private static List <int> GetDelays(CGImageSource source) { var retval = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < source?.ImageCount; i++) { var delayCentiseconds = 1; var properties = source.GetProperties(i, null); using (var gifProperties = properties.Dictionary[CGImageProperties.GIFDictionary]) { if (gifProperties != null) { using (var unclampedDelay = gifProperties.ValueForKey(CGImageProperties.GIFUnclampedDelayTime)) { double delayAsDouble = unclampedDelay != null?double.Parse(unclampedDelay.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : 0; if (delayAsDouble == 0) { using (var delay = gifProperties.ValueForKey(CGImageProperties.GIFDelayTime)) delayAsDouble = delay != null?double.Parse(delay.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : 0; } if (delayAsDouble > 0) { delayCentiseconds = (int)(delayAsDouble * 100); } } } } retval.Add(delayCentiseconds); } return(retval); }
static public FormsCAKeyFrameAnimation CreateAnimationFromCGImageSource(CGImageSource imageSource) { FormsCAKeyFrameAnimation animation = null; float repeatCount = float.MaxValue; var imageCount = imageSource.ImageCount; if (imageCount <= 0) { return(null); } using (var imageData = new ImageDataHelper(imageCount)) { if (imageSource.TypeIdentifier == "com.compuserve.gif") { var imageProperties = imageSource.GetProperties(null); using (var gifImageProperties = imageProperties?.Dictionary[ImageIO.CGImageProperties.GIFDictionary]) using (var repeatCountValue = gifImageProperties?.ValueForKey(ImageIO.CGImageProperties.GIFLoopCount)) { if (repeatCountValue != null) { float.TryParse(repeatCountValue.ToString(), out repeatCount); } else { repeatCount = 1; } if (repeatCount == 0) { repeatCount = float.MaxValue; } } } for (int i = 0; i < imageCount; i++) { imageData.AddFrameData(i, imageSource); } animation = imageData.CreateKeyFrameAnimation(); if (animation != null) { animation.RemovedOnCompletion = false; animation.KeyPath = "contents"; animation.RepeatCount = repeatCount; animation.Width = imageData.Width; animation.Height = imageData.Height; if (imageCount == 1) { animation.Duration = double.MaxValue; animation.KeyTimes = null; } } } return(animation); }
private static int GetLoopCount(CGImageSource source) { var var = source.GetProperties(null); using (var gifProperties = var.Dictionary["{GIF}"]) { var loopCount = gifProperties.ValueForKey(new NSString("LoopCount")); return(int.Parse(loopCount.ToString())); } }
public void AddFrameData(int index, CGImageSource imageSource) { if (index < 0 || index >= _imageCount || index >= imageSource.ImageCount) { throw new ArgumentException(); } double delayTime = 0.1f; var imageProperties = imageSource.GetProperties(index, null); using (var gifImageProperties = imageProperties?.Dictionary[ImageIO.CGImageProperties.GIFDictionary]) using (var unclampedDelayTimeValue = gifImageProperties?.ValueForKey(ImageIO.CGImageProperties.GIFUnclampedDelayTime)) using (var delayTimeValue = gifImageProperties?.ValueForKey(ImageIO.CGImageProperties.GIFDelayTime)) { if (unclampedDelayTimeValue != null) { double.TryParse(unclampedDelayTimeValue.ToString(), out delayTime); } else if (delayTimeValue != null) { double.TryParse(delayTimeValue.ToString(), out delayTime); } // Frame delay compability adjustment. if (delayTime <= 0.02f) { delayTime = 0.1f; } using (var image = imageSource.CreateImage(index, null)) { if (image != null) { Width = Math.Max(Width, (int)image.Width); Height = Math.Max(Height, (int)image.Height); _keyFrames[index]?.Dispose(); _keyFrames[index] = null; _keyFrames[index] = NSObject.FromObject(image); _delayTimes[index] = delayTime; _totalAnimationTime += delayTime; } } } }
private static CoreGraphics.CGImageProperties GetImageProperties(CGImageSource imageSource) { if (imageSource == null) { return(null); } try { // Get original image size return(imageSource.GetProperties(0)); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { ImageService.Instance.Config.Logger.Debug(ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
private static List <double> GetDelays(CGImageSource source) { var retval = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < source?.ImageCount; i++) { var properties = source.GetProperties(i, null); using (var gifProperties = properties.Dictionary["{GIF}"]) { using (var delayTime = gifProperties.ValueForKey(new NSString("DelayTime"))) { var realDuration = double.Parse(delayTime.ToString()); retval.Add(realDuration); } } } return(retval); }
private void SetImageInformation(int frame) { frameCount = (int)imageSource.ImageCount; if (frameCount == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid image"); } var properties = imageSource.GetProperties(frame, null); // This needs to be incorporated in frame information later // as well as during the clone methods. dpiWidth = properties.DPIWidthF != null ? (float)properties.DPIWidthF : ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI; dpiHeight = properties.DPIWidthF != null ? (float)properties.DPIHeightF : ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI; physicalDimension.Width = (float)properties.PixelWidth; physicalDimension.Height = (float)properties.PixelHeight; // The physical size may be off on certain implementations. For instance the dpiWidth and dpiHeight // are read using integers in core graphics but in windows it is a float. // For example: // coregraphics dpiWidth = 24 as integer // windows dpiWidth = 24.999935 as float // this gives a few pixels difference when calculating the physical size. // 256 * 96 / 24 = 1024 // 256 * 96 / 24.999935 = 983.04 // // // PR: // physicalSize = new SizeF(physicalDimension.Width, physicalDimension.Height); physicalSize.Width *= ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI / dpiWidth; physicalSize.Height *= ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI / dpiHeight; // Set the raw image format // We will use the UTI from the image source rawFormat = ImageFormatFromUTI(imageSource.TypeIdentifier); }
private static UIImageView CreateAnimatedImageView(CGImageSource imageSource, UIImageView imageView = null) { var frameCount = imageSource.ImageCount; var frameImages = new List <NSObject>((int)frameCount); var frameCGImages = new List <CGImage>((int)frameCount); var frameDurations = new List <double>((int)frameCount); var totalFrameDuration = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { var frameImage = imageSource.CreateImage(i, null); frameCGImages.Add(frameImage); frameImages.Add(NSObject.FromObject(frameImage)); var properties = imageSource.GetProperties(i, null); var duration = properties.Dictionary["{GIF}"]; var delayTime = duration.ValueForKey(new NSString("DelayTime")); duration.Dispose(); var realDuration = double.Parse(delayTime.ToString()); frameDurations.Add(realDuration); totalFrameDuration += realDuration; frameImage.Dispose(); } var framePercentageDurations = new List <NSNumber>((int)frameCount); var framePercentageDurationsDouble = new List <double>((int)frameCount); NSNumber currentDurationPercentage = 0.0f; double currentDurationDouble = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { if (i != 0) { var previousDuration = frameDurations[i - 1]; var previousDurationPercentage = framePercentageDurationsDouble[i - 1]; var number = previousDurationPercentage + (previousDuration / totalFrameDuration); currentDurationDouble = number; currentDurationPercentage = new NSNumber(number); } framePercentageDurationsDouble.Add(currentDurationDouble); framePercentageDurations.Add(currentDurationPercentage); } var imageSourceProperties = imageSource.GetProperties(null); var imageSourceGIFProperties = imageSourceProperties.Dictionary["{GIF}"]; var loopCount = imageSourceGIFProperties.ValueForKey(new NSString("LoopCount")); var imageSourceLoopCount = float.Parse(loopCount.ToString()); var frameAnimation = new CAKeyFrameAnimation(); frameAnimation.KeyPath = "contents"; if (imageSourceLoopCount <= 0.0f) { frameAnimation.RepeatCount = float.MaxValue; } else { frameAnimation.RepeatCount = imageSourceLoopCount; } imageSourceGIFProperties.Dispose(); frameAnimation.CalculationMode = CAAnimation.AnimationDescrete; frameAnimation.Values = frameImages.ToArray(); frameAnimation.Duration = totalFrameDuration; frameAnimation.KeyTimes = framePercentageDurations.ToArray(); frameAnimation.RemovedOnCompletion = false; var firstFrame = frameCGImages[0]; if (imageView == null) { imageView = new UIImageView(new CGRect(0.0f, 0.0f, firstFrame.Width, firstFrame.Height)); } else { imageView.Layer.RemoveAllAnimations(); } imageView.Layer.AddAnimation(frameAnimation, "contents"); frameAnimation.Dispose(); return(imageView); }
private static UIImageView CreateAnimatedImageView(CGImageSource imageSource, UIImageView imageView = null) { var frameCount = imageSource.ImageCount; var frameImages = new List<NSObject>((int)frameCount); var frameCGImages = new List<CGImage>((int)frameCount); var frameDurations = new List<double>((int)frameCount); var totalFrameDuration = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { var frameImage = imageSource.CreateImage(i, null); frameCGImages.Add(frameImage); frameImages.Add(NSObject.FromObject(frameImage)); var properties = imageSource.GetProperties(i, null); var duration = properties.Dictionary["{GIF}"]; var delayTime = duration.ValueForKey(new NSString("DelayTime")); duration.Dispose (); var realDuration = double.Parse(delayTime.ToString()); frameDurations.Add(realDuration); totalFrameDuration += realDuration; frameImage.Dispose (); } var framePercentageDurations = new List<NSNumber>((int)frameCount); var framePercentageDurationsDouble = new List<double>((int)frameCount); NSNumber currentDurationPercentage = 0.0f; double currentDurationDouble = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { if (i != 0) { var previousDuration = frameDurations[i - 1]; var previousDurationPercentage = framePercentageDurationsDouble[i - 1]; var number = previousDurationPercentage + (previousDuration/totalFrameDuration); currentDurationDouble = number; currentDurationPercentage = new NSNumber(number); } framePercentageDurationsDouble.Add(currentDurationDouble); framePercentageDurations.Add(currentDurationPercentage); } var imageSourceProperties = imageSource.GetProperties(null); var imageSourceGIFProperties = imageSourceProperties.Dictionary["{GIF}"]; var loopCount = imageSourceGIFProperties.ValueForKey(new NSString("LoopCount")); var imageSourceLoopCount = float.Parse(loopCount.ToString()); var frameAnimation = new CAKeyFrameAnimation(); frameAnimation.KeyPath = "contents"; if (imageSourceLoopCount <= 0.0f) { frameAnimation.RepeatCount = float.MaxValue; } else { frameAnimation.RepeatCount = imageSourceLoopCount; } imageSourceGIFProperties.Dispose (); frameAnimation.CalculationMode = CAAnimation.AnimationDescrete; frameAnimation.Values = frameImages.ToArray(); frameAnimation.Duration = totalFrameDuration; frameAnimation.KeyTimes = framePercentageDurations.ToArray(); frameAnimation.RemovedOnCompletion = false; var firstFrame = frameCGImages[0]; if(imageView == null) imageView = new UIImageView(new CGRect(0.0f, 0.0f, firstFrame.Width, firstFrame.Height)); else imageView.Layer.RemoveAllAnimations(); imageView.Layer.AddAnimation(frameAnimation, "contents"); frameAnimation.Dispose (); return imageView; }