コード例 #1
ファイル: Utilities.cs プロジェクト: ugurlu2001/CodePlex
        public static IList <tagVsSccFilesFlags> CreateSccFlagsCADWORD(CADWORD cadWord)
            IList <tagVsSccFilesFlags> flags = new List <tagVsSccFilesFlags>();

            if (cadWord.cElems == 0)
            // Demand unmanaged permissions in order to access unmanaged memory.
            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand();

            IntPtr tempPtr = cadWord.pElems;
            int    size    = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr));

            for (int i = 0; i < cadWord.cElems; i++)
                tagVsSccFilesFlags member = (tagVsSccFilesFlags)Marshal.ReadInt32(tempPtr);
                tempPtr = new IntPtr(tempPtr.ToInt64() + size);
            // Free the array of and set size to 0
            cadWord.cElems = 0;

コード例 #2
        public static CADWORD CreateCADWORD(IList <tagVsSccFilesFlags> flags)
            CADWORD cadWord = new CADWORD();

            if (flags != null)
                // Demand unmanaged permissions in order to access unmanaged memory.
                new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand();

                cadWord.cElems = (uint)flags.Count;

                int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UInt32));

                cadWord.pElems = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(flags.Count * size);

                IntPtr ptr = cadWord.pElems;

                foreach (tagVsSccFilesFlags flag in flags)
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(ptr, (int)flag);
                    ptr = new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + size);

コード例 #3
        private static string[] GetSpecialFiles(IVsSccProject2 project, uint itemId, string fileName)
            var specialFiles = new CALPOLESTR[1];
            var specialFlags = new CADWORD[1];

            if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(project.GetSccSpecialFiles(itemId, fileName, specialFiles, specialFlags)))

            return(new string[0]);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of source controllable files associated with the specified node
        /// </summary>
        private static IList <string> GetNodeFiles(IVsSccProject2 pscp2, uint itemid)
            // NOTE: the function returns only a list of files, containing both regular files and special files
            // If you want to hide the special files (similar with solution explorer), you may need to return
            // the special files in a hastable (key=master_file, values=special_file_list)

            // Initialize output parameters
            IList <string> sccFiles = new List <string>();

            if (pscp2 != null)
                CALPOLESTR[] pathStr = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                CADWORD[]    flags   = new CADWORD[1];

                if (pscp2.GetSccFiles(itemid, pathStr, flags) == 0)
                    //#4  BugFix : Visual Studio Crashing when clicking on Web Reference
                    // The previus MS sample code used 'Marshal.PtrToStringAuto' which caused
                    // a chrash of the studio (2010 only) in some conditions. This also could
                    // be the reason for some further bugs e.g. in commit, update tasks.
                    string[] files = GetFileNamesFromOleBuffer(pathStr, true);
                    for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < pathStr[0].cElems; elemIndex++)
                        String path = files[elemIndex];

                        // See if there are special files
                        if (flags.Length > 0 && flags[0].cElems > 0)
                            int flag = Marshal.ReadInt32(flags[0].pElems, elemIndex);

                            if (flag != 0)
                                // We have special files
                                CALPOLESTR[] specialFiles = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                                CADWORD[]    specialFlags = new CADWORD[1];

                                pscp2.GetSccSpecialFiles(itemid, path, specialFiles, specialFlags);
                                string[] specialFileNames = GetFileNamesFromOleBuffer(specialFiles, true);
                                foreach (var f in specialFileNames)

コード例 #5
        public int GetSccFiles(uint itemid, CALPOLESTR[] pCaStringsOut, CADWORD[] pCaFlagsOut)
            if ((null == pCaStringsOut) || (0 == pCaStringsOut.Length))
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            if ((null == pCaFlagsOut) || (0 == pCaFlagsOut.Length))
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            pCaStringsOut[0]        = new CALPOLESTR();
            pCaStringsOut[0].cElems = 0;
            pCaStringsOut[0].pElems = IntPtr.Zero;

            pCaFlagsOut[0]        = new CADWORD();
            pCaFlagsOut[0].cElems = 0;
            pCaFlagsOut[0].pElems = IntPtr.Zero;

            string fileForNode = null;

            if (itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                fileForNode = _projFile;
            else if (itemid >= 0 && itemid < _items.Count)
                fileForNode = _items[(int)itemid];

            if (fileForNode != null)
                // There is only one scc controllable file per each hierarchy node
                pCaStringsOut[0].cElems = 1;
                pCaStringsOut[0].pElems = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(IntPtr.Size);
                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(pCaStringsOut[0].pElems, Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(fileForNode));

                pCaFlagsOut[0].cElems = 1;
                pCaFlagsOut[0].pElems = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Int32));
                Marshal.WriteInt32(pCaFlagsOut[0].pElems, 0);

コード例 #6
        static bool GetSccFiles(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, IVsSccProject2 sccProject, uint id, out string[] files, bool includeSpecial, bool includeNoScc, IDictionary <string, uint> map)

            int[] flags;
            files = null;

            if (!GetSccFiles(hierarchy, sccProject, id, out files, out flags, includeNoScc, map))
            else if (flags == null || sccProject == null || !includeSpecial)

            int n = Math.Min(files.Length, flags.Length);

            List <string> allFiles = new List <string>(files);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (0 != (flags[i] & (int)tagVsSccFilesFlags.SFF_HasSpecialFiles))
                    CALPOLESTR[] str = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                    CADWORD[]    dw  = new CADWORD[1];

                    if (VSErr.Succeeded(sccProject.GetSccSpecialFiles(id, allFiles[i], str, dw)))
                        files = GetFileNamesFromOleBuffer(str, true);
                        GetFlagsFromOleBuffer(dw, true); // Free the flags (No need to parse at this time)

                        if (files != null && files.Length > 0)

            files = allFiles.ToArray();
コード例 #7
        public static CADWORD CreateCADWORD(IList <tagVsSccFilesFlags> flags)
            CADWORD cadWord = new CADWORD();

            if (flags != null)
                cadWord.cElems = (uint)flags.Count;

                int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UInt32));

                cadWord.pElems = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(flags.Count * size);

                IntPtr ptr = cadWord.pElems;

                foreach (tagVsSccFilesFlags flag in flags)
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(ptr, (int)flag);
                    ptr = new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + size);

コード例 #8
        public static IList <tagVsSccFilesFlags> CreateSccFlagsCADWORD(CADWORD cadWord)
            IList <tagVsSccFilesFlags> flags = new List <tagVsSccFilesFlags>();

            if (cadWord.cElems == 0)

            IntPtr tempPtr = cadWord.pElems;
            int    size    = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr));

            for (int i = 0; i < cadWord.cElems; i++)
                tagVsSccFilesFlags member = (tagVsSccFilesFlags)Marshal.ReadInt32(tempPtr);
                tempPtr = new IntPtr(tempPtr.ToInt64() + size);
            // Free the array of and set size to 0
            cadWord.cElems = 0;

コード例 #9
        public static string[] GetItemFiles(IVsSccProject2 project, uint itemId)
            var itemFiles = new List <string>();

            var files = new CALPOLESTR[1];
            var flags = new CADWORD[1];

            if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(project.GetSccFiles(itemId, files, flags)))
                var fileNames = GetFileNames(files[0]);

                for (int i = 0; i < files[0].cElems; i++)

                    if (HasSpecialFiles(flags, i))
                        itemFiles.AddRange(GetSpecialFiles(project, itemId, fileNames[i]));

コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of source controllable files associated with the specified node
        /// </summary>
        public IList <string> GetNodeFiles(IVsSccProject2 pscp2, uint itemid)
            // NOTE: the function returns only a list of files, containing both regular files and special files
            // If you want to hide the special files (similar with solution explorer), you may need to return
            // the special files in a hashtable (key=master_file, values=special_file_list)

            // Initialize output parameters
            IList <string> sccFiles = new List <string>();

            if (pscp2 != null)
                CALPOLESTR[] pathStr = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                CADWORD[]    flags   = new CADWORD[1];

                if (pscp2.GetSccFiles(itemid, pathStr, flags) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                    if (pathStr[0].cElems > 0)
                        for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < pathStr[0].cElems; elemIndex++)
                            IntPtr pathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pathStr[0].pElems, elemIndex * IntPtr.Size);
                            String path       = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pathIntPtr);


                            // See if there are special files
                            if (flags.Length > 0 && flags[0].cElems > 0)
                                int flag = Marshal.ReadInt32(flags[0].pElems, elemIndex * IntPtr.Size);

                                if (flag != 0)
                                    // We have special files
                                    CALPOLESTR[] specialFiles = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                                    CADWORD[]    specialFlags = new CADWORD[1];

                                    if (pscp2.GetSccSpecialFiles(itemid, path, specialFiles, specialFlags) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                                        for (int i = 0; i < specialFiles[0].cElems; i++)
                                            IntPtr specialPathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(specialFiles[0].pElems, i * IntPtr.Size);
                                            String specialPath       = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(specialPathIntPtr);


                                        if (specialFiles[0].cElems > 0)
                        // This is a special file, so the GetSccFiles will not return it's path,
                        // so get it directly from the project
                        string     path = string.Empty;
                        IVsProject pscp = pscp2 as IVsProject;

                        if (pscp != null)
                            pscp.GetMkDocument(itemid, out path);

                        // can't be null, blank or end with back slash (that's a directory)
                        if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false) && (path.EndsWith("\\") == false) &&
                            //got a valid path

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of source controllable files associated with the specified node
        /// </summary>
        private IList <string> GetNodeFiles(IVsSccProject2 pscp2, uint itemid)
            // NOTE: the function returns only a list of files, containing both regular files and special files
            // If you want to hide the special files (similar with solution explorer), you may need to return
            // the special files in a hastable (key=master_file, values=special_file_list)

            // Initialize output parameters
            IList <string> sccFiles = new List <string>();

            if (pscp2 != null)
                CALPOLESTR[] pathStr = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                CADWORD[]    flags   = new CADWORD[1];

                if (pscp2.GetSccFiles(itemid, pathStr, flags) == 0)
                    for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < pathStr[0].cElems; elemIndex++)
                        IntPtr pathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pathStr[0].pElems, elemIndex);

                        String path = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pathIntPtr);

                        // See if there are special files
                        if (flags.Length > 0 && flags[0].cElems > 0)
                            int flag = Marshal.ReadInt32(flags[0].pElems, elemIndex);

                            if (flag != 0)
                                // We have special files
                                CALPOLESTR[] specialFiles = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                                CADWORD[]    specialFlags = new CADWORD[1];

                                pscp2.GetSccSpecialFiles(itemid, path, specialFiles, specialFlags);
                                for (int i = 0; i < specialFiles[0].cElems; i++)
                                    IntPtr specialPathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(specialFiles[0].pElems, i * IntPtr.Size);
                                    String specialPath       = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(specialPathIntPtr);


                                if (specialFiles[0].cElems > 0)

                    if (pathStr[0].cElems > 0)
            else if (itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)

コード例 #12
ファイル: GitSccProvider.cs プロジェクト: kthompson/gitmenu
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of source controllable files associated with the specified node
        /// </summary>
        private IList<string> GetNodeFiles(IVsSccProject2 pscp2, uint itemid)
            // NOTE: the function returns only a list of files, containing both regular files and special files
            // If you want to hide the special files (similar with solution explorer), you may need to return
            // the special files in a hastable (key=master_file, values=special_file_list)

            // Initialize output parameters
            IList<string> sccFiles = new List<string>();
            if (pscp2 != null)
                var pathStr = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                var flags = new CADWORD[1];

                if (pscp2.GetSccFiles(itemid, pathStr, flags) == 0)
                    for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < pathStr[0].cElems; elemIndex++)
                        var pathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pathStr[0].pElems, elemIndex);
                        var path = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pathIntPtr);


                        // See if there are special files
                        if (flags.Length > 0 && flags[0].cElems > 0)
                            int flag = Marshal.ReadInt32(flags[0].pElems, elemIndex);

                            if (flag != 0)
                                // We have special files
                                var specialFiles = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                                var specialFlags = new CADWORD[1];

                                pscp2.GetSccSpecialFiles(itemid, path, specialFiles, specialFlags);
                                for (int i = 0; i < specialFiles[0].cElems; i++)
                                    IntPtr specialPathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(specialFiles[0].pElems, i * IntPtr.Size);
                                    String specialPath = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(specialPathIntPtr);


                                if (specialFiles[0].cElems > 0)

                    if (pathStr[0].cElems > 0)

            return sccFiles;
コード例 #13
        public int RegisterSccProject(IVsSccProject2 pscp2Project, string pszSccProjectName, string pszSccAuxPath, string pszSccLocalPath, string pszProvider)
            if (ExpectedProjectName != null)
                AreEqual(ExpectedProjectName, pszSccProjectName);
            if (ExpectedAuxPath != null)
                AreEqual(ExpectedAuxPath, pszSccAuxPath);
            if (ExpectedLocalPath != null)
                AreEqual(ExpectedLocalPath, pszSccLocalPath);
            if (ExpectedProvider != null)
                AreEqual(ExpectedProvider, pszProvider);

            var project = _loadedProjects[pscp2Project] = new ProjectInfo(pscp2Project, pszSccProjectName);

            CALPOLESTR[] str     = new CALPOLESTR[1];
            CADWORD[]    cadword = new CADWORD[1];
            // try it once w/ VSITEMID_ROOT, make sure we get back just the project.
            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, str, cadword)))
                Fail("Failed to get SccFiles");
            AreEqual(UnpackCALPOLESTR(str[0]).Length, 1);

            object propRes;

            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(((IVsHierarchy)pscp2Project).GetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_FirstChild, out propRes)))
                Fail("Failed to get first child of root node");

            int curSibling = (int)propRes;

            while (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(((IVsHierarchy)pscp2Project).GetProperty((uint)curSibling, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_NextSibling, out propRes)))
                curSibling = (int)propRes;
                if (curSibling == unchecked ((int)VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL))

                if (ErrorHandler.Failed(pscp2Project.GetSccFiles((uint)curSibling, str, cadword)))
                    Fail("Failed to get SccFiles");

                string[] files = UnpackCALPOLESTR(str[0]);
                foreach (var file in files)
                    uint pItemId;
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(((IVsHierarchy)pscp2Project).ParseCanonicalName(file, out pItemId)))
                        project.Files.Add(file, new FileInfo(project, file, pItemId));

            // couple extra test cases to make sure we handle weird inputs...
            pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, null, null);
            pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, new CALPOLESTR[0], new CADWORD[0]);

            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION, null, null));
            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(0xffffffff, null, null));

            pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, "", str, cadword);
            pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, "", null, null);

            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION, "", null, null));
            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(0xffffffff, "", null, null));

コード例 #14
ファイル: SelectionUtils.cs プロジェクト: necora/ank_git
        public static bool GetSccFiles(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, IVsSccProject2 sccProject, uint id, out string[] files, out int[] flags, bool includeNoScc, IDictionary<string, uint> map)
            if (hierarchy == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hierarchy");

            int hr;
            bool ok = false;

            files = null;
            flags = null;


                if (sccProject != null)
                    CALPOLESTR[] str = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                    CADWORD[] dw = new CADWORD[1];

                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr = sccProject.GetSccFiles(id, str, dw)))
                        files = GetFileNamesFromOleBuffer(str, true);
                        flags = GetFlagsFromOleBuffer(dw, true);

                        if (!includeNoScc || files.Length > 0)
                            return ok = true; // We have a result
                            ok = true; // Try the GetMkDocument route to find an alternative
                    else if (hr != VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL)
                        return false; //

                // If sccProject2.GetSccFiles() returns E_NOTIMPL we must try GetMkDocument
                // We also try this if the item does not implement IVsSccProject2

                IVsProject project = hierarchy as IVsProject;
                if (project != null)
                    string mkDocument;

                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(project.GetMkDocument(id, out mkDocument)))
                        if (!IsValidPath(mkDocument))
                            files = new string[0];
                            files = new string[] { mkDocument };

                        return true;

                    return ok; // No need to check our interface for projects

                if (hierarchy is IVsSolution)
                    return ok; // Will fail in GetCanonicalName in VS2008 SP1 Beta 1

                string name;
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hierarchy.GetCanonicalName(id, out name)))
                        if (IsValidPath(name, true))
                            files = new string[] { name };
                            return true;
                catch { } // Ok, this seems to error in some managed tree implementations like TFS :(

                return ok;
                if (ok && map != null && files != null)
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        map[file] = id;
コード例 #15
        public static bool GetSccFiles(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, IVsSccProject2 sccProject, uint id, out string[] files, out int[] flags, bool includeNoScc, IDictionary <string, uint> map)

            if (hierarchy == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hierarchy");

            int  hr;
            bool ok = false;

            files = null;
            flags = null;

                if (sccProject != null)
                    CALPOLESTR[] str = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                    CADWORD[]    dw  = new CADWORD[1];

                    if (VSErr.Succeeded(hr = sccProject.GetSccFiles(id, str, dw)))
                        files = GetFileNamesFromOleBuffer(str, true);
                        flags = GetFlagsFromOleBuffer(dw, true);

                        if (!includeNoScc || files.Length > 0)
                            return(ok = true); // We have a result
                            ok = true; // Try the GetMkDocument route to find an alternative
                    else if (hr != VSErr.E_NOTIMPL)
                        return(false); //

                // If sccProject2.GetSccFiles() returns E_NOTIMPL we must try GetMkDocument
                // We also try this if the item does not implement IVsSccProject2

                IVsProject project = hierarchy as IVsProject;
                if (project != null)
                    string mkDocument;

                        if (VSErr.Succeeded(project.GetMkDocument(id, out mkDocument)))
                            if (!IsValidPath(mkDocument, true))
                                files = new string[0];
                                files = new string[] { mkDocument }

                    { }

                    return(ok); // No need to check our interface for projects

                if (hierarchy is IVsSolution)
                    return(ok); // Will fail in GetCanonicalName in VS2008 SP1 Beta 1

                string name;
                    if (VSErr.Succeeded(hierarchy.GetCanonicalName(id, out name)))
                        if (IsValidPath(name, true))
                            files = new string[] { name };
                catch { } // Ok, this seems to error in some managed tree implementations like TFS :(

                if (ok && map != null && files != null)
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        map[file] = id;
コード例 #16
        public int RegisterSccProject(IVsSccProject2 pscp2Project, string pszSccProjectName, string pszSccAuxPath, string pszSccLocalPath, string pszProvider) {
            if (ExpectedProjectName != null) {
                AreEqual(ExpectedProjectName, pszSccProjectName);
            if (ExpectedAuxPath != null) {
                AreEqual(ExpectedAuxPath, pszSccAuxPath);
            if (ExpectedLocalPath != null) {
                AreEqual(ExpectedLocalPath, pszSccLocalPath);
            if (ExpectedProvider != null) {
                AreEqual(ExpectedProvider, pszProvider);

            var project = _loadedProjects[pscp2Project] = new ProjectInfo(pscp2Project, pszSccProjectName);
            CALPOLESTR[] str = new CALPOLESTR[1];
            CADWORD[] cadword = new CADWORD[1];
            // try it once w/ VSITEMID_ROOT, make sure we get back just the project.
            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, str, cadword))) {
                Fail("Failed to get SccFiles");
            AreEqual(UnpackCALPOLESTR(str[0]).Length, 1);

            object propRes;
            if(ErrorHandler.Failed(((IVsHierarchy)pscp2Project).GetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_FirstChild, out propRes))) {
                Fail("Failed to get first child of root node");

            int curSibling = (int)propRes;
            while(ErrorHandler.Succeeded(((IVsHierarchy)pscp2Project).GetProperty((uint)curSibling, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_NextSibling, out propRes))) {
                curSibling = (int)propRes;
                if(curSibling == unchecked((int)VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL)) {
                if (ErrorHandler.Failed(pscp2Project.GetSccFiles((uint)curSibling, str, cadword))) {
                    Fail("Failed to get SccFiles");

                string[] files = UnpackCALPOLESTR(str[0]);
                foreach (var file in files) {
                    uint pItemId;
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(((IVsHierarchy)pscp2Project).ParseCanonicalName(file, out pItemId))) {
                        project.Files.Add(file, new FileInfo(project, file, pItemId));

            // couple extra test cases to make sure we handle weird inputs...
            pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, null, null);
            pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, new CALPOLESTR[0], new CADWORD[0]);

            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION, null, null));
            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(0xffffffff, null, null));

            pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, "", str, cadword);
            pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, "", null, null);

            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION, "", null, null));
            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(0xffffffff, "", null, null));

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Project.cs プロジェクト: dbremner/specsharp
 public int GetSccFiles(uint itemid, CALPOLESTR[] pCaStringsOut, CADWORD[] pCaFlagsOut) {
   HierarchyNode node = this.NodeFromItemId(itemid);
   if (node is Project || node is HierarchyItemNode){
     string url = node.FullPath;
     pCaStringsOut[0].cElems = 1;
     IntPtr pElems = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(IntPtr.Size);
     IntPtr pElem = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAuto(url);
     Marshal.WriteIntPtr(pElems, pElem);
     pCaStringsOut[0].pElems = pElems;
     pCaFlagsOut[0].cElems = 0;
     return (int)HResult.S_OK;
   return (int)HResult.E_NOTIMPL;
コード例 #18
        private static string[] GetSpecialFiles(IVsSccProject2 project, uint itemId, string fileName)
            var specialFiles = new CALPOLESTR[1];
            var specialFlags = new CADWORD[1];

            if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(project.GetSccSpecialFiles(itemId, fileName, specialFiles, specialFlags)))
                return GetFileNames(specialFiles[0]);

            return new string[0];
コード例 #19
ファイル: SelectionUtils.cs プロジェクト: necora/ank_git
        internal static int[] GetFlagsFromOleBuffer(CADWORD[] dwords, bool free)
            if (dwords == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dwords");

            int n = (int)dwords[0].cElems;
            int[] items = (n > 0) ? new int[n] : null;

            bool foundFlag = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                int v = items[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32(dwords[0].pElems, i * sizeof(int));

                if (v != 0)
                    foundFlag = true;

            if (free && dwords[0].pElems != IntPtr.Zero)

            return foundFlag ? items : null;
コード例 #20
ファイル: SelectionUtils.cs プロジェクト: necora/ank_git
        static bool GetSccFiles(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, IVsSccProject2 sccProject, uint id, out string[] files, bool includeSpecial, bool includeNoScc, IDictionary<string, uint> map)
            int[] flags;
            files = null;

            if (!GetSccFiles(hierarchy, sccProject, id, out files, out flags, includeNoScc, map))
                return false;
            else if (flags == null || sccProject == null || !includeSpecial)
                return true;

            int n = Math.Min(files.Length, flags.Length);

            List<string> allFiles = new List<string>(files);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (0 != (flags[i] & (int)tagVsSccFilesFlags.SFF_HasSpecialFiles))
                    CALPOLESTR[] str = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                    CADWORD[] dw = new CADWORD[1];

                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(sccProject.GetSccSpecialFiles(id, allFiles[i], str, dw)))
                        files = GetFileNamesFromOleBuffer(str, true);
                        GetFlagsFromOleBuffer(dw, true); // Free the flags (No need to parse at this time)

                        if (files != null && files.Length > 0)

            files = allFiles.ToArray();
            return true;
コード例 #21
ファイル: TestSccProvider.cs プロジェクト: rsumner33/PTVS
        public int RegisterSccProject(IVsSccProject2 pscp2Project, string pszSccProjectName, string pszSccAuxPath, string pszSccLocalPath, string pszProvider)
            if (ExpectedProjectName != null)
                AreEqual(ExpectedProjectName, pszSccProjectName);
            if (ExpectedAuxPath != null)
                AreEqual(ExpectedAuxPath, pszSccAuxPath);
            if (ExpectedLocalPath != null)
                AreEqual(ExpectedLocalPath, pszSccLocalPath);
            if (ExpectedProvider != null)
                AreEqual(ExpectedProvider, pszProvider);

            var project = _loadedProjects[pscp2Project] = new ProjectInfo(pscp2Project, pszSccProjectName);

            CALPOLESTR[] str     = new CALPOLESTR[1];
            CADWORD[]    cadword = new CADWORD[1];
            // try it once w/ the correct item ID
            var projectId = GetItemId((IVsHierarchy)pscp2Project);

            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(projectId, str, cadword)))
                Fail("Failed to get SccFiles");
            string[] files = UnpackCALPOLESTR(str[0]);
            foreach (var file in files)
                uint pItemId;
                if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(((IVsHierarchy)pscp2Project).ParseCanonicalName(file, out pItemId)))
                    project.Files.Add(file, new FileInfo(project, file, pItemId));

            // try it once w/ VSITEMID_ROOT, make sure we get the same count back...
            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, str, cadword)))
                Fail("Failed to get SccFiles");
            AreEqual(UnpackCALPOLESTR(str[0]).Length, files.Length);

            // couple extra test cases to make sure we handle weird inputs...
            pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(projectId, null, null);
            pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(projectId, new CALPOLESTR[0], new CADWORD[0]);

            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION, null, null));
            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccFiles(0xffffffff, null, null));

            pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(projectId, "", str, cadword);
            pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(projectId, "", null, null);

            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(VSConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION, "", null, null));
            AreEqual(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG, pscp2Project.GetSccSpecialFiles(0xffffffff, "", null, null));

コード例 #22
ファイル: Utilities.cs プロジェクト: borota/JTVS
        public static CADWORD CreateCADWORD(IList<tagVsSccFilesFlags> flags)
            CADWORD cadWord = new CADWORD();

            if (flags != null)
                // Demand unmanaged permissions in order to access unmanaged memory.
                new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand();

                cadWord.cElems = (uint)flags.Count;

                int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UInt32));

                cadWord.pElems = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(flags.Count * size);

                IntPtr ptr = cadWord.pElems;

                foreach (tagVsSccFilesFlags flag in flags)
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(ptr, (int)flag);
                    ptr = new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + size);

            return cadWord;
コード例 #23
        public static string[] GetItemFiles(IVsSccProject2 project, uint itemId)
            var itemFiles = new List<string>();

            var files = new CALPOLESTR[1];
            var flags = new CADWORD[1];

            if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(project.GetSccFiles(itemId, files, flags)))
                var fileNames = GetFileNames(files[0]);

                for (int i = 0; i < files[0].cElems; i++)

                    if (HasSpecialFiles(flags, i))
                        itemFiles.AddRange(GetSpecialFiles(project, itemId, fileNames[i]));

            return itemFiles.ToArray();
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called to discover special (hidden files) associated with a given VSITEMID within this hierarchy. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemid">Identifier for the VSITEMID being queried.</param>
        /// <param name="sccFile">One of the files associated with the node</param>
        /// <param name="stringsOut">Pointer to an array of CALPOLESTR strings containing the file names for this item.</param>
        /// <param name="flagsOut">Pointer to a CADWORD array of flags stored in DWORDs indicating that some of the files have special behaviors.</param>
        /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code. </returns>
        /// <remarks>This method is called to discover any special or hidden files associated with an item in the project hierarchy. It is called when GetSccFiles returns with the SFF_HasSpecialFiles flag set for any of the files associated with the node.</remarks>
        public virtual int GetSccSpecialFiles(uint itemid, string sccFile, CALPOLESTR[] stringsOut, CADWORD[] flagsOut)
            if (itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidParameter, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture), "itemid");

            HierarchyNode n = this.NodeFromItemId(itemid);
            if (n == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidParameter, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture), "itemid");

            List<string> files = new List<string>();

            List<tagVsSccFilesFlags> flags = new List<tagVsSccFilesFlags>();

            n.GetSccSpecialFiles(sccFile, files, flags);

            if (stringsOut != null && stringsOut.Length > 0)
                stringsOut[0] = Utilities.CreateCALPOLESTR(files);

            if (flagsOut != null && flagsOut.Length > 0)
                flagsOut[0] = Utilities.CreateCADWORD(flags);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
コード例 #25
 public int GetSccSpecialFiles(uint itemid, string pszSccFile, CALPOLESTR[] pCaStringsOut, CADWORD[] pCaFlagsOut)
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of source controllable files associated with the specified node
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task<IList<string>> GetNodeFiles(IVsSccProject2 pscp2, uint itemid)
            // NOTE: the function returns only a list of files, containing both regular files and special files
            // If you want to hide the special files (similar with solution explorer), you may need to return 
            // the special files in a hastable (key=master_file, values=special_file_list)

            // Initialize output parameters
            IList<string> sccFiles = new List<string>();
            if (pscp2 != null)
                CALPOLESTR[] pathStr = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                CADWORD[] flags = new CADWORD[1];
                await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();
                if (pscp2.GetSccFiles(itemid, pathStr, flags) == 0)
                    for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < pathStr[0].cElems; elemIndex++)
                        IntPtr pathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pathStr[0].pElems, elemIndex);

                        String path = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pathIntPtr);

                        // See if there are special files
                        if (flags.Length > 0 && flags[0].cElems > 0)
                            int flag = Marshal.ReadInt32(flags[0].pElems, elemIndex);

                            if (flag != 0)
                                // We have special files
                                CALPOLESTR[] specialFiles = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                                CADWORD[] specialFlags = new CADWORD[1];

                                pscp2.GetSccSpecialFiles(itemid, path, specialFiles, specialFlags);
                                for (int i = 0; i < specialFiles[0].cElems; i++)
                                    IntPtr specialPathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(specialFiles[0].pElems, i * IntPtr.Size);
                                    String specialPath = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(specialPathIntPtr);


                                if (specialFiles[0].cElems > 0)


                    if (pathStr[0].cElems > 0)
            else if (itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                sccFiles.Add(await GetSolutionFileName());

            return sccFiles;
コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of source controllable files associated with the specified node
        /// </summary>
        private static IList <string> GetNodeFiles(IVsSccProject2 pscp2, uint itemid)
            // NOTE: the function returns only a list of files, containing both regular files and special files
            // If you want to hide the special files (similar with solution explorer), you may need to return
            // the special files in a hashtable (key=master_file, values=special_file_list)

            // Initialize output parameters
            IList <string> sccFiles = new List <string>();

            if (pscp2 != null)
                var pathStr = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                var flags   = new CADWORD[1];

                if (pscp2.GetSccFiles(itemid, pathStr, flags) == 0)
                    uint   arraySize = pathStr[0].cElems;
                    IntPtr arrayPtr  = pathStr[0].pElems;
                    for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < arraySize; elemIndex++)
                        IntPtr pathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(arrayPtr, elemIndex * IntPtr.Size);
                        String path;
                            path = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pathIntPtr);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.Error("In GetNodeFiles: " + ex.Message);

                        //Log.Debug(string.Format("Regular file: {0}", path)); does this continually for selected file

                        // See if there are special files
                        uint   flagsArraySize = flags[0].cElems;
                        IntPtr flagsPtr       = flags[0].pElems;
                        if (flags.Length > 0 && flagsArraySize > 0)
                            int flag = Marshal.ReadInt32(flagsPtr, elemIndex);

                            if (flag != 0)
                                // We have special files
                                var specialFiles = new CALPOLESTR[1];
                                var specialFlags = new CADWORD[1];

                                pscp2.GetSccSpecialFiles(itemid, path, specialFiles, specialFlags);
                                for (int i = 0; i < specialFiles[0].cElems; i++)
                                    IntPtr specialPathIntPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(specialFiles[0].pElems, i * IntPtr.Size);
                                    String specialPath       = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(specialPathIntPtr);

                                    //Log.Debug(string.Format("Special file: {0}", path));

                                if (specialFiles[0].cElems > 0)

                    if (arraySize > 0)

コード例 #28
        public int GetSccFiles(uint itemid, CALPOLESTR[] pCaStringsOut, CADWORD[] pCaFlagsOut)
            if ((null == pCaStringsOut) || (0 == pCaStringsOut.Length))
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            if ((null == pCaFlagsOut) || (0 == pCaFlagsOut.Length))
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            pCaStringsOut[0] = new CALPOLESTR();
            pCaStringsOut[0].cElems = 0;
            pCaStringsOut[0].pElems = IntPtr.Zero;

            pCaFlagsOut[0] = new CADWORD();
            pCaFlagsOut[0].cElems = 0;
            pCaFlagsOut[0].pElems = IntPtr.Zero;

            string fileForNode = null;
            if (itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                fileForNode = _projFile;
            else if (itemid >= 0 && itemid < _items.Count)
                fileForNode = _items[(int)itemid];

            if (fileForNode != null)
                // There is only one scc controllable file per each hierarchy node
                pCaStringsOut[0].cElems = 1;
                pCaStringsOut[0].pElems = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(IntPtr.Size);
                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(pCaStringsOut[0].pElems, Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(fileForNode));

                pCaFlagsOut[0].cElems = 1;
                pCaFlagsOut[0].pElems = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Int32));
                Marshal.WriteInt32(pCaFlagsOut[0].pElems, 0);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
コード例 #29
        private static bool HasSpecialFiles(CADWORD[] flags, int i)
            if (flags[0].cElems > 0)
                return Marshal.ReadInt32(flags[0].pElems, i) != 0;

            return false;