public void Unit_display_mode_hide_only_for_bytes_test(int bytes, string expectedFriendlyName) { var options = new FriendlyNameOptions { UnitDisplayMode = UnitDisplayMode.HideOnlyForBytes }; string friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(bytes, options); Assert.Equal(expectedFriendlyName, friendlyName); }
public void Unit_display_mode_group_digits_test(int bytes, string expectedFriendlyName) { var options = new FriendlyNameOptions { GroupDigits = true }; string friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(bytes, options); friendlyName.ShouldBe(expectedFriendlyName); }
public void Unit_display_mode_group_digits_test(int bytes, string expectedFriendlyName) { var options = new FriendlyNameOptions { GroupDigits = true }; var friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(bytes, options); Assert.Equal(expectedFriendlyName, friendlyName); }
public void Gigabyte_values() { const long size = 1024L * 1024 * 1024 * 10; string friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(size, new FriendlyNameOptions { DecimalPlaces = 10 });; Assert.Equal("10 GB", friendlyName); friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(size, new FriendlyNameOptions { UnitDisplayMode = UnitDisplayMode.AlwaysHide }); Assert.Equal("10", friendlyName); friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(size, new FriendlyNameOptions { UnitDisplayMode = UnitDisplayMode.HideOnlyForBytes }); Assert.Equal("10 GB", friendlyName); }
public void Megabyte_values() { const long size = 1024L * 1024 * 10; string friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(size, new FriendlyNameOptions { DecimalPlaces = 10 }); friendlyName.ShouldBe("10 MB"); friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(size, new FriendlyNameOptions { UnitDisplayMode = UnitDisplayMode.AlwaysHide }); friendlyName.ShouldBe("10"); friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(size, new FriendlyNameOptions { UnitDisplayMode = UnitDisplayMode.HideOnlyForBytes }); friendlyName.ShouldBe("10 MB"); }
public override void SetContent() { base.SetContent(); var gridRow = this.RowInfo as GridViewGroupRowInfo; if (gridRow == null) { return; } int remainingFileCount = 0; long copiedBytes = 0; long totalBytes = 0; bool hasErrors = false; foreach (var dataRow in RadGridViewHelper.GetChildDataRows(gridRow)) { remainingFileCount = Math.Max(remainingFileCount, dataRow.Field <int>("remainingFileCount")); copiedBytes += dataRow.Field <long>("copiedBytes"); totalBytes += dataRow.Field <long>("totalBytes"); hasErrors |= dataRow.Field <bool>("hasErrors"); } _headerElement.Text = gridRow.HeaderText; _hasErrorsElement.Image = hasErrors ? Resources.ExclamationRed : Resources.CheckedGreen; _progressElement.Value1 = totalBytes <= 0 ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32((double)copiedBytes / (double)totalBytes * 100); _progressElement.Text = string.Format("{0} remaining ({1}/{2})", remainingFileCount, ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(copiedBytes), ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(totalBytes)); _progressElement.IndicatorElement1.BackColor = (hasErrors || _progressElement.Value1 < 100) ? _defaultProgressBarColor : Color.LimeGreen; this.Text = string.Empty; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //para filtrar os arquivos //se atente ao método GetFiles("*") //mude o parametro para por exemplo: GetFiles("*.png") //com isso o sistema irá fazer o search em todos os arquivos com extensão .png try { new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\Roberto\Desktop\Wallpapers").GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList().ForEach((i) => { WriteLine(string.Format("Arquivo: {0} - Tamanho: {1}", i.FullName, ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(i.Length))); }); } catch (Exception erro) { throw new Exception("Erro ao processar os arquivos: " + erro.Message); } ReadKey(); }
public void Bytes_test(int bytes, string expectedFriendlyName) { string friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(bytes); friendlyName.ShouldBe(expectedFriendlyName); }
public void Negative_byte_values_should_throw_exception(int bytes) { Should.Throw <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(bytes)); }
public void Bytes_test(int bytes, string expectedFriendlyName) { var friendlyName = ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(bytes); Assert.Equal(expectedFriendlyName, friendlyName); }
//TODO: review UI reset of cells (they are reused by the gridview) private void gridFiles_CellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.DataBoundItem == null) { return; } e.CellElement.ToolTipText = e.CellElement.Text; if (string.Equals(e.CellElement.ColumnInfo.FieldName, "progressBar", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { RadProgressBarElement pbElement; if (e.CellElement.Children.Count == 0) { pbElement = new RadProgressBarElement { SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias, Padding = new Padding(5), StretchHorizontally = true }; e.CellElement.Children.Add(pbElement); } else { pbElement = e.CellElement.Children[0] as RadProgressBarElement; pbElement.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Visible; } var dataRowView = e.Row.DataBoundItem as DataRowView; if (dataRowView != null && dataRowView.Row.RowState != DataRowState.Detached) { var progress = (double)dataRowView.Row["progressBar"]; var remainingFileCount = (int)dataRowView.Row["remainingFileCount"]; var copiedBytes = (long)dataRowView.Row["copiedBytes"]; var totalBytes = (long)dataRowView.Row["totalBytes"]; progress *= 100; pbElement.Value1 = Convert.ToInt32(progress); pbElement.Text = string.Format("{0} remaining ({1}/{2})", remainingFileCount, ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(copiedBytes), ByteSizeFriendlyName.Build(totalBytes)); pbElement.IndicatorElement1.BackColor = progress < 100 ? _defaultProgressBarColor : Color.LimeGreen; } e.CellElement.DrawText = false; e.CellElement.DrawImage = false; } else { if (e.CellElement.Children.Count > 0) { e.CellElement.Children[0].Visibility = ElementVisibility.Hidden; } if (string.Equals(e.CellElement.ColumnInfo.FieldName, "hasErrors", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { e.CellElement.DrawImage = true; e.CellElement.DrawText = false; var row = ((DataRowView)e.Row.DataBoundItem).Row; if (row.RowState != DataRowState.Detached) { if ((bool)row["hasErrors"]) { e.CellElement.Image = Resources.ExclamationRed; } else { e.CellElement.Image = Resources.CheckedGreen; } } } else { e.CellElement.DrawImage = false; e.CellElement.DrawText = true; } } }