versionList.Items.Add(ver); } }); }
private void InitializeLauncher() { Launcher = new CMLauncher(Txt_Path.Text); //Launcher.Minecraft.SetAssetsPath(Minecraft.GetOSDefaultPath() + "/assets"); Launcher.FileChanged += Launcher_FileChanged; Launcher.ProgressChanged += Launcher_ProgressChanged; var versions = Launcher.UpdateProfileInfos(); Invoke(new Action(() => { Cb_Version.Items.Clear(); foreach (var item in versions) { Cb_Version.Items.Add(item.Name); } })); }
public string Launch(string username, string password, int memory, string version, bool fullScreen) { var account = new MLogin().Authenticate(username, password); if (!account.IsSuccess) { return(account.Result.ToString() + '\n' + account.ErrorMessage); } var session = account.Session; var mcp = new MinecraftPath(Path.Combine(Utility.GetWorkingDir(), ".minecraft")); ChangeOption(mcp.BasePath, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name.Replace('-', '_').ToLower()); var launcher = new CMLauncher(mcp); launcher.FileChanged += (e) => { LFileKind = e.FileKind.ToString(); LFileName = e.FileName; LProgressedFileCnt = e.ProgressedFileCount.ToString(); LTotFileCnt = e.TotalFileCount.ToString(); }; launcher.ProgressChanged += (sender, e) => { LProgressPercentage = e.ProgressPercentage.ToString(); }; var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = memory, Session = session, FullScreen = fullScreen, ServerIp = "", ServerPort = 25565, JavaPath = Utility.GetJava(launcher), JVMArguments = new string[] { "-javaagent:../nide8auth.jar=28f8f58a8a7f11e88feb525400b59b6a", "-Dnide8auth.client=true" } }; var process = launcher.CreateProcess(version, launchOption); Console.WriteLine("[Launch] FileName: " + process.StartInfo.FileName); Console.WriteLine("[Launch] Arguments: " + process.StartInfo.Arguments); Console.WriteLine("[Launch] WorkingDirectory: " + process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory); process.Start(); return(string.Empty); }
private void MainLauncher_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = Minecraft.GetOSDefaultPath(); Data.MC_OS_PATH = path; CMLauncher launcher = new CMLauncher(path); launcher.UpdateProfiles(); Data.launcher = launcher; if (File.Exists("mars_client\\serverip.ser")) { string ip = File.ReadAllText("mars_client\\serverip.ser"); Data.serverIP = ip; } if (File.Exists("mars_client\\version.ser")) { string ver = File.ReadAllText("mars_client\\version.ser"); Data.versionString = ver; } }
// this code is from README.md async Task QuickStart() { //var path = new MinecraftPath("game_directory_path"); var path = new MinecraftPath(); // use default directory var launcher = new CMLauncher(path); launcher.FileChanged += (e) => { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1} - {2}/{3}", e.FileKind.ToString(), e.FileName, e.ProgressedFileCount, e.TotalFileCount); }; launcher.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("{0}%", e.ProgressPercentage); }; var versions = await launcher.GetAllVersionsAsync(); foreach (var item in versions) { Console.WriteLine(item.Name); } var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = 1024, Session = MSession.GetOfflineSession("hello"), // Login Session. ex) Session = MSession.GetOfflineSession("hello") //ScreenWidth = 1600, //ScreenHeigth = 900, //ServerIp = "mc.hypixel.net" }; // launch vanila var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync("1.15.2", launchOption); process.Start(); }
public Process Start(Server server) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 256; var game = new MinecraftPath(path); var launcher = new CMLauncher(game); launcher.ProgressChanged += Download_Progress; launcher.FileChanged += Download_ChangeFile; string version = ""; if (server.TYPE == "forge") { version = FindForgeVersion(server.VERSION); if (version == "") { return(null); } } else { version = server.VERSION; } var lv = new LocalVersionLoader(game).GetVersionMetadatas(); var findVersion = lv.GetVersion(version); if (findVersion == null) { var findMVersion = lv.GetVersionMetadata(version); if (findMVersion != null) { findMVersion.Save(game); } else { var findWVersion = new MojangVersionLoader().GetVersionMetadatas().GetVersionMetadata(version); if (findWVersion != null) { findWVersion.Save(game); } else { return(null); } } } var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { ServerIp = server.IP, ServerPort = server.PORT, MaximumRamMb = ram, Session = se, Path = game, StartVersion = findVersion, GameLauncherName = "JML", GameLauncherVersion = "1.0" }; var process = launcher.CreateProcess(launchOption); process.Start(); return(process); }
public Process Start(string _version) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 256; var game = new MinecraftPath(path); var launcher = new CMLauncher(game); launcher.ProgressChanged += Download_Progress; launcher.FileChanged += Download_ChangeFile; var lv = new LocalVersionLoader(game).GetVersionMetadatas(); MVersion findVersion = null; try { findVersion = lv.GetVersion(_version); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } //var findVersion = lv.GetVersion(_version); if (findVersion == null) { MVersionMetadata findMVersion = null; try { findMVersion = lv.GetVersionMetadata(_version); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } if (findMVersion != null) { findMVersion.Save(game); } else { var findWVersion = new MojangVersionLoader().GetVersionMetadatas().GetVersionMetadata(_version); if (findWVersion != null) { findWVersion.Save(game); } else { return(null); } } } try { findVersion = lv.GetVersion(_version); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return(null); } var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = ram, Session = se, Path = game, StartVersion = findVersion, GameLauncherName = "JML", GameLauncherVersion = "1.0" }; MLaunch launch = new MLaunch(launchOption); var process = launch.GetProcess(); process.Start(); //Process process = launcher.CreateProcess(launchOption); //process.Start(); return(process); }
void Start(MSession session) { // Initializing Launcher // Set minecraft home directory // MinecraftPath.GetOSDefaultPath() return default minecraft BasePath of current OS. // https://github.com/AlphaBs/CmlLib.Core/blob/master/CmlLib/Core/MinecraftPath.cs // You can set this path to what you want like this : //var path = "./testdir"; var path = MinecraftPath.GetOSDefaultPath(); var game = new MinecraftPath(path); // Create CMLauncher instance var launcher = new CMLauncher(game); // if you want to download with parallel downloader, add below code : System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 256; launcher.ProgressChanged += Downloader_ChangeProgress; launcher.FileChanged += Downloader_ChangeFile; Console.WriteLine($"Initialized in {launcher.MinecraftPath.BasePath}"); // Get all installed profiles and load all profiles from mojang server var versions = launcher.GetAllVersions(); foreach (var item in versions) // Display all profiles { // You can filter snapshots and old versions to add if statement : // if (item.MType == MProfileType.Custom || item.MType == MProfileType.Release) Console.WriteLine(item.Type + " " + item.Name); } var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = 1024, Session = session, //ScreenWidth = 1600, //ScreenHeight = 900, //ServerIp = "mc.hypixel.net", //MinimumRamMb = 102, //FullScreen = true, // More options: // https://github.com/AlphaBs/CmlLib.Core/wiki/MLaunchOption }; // download essential files (ex: vanilla libraries) and create game process. // var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync("1.15.2", launchOption); // vanilla // var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync("1.12.2-forge1.12.2-", launchOption); // forge // var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync("1.12.2-LiteLoader1.12.2"); // liteloader // var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync("fabric-loader-0.11.3-1.16.5") // fabric-loader Console.WriteLine("input version (example: 1.12.2) : "); var process = launcher.CreateProcess(Console.ReadLine(), launchOption); //var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.16.2", "33.0.5", launchOption); Console.WriteLine(process.StartInfo.Arguments); // Below codes are print game logs in Console. var processUtil = new CmlLib.Utils.ProcessUtil(process); processUtil.OutputReceived += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e); processUtil.StartWithEvents(); process.WaitForExit(); // or just start it without print logs // process.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); }
void Start(MSession session) { // Initializing Launcher // Set minecraft home directory // MinecraftPath.GetOSDefaultPath() return default minecraft BasePath of current OS. // https://github.com/AlphaBs/CmlLib.Core/blob/master/CmlLib/Core/MinecraftPath.cs // You can set this path to what you want like this : // var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA") + "\\.mylauncher"; var path = MinecraftPath.GetOSDefaultPath(); var game = new MinecraftPath(path); // Create CMLauncher instance var launcher = new CMLauncher(game); launcher.ProgressChanged += Downloader_ChangeProgress; launcher.FileChanged += Downloader_ChangeFile; launcher.LogOutput += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine($"Initialized in {launcher.MinecraftPath.BasePath}"); var versions = launcher.GetAllVersions(); // Get all installed profiles and load all profiles from mojang server foreach (var item in versions) // Display all profiles { // You can filter snapshots and old versions to add if statement : // if (item.MType == MProfileType.Custom || item.MType == MProfileType.Release) Console.WriteLine(item.Type + " " + item.Name); } var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = 1024, Session = session, // More options: // https://github.com/AlphaBs/CmlLib.Core/wiki/MLaunchOption }; // (A) checks forge installation and install forge if it was not installed. // (B) just launch any versions without installing forge, but it can still launch forge already installed. // Both methods automatically download essential files (ex: vanilla libraries) and create game process. // (A) download forge and launch var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.7.10", "", launchOption); // (B) launch vanilla version // var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.15.2", launchOption); // If you have already installed forge, you can launch it directly like this. // var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.12.2-forge1.12.2-", launchOption); // launch by user input //Console.WriteLine("input version (example: 1.12.2) : "); //var process = launcher.CreateProcess(Console.ReadLine(), launchOption); //var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.16.2", "33.0.5", launchOption); Console.WriteLine(process.StartInfo.Arguments); // Below codes are print game logs in Console. var processUtil = new CmlLib.Utils.ProcessUtil(process); processUtil.OutputReceived += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e); processUtil.StartWithEvents(); process.WaitForExit(); // or just start it without print logs // process.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); return; }
private async void Initialize() { await Task.Delay(600); try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { ProgressText.Text = "Отсутствует интернет-подключение!"; await Task.Delay(2000); DoubleAnimation OpacityAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(); OpacityAnimation.From = this.Opacity; OpacityAnimation.To = 0; OpacityAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); this.BeginAnimation(Window.OpacityProperty, OpacityAnimation); await Task.Delay(500); Environment.Exit(0); } DoubleAnimation WidthAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(); WidthAnimation.From = ProgressBar.Width; WidthAnimation.To = 80; WidthAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); ProgressBar.BeginAnimation(Border.WidthProperty, WidthAnimation); for (byte i = 0; i <= 25; i++) { ProgressText.Text = i.ToString() + "%"; await Task.Delay(15); } await Task.Delay(800); ProgressText.Text = "Установка лаунчера..."; WidthAnimation.From = ProgressBar.Width; WidthAnimation.To = 160; WidthAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); ProgressBar.BeginAnimation(Border.WidthProperty, WidthAnimation); for (byte i = 25; i <= 50; i++) { ProgressText.Text = i.ToString() + "%"; await Task.Delay(15); } await Task.Delay(800); WidthAnimation.From = ProgressBar.Width; WidthAnimation.To = 240; WidthAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); ProgressBar.BeginAnimation(Border.WidthProperty, WidthAnimation); for (byte i = 50; i <= 75; i++) { ProgressText.Text = i.ToString() + "%"; await Task.Delay(15); } await Task.Delay(800); if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource")) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource"); if (Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Fonts"); Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Images"); try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Resource/Images/SteveAvatar.png")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Resource/Images/SteveAvatar.png", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Sounds"); Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Videos"); } } catch { } } else { if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Fonts")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Fonts"); } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Images")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Images"); if (!File.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Images/SteveAvatar.png")) { try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Resource/Images/SteveAvatar.png")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Resource/Images/SteveAvatar.png", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } if (!File.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Images/BedrockAvatar.png")) { try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Resource/Images/BedrockAvatar.png")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Resource/Images/BedrockAvatar.png", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } } else { if (!File.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Images/SteveAvatar.png")) { try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Resource/Images/SteveAvatar.png")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Resource/Images/SteveAvatar.png", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } if (!File.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Images/BedrockAvatar.png")) { try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Resource/Images/BedrockAvatar.png")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Resource/Images/BedrockAvatar.png", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Sounds")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Sounds"); } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Videos")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Resource/Videos"); } } ProgressText.Text = "Установка майнкрафта..."; if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Storage")) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage"); Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Saves"); Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Crashes"); Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Users"); Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Stream"); try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Storage/Stream/MinecraftVersion")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Storage/Stream/MinecraftVersion", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Storage/Stream/LauncherVersion")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Storage/Stream/LauncherVersion", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } catch { } } else { if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Saves")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Saves"); } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Crashes")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Crashes"); } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Users")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Users"); } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Stream")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Stream"); } try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Storage/Stream/MinecraftVersion")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Storage/Stream/MinecraftVersion", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Storage/Stream/LauncherVersion")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Storage/Stream/LauncherVersion", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } string LaunchertVersion; try { FileStream FileStream = new FileStream(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Stream/LaunchertVersion", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using (var StreamReader = new StreamReader(FileStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { LaunchertVersion = StreamReader.ReadToEnd(); LaunchertVersion = LaunchertVersion.Trim(); if (LaunchertVersion == "tech") { ProgressText.Text = "Лаунчер закрыт на тех-обслуживание."; await Task.Delay(2000); DoubleAnimation OpacityAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(); OpacityAnimation.From = this.Opacity; OpacityAnimation.To = 0; OpacityAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); this.BeginAnimation(Window.OpacityProperty, OpacityAnimation); await Task.Delay(500); Environment.Exit(0); } } } catch { } string MinecraftVersion; try { FileStream FileStream = new FileStream(TotalPath + @"/Storage/Stream/MinecraftVersion", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using (var StreamReader = new StreamReader(FileStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { MinecraftVersion = StreamReader.ReadToEnd(); MinecraftVersion = MinecraftVersion.Trim(); if (MinecraftVersion == null) { MinecraftVersion = "1.12.2"; } } } catch { MinecraftVersion = "1.12.2"; } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft"); try { Launcher = new CMLauncher(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Minecraft"); MVersion MVersion = Launcher.GetVersion(MinecraftVersion); Launcher.CheckGameFiles(MVersion, false, false); try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Minecraft/options.txt")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Minecraft/options.txt", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } catch { } } else { if (Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft/saves")) { Directory.Delete(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft/saves"); } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft/assets")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft/assets"); } if (!Directory.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft/assets/objects")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft/assets/objects"); } if (!File.Exists(TotalPath + @"/Minecraft/options.txt")) { try { using (SftpClient Client = new SftpClient(Host, Username, Password.Replace("password", "singularity"))) { Client.Connect(); using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"/Minecraft/options.txt")) { Client.DownloadFile("/launcher/Minecraft/options.txt", fileStream); } Client.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } try { CMLauncher Launcher = new CMLauncher(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Minecraft"); MVersion MVersion = Launcher.GetVersion(MinecraftVersion); Launcher.CheckGameFiles(MVersion, false, false); } catch { } } WidthAnimation.From = ProgressBar.Width; WidthAnimation.To = 320; WidthAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); ProgressBar.BeginAnimation(Border.WidthProperty, WidthAnimation); for (byte i = 75; i <= 100; i++) { ProgressText.Text = i.ToString() + "%"; await Task.Delay(15); } await Task.Delay(1000); LoginWindow LoginWindow = new LoginWindow(); LoginWindow.Owner = this; this.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; LoginWindow.ShowDialog(); Verification = true; this.Owner.ShowInTaskbar = true; this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Launch minecraft /// </summary> /// <param name="session"></param> public void LaunchGame(MSession session) { moddedLauncher.SetStatusBar("Starting Minecraft", GetType(), StatusType.Launching); // Initializing Launcher // Set minecraft home directory // MinecraftPath.GetOSDefaultPath() return default minecraft BasePath of current OS. // https://github.com/AlphaBs/CmlLib.Core/blob/master/CmlLib/Core/MinecraftPath.cs // You can set this path to what you want like this : // var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA") + "\\.mylauncher"; var gamePath = configuration.GamePath; var game = new MinecraftPath(configuration.ModpackPath) { Library = Dir(gamePath + "/libraries"), Versions = Dir(gamePath + "/versions"), Runtime = Dir(gamePath + "/runtime"), }; game.SetAssetsPath(gamePath + "/assets"); // Create CMLauncher instance var launcher = new CMLauncher(game); launcher.ProgressChanged += moddedLauncher.LauncherDownloadChangeProgress; launcher.FileChanged += moddedLauncher.LauncherDownloadChangeFile; launcher.LogOutput += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("NO"); moddedLauncher.GameOutputWriteLine(e); }; moddedLauncher.GameOutputWriteLine($"Initialized in {launcher.MinecraftPath.BasePath}"); var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = configuration.Memory, Session = session, ScreenHeight = configuration.ResolutionHeight, ScreenWidth = configuration.ResolutionWidth, JVMArguments = configuration.JVMArgs.Split(" ") // More options: // https://github.com/AlphaBs/CmlLib.Core/wiki/MLaunchOption }; // (A) checks forge installation and install forge if it was not installed. // (B) just launch any versions without installing forge, but it can still launch forge already installed. // Both methods automatically download essential files (ex: vanilla libraries) and create game process. moddedLauncher.SetStatusBar("Minecraft Starting", GetType(), StatusType.Launching); // (A) download forge and launch var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.12.2", "", launchOption); // (B) launch vanilla version // var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.15.2", launchOption); // If you have already installed forge, you can launch it directly like this. // var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.12.2-forge1.12.2-", launchOption); // launch by user input //Console.WriteLine("input version (example: 1.12.2) : "); //var process = launcher.CreateProcess(Console.ReadLine(), launchOption); moddedLauncher.SetStatusBar("Minecraft Starting", GetType(), StatusType.Launching); //var process = launcher.CreateProcess("1.16.2", "33.0.5", launchOption); WriteLine(process.StartInfo.Arguments); new Thread(() => { Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); moddedLauncher.SetStatusBar("Minecraft Started", GetType(), StatusType.Ready); }).Start(); // Below codes are print game logs in Console. var processUtil = new CmlLib.Utils.ProcessUtil(process); processUtil.OutputReceived += (s, e) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e)) { moddedLauncher.GameOutputWriteLine(e); } }; processUtil.StartWithEvents(); process.WaitForExit(); // or just start it without print logs // process.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); return; }
private void LaunchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sptxt = Data.serverIP; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sptxt)) { File.WriteAllText("mars_client\\serverip.ser", sptxt); } else { File.WriteAllText("mars_client\\serverip.ser", ""); } object _version = Data.versionString; if (_version == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a version!", "Mars", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string version = (string)_version; File.WriteAllText("mars_client\\version.ser", version); CMLauncher launcher = Data.launcher; bool forge = version.ToLower().Contains("forge"); OutputManager.ShowConsoleWindow(true); Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Setting up launch arguments... Please wait!"); MSession ssh; if (!Data.offline) { ssh = new MSession(); Type editor = typeof(MSession); editor.GetField("<ClientToken>k__BackingField", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(ssh, Data.clientToken); editor.GetField("<AccessToken>k__BackingField", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(ssh, Data.accessToken); editor.GetField("<Username>k__BackingField", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(ssh, Data.username); editor.GetField("<UUID>k__BackingField", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(ssh, Data.mcUUID); } else { string username = Data.username; ssh = MSession.GetOfflineSession(username); } Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Successfully created session."); MLaunchOption options = new MLaunchOption() { JavaPath = "java.exe", MaximumRamMb = GetInstalledMemoryMB() / 2, Session = ssh, VersionType = version, GameLauncherName = "MarsClient", GameLauncherVersion = "1.5", }; Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Assigned launch options."); if (forge) { string[] parts = version.Split('-'); string mcVer = parts[0]; string forgeVer = parts[2] + "-" + parts[3]; MProfile forgeProfile = launcher.GetProfile(mcVer, forgeVer); options.StartProfile = forgeProfile; } else { options.StartProfile = launcher.GetProfile(version); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sptxt)) { options.ServerIp = sptxt; } Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Located target profile. Launching..."); Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Moving to new thread..."); Data.hook.OnHookKeyPressed += Hook_OnHookKeyPressed; MLaunch launch = new MLaunch(options); mcThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(delegate(object obj) { MLaunch threadLaunch = (MLaunch)obj; Process pr = threadLaunch.GetProcess(); ProcessStartInfo psi = pr.StartInfo; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; psi.RedirectStandardInput = true; psi.UseShellExecute = false; staticMC = Process.Start(psi); staticMC.EnableRaisingEvents = true; launched = true; staticMC.Exited += delegate { //OutputManager.RemoveConsole(); rpcTimer.Stop(); Data.rpccli.Dispose(); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { minecraftClosed = true; }); mcThread.Abort(); }; staticMC.OutputDataReceived += (object _, DataReceivedEventArgs _a) => { string txt = _a.Data; OutputManager.ProcessText(txt); if (txt == null) { return; } if (txt.Contains("[Client thread/INFO]: Connecting to")) { int timeind = txt.IndexOf(']'); string a = txt.Substring(timeind + 38); string b = a.Split(',')[0]; string newserver = "Server: " + b; if (!currentServer.Equals(newserver)) { Debug.WriteLine("Connected to: \"" + b + "\""); Console.WriteLine("Connected to: \"" + b + "\""); } currentServer = "Server: " + b; } }; staticMC.BeginOutputReadLine(); })); mcThread.Start(launch); int launchWaits = 0; while (staticMC == null) { launchWaits++; Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Waiting for process to launch... #{0}", launchWaits); Thread.Sleep(250); } Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Waiting for main window handle..."); Data.mcProcess = staticMC; while (staticMC.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Data.mcWindow = staticMC.MainWindowHandle; Console.WriteLine("\n\n[MARS] Got main window handle. Attaching UI framework..."); Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Building window...\n\n"); InGameWindow igw = new InGameWindow(); Data.hud = igw; igw.Show(); SetParent(igw.Handle, Data.mcWindow); igw.NowParented(); Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Begun window message pump."); Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Fetching HypixelSelf info..."); if (File.Exists("mars_client\\hypixelself.ser")) { Data.player = HypixelSelf.Deserialize(File.ReadAllText ("mars_client\\hypixelself.ser")); } Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Loaded, if any.\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("[MARS] Finished initialization."); }