コード例 #1
        public void DrawImage(IImage image, float x, float y, float width, float height, Xamarin.Forms.Aspect aspect)
            if (image != null)
                CGImage cgImage = ((Image)image).NativeImage;
                if (cgImage != null)
                    if (aspect == Xamarin.Forms.Aspect.Fill)
                        context.DrawImage(new CGRect(x, y, width, height), cgImage);
                        Xamarin.Forms.Size bounding = new Xamarin.Forms.Size(width, height);

                        if (aspect == Xamarin.Forms.Aspect.AspectFill)
                            Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle imageBox = MathHelper.Fill(new Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle(Xamarin.Forms.Point.Zero, image.Size), bounding);

                            using (CGImage newImage = cgImage.WithImageInRect(new CGRect(imageBox.X, imageBox.Y, imageBox.Width, imageBox.Height)))
                                context.DrawImage(new CGRect(x, y, width, height), newImage);
                            Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle boundingBox = MathHelper.Fit(image.Size, new Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle(x, y, width, height));

                            context.DrawImage(new CGRect(boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y, boundingBox.Width, boundingBox.Height), cgImage);
                context.DrawImage(new CGRect(x, y, width, height), cgImage);
コード例 #2
ファイル: IOSBitmap.cs プロジェクト: ebrucucen/MonoAGS
        public IBitmap Crop(Rectangle rectangle)
            var     cropped = _cgImage.WithImageInRect(new CGRect(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height));
            UIImage image   = new UIImage(cropped);

            return(new IOSBitmap(image, _graphics));
コード例 #3
        static CGImage Crop(CGImage rawImage)
            // Crops from top and bottom evenly
            var h = rawImage.Height;
            var w = rawImage.Width;

            if (h > w)
                var offset = (h - w) / 2;
                return(rawImage.WithImageInRect(new CGRect(0, offset, w, w)));
                var offset = (w - h) / 2;
                return(rawImage.WithImageInRect(new CGRect(offset, 0, h, h)));
コード例 #4
ファイル: Image.cs プロジェクト: CBrauer/monotouch-samples
		static CGImage Crop (CGImage rawImage)
			// Crops from top and bottom evenly
			var h = rawImage.Height;
			var w = rawImage.Width;

			if (h > w) {
				var offset = (h - w) / 2;
				return rawImage.WithImageInRect (new CGRect (0, offset, w, w));
			} else {
				var offset = (w - h) / 2;
				return rawImage.WithImageInRect (new CGRect (offset, 0, h, h));
コード例 #5
        public IBitmapImplementation Crop(IntRectangle cropArea)
            var rect = new CGRect(cropArea.Left, cropArea.Top, cropArea.Width, cropArea.Height);

            return(new BitmapImplementation(cgImage.WithImageInRect(rect)));
コード例 #6
        static CGImage ScaleAndCrop (CGImage image, Size targetSize, ScaledDescription.ScaleMode mode, CancellationToken token)
            token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ();

            bool crop = (mode == ScaledDescription.ScaleMode.ScaleAspectFill);
            var toWidth = targetSize.Width;
            var toHeight = targetSize.Height;

            if (image.Width == toWidth && image.Height == toHeight)
                return image;

            if (image.Width < toWidth && image.Height < toHeight && !crop)
                return image;

            var widthScale = (double) toWidth / image.Width;
            var heightScale = (double) toHeight / image.Height;

            var scale = (crop)
                ? Math.Max (widthScale, heightScale)
                    : Math.Min (widthScale, heightScale);

            var sizeAfterScale = (scale == widthScale)
                ? new Size (toWidth, (int) (image.Height * widthScale))
                    : new Size ((int) (image.Width * heightScale), toHeight);

            if (!crop) {
                targetSize = sizeAfterScale;

            var offsetSize = new Size (
                (sizeAfterScale.Width - targetSize.Width) / 2,
                (sizeAfterScale.Height - targetSize.Height) / 2

            if (scale < 1.0) {
                var drawRect = new Rectangle (
                    Point.Subtract (Point.Empty, offsetSize),

                return ImageHelper.Scale (image, drawRect, targetSize);
            } else {
                var scaledCropRect = new Rectangle (
                    (int) (offsetSize.Width / scale),
                    (int) (offsetSize.Height / scale),
                    (int) (targetSize.Width / scale),
                    (int) (targetSize.Height / scale)

                return image.WithImageInRect (scaledCropRect);
コード例 #7
        UIImage CropImage(UIImage sourceImage, CGRect cropDimension)
            // step one, transform the crop region into image space.
            // (So pixelX is a pixel in the actual image, not the scaled screen)

            // convert our position on screen to where it should be in the image
            float pixelX = (float)(cropDimension.X * ScreenToImageScalar);
            float pixelY = (float)(cropDimension.Y * ScreenToImageScalar);

            // same for height, since the image was scaled down to fit the screen.
            float width  = (float)cropDimension.Width * ScreenToImageScalar;
            float height = (float)cropDimension.Height * ScreenToImageScalar;

            // Now we're going to rotate the image to actually be "up" as the user
            // sees it. To do that, we simply rotate it according to the apple documentation.
            float rotationDegrees = 0.0f;

            switch (sourceImage.Orientation)
            case UIImageOrientation.Up:
                // don't do anything. The image space and the user space are 1:1

            case UIImageOrientation.Left:
                // the image space is rotated 90 degrees from user space,
                // so do a CCW 90 degree rotation
                rotationDegrees = 90.0f;

            case UIImageOrientation.Right:
                // the image space is rotated -90 degrees from user space,
                // so do a CW 90 degree rotation
                rotationDegrees = -90.0f;

            case UIImageOrientation.Down:
                rotationDegrees = 180;

            // Now get a transform so we can rotate the image to be oriented the same as when the user previewed it
            CGAffineTransform fullImageTransform = GetImageTransformAboutCenter(rotationDegrees, sourceImage.Size);

            // apply to the image
            CIImage ciCorrectedImage        = new CIImage(sourceImage.CGImage);
            CIImage ciCorrectedRotatedImage = ciCorrectedImage.ImageByApplyingTransform(fullImageTransform);

            // create a context and render it back out to a CGImage.
            CIContext ciContext      = CIContext.FromOptions(null);
            CGImage   rotatedCGImage = ciContext.CreateCGImage(ciCorrectedRotatedImage, ciCorrectedRotatedImage.Extent);

            // now the image is properly orientated, so we can crop it.
            CGRect  cropRegion   = new CGRect(pixelX, pixelY, width, height);
            CGImage croppedImage = rotatedCGImage.WithImageInRect(cropRegion);

            return(new UIImage(croppedImage));
コード例 #8
        // create a NinePatch from file
        public NinePatchImage(string fileName, ResizeMethod resizeMethod)
            _resizeMethod = resizeMethod;

            const uint BLACK_PIXEL_FULL_ALPHA = 0x000000FF;

            // base image
            UIImage ninePatchIamge = UIImage.FromFile(fileName);

            // get lower level representaton so we can test pixels for blackness
            CGImage dataImage   = ninePatchIamge.CGImage;
            IntPtr  dataPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dataImage.Width * dataImage.Height * 4);

            CGBitmapContext context = new CGBitmapContext(dataPointer, dataImage.Width, dataImage.Height,
                                                          dataImage.BitsPerComponent, dataImage.BytesPerRow, dataImage.ColorSpace,

            context.FillRect(new RectangleF(0, 0, dataImage.Width, dataImage.Height));
            context.DrawImage(new RectangleF(0, 0, dataImage.Width, dataImage.Height), dataImage);

            int topStart    = 0;
            int topEnd      = dataImage.Width;
            int leftStart   = 0;
            int leftEnd     = dataImage.Height;
            int bottomStart = 0;
            int bottomEnd   = dataImage.Width;
            int rightStart  = 0;
            int rightEnd    = dataImage.Height;

            bool noPaddingSpecified = false;
            int  centerHeight       = 0;
            int  centerWidth        = 0;

                // calculate top stretch line
                int   firstPixel   = dataImage.Width;
                int   lastPixel    = 0;
                uint *imagePointer = (uint *)(void *)dataPointer;
                for (int xx = 0; xx < dataImage.Width; xx++, imagePointer++)
                    uint thisValue = *imagePointer;
                    if (*imagePointer == BLACK_PIXEL_FULL_ALPHA)
                        if (xx < firstPixel)
                            firstPixel = xx;
                        if (xx > lastPixel)
                            lastPixel = xx;
                topStart    = firstPixel;
                topEnd      = lastPixel;
                _leftWidth  = topStart - 1;
                _rightWidth = (dataImage.Width - 2) - topEnd;                 // assumes padding lines (-1 if not)!
                centerWidth = (dataImage.Width - 2) - (_leftWidth + _rightWidth);

                // calculate left side stretch line
                firstPixel   = dataImage.Height;
                lastPixel    = 0;
                imagePointer = (uint *)(void *)dataPointer;
                for (int xx = 0; xx < dataImage.Height; xx++, imagePointer += dataImage.Width)
                    uint thisValue = *imagePointer;
                    if (thisValue == BLACK_PIXEL_FULL_ALPHA)
                        if (xx < firstPixel)
                            firstPixel = xx;
                        if (xx > lastPixel)
                            lastPixel = xx;
                leftStart    = firstPixel;
                leftEnd      = lastPixel;
                _upperHeight = leftStart - 1;
                _lowerHeight = (dataImage.Height - 2) - leftEnd;
                centerHeight = (dataImage.Height - 2) - (_upperHeight + _lowerHeight);

                // calculate right side padding line
                firstPixel   = dataImage.Height;
                lastPixel    = 0;
                imagePointer = ((uint *)(void *)dataPointer) + (dataImage.Width - 1);
                for (int xx = 0; xx < dataImage.Height; xx++, imagePointer += dataImage.Width)
                    uint thisValue = *imagePointer;
                    if (thisValue == BLACK_PIXEL_FULL_ALPHA)
                        if (xx < firstPixel)
                            firstPixel = xx;
                        if (xx > lastPixel)
                            lastPixel = xx;
                if (lastPixel == 0)
                    noPaddingSpecified = true;
                rightStart = firstPixel;
                rightEnd   = lastPixel;

                // calculate bottom padding line
                firstPixel   = dataImage.Width;
                lastPixel    = 0;
                imagePointer = ((uint *)(void *)dataPointer) + (dataImage.Width * (dataImage.Height - 1));
                for (int xx = 0; xx < dataImage.Width; xx++, imagePointer++)
                    uint thisValue = *imagePointer;
                    if (*imagePointer == BLACK_PIXEL_FULL_ALPHA)
                        if (xx < firstPixel)
                            firstPixel = xx;
                        if (xx > lastPixel)
                            lastPixel = xx;
                if (lastPixel == 0)
                    noPaddingSpecified = true;
                bottomStart = firstPixel;
                bottomEnd   = lastPixel;

            // upper section bitmaps
            Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle(1, 1, _leftWidth, _upperHeight);

            //Debug.WriteLine("Upper Left: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _upperLeft = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)): null;

            imageRect = new Rectangle(topStart, 1, centerWidth, _upperHeight);
            //Debug.WriteLine("Upper: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _upper = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)) : null;

            imageRect = new Rectangle(topEnd + 1, 1, _rightWidth, _upperHeight);
            //Debug.WriteLine("Upper Right: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _upperRight = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)) : null;

            // center section bitmaps
            imageRect = new Rectangle(1, leftStart, _leftWidth, centerHeight);
            //Debug.WriteLine("Left: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _left = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)) : null;

            imageRect = new Rectangle(topStart, leftStart, centerWidth, centerHeight);
            //Debug.WriteLine("Center: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _center = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)) : null;

            imageRect = new Rectangle(topEnd + 1, leftStart, _rightWidth, centerHeight);
            //Debug.WriteLine("Right: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _right = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)) : null;

            // lower section bitmaps
            imageRect = new Rectangle(1, leftEnd + 1, _leftWidth, _lowerHeight);
            //Debug.WriteLine("Lower Left: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _lowerLeft = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)) : null;

            imageRect = new Rectangle(topStart, leftEnd + 1, centerWidth, _lowerHeight);
            //Debug.WriteLine("Lower: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _lower = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)) : null;

            imageRect = new Rectangle(topEnd + 1, leftEnd + 1, _rightWidth, _lowerHeight);
            //Debug.WriteLine("Lower Right: " + imageRect.ToString());
            _lowerRight = IsRect(imageRect) ? UIImage.FromImage(dataImage.WithImageInRect(imageRect)) : null;

            if (noPaddingSpecified)
                // uses the center area defined by the top and left margins
                _paddingBounds = new Rectangle(_upperLeft.CGImage.Width, _upperLeft.CGImage.Height, _center.CGImage.Width, _center.CGImage.Height);
                // uses the area defined by the bottom and right margins
                _paddingBounds = new Rectangle(bottomStart - 1, rightStart - 1, bottomEnd - bottomStart, rightEnd - rightStart);

            //Debug.WriteLine("Content/Padding: " + _paddingBounds.ToString());