private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Segment { if (!OPEN) { MessageBox.Show("Please open an image"); return; } if (!IMPULSE) { MessageBox.Show("Please click 'Impulse noise'"); return; } SigmaIm = new CImage(OrigIm.width, OrigIm.height, nbyteIm * 8); progressBar1.Value = 0; SigmaIm.SigmaSimpleUni(ImpulseIm, 1, 30, this); ExtremIm = new CImage(OrigIm.width, OrigIm.height, nbyteIm * 8); if (nbyteBmp == 3) { ExtremIm.ExtremVarColor(SigmaIm, 2, this); } else { ExtremIm.ExtremLightUni(SigmaIm, 2, this); } int rv, x, y; Palet = new int[256]; // This is a palette containing an RGB int color for each of 256 indices Pal = new CImage(OrigIm.width, OrigIm.height, 8); // This is an indexed image if (ExtremIm.N_Bits == 24) { rv = Pal.MakePalette(ExtremIm, Palet, this); } SegmentIm = new CImage(SigmaIm.width, SigmaIm.height, 24); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(SigmaIm.width, SigmaIm.height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Color color; int PalColor, jump, value; if (SigmaIm.height > 300) { jump = SigmaIm.height / (100 / 6); } else { jump = 2; } progressBar1.Visible = true; for (y = 0; y < SigmaIm.height; y++) { if (y % jump == jump - 1) { progressBar1.PerformStep(); } for (x = 0; x < SigmaIm.width; x++) { value = Pal.Grid[x + SigmaIm.width * y]; PalColor = Palet[value]; color = Color.FromArgb((PalColor) & 255, (PalColor >> 8) & 255, (PalColor >> 16) & 255); SegmentIm.Grid[2 + 3 * (x + SigmaIm.width * y)] = (byte)(PalColor & 255); SegmentIm.Grid[1 + 3 * (x + SigmaIm.width * y)] = (byte)((PalColor >> 8) & 255); SegmentIm.Grid[0 + 3 * (x + SigmaIm.width * y)] = (byte)((PalColor >> 16) & 255); } } ImageToBitmapNew(SegmentIm, BmpPictBox2); // SegmentIm is always color image but BmpPictBox2 can be indexed pictureBox2.Refresh(); // Image = bmp; label3.Text = "Segmented image, table 'Palet'"; label3.Visible = true; pictureBox2.Visible = true; progressBar1.Value = 0; button4.Visible = true; label4.Visible = true; numericUpDown3.Visible = true; label7.Text = "Click 'Detect edges'"; label7.Visible = true; SEGMENTED = true; } //********************************* end Segment ******************************************