コード例 #1
        internal List <EntityViewBase> FindDatastores()
            List <EntityViewBase> FoundEntities = new List <EntityViewBase> {

            foreach (HostSystem host in GetHostCached().Values)
                // only get information about mounted logical volumes
                foreach (ManagementObject r in (new ManagementObjectSearcher(host.Scopes["CIMV2"], new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Volume WHERE drivetype='3' AND NOT name LIKE '%?%'"))).Get())
                    Datastore ds   = null;
                    string    dsid = r.GetPropertyValue("DeviceId").ToString();
                    ds = GetDatastoreDiskCached(dsid);

                    bool dsalreadyfound = false;
                    foreach (Datastore entity in FoundEntities)
                        if (entity.ID == ds.ID)
                            dsalreadyfound = true; break;

                    ds.Name = r.GetPropertyValue("Name").ToString();
                    long blocksize = 0, capacity = 0, freespace = 0;
                    Int64.TryParse(r.GetPropertyValue("BlockSize").ToString(), out blocksize);
                    Int64.TryParse(r.GetPropertyValue("Capacity").ToString(), out capacity);
                    Int64.TryParse(r.GetPropertyValue("FreeSpace").ToString(), out freespace);
                    ds.BlockSize  = blocksize;
                    ds.Capacity   = capacity;
                    ds.FreeSpace  = freespace;
                    ds.FileSystem = r.GetPropertyValue("FileSystem").ToString();
                    List <string> owners = new List <string> {
                    if (ds.IsClustered)
                        foreach (HostSystem h in GetHostCached().Values)
                    ds.Cluster = _ClusterName;
                    ds.Host    = CFunctions.StringJoin(";", owners);

                    if (!dsalreadyfound)
コード例 #2
        public void ExportDiscoveredConfig(CDiscoveredConfig oc, CService server = null, bool rolluptotals = false)
            if (oc.Attributes != null && oc.Name.Length > 0)
                if (server != null && rolluptotals)
                    // create grouping objects
                    AddGroupingInfo(server, oc);

                    // rollup totals by group and repair object parent properties
                    oc = UpdateGroupingInfo(server, oc);
                CDatabaseEntry entry = new CDatabaseEntry();
                entry.Id         = oc.Id.ToString();
                entry.Reference  = oc.Attributes.Get(CAttributeType.Reference);
                entry.Created    = oc.Attributes.Get(CAttributeType.Created);
                entry.Accessed   = oc.Attributes.Get(CAttributeType.Accessed);
                entry.Name       = CFunctions.EscapeJson(oc.Name);
                entry.Type       = oc.Type.ToString();
                entry.Parent     = CFunctions.StringJoin(";", oc.Owner);
                entry.Attributes = oc.Serialize(CDiscoveredConfig.SerializeAsShortJson);
                if (!ExportedEntries.Contains(entry.Id))
            if (oc.ChildObjects != null)
                foreach (CDiscoveredConfig obj in oc.ChildObjects)
                    ExportDiscoveredConfig(obj, server, rolluptotals);
コード例 #3
 public string _AddGroupingInfo(CService server, string name, int type, string parent, string id = "")
     if (!DiscoveredGroups.ContainsKey(name))
         if (id != null && id == parent)
             parent = "";
         }                                                // object = parent: so parent may as well be empty
         DiscoveredGroups.Add(name, new CDiscoveredConfig()
             Name = name, Type = type, Owner = new List <string> {
         if (id != null && id != "")
             DiscoveredGroups[name].Id = id;
         }                                                               // if id is specified specifically set this for the group
         if (DiscoveredGroups[name].Attributes == null)
             DiscoveredGroups[name].Attributes = new CDiscoveredAttributes();
         if (DiscoveredGroups[name].Metrics == null)
             DiscoveredGroups[name].Metrics = new CDiscoveredMetrics();
         if (type == CDiscoveredTypes.Site)
             CSite obj = DiscoveredSites.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(name));
             if (obj != null)
                 DiscoveredGroups[name].Attributes.Set(CAttributeType.Details, obj.Description.ToStringNz());
                 DiscoveredGroups[name].Attributes.Set(CAttributeType.Path, obj.Path.ToStringNz());
                 DiscoveredGroups[name].Attributes.Set(CAttributeType.Location, obj.Location.ToStringNz());
                 DiscoveredGroups[name].Attributes.Set(CAttributeType.Subnets, CFunctions.StringJoin(";", obj.Subnets));
         else if ((type == CDiscoveredTypes.VICluster))
             if (DiscoveredGroups.ContainsKey(server.Name))
                 DiscoveredGroups[server.Name].Metrics.Increment(CMetricType.ClCount, 1);
         else if ((type == CDiscoveredTypes.HVCluster))
             DiscoveredGroups[name].Metrics.Increment(CMetricType.ClCount, 1);
         else if ((type == CDiscoveredTypes.VIDatacenter) || (type == CDiscoveredTypes.HVDatacenter))
             if (DiscoveredGroups.ContainsKey(server.Name))
                 DiscoveredGroups[server.Name].Metrics.Increment(CMetricType.DcCount, 1);