static void Main(string[] args) { C3mbs _mmmbs = new C3mbs(); string animatScenarioFile = "jaxdolphin.sce"; animatScenarioFile = "jax3species.sce"; mbsRESULT mbsResult; mbsCONFIG config = _mmmbs.GetConfiguration(); mbsRUNSTATE runState; //load the .sce file if (mbsRESULT.OK != (mbsResult = _mmmbs.LoadScenario(animatScenarioFile))) Console.WriteLine("LoadScenario Error:" + _mmmbs.MbsResultToString(mbsResult)); //make sure we're in durationless mode. config.durationLess = true; _mmmbs.SetConfiguration(config); //get species count int speciesCount = _mmmbs.GetSpeciesCount(); //make a species list. #if false SpeciesList = new SpeciesList(); for (var i = 0; i <= speciesCount; i++) { SpeciesList.Add(new Species{SpeciesName = _mmmbs.GetSpeciesDisplayTitle(i), ReferenceCount = _mmmbs.GetIndivdualCount(i),}); } #endif //set up the position array from the values in the .sce file (not the ones in animatList, which doesn't exist yet..) int animatCount = _mmmbs.GetAnimatCount(); var posArray = new mbsPosition[animatCount]; //initialize the run, and wait until it's fully initialized. if(mbsRESULT.OK != (mbsResult = _mmmbs.InitializeRun())) Console.WriteLine("InitializeRun Error:" + _mmmbs.MbsResultToString(mbsResult)); while ((runState = _mmmbs.GetRunState()) == mbsRUNSTATE.INITIALIZING) { //wait until initializing is done. Thread.Sleep(1); } //get the initial positions of every animat if(mbsRESULT.OK != (mbsResult = _mmmbs.GetAnimatCoordinates(posArray))) Console.WriteLine("Error Fetching Initial Animat Coordinates: " + _mmmbs.MbsResultToString(mbsResult)); //bump the positions once, otherwise depths aren't set. if(mbsRESULT.OK != (mbsResult = _mmmbs.RunScenarioNumIterations(1))) Console.WriteLine("RunScenario Error:" + _mmmbs.MbsResultToString(mbsResult)); //get the initial positions of every animat if (mbsRESULT.OK != (mbsResult = _mmmbs.GetAnimatCoordinates(posArray))) Console.WriteLine("Error Fetching Initial Animat Coordinates: " + _mmmbs.MbsResultToString(mbsResult)); }
public async static Task<Animat> SeedAsync(ScenarioSpecies species, GeoRect geoRect, Bathymetry bathymetry) { var yxzFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName()) + ".txt"); bathymetry.ToYXZ(yxzFileName, -1); var mbs = new C3mbs(); mbsRESULT mbsResult; if (mbsRESULT.OK != (mbsResult = mbs.SetOutputDirectory(Path.GetTempPath()))) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException("SetOutputDirectory Error:" + mbs.ResultToTc(mbsResult)); var config = mbs.GetConfiguration(); config.enabled = false; // binary output enabled/disabled config.durationLess = true; // make sure we're in durationless mode. mbs.SetConfiguration(config); mbsResult = mbs.LoadBathymetryFromTextFile(yxzFileName); if (mbsRESULT.OK != mbsResult) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException("Bathymetry failed to load: " + mbs.ResultToTc(mbsResult)); mbsResult = mbs.AddSpecies(species.SpeciesDefinitionFilePath); if (mbsRESULT.OK != mbsResult) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException(string.Format("C3mbs::AddSpecies FATAL error {0} for species {1}", mbs.ResultToTc(mbsResult), species.SpeciesDefinitionFilePath)); var bounds = new GeoArray(geoRect.NorthWest, geoRect.NorthEast, geoRect.SouthEast, geoRect.SouthWest, geoRect.NorthWest); var result = new Animat { ScenarioSpecies = species }; var area = bounds.Area; //Debug.WriteLine("Area: {0}",area); var transformManyBlock = new TransformManyBlock<int, Geo<float>>(count => { var geos = new List<Geo<float>>(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var location = bounds.RandomLocationWithinPerimeter(); var depth = bathymetry.Samples.GetNearestPointAsync(location).Result.Data; mbsRESULT retval; lock (mbs) retval = mbs.AddIndividualAnimat(0, new mbsPosition { latitude = location.Latitude, longitude = location.Longitude, depth = 0 }); if (mbsRESULT.OK == retval) geos.Add(new Geo<float>(location.Latitude, location.Longitude, (float)(depth * Random.NextDouble()))); } return geos; }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.Default, BoundedCapacity = -1, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = -1, }); var bufferBlock = new BufferBlock<Geo<float>>(); transformManyBlock.LinkTo(bufferBlock); var population = (int)Math.Round(area * species.PopulationDensity); result.TotalAnimats = population; const int blockSize = 100; while (population > 0) { transformManyBlock.Post(population > blockSize ? blockSize : population); population -= blockSize; } transformManyBlock.Complete(); await transformManyBlock.Completion; //mbsResult = mbs.InitializeRun(); //if (mbsRESULT.OK == mbsResult) while (mbsRUNSTATE.INITIALIZING == mbs.GetRunState()) Thread.Sleep(1); //else throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException("C3mbs::Initialize FATAL error " + mbs.ResultToTc(mbsResult)); mbsResult = mbs.FinishRun(); if (mbsRESULT.OK != mbsResult) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException("C3mbs::FinishRun FATAL error " + mbs.ResultToTc(mbsResult)); IList<Geo<float>> animatGeos; if (bufferBlock.TryReceiveAll(out animatGeos)) result.Locations.AddRange(animatGeos); return result; }
//double[] _animatSoundExposure; void Initialize3MB() { var nextSpeciesIndex = 0; var yxzFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName()) + ".txt"); Scenario.BathymetryData.ToYXZ(yxzFileName, -1); var contexts = new List<AnimatContext>(); foreach (var species in Scenario.ScenarioSpecies) { if (!_speciesNameToIndex.ContainsKey(species.SpeciesDefinitionFilePath)) _speciesNameToIndex.Add(species.SpeciesDefinitionFilePath, nextSpeciesIndex++); var speciesInstanceIndex = _speciesNameToIndex[species.SpeciesDefinitionFilePath]; var curSpecies = species; species.ReloadOrReseedAnimats(); contexts.AddRange(species.Animat.Locations.Select((t, speciesIndex) => new AnimatContext { Species = curSpecies, SpeciesInstanceIndex = speciesInstanceIndex, SpeciesAnimatIndex = speciesIndex })); } //var splitContext = contexts.Split(System.Environment.ProcessorCount).ToList(); var splitContext = contexts.Split(1).ToList(); _mbs = new C3mbs[splitContext.Count]; _animatContext = new AnimatContext[splitContext.Count][]; for (var mbsIndex = 0; mbsIndex < splitContext.Count; mbsIndex++) { mbsRESULT result; var mbs = new C3mbs(); _mbs[mbsIndex] = mbs; // set the output directory if (mbsRESULT.OK != (result = mbs.SetOutputDirectory(_simulationDirectory))) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException("SetOutputDirectory Error:" + mbs.ResultToTc(result)); var config = mbs.GetConfiguration(); config.seedValue = (uint)mbsIndex; // Probably wise to set each 3mb instance to a unique randomizer seed value. config.enabled = false; // binary output enabled/disabled config.durationLess = true; // make sure we're in durationless mode. mbs.SetConfiguration(config); result = mbs.LoadBathymetryFromTextFile(yxzFileName); if (mbsRESULT.OK != result) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException("Bathymetry failed to load: " + mbs.ResultToTc(result)); foreach (var speciesFilePath in _speciesNameToIndex.Keys) { result = mbs.AddSpecies(speciesFilePath); if (mbsRESULT.OK != result) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException(string.Format("C3mbs::AddSpecies FATAL error {0} for species {1}", mbs.ResultToTc(result), speciesFilePath)); } var context = splitContext[mbsIndex].ToList(); _animatContext[mbsIndex] = new AnimatContext[context.Count]; //_animatPositions[mbsIndex] = new mbsPosition[context.Count]; //Debug.WriteLine("Thread {0} contains {1} animats", mbsIndex, context.Count); for (var animatIndex = 0; animatIndex < context.Count; animatIndex++) { var species = context[animatIndex].Species; var geo = species.Animat.Locations[context[animatIndex].SpeciesAnimatIndex]; _animatContext[mbsIndex][animatIndex] = new AnimatContext { Species = species, SpeciesAnimatIndex = context[animatIndex].SpeciesAnimatIndex }; result = mbs.AddIndividualAnimat(context[animatIndex].SpeciesInstanceIndex, new mbsPosition { latitude = geo.Latitude, longitude = geo.Longitude, depth = 0 }); if (mbsRESULT.OK != result) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException(string.Format("An error was found with animat species {0}. Please verify that this species is appropriate for use in the location \"{1}\".C3mbs::AddIndividualAnimat FATAL error {2}", species.LatinName, Scenario.Location.Name,mbs.ResultToTc(result))); //throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException("this is a test error."); //Debug.WriteLine("Animat {0} lat: {1:0.####} lon: {2:0.####} depth: {3:0.#}, bathy: {4:0.#}", animatIndex, geo.Latitude, geo.Longitude, geo.Data, Scenario.BathymetryData.Samples.GetNearestPoint(geo).Data); } mbs.SetDuration((int)((TimeSpan)Scenario.Duration).TotalSeconds); result = mbs.SaveScenario(Path.Combine(_simulationDirectory, "test.sce")); if (mbsRESULT.OK != result) throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException(string.Format("C3mbs::SaveScenario FATAL error {0}", mbs.ResultToTc(result))); //----------------------------------------------------------------------// // Initialize the scenario. //----------------------------// if (mbsRESULT.OK == result) while (mbsRUNSTATE.INITIALIZING == mbs.GetRunState()) Thread.Sleep(1); else throw new AnimatInterfaceMMBSException("C3mbs::Initialize FATAL error " + mbs.ResultToTc(result)); } UpdateAnimatPositions(); }