コード例 #1
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void SelectOrderOfActions()
        m_isPlayerInPhase1 = false;

        // TODO - if a wild pokemon can flee the fight without attacking (Safari Park for example), add the condition here;

        // Running from a fight is resolve before any other action in the turn.
        // If a player plays an object, it will be done before any action from the AI
        if (m_playerAction.GetActionType() == ECombatActionType.Run || m_playerAction.GetActionType() == ECombatActionType.Object)
            m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
        // A switch from the player will also be done before any action from the AI, but can be done after some special attacks
        else if (m_AiAction.GetActionType() == ECombatActionType.Switch)
            // For now true. Cannot always be true with some attack like "Pursuit"
            m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
        else if (m_AiAction.GetActionType() == ECombatActionType.Attack)           // if both pokemon attacks, select the fastest attack
            CAttackAction playerAttackAction = (CAttackAction)m_playerAction;
            CAttackAction aiAttackAction     = (CAttackAction)m_AiAction;
            int           playerPriority     = AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(playerAttackAction.attackId).m_priorite;
            int           aiPriority         = AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(aiAttackAction.attackId).m_priorite;

            // if higher attack priority for the player's pokemon
            if (playerPriority > aiPriority)
                m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
            else if (playerPriority == aiPriority)
                int playerPokemonSpeed = GetPokemonSpeed(m_playerPokemon, true);
                int aiPokemonSpeed     = GetPokemonSpeed(m_opponentPokemon, false);

                // If player's pokemon is faster
                if (playerPokemonSpeed > aiPokemonSpeed)
                    m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
                else if (playerPokemonSpeed == aiPokemonSpeed)                  // if both pokemon goes to the same speed, then select one at random to attack first
                    if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)
                        m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
コード例 #2
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void ResolveAttackPhase(EBattleStates state)
        bool          isPlayer = state == EBattleStates.eAtkPhase1 && m_isPlayerInPhase1 || state == EBattleStates.eAtkPhase2 && !m_isPlayerInPhase1;
        CCombatAction action;
        Pokemon       attackingPokemon;
        Pokemon       defendingPokemon;

        if (isPlayer)
            m_playerAttacking = true;
            action            = m_playerAction;
            attackingPokemon  = m_playerPokemon;
            defendingPokemon  = m_opponentPokemon;
            m_playerAttacking = false;
            action            = m_AiAction;
            attackingPokemon  = m_opponentPokemon;
            defendingPokemon  = m_playerPokemon;

        switch (action.GetActionType())
        case ECombatActionType.Run:
            // Only player can run away for now
            if (CanRunAway())
                StopFight(false, true);
            else                     // if the run attempt fails, the turn is lost
                GoToState(m_battleState + 1);

        case ECombatActionType.Switch:
            OnSwitch(isPlayer, (CSwitchAction)action);

        case ECombatActionType.Object:
            // TODO

        case ECombatActionType.Attack:
            CAttackAction attackAction = (CAttackAction)action;
            Attack        attack       = FindObjectOfType <Attack> ();
            if (attack)
                attack.StartAttack(attackAction.attackId, attackingPokemon, defendingPokemon);
