コード例 #1
        // GET: /Admin/Rate/
        public ActionResult Index(long?id)
                Models.RateModel data = new Models.RateModel();
                if (!id.HasValue)
                    id = 0;
                    data.Rates      = BLayer.Rate.GetAll(id.Value);
                    data.PropertyId = BLayer.Accommodation.GetPropertyId(id.Value);
                    CLayer.RateCommission rc = BLayer.Property.GetCommission(data.PropertyId);
                    data.Commission.ComPropertyId = data.PropertyId;
                    data.Commission.B2CLongTerm   = rc.B2CLongTerm;
                    data.Commission.B2CShortTerm  = rc.B2CShortTerm;
                    data.Commission.B2BLongTerm   = rc.B2BLongTerm;
                    data.Commission.B2BShortTerm  = rc.B2BShortTerm;
                data.RateAccommodationId = id.Value;

            }catch (Exception ex)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ErrorPage"));
コード例 #2
        //[Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
        //[Range(0, 100.00, ErrorMessage = "Invalid")]
        //public decimal CommissionBA {get;set;}

        public void TakeCopy(CLayer.RateCommission data)
            B2BShortTerm     = data.B2BShortTerm;
            B2BLongTerm      = data.B2BLongTerm;
            B2CLongTerm      = data.B2CLongTerm;
            B2CShortTerm     = data.B2CShortTerm;
            ComPropertyId    = data.PropertyId;
            CancellationType = (int)CLayer.ObjectStatus.CancellationType.FixedNight;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Property.cs プロジェクト: RahulAras007/StayBazar
 public static void SetCommission(CLayer.RateCommission commission)
     DataLayer.Property prperty = new DataLayer.Property();
     if (commission.B2CShortTerm <= 0)
         commission.B2CShortTerm = commission.B2CShortTerm;
     if (commission.B2CLongTerm <= 0)
         commission.B2CLongTerm = commission.B2CLongTerm;
     if (commission.B2BShortTerm <= 0)
         commission.B2BShortTerm = commission.B2BShortTerm;
     if (commission.B2BLongTerm <= 0)
         commission.B2BLongTerm = commission.B2BLongTerm;
コード例 #4
        public string  SaveAccRate(Models.RateValueModel data)
            CLayer.Rates rat = new CLayer.Rates();
            rat.RateId          = data.RRateId;
            rat.AccommodationId = data.AccommodationId;
            long uid = 0;

            long.TryParse(User.Identity.GetUserId(), out uid);
            //Get commission
            CLayer.RateCommission rc = BLayer.Property.GetCommission(BLayer.Accommodation.GetPropertyId(data.AccommodationId));
            if (rc == null)
            rat.UpdatedBy = uid;
            //find dates
            int days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(2014, data.StartMonth);

            if (days < data.StartDay)
                data.StartDay = days;
            rat.StartDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, data.StartMonth, data.StartDay);
            days          = DateTime.DaysInMonth(2014, data.EndMonth);
            if (days < data.EndDay)
                data.EndDay = days;
            rat.EndDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, data.EndMonth, data.EndDay);

            //Save Regular rate
            rat.RateFor      = (int)CLayer.Role.Roles.Customer;
            rat.RateId       = data.RRateId;
            rat.DailyRate    = data.RCDaily;
            rat.WeeklyRate   = data.RCWeekly;
            rat.MonthlyRate  = data.RCMonthly;
            rat.LongTermRate = data.RCLong;
            rat.GuestRate    = data.RCGuest;


            // Corporate
            rat.RateFor      = (int)CLayer.Role.Roles.Corporate;
            rat.RateId       = data.CRateId;
            rat.DailyRate    = data.CCDaily;
            rat.WeeklyRate   = data.CCWeekly;
            rat.MonthlyRate  = data.CCMonthly;
            rat.LongTermRate = data.CCLong;
            rat.GuestRate    = data.CCGuest;


            //rat.RateFor = (int)CLayer.Role.Roles.Supplier;
            //rat.RateId = data.SRateId;
            //rat.DailyRate = data.SCDaily;
            //rat.WeeklyRate = data.SCWeekly;
            //rat.MonthlyRate = data.SCMonthly;
            //rat.GuestRate = data.SCGuest;

            //BLayer.Rate.Save(rat, rc.Supplier);

            ////Travel Agent
            //rat.RateFor = (int)CLayer.Role.Roles.Agent;
            //rat.RateId = data.TRateId;
            //rat.DailyRate = data.TCDaily;
            //rat.WeeklyRate = data.TCWeekly;
            //rat.MonthlyRate = data.TCMonthly;
            //rat.GuestRate = data.TCGuest;

            //BLayer.Rate.Save(rat, rc.TravelA);
コード例 #5
        public static List <CLayer.Rates> GetTotalRates(List <long> accIds, DateTime checkIn, DateTime checkOut, CLayer.Role.Roles rateType, long loggedInUserId, long InventoryAPIID)
            List <CLayer.Rates> arates;
            StringBuilder       ids = new StringBuilder();
            bool isCorporate        = false;
            long TAMInventoryAPIID  = InventoryAPIID;
            long corpId             = 0;

            if (rateType == CLayer.Role.Roles.Corporate)
                CLayer.Role.Roles rle = BLayer.User.GetRole(loggedInUserId);
                if (rle == CLayer.Role.Roles.CorporateUser)
                    corpId = BLayer.B2B.GetCorporateIdOfUser(loggedInUserId);
                    corpId = loggedInUserId;
                isCorporate = true;

            foreach (long id in accIds)
            ids.Remove(0, 1);

            List <CLayer.Rates> result = new List <CLayer.Rates>();

            if (TAMInventoryAPIID == 4 || TAMInventoryAPIID == 5)
                arates = GetAccommodationRatesForAPI(ids.ToString(), checkIn, checkOut, rateType);
                arates = GetAccommodationRates(ids.ToString(), checkIn, checkOut, rateType);

            DateTime currentDate;
            decimal  total, currate, curguest_rate, guest, PurchaseRateaAfterTaxs, totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs, PurchaseRateBeforeTax, SellRateAfterTax, SellRateBeforeTax, Prch_Rate_AT, Prch_Rate_ATX, PurchaseRateAfterTax;

            int  cnt, idx;
            int  days       = (checkOut - checkIn).Days;
            long propertyId = BLayer.Accommodation.GetPropertyId(accIds[0]);
            int  inventory  = 0;

            CLayer.Discount dicnt = null;

            if (isCorporate)
                dicnt = BLayer.Discount.GetDiscount(corpId, propertyId);

            CLayer.RateCommission rc = BLayer.Property.GetCommission(propertyId);

            List <CLayer.Offers> propertyOffers = BLayer.Offers.GetForPropertyCalc(propertyId, checkIn, checkOut);
            bool hasPrOffers = (propertyOffers.Count > 0);
            List <CLayer.Offers> accOffers;

            CLayer.Offers propOffer = null;
            if (hasPrOffers)
                propOffer = propertyOffers[0];
            CLayer.Offers curOffer = null;
            DateTime      offEndDate, offStartDate;

            offStartDate = offEndDate = DateTime.Today;

            List <CLayer.BookingItemOffer> appliedOffers;
            List <CLayer.Rates.RateValues> bookingRates;

            int noOfDays     = (checkOut - checkIn).Days;
            int reduceDateBy = 0;
            int calcDays     = 0;

            long            curOfferId    = 0;
            decimal         curOldRate    = 0;
            List <DateTime> freeDays      = new List <DateTime>();
            bool            freeDaysExist = false;

            foreach (long id in accIds)
                List <CLayer.Rates> accrates = arates.Where(m => m.AccommodationId == id).OrderBy(x => x.StartDate).ToList();
                cnt = accrates.Count();
                if (cnt > 0)
                    inventory = accrates[0].NoofAcc;
                    inventory = 0;
                    result.Add(new CLayer.Rates()
                        Amount          = 0,
                        GuestRate       = 0,
                        AccommodationId = id,
                        NoofAcc         = 0,
                        RateChanges     = new List <CLayer.Rates.RateValues>(), //FirstDayCharge = fctotal,
                        SBMarkup        = 0,
                        CorpDiscount    = 0,
                        AppliedOffers   = new List <CLayer.BookingItemOffer>()
                accOffers     = BLayer.Offers.GetForAccommodationCalc(id, checkIn, checkOut);
                appliedOffers = new List <CLayer.BookingItemOffer>();
                curOffer      = null;
                bookingRates  = new List <CLayer.Rates.RateValues>();
                if (accOffers.Count > 0)
                    curOffer = accOffers[0];
                    curOffer = null;
                    if (hasPrOffers)
                        curOffer = propOffer;
                curOfferId                 = 0;
                currentDate                = checkIn;
                total                      = 0;
                guest                      = 0;
                PurchaseRateaAfterTaxs     = 0;
                totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs = 0;
                currate                    = 0;
                curOldRate                 = 0;
                curguest_rate              = 0;
                SellRateBeforeTax          = 0;
                PurchaseRateBeforeTax      = 0;
                Prch_Rate_AT               = 0;
                Prch_Rate_ATX              = 0;
                PurchaseRateAfterTax       = 0;
                SellRateAfterTax           = 0;
                //calculate if free nights offer is available..
                reduceDateBy = 0;

                if (curOffer != null && (!isCorporate)) //offer is not available for corporate
                    //find offer applicable date
                    if (checkIn > curOffer.StartDate)
                        offStartDate = checkIn;
                        offStartDate = curOffer.StartDate;
                    if (checkOut < curOffer.EndDate)
                        offEndDate = checkOut;
                        offEndDate = curOffer.EndDate;

                    if (curOffer.RateType == (int)CLayer.ObjectStatus.OfferRateType.OfferFreeRate)
                        int tot    = curOffer.FreeDays + curOffer.NoOfDays; //total days -Example:  for 4 days booking 2 days free.. So total - minimum- 6days booking should be there
                        int hwmany = 0;
                        calcDays = (offEndDate - offStartDate).Days;
                        if (calcDays >= tot)
                            hwmany       = calcDays / tot;
                            reduceDateBy = hwmany * curOffer.FreeDays;
                            //  currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(reduceDateBy); //reduce freedays from calculation

                            if (reduceDateBy == 1)
                                if (offEndDate == checkOut)
                                    offEndDate = offEndDate.AddDays(-1);
                                if (offEndDate >= checkIn)
                            else if (reduceDateBy > 1)
                                if (offEndDate == checkOut)
                                    offEndDate = offEndDate.AddDays(-1);
                                while (reduceDateBy > 0)
                                    if (offEndDate >= checkIn)
                                    offEndDate.AddDays(-1 * reduceDateBy);
                            //to do offer applied markit
                            curOfferId = curOffer.OfferId;
                            appliedOffers.Add(new CLayer.BookingItemOffer()
                                OfferId = curOffer.OfferId, OfferTitle = curOffer.Title, AccommodationId = id
                        curOffer = null; //avoid checking other offer types
                freeDaysExist = (freeDays.Count > 0);

                // find tax here

                decimal tax = BLayer.PropertyTax.GetTotalTax(propertyId);

                while (currentDate < checkOut)
                    //never reset currate or curguest_rate here, if a rate is not found for the date then old rate is used
                    for (idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++)
                        if (currentDate >= accrates[idx].StartDate && currentDate <= accrates[idx].EndDate)
                            currate                = accrates[idx].Amount;
                            curguest_rate          = accrates[idx].GuestRate;
                            PurchaseRateaAfterTaxs = accrates[idx].PurchaseRateAfterTax;
                            Prch_Rate_AT           = accrates[idx].PurchaseRateAfterTax;
                    if (curOldRate != currate)
                        bookingRates.Add(new CLayer.Rates.RateValues()
                            StartDate = currentDate.ToShortDateString(), DayCharge = (double)currate, DayGuestCharge = (double)curguest_rate, DayTotalCharge = 0, DayTotalGuestCharge = 0
                        curOldRate = currate;
                    if (curOffer != null && (!isCorporate))
                        if (currentDate >= offStartDate && currentDate <= offEndDate)
                            if (curOfferId != curOffer.OfferId && curOfferId != 0)
                                curOfferId = curOffer.OfferId;
                                appliedOffers.Add(new CLayer.BookingItemOffer()
                                    OfferId = curOffer.OfferId, OfferTitle = curOffer.Title, AccommodationId = id

                            switch ((CLayer.ObjectStatus.OfferRateType)curOffer.RateType)
                            case CLayer.ObjectStatus.OfferRateType.OfferFlatRate:
                                total = total + curOffer.Amount;
                                guest = guest + curguest_rate;

                            case CLayer.ObjectStatus.OfferRateType.OfferPercentageRate:
                                total = Math.Round(total + (currate - (currate * curOffer.Amount / 100)));
                                guest = Math.Round(guest + (curguest_rate - (curguest_rate * curOffer.Amount / 100)));
                            total = total + currate;
                            totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs = totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs + PurchaseRateaAfterTaxs;
                            guest         = guest + curguest_rate;
                            Prch_Rate_ATX = Prch_Rate_ATX + Prch_Rate_AT;
                        //perform calculations here
                        if (freeDaysExist)
                            if (!freeDays.Contains(currentDate))
                                total = total + currate;
                                totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs = totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs + PurchaseRateaAfterTaxs;
                                guest         = guest + curguest_rate;
                                Prch_Rate_ATX = Prch_Rate_ATX + Prch_Rate_AT;
                            total = total + currate;
                            totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs = totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs + PurchaseRateaAfterTaxs;
                            guest         = guest + curguest_rate;
                            Prch_Rate_ATX = Prch_Rate_ATX + Prch_Rate_AT;
                    currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(1);

                decimal CalcTotalTax = Math.Round((total * tax) / 100);
                decimal CalcGuestTax = Math.Round((guest * tax) / 100);

                //reduce tax from supplier rate
                SellRateAfterTax           = total;
                total                      = Math.Round(total / (1 + (tax / 100)));
                guest                      = Math.Round(guest / (1 + (tax / 100)));
                totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs = Math.Round(totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs / (1 + (tax / 100)));
                SellRateBeforeTax          = totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs;
                PurchaseRateBeforeTax      = total;
                PurchaseRateAfterTax       = Prch_Rate_ATX;

                //calculate corp discount and SB Markup here..

                //SB Markup
                decimal SBMarkup_rate  = 0;
                decimal SBMarkup_guest = 0;

                if (days < CLayer.Rates.LONG_TERM_DAYS)
                    if (isCorporate)
                        SBMarkup_rate  = Math.Round(total * ((decimal)rc.B2BShortTerm) / 100);
                        SBMarkup_guest = Math.Round(guest * ((decimal)rc.B2BShortTerm) / 100);
                        //first day charge
                        //diff rates calculation
                        for (int ai = 0; ai < bookingRates.Count; ai++)
                            bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge      = bookingRates[ai].DayCharge + Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayCharge * rc.B2BShortTerm / 100);
                            bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge = bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge + Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge * rc.B2BShortTerm / 100);
                        if (TAMInventoryAPIID == 4 || TAMInventoryAPIID == 5)
                            SBMarkup_rate  = Math.Round(total - totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs);
                            SBMarkup_guest = Math.Round(guest * ((decimal)rc.B2CShortTerm) / 100);
                            SBMarkup_rate  = Math.Round(total * ((decimal)rc.B2CShortTerm) / 100);
                            SBMarkup_guest = Math.Round(guest * ((decimal)rc.B2CShortTerm) / 100);
                        ////first day charge
                        for (int ai = 0; ai < bookingRates.Count; ai++)
                            bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge      = bookingRates[ai].DayCharge + Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayCharge * rc.B2CShortTerm / 100);
                            bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge = bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge + Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge * rc.B2CShortTerm / 100);
                    if (isCorporate)
                        SBMarkup_rate  = Math.Round(total * ((decimal)rc.B2BLongTerm) / 100);
                        SBMarkup_guest = Math.Round(guest * ((decimal)rc.B2BLongTerm) / 100);
                        //first day charge
                        //diff rates calc
                        for (int ai = 0; ai < bookingRates.Count; ai++)
                            bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge      = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge + Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayCharge * rc.B2BLongTerm / 100);
                            bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge + Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge * rc.B2BLongTerm / 100);
                        if (TAMInventoryAPIID == 4 || TAMInventoryAPIID == 5)
                            SBMarkup_rate  = Math.Round(total - totalPurchaseRateAfterTaxs);
                            SBMarkup_guest = Math.Round(guest * ((decimal)rc.B2CLongTerm) / 100);
                            SBMarkup_rate  = Math.Round(total * ((decimal)rc.B2CLongTerm) / 100);
                            SBMarkup_guest = Math.Round(guest * ((decimal)rc.B2CLongTerm) / 100);

                        //diff rates calc
                        for (int ai = 0; ai < bookingRates.Count; ai++)
                            bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge      = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge + Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayCharge * rc.B2CLongTerm / 100);
                            bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge + Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge * rc.B2CLongTerm / 100);
                //Corporate Discount
                decimal add_discount  = 0;
                decimal base_discount = 0;

                decimal guest_add_discount  = 0;
                decimal guest_base_discount = 0;

                if (isCorporate)
                    if (days < CLayer.Rates.LONG_TERM_DAYS)
                        if (dicnt.ShortTermRate > 0)
                            add_discount       = Math.Round(total * (decimal)dicnt.ShortTermRate / 100);
                            guest_add_discount = Math.Round(guest * (decimal)dicnt.ShortTermRate / 100);
                            //first day charge
                            //individual rates
                            for (int ai = 0; ai < bookingRates.Count; ai++)
                                bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge      = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge - Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayCharge * dicnt.ShortTermRate / 100);
                                bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge - Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge * dicnt.ShortTermRate / 100);

                        if (dicnt.BaseShortTerm > 0)
                            base_discount       = Math.Round(total * (decimal)dicnt.BaseShortTerm / 100);
                            guest_base_discount = Math.Round(guest * (decimal)dicnt.BaseShortTerm / 100);
                            //first day charge
                            for (int ai = 0; ai < bookingRates.Count; ai++)
                                bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge      = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge - Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayCharge * dicnt.BaseShortTerm / 100, 2);
                                bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge - Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge * dicnt.BaseShortTerm / 100, 2);
                        if (dicnt.LongTermRate > 0)
                            add_discount       = Math.Round(total * (decimal)dicnt.LongTermRate / 100);
                            guest_add_discount = Math.Round(guest * (decimal)dicnt.LongTermRate / 100);
                            //first day charge
                            //diff rates calc
                            for (int ai = 0; ai < bookingRates.Count; ai++)
                                bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge      = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge - Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayCharge * dicnt.LongTermRate / 100);
                                bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge - Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge * dicnt.LongTermRate / 100);
                        if (dicnt.BaseLongTerm > 0)
                            base_discount      = Math.Round(total * (decimal)dicnt.BaseLongTerm / 100);
                            guest_add_discount = Math.Round(guest * (decimal)dicnt.BaseLongTerm / 100);
                            //first day charge
                            //diff rates calc
                            for (int ai = 0; ai < bookingRates.Count; ai++)
                                bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge      = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalCharge - Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayCharge * dicnt.BaseLongTerm / 100);
                                bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge = bookingRates[ai].DayTotalGuestCharge - Math.Round(bookingRates[ai].DayGuestCharge * dicnt.BaseLongTerm / 100);
                decimal suppRate      = total;
                decimal suppGuestRate = guest;

                if (TAMInventoryAPIID == 4 || TAMInventoryAPIID == 5)
                    total = Math.Round(total);
                    guest = Math.Round(guest + SBMarkup_guest - guest_add_discount - guest_base_discount);
                    total = Math.Round(total + SBMarkup_rate - add_discount - base_discount);
                    guest = Math.Round(guest + SBMarkup_guest - guest_add_discount - guest_base_discount);

                //find tax on total amount and guest rate

                decimal totaltax = (total * tax) / 100;
                decimal guesttax = (guest * tax) / 100;

                result.Add(new CLayer.Rates()
                    SupplierRate          = suppRate + CalcTotalTax,
                    SupplierGuestRate     = guest + CalcGuestTax,
                    Amount                = total,
                    GuestRate             = guest,
                    AccommodationId       = id,
                    NoofAcc               = inventory,
                    RateChanges           = bookingRates,  //FirstDayCharge = fctotal,
                    SBMarkup              = SBMarkup_rate, //(SBMarkup_rate + SBMarkup_guest),
                    SBGuestMarkup         = SBMarkup_guest,
                    CorpDiscount          = (add_discount + base_discount),
                    CorpGuestDiscount     = (guest_add_discount + guest_base_discount),
                    AppliedOffers         = appliedOffers,
                    TotalRateTax          = totaltax,
                    TotalGuestTax         = guesttax,
                    PurchaseRateAfterTax  = PurchaseRateAfterTax,
                    SellRateBeforeTax     = PurchaseRateBeforeTax,
                    PurchaseRateBeforeTax = SellRateBeforeTax,
                    SellRateAfterTax      = SellRateAfterTax