String processDispatch(CRoute route, String method, String uri, String query, String body) { Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, null, body); Object rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServe(rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { return(strRedirectUrl); } String strFilePath = RHODESAPP().canonicalizeRhoPath(uri) + ".gen.html"; if ( > 0) { strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, route.application + "/" + route.model + "/" + route.action) + ".gen.html"; } CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strFilePath, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } return(strFilePath); }
//public static IDBResult createResult(){ // return getInstance().m_dbStorage.createResult(); //} public String makeBlobFolderName() { String fName = CFilePath.join(CRhodesApp.getRhoRootPath(), "db/db-files"); CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(fName); return(fName); }
public boolean processBrowserRequest(Uri uri) { if (!uri.OriginalString.StartsWith(RHODESAPP().getHomeUrl()) && (uri.IsAbsoluteUri || uri.OriginalString.StartsWith("res:"))) { return(false); } String query = ""; String url = uri.OriginalString; url = url.StartsWith(RHODESAPP().getHomeUrl()) ? url.substring(RHODESAPP().getHomeUrl().length()) : url; int nFrag = url.LastIndexOf('#'); if (nFrag >= 0) { url = url.Substring(0, nFrag); } int nQuery = url.IndexOf('?'); if (nQuery >= 0) { query = url.Substring(nQuery + 1); url = url.Substring(0, nQuery); } if (url.EndsWith(".gen.html") || (isknowntype(url) && url.StartsWith(m_root))) { return(false); } CRoute route = new CRoute(); if (dispatch(url, route)) { addQueueCommand(new CServerCommand(this, route, "GET", url, query, "", CServerCommand.scDispatch)); return(true); } String fullPath = url.StartsWith(m_root) ? url : CFilePath.join(m_root, url); String strIndexFile = getIndex(fullPath); if (strIndexFile.Length > 0) { addQueueCommand(new CServerCommand(this, route, "GET", url, query, "", CServerCommand.scIndex)); return(true); } return(false); }
String getIndex(String path) { String[] index_files = { "index_erb.rb", "index.html", "index.htm", "index.php", "index.cgi" }; if (CFilePath.getExtension(path).Length == 0) { return(CFilePath.join(path, index_files[0])); } String strFileName = CFilePath.getBaseName(path); return(find_in_string_array(strFileName, index_files) ? path : ""); }
IDictionary processIndex(CRoute route, String method, String uri, Dictionary <String, String> headers, String query, String body) { Object rhoResp = new Dictionary <String, String>(); String fullPath = uri.StartsWith(m_root) ? uri : CFilePath.join(m_root, uri); String strIndexFile = getIndex(fullPath); if (!CRhoFile.isResourceFileExist(strIndexFile)) { String error = "<html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>"; String strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, "rhodes_error") + ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeStringToFile(strFilePath, error); ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH] = strFilePath; ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_STATUS] = "404"; ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_STATUS_MESSAGE] = "Not Found"; return((IDictionary)rhoResp); } if (CFilePath.getExtension(fullPath).Length > 0) { ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH] = strIndexFile; ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_STATUS] = "200"; ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_STATUS_MESSAGE] = "Ok"; return((IDictionary)rhoResp); } Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, headers, body); rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServeIndex(strIndexFile, rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH] = strRedirectUrl; return((IDictionary)rhoResp); } strIndexFile += ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strIndexFile); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strIndexFile, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH] = strIndexFile; return((IDictionary)rhoResp); }
public String getServerQueryUrl(String strAction) { String strUrl = RhoConf.getInstance().getPath("syncserver"); if (strAction.length() > 0) { strUrl = CFilePath.join(strUrl, strAction); } else { strUrl = strUrl.substring(0, strUrl.length() - 1); } return(strUrl); }
public NetResponse pullFile(String strUrl, String strFileName, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable <String, String> headers) { NetResponse resp = null; m_isPullFile = true; m_bCancel = false; try{ if (!strFileName.startsWith("file:")) { try{ strFileName = CFilePath.join(CRhodesApp.getRhoRootPath(), strFileName); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.ERROR("getDirPath failed.", e); } } m_pulledFile = RhoClassFactory.createFile();, CRhoFile.EOpenModes.OpenForReadWrite); m_pulledFile.setPosTo(m_pulledFile.size()); do { resp = doRequest("GET", strUrl, null, oSession, headers, m_pulledFile.size()); }while(!m_bCancel && (resp == null || resp.isOK()) && m_nCurDownloadSize > 0); }finally{ if (m_pulledFile != null) { try { m_pulledFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.ERROR("file closing failed.", e); } m_pulledFile = null; } } copyHashtable(m_OutHeaders, headers); m_isPullFile = false; m_nCurDownloadSize = 0; return(resp != null && !m_bCancel ? resp : makeResponse("", Convert.ToInt32(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError))); }
String processIndex(CRoute route, String method, String uri, String query, String body) { String fullPath = uri.StartsWith(m_root) ? uri : CFilePath.join(m_root, uri); String strIndexFile = getIndex(fullPath); if (!CRhoFile.isResourceFileExist(strIndexFile)) { String error = "<html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>"; String strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, "rhodes_error") + ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeStringToFile(strFilePath, error); return(strFilePath); } if (CFilePath.getExtension(fullPath).Length > 0) { return(strIndexFile); } Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, null, body); Object rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServeIndex(strIndexFile, rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { return(strRedirectUrl); } strIndexFile += ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strIndexFile); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strIndexFile, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } return(strIndexFile); }
public CResponse decide(String method, String uri, String query, String body) { if (uri.EndsWith(".gen.html") || (isknowntype(uri) && uri.StartsWith(m_root))) { return(new CResponse(false)); } if (process_registered(uri)) { return(new CResponse(false)); } CRoute route = new CRoute(); if (dispatch(uri, route)) { Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, null, body); Object rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServe(rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { return(new CResponse(strRedirectUrl)); } String strFilePath = RHODESAPP().canonicalizeRhoPath(uri) + ".gen.html"; if ( > 0) { strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, route.application + "/" + route.model + "/" + route.action) + ".gen.html"; } CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strFilePath, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } return(new CResponse(strFilePath)); } String fullPath = uri.StartsWith(m_root) ? uri : CFilePath.join(m_root, uri); String strIndexFile = getIndex(fullPath); if (strIndexFile.Length > 0) { if (!CRhoFile.isResourceFileExist(strIndexFile)) { String error = "<html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>"; String strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, "rhodes_error") + ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeStringToFile(strFilePath, error); return(new CResponse(strFilePath)); } if (CFilePath.getExtension(fullPath).Length > 0) { return(new CResponse(strIndexFile)); } Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, null, body); Object rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServeIndex(strIndexFile, rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { return(new CResponse(strRedirectUrl)); } strIndexFile += ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strIndexFile); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strIndexFile, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } return(new CResponse(strIndexFile)); } return(new CResponse(false)); }
void loadBulkPartition(String strPartition) { DBAdapter dbPartition = getDB(strPartition); String serverUrl = RhoConf.getInstance().getPath("syncserver"); String strUrl = serverUrl + "bulk_data"; String strQuery = "?client_id=" + m_clientID + "&partition=" + strPartition; String strDataUrl = "", strCmd = "", strCryptKey = ""; getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(false, "start", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); while (strCmd.length() == 0 && isContinueSync()) { NetResponse resp = getNet().pullData(strUrl + strQuery, this); if (!resp.isOK() || resp.getCharData() == null) { LOG.ERROR("Bulk sync failed: server return an error."); stopSync(); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(true, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.getErrorFromResponse(resp)); return; } LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: got response from server: " + resp.getCharData()); String szData = resp.getCharData(); JSONEntry oJsonEntry = new JSONEntry(szData); strCmd = oJsonEntry.getString("result"); if (oJsonEntry.hasName("url")) { strDataUrl = oJsonEntry.getString("url"); } if (strCmd.compareTo("wait") == 0) { int nTimeout = RhoConf.getInstance().getInt("bulksync_timeout_sec"); if (nTimeout == 0) { nTimeout = 5; } SyncThread.getInstance().wait(nTimeout); strCmd = ""; } } if (strCmd.compareTo("nop") == 0) { LOG.INFO("Bulk sync return no data."); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(true, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); return; } if (!isContinueSync()) { return; } getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(false, "download", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); String fDataName = makeBulkDataFileName(strDataUrl, dbPartition.getDBPath(), ""); String strZip = ".rzip"; String strSqlDataUrl = CFilePath.join(getHostFromUrl(serverUrl), strDataUrl) + strZip; LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: download data from server: " + strSqlDataUrl); { NetResponse resp1 = getNet().pullFile(strSqlDataUrl, fDataName + strZip, this, null); if (!resp1.isOK()) { LOG.ERROR("Bulk sync failed: cannot download database file."); stopSync(); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(true, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.getErrorFromResponse(resp1)); return; } } if (!isContinueSync()) { return; } LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: unzip db"); if (!RHODESAPP().unzip_file(fDataName + strZip)) { CRhoFile.deleteFile(fDataName + strZip); LOG.ERROR("Bulk sync failed: cannot unzip database file."); stopSync(); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(true, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_UNEXPECTEDSERVERRESPONSE); return; } CRhoFile.deleteFile(fDataName + strZip); LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: start change db"); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(false, "change_db", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); dbPartition.setBulkSyncDB(fDataName, strCryptKey); processServerSources("{\"partition\":\"" + strPartition + "\"}"); LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: end change db"); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(false, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); }
public boolean processBrowserRequest(String reqType, Uri uri, IDictionary headers, IDictionary data, String strAjaxContext, int tabIndex = -1) { boolean bAjaxCall = !(strAjaxContext == null || strAjaxContext.length() == 0); if (!uri.OriginalString.StartsWith(RHODESAPP().getHomeUrl()) && (uri.IsAbsoluteUri || uri.OriginalString.StartsWith("res:"))) { return(false); } String query = ""; String url = uri.OriginalString; url = url.StartsWith(RHODESAPP().getHomeUrl()) ? url.substring(RHODESAPP().getHomeUrl().length()) : url; int nFrag = url.LastIndexOf('#'); if (nFrag >= 0) { url = url.Substring(0, nFrag); } int nQuery = url.IndexOf('?'); if (nQuery >= 0) { query = url.Substring(nQuery + 1); url = url.Substring(0, nQuery); } if (url.EndsWith(".gen.html") || (isknowntype(url) && url.StartsWith(m_root))) { return(false); } CRoute route = new CRoute(); if (dispatch(url, route)) { addQueueCommand(new CServerCommand(this, route, reqType, url + (0 < query.Length ? ("?" + query) : ""), headers, data, CServerCommand.scDispatch, strAjaxContext, tabIndex)); //addQueueCommand(new CServerCommand(this, route, bAjaxCall ? "GET" : "GET", url, query, "", CServerCommand.scDispatch, strAjaxContext)); return(true); } String fullPath = url.StartsWith(m_root) ? url : CFilePath.join(m_root, url); String strIndexFile = getIndex(fullPath); if (strIndexFile.Length > 0) { addQueueCommand(new CServerCommand(this, route, reqType, url, headers, data, CServerCommand.scIndex, strAjaxContext, tabIndex)); //addQueueCommand(new CServerCommand(this, route, bAjaxCall ? "GET" : "GET", url, query, "", CServerCommand.scIndex, strAjaxContext)); return(true); } return(false); }