private static void TotalAccumulate(object context, C4Key *key, C4Slice value) { var ctx = context as TotalContext; var v = NativeRaw.FLValue_FromTrustedData((FLSlice)value); += Native.FLValue_AsDouble(v); }
public static void WithC4Keys(object[] keySources, bool writeNull, C4KeyActionDelegate action) { if (keySources == null) { action(null); return; } var c4Keys = new C4Key *[keySources.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < keySources.Length; i++) { if (keySources[i] == null && !writeNull) { c4Keys[i] = null; } else { c4Keys[i] = CouchbaseBridge.SerializeToKey(keySources[i]); } } try { action(c4Keys); } finally { foreach (C4Key *key in c4Keys) { Native.c4key_free(key); } } }
private void UpdateIndex() { var ind = (C4Indexer *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_begin(Db, new[] { _view }, err)); var e = (C4DocEnumerator *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_enumerateDocuments(ind, err)); C4Document *doc; C4Error error; while (null != (doc = Native.c4enum_nextDocument(e, &error))) { // Index 'doc': var keys = new C4Key *[2]; var values = new C4Slice[2]; keys[0] = Native.c4key_new(); keys[1] = Native.c4key_new(); NativeRaw.c4key_addString(keys[0], doc->docID); Native.c4key_addNumber(keys[1], doc->sequence); values[0] = values[1] = C4Slice.Constant("1234"); LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_emit(ind, doc, 0, keys, values, err)); Native.c4key_free(keys[0]); Native.c4key_free(keys[1]); Native.c4doc_free(doc); } error.Code.Should().Be(0, "because otherwise an error occurred somewhere"); Native.c4enum_free(e); LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_end(ind, true, err)); }
private void CreateIndex() { for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { var docId = String.Format("doc-{0}", i.ToString("D3")); CreateRev(docId, REV_ID, BODY); } C4Error error; C4Indexer *ind = Native.c4indexer_begin(_db, new C4View *[] { _view }, &error); Assert.IsTrue(ind != null); var e = Native.c4indexer_enumerateDocuments(ind, &error); Assert.IsTrue(e != null); C4Document *doc; while (null != (doc = Native.c4enum_nextDocument(e, &error))) { // Index 'doc': var keys = new C4Key *[] { Native.c4key_new(), Native.c4key_new() }; var vals = new string[] { "1234", "1234" }; Native.c4key_addString(keys[0], doc->docID); Native.c4key_addNumber(keys[1], doc->sequence); Assert.IsTrue(Native.c4indexer_emit(ind, doc, 0, keys, vals, &error)); Native.c4key_free(keys[0]); Native.c4key_free(keys[1]); } Assert.AreEqual(0, error.code); Assert.IsTrue(Native.c4indexer_end(ind, true, &error)); }
private void CreateIndex() { var ind = (C4Indexer *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_begin(Db, new[] { _view }, err)); var e = (C4DocEnumerator *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_enumerateDocuments(ind, err)); C4Document *doc; C4Error error; while (null != (doc = Native.c4enum_nextDocument(e, &error))) { var body = doc->selectedRev.body.CreateString(); var components = body.Trim('(', ')').Split(','); var area = new C4GeoArea(); area.xmin = Double.Parse(components[0]); area.ymin = Double.Parse(components[1]); area.xmax = Double.Parse(components[2]); area.ymax = Double.Parse(components[3]); var keys = new C4Key *[1]; var values = new C4Slice[1]; keys[0] = Native.c4key_newGeoJSON("{\"geo\":true}", area); values[0] = C4Slice.Constant("1234"); LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_emit(ind, doc, 0, keys, values, err)); Native.c4key_free(keys[0]); Native.c4doc_free(doc); } Native.c4enum_free(e); error.Code.Should().Be(0, "because otherwise an error occurred somewhere"); LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_end(ind, true, err)); }
protected override void SetupVariant(int option) { _key = Native.c4key_new(); Native.c4key_beginArray(_key); Native.c4key_addNull(_key); Native.c4key_addBool(_key, false); Native.c4key_addBool(_key, true); Native.c4key_addNumber(_key, 0); Native.c4key_addNumber(_key, 12345); Native.c4key_addNumber(_key, -2468); Native.c4key_addString(_key, "foo"); Native.c4key_beginArray(_key); Native.c4key_endArray(_key); Native.c4key_endArray(_key); }
private void CreateFullTextIndex(uint docCount) { var docID = default(string); for (uint i = 1; i <= docCount; i++) { docID = String.Format("doc-{0}", i.ToString("D3")); var body = default(string); switch (i % 3) { case 0: body = "The cat sat on the mat."; break; case 1: body = "Outside SomeWhere a cät was barking"; break; case 2: body = "The bark of a tree is rough?"; break; } CreateRev(docID, REV_ID, body); } C4Error error; C4Indexer *ind = Native.c4indexer_begin(_db, new C4View *[] { _view }, &error); Assert.IsTrue(ind != null); foreach (var doc in new CBForestDocEnumerator(ind)) { // Index 'doc': C4Key *[] keys; using (var languageStr = new C4String("en")) { keys = new C4Key *[] { Native.c4key_newFullTextString(doc.SelectedRev.body, languageStr.AsC4Slice()) }; } Assert.IsTrue(Native.c4indexer_emit(ind, doc.GetDocument(), 0, keys, new[] { "1234" }, &error)); Native.c4key_free(keys[0]); } Assert.AreEqual(0, error.code); Assert.IsTrue(Native.c4indexer_end(ind, true, &error)); }
private void CreateFullTextIndex(uint docCount) { for (uint i = 1; i <= docCount; i++) { string docID = $"doc-{i:D3}"; var body = C4Slice.Null; switch (i % 3) { case 0: body = C4Slice.Constant("The cat sat on the mat"); break; case 1: body = C4Slice.Constant("Outside SomeWhere a c\u00e4t was barking"); break; case 2: body = C4Slice.Constant("The bark of a tree is rough?"); break; } CreateRev(docID, RevID, body); } var ind = (C4Indexer *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_begin(Db, new[] { _view }, err)); var e = (C4DocEnumerator *)LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_enumerateDocuments(ind, err)); C4Document *doc; C4Error error; while (null != (doc = Native.c4enum_nextDocument(e, &error))) { // Index 'doc': var keys = new C4Key *[1]; var values = new C4Slice[1]; keys[0] = NativeRaw.c4key_newFullTextString(doc->selectedRev.body, C4Slice.Constant("en")); values[0] = C4Slice.Constant("1234"); LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_emit(ind, doc, 0, keys, values, err)); Native.c4key_free(keys[0]); Native.c4doc_free(doc); } error.Code.Should().Be(0, "because otherwise an error occurred somewhere"); Native.c4enum_free(e); LiteCoreBridge.Check(err => Native.c4indexer_end(ind, true, err)); }
private void CreateIndex() { C4Error error; C4Indexer *ind = Native.c4indexer_begin(_db, new C4View *[] { _view }, &error); Assert.IsTrue(ind != null); foreach (var doc in new CBForestDocEnumerator(ind)) { var body = (string)doc.GetDocument()->selectedRev.body; var pieces = body.Split(','); C4GeoArea area; Assert.IsTrue(Double.TryParse(pieces[0].TrimStart('('), out area.xmin)); Assert.IsTrue(Double.TryParse(pieces[1], out area.ymin)); Assert.IsTrue(Double.TryParse(pieces[2], out area.xmax)); Assert.IsTrue(Double.TryParse(pieces[3].TrimEnd(')'), out area.ymax)); var keys = new C4Key *[] { Native.c4key_newGeoJSON("{\"geo\":true}", area) }; Assert.IsTrue(Native.c4indexer_emit(ind, doc.GetDocument(), 0, keys, new[] { "1234" }, &error)); Native.c4key_free(keys[0]); } Assert.AreEqual(0, error.code); Assert.IsTrue(Native.c4indexer_end(ind, true, &error)); }
public static void c4key_addMapKey(C4Key *key, string str) { using (var str_ = new C4String(str)) { NativeRaw.c4key_addMapKey(key, str_.AsC4Slice()); } }
public static extern C4KeyReader c4key_read(C4Key *key);
public override void SetUp() { _key = Native.c4key_new(); }
public static extern void c4key_endMap(C4Key *key);
public static extern void c4kv_add(C4KeyValueList *kv, C4Key *key, C4Slice value);
public string ToJSON(C4Key *key) { return(ToJSON(Native.c4key_read(key))); }
public static extern void c4key_addString(C4Key *key, C4Slice str);
public static extern void c4key_free(C4Key *key);
public static extern void c4key_addNull(C4Key *key);
public static extern void c4key_reset(C4Key *key);
private unsafe void Accumulate(void *context, C4Key *key, C4Slice value) { _accumulate?.Invoke(_context, key, value); }
private static void CountAccumulate(object context, C4Key *key, C4Slice value) { (context as CountContext).count++; }
public static extern C4KeyReader *c4key_newReader(C4Key *key);
public static extern void c4key_addNumber(C4Key *key, double num);
public static void c4kv_add(C4KeyValueList *kv, C4Key *key, string value) { using (var value_ = new C4String(value)) { NativeRaw.c4kv_add(kv, key, value_.AsC4Slice()); } }
public static extern void c4key_beginArray(C4Key *key);
public static extern void c4key_addMapKey(C4Key *key, C4Slice str);
public static extern void c4key_endArray(C4Key *key);
public JsonC4KeyWriter(C4Key *key) { _c4key = key; }
public static extern void c4key_beginMap(C4Key *key);
public static extern void c4key_addBool(C4Key *key, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool b);