private void PerformReadAllMemOperation(TagFilter filter, TagOp op) { TagReadData[] tagReads = null; SimpleReadPlan plan = new SimpleReadPlan(null, TagProtocol.GEN2, filter, op, 1000); reader.ParamSet("/reader/read/plan", plan); Console.WriteLine("Embedded tag operation - "); // Read tags tagReads = reader.Read(500); foreach (TagReadData tr in tagReads) { Console.WriteLine(tr.ToString()); if (0 < tr.Data.Length) { Console.WriteLine(" Embedded read data: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(tr.Data, "", " ")); Console.WriteLine(" User memory: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(tr.USERMemData, "", " ")); Console.WriteLine(" Reserved memory: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(tr.RESERVEDMemData, "", " ")); Console.WriteLine(" Tid memory: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(tr.TIDMemData, "", " ")); Console.WriteLine(" EPC memory: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(tr.EPCMemData, "", " ")); } Console.WriteLine(" Embedded read data length:" + tr.Data.Length); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Standalone tag operation - "); ushort[] data = (ushort[])reader.ExecuteTagOp(op, filter); //// Print tag reads if (0 < data.Length) { Console.WriteLine(" Standalone read data:" + ByteFormat.ToHex(ByteConv.ConvertFromUshortArray(data), "", " ")); Console.WriteLine(" Standalone read data length:" + ByteConv.ConvertFromUshortArray(data).Length); } data = null; Console.WriteLine(); }
public static void parseTAM2Response(byte[] response, byte[] key, ushort protMode) { byte[] generatedIChallenge = new byte[10]; byte[] CipherData = new byte[16]; byte[] IV = new byte[16]; if (response.Length > 0) { Array.Copy(response, 0, generatedIChallenge, 0, 10); Console.WriteLine("Generated Ichallenge:" + ByteFormat.ToHex(generatedIChallenge, "", " ")); Array.Copy(response, 10, IV, 0, 16); byte[] Challenge = DecryptIchallenge(IV, key); Array.Copy(Challenge, 6, Challenge, 0, 10); Array.Resize(ref Challenge, 10); Console.WriteLine("Returned Ichallenge:" + ByteFormat.ToHex(Challenge, "", " ")); Array.Copy(response, 26, CipherData, 0, 16); if (protMode == 1 || protMode == 3) { Console.WriteLine("Custom Data: " + DecryptCustomData(CipherData, key, (byte[])IV.Clone())); } else { Console.WriteLine("Custom Data: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(CipherData, "", " ")); } } }
public bool CheckAccessPasswordIsLocked() { try { string reservedBankData = string.Empty; //Read access password var op = new Gen2.ReadData(Gen2.Bank.RESERVED, 2, 2); var reservedData = (ushort[])_reader.ExecuteTagOp(op, null); if (null != reservedData) { reservedBankData = ByteFormat.ToHex(ByteConv.ConvertFromUshortArray(reservedData), "", " "); } var accessPassword = reservedBankData.Trim(' '); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is FAULT_GEN2_PROTOCOL_MEMORY_LOCKED_Exception) { return(true); } Trace.TraceError("Error checking access password. " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); return(false); } }
public static void parseSecureIdResponse(byte[] rsp) { int readIndex = 0; //Extract UID length int uidLength = rsp[readIndex]; // Extract UID based on length byte[] uid = new byte[uidLength]; //Update the read index and copy the uid into uid array. readIndex += 1; Array.Copy(rsp, readIndex, uid, 0, uidLength); Console.WriteLine("UID: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(uid)); readIndex += uidLength; // Extract Secure id length and ID int secureIdLen = rsp[readIndex]; byte[] secureID = new byte[secureIdLen]; //Update the read index and copy the Secure id into secureID array. readIndex += 1; Array.Copy(rsp, readIndex, secureID, 0, secureIdLen); Console.WriteLine("Secure ID: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(secureID)); readIndex += secureIdLen; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { rd = Reader.Create("", ModuleTech.Region.NA, 4); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("连接失败,请检查读写器地址是否正确" + ex.ToString()); return; } lst1.Items.Add("连接成功!"); int[] connectedants = (int[])rd.ParamGet("ConnectedAntennas"); for (int c = 0; c < connectedants.Length; ++c) { lst1.Items.Add(c + "->" + connectedants[c]); } TagFilter tf = (TagFilter)rd.ParamGet("Singulation"); // int[] ants = new int[] { 1, 4 }; Gen2TagFilter filter = new Gen2TagFilter(ByteFormat.FromHex("FFFFFFFF"), MemBank.EPC, 32, false); rd.ParamSet("Singulation", filter); SimpleReadPlan searchPlan = new SimpleReadPlan(ants); rd.ParamSet("ReadPlan", searchPlan); }
/// <summary> /// Write Untraceable operation to tag /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btmWriteToTag_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (((bool)rdBtnShowSpecificEpc.IsChecked) && (txtbxEpcLen.Text == "")) { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter length of EPC to Show", "Universal Reader Assistant Message", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } else { epcLen = 6; } antenna = ((null != GetSelectedAntennaList()) ? (GetSelectedAntennaList()[0]) : antenna); objReader.ParamSet("/reader/tagop/antenna", antenna); if ((bool)rdBtnShowSpecificEpc.IsChecked) { epcLen = Convert.ToInt32(txtbxEpcLen.Text); } Gen2.Password accessPassWord = new Gen2.Password(ByteConv.ToU32(ByteFormat.FromHex(txtbxAccesspaasword.Text.Replace(" ", "")), 0)); Gen2.Untraceable tagOp = new Gen2.NXP.AES.Untraceable(epc, epcLen, tid, user, range, accessPassWord.Value); objReader.ExecuteTagOp(tagOp, searchSelect); MessageBox.Show("Write operation is successfull", "Universal Reader Assistant Message", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Connecting the reader and setting base parameters Reader r = Reader.Create("tmr:///COM3"); r.Connect(); r.ParamSet("/reader/region/id", Reader.Region.NA); //Region r.ParamSet("/reader/radio/readPower", 2000); //Read power r.ParamSet("/reader/gen2/t4", 3000); //3ms continuous wave //Defining the Select command to the tag Gen2.Select tempSelect = new Gen2.Select(false, Gen2.Bank.USER, 0xE0, 0, new byte[0]); //Storing Temperature data in reserved memory bank pointed at 0xE TagOp tempRead = new Gen2.ReadData(Gen2.Bank.RESERVED, 0xE, 1); SimpleReadPlan readPlan = new SimpleReadPlan(new int[] { 1 }, TagProtocol.GEN2, tempSelect, tempRead, 100); r.ParamSet("/reader/read/plan", readPlan); TagReadData[] tempReadResults = r.Read(75); //Read for 75ms foreach (TagReadData result in tempReadResults) { string EPC = result.EpcString; string frequency = result.Frequency.ToString(); string tempCodeHex = ByteFormat.ToHex(result.Data, ", "); int tempCode = Convert.ToInt32(tempCodeHex, 16); if (tempCode > 1000 && tempCode < 3500) { Console.WriteLine("EPC: " + EPC + "Frequency(kHz): " + frequency + "Temperature Code: " + tempCode); } } }
private void SetReadPlan() { TagFilter filter = null; if (selectMemBank == Gen2.Bank.EPC) { if (txtEpc.Text != "") { filter = new TagData(txtEpc.Text); } } else { byte[] data = ByteFormat.FromHex(txtData.Text); if (null == data) { dataLength = 0; } else { dataLength = data.Length; } filter = new Gen2.Select(false, selectMemBank, Convert.ToUInt16(startAddress * 16), Convert.ToUInt16(dataLength * 8), data); } SimpleReadPlan srp = new SimpleReadPlan(new int[] { antenna }, TagProtocol.GEN2, filter, 1000); objReader.ParamSet("/reader/read/plan", srp); }
public string ReadPassword(uint byteIndex, uint length) { try { DateTime timeBeforeRead = DateTime.Now; byte[] data = null; using (Reader reader = Reader.Create("tmr:///" + Vars.comport.ToLower())) { reader.Connect(); TagOp tagOp = new Gen2.ReadData(Gen2.Bank.RESERVED, byteIndex, (byte)length); SimpleReadPlan plan = new SimpleReadPlan(null, TagProtocol.GEN2, null, tagOp, 1000); reader.ParamSet("/reader/read/plan", plan); data = reader.ReadTagMemBytes(tagData, (int)Gen2.Bank.RESERVED, (int)byteIndex, (int)length); } DateTime timeAfterRead = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeElapsed = timeAfterRead - timeBeforeRead; commandTotalTimeTextBox.Text = timeElapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString(); return(ByteFormat.ToHex(data)); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(""); } }
private void btnexec_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.cbbslot.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("请选择卡槽"); return; } if (this.tbsend.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("请输入cos指令"); return; } byte[] cosresp = null; try { cosresp = rdr.PsamTransceiver(this.cbbslot.SelectedIndex + 1, ByteFormat.FromHex(this.tbsend.Text.Trim())); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("操作失败," + ex.ToString()); return; } this.tbrecv.Text = ByteFormat.ToHex(cosresp); }
public static void embeddedRead(TagProtocol protocol, TagFilter filter, TagOp tagop) { TagReadData[] tagReads = null; SimpleReadPlan plan = new SimpleReadPlan(antennaList, protocol, filter, tagop, 1000); r.ParamSet("/reader/read/plan", plan); tagReads = r.Read(1000); // Print tag reads foreach (TagReadData tr in tagReads) { Console.WriteLine(tr.ToString()); if (tr.isErrorData) { // In case of error, show the error to user. Extract error code. int errorCode = ByteConv.ToU16(tr.Data, 0); Console.WriteLine("Embedded Tag operation failed. Error: " + ReaderCodeException.faultCodeToMessage(errorCode)); } else { if (tagop is Gen2.EMMicro.EM4325.GetSensorData) { if (tr.Data.Length > 0) { GetSensorDataResponse rData = new GetSensorDataResponse(tr.Data); Console.WriteLine("Data:" + rData.ToString()); } } else { Console.WriteLine(" Data:" + ByteFormat.ToHex(tr.Data, "", " ")); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Insert keys into tag /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnInsertKeys_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TagOp op; try { if (txtbxKeyOne.Text.Replace(" ", "").Length == 32 && txtbxKeyZero.Text.Replace(" ", "").Length == 32) { byte[] KeytoWrite = ByteFormat.FromHex(txtbxKeyZero.Text.Replace(" ", "")); ushort[] Key0 = new ushort[KeytoWrite.Length / 2]; Key0 = ByteConv.ToU16s(KeytoWrite); op = new Gen2.WriteData(Gen2.Bank.USER, 0xC0, Key0); objReader.ExecuteTagOp(op, searchSelect); KeytoWrite = ByteFormat.FromHex(txtbxKeyOne.Text.Replace(" ", "")); ushort[] Key1 = new ushort[KeytoWrite.Length / 2]; Key1 = ByteConv.ToU16s(KeytoWrite); op = new Gen2.WriteData(Gen2.Bank.USER, 0xD0, Key1); objReader.ExecuteTagOp(op, searchSelect); MessageBox.Show("Insert keys operation success", "Universal Reader Assistant", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please input valid Keys to insert ", "Universal Reader Assistant", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Universal Reader Assistant", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void PerformWriteOperation() { //Use first antenna for operation if (antennaList != null) { reader.ParamSet("/reader/tagop/antenna", antennaList[0]); } Gen2.TagData epc = new Gen2.TagData(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, }); Console.WriteLine("Write on epc mem: " + epc.EpcString); Gen2.WriteTag tagop = new Gen2.WriteTag(epc); reader.ExecuteTagOp(tagop, null); Console.WriteLine(); ushort[] data = new ushort[] { 0x1234, 0x5678 }; Console.WriteLine("Write on reserved mem: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(data)); Gen2.BlockWrite blockwrite = new Gen2.BlockWrite(Gen2.Bank.RESERVED, 0, data); reader.ExecuteTagOp(blockwrite, null); Console.WriteLine(); data = null; data = new ushort[] { 0xFFF1, 0x1122 }; Console.WriteLine("Write on user mem: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(data)); blockwrite = new Gen2.BlockWrite(Gen2.Bank.USER, 0, data); reader.ExecuteTagOp(blockwrite, null); Console.WriteLine(); }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { TagChipType nxpchiptype = TagChipType.TagChipType_None; try { this.labEASAlert.BackColor = Color.Gray; if (this.cbbnxpchiptype.SelectedIndex == 0) { nxpchiptype = TagChipType.TagChipType_NXP_G2X; } else if (this.cbbnxpchiptype.SelectedIndex == 1) { nxpchiptype = TagChipType.TagChipType_NXP_G2i; } NXP_EASAlarmPara EasAlarmPara = new NXP_EASAlarmPara(0x01, 0x02, 0x01, nxpchiptype); NXP_EASAlarmResult result = (NXP_EASAlarmResult)mrdr.CustomCmd(null, CustomCmdType.NXP_EASAlarm, EasAlarmPara); tbEASAlarmData.Text = ByteFormat.ToHex(result.EASAlarmData); System.Media.SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); this.labEASAlert.BackColor = Color.Red; } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private double getILianTemp(TagReadData RawRead) { //Console.WriteLine("### getILianTemp"); double temp = UNSPECTTEMP; if (RawRead.Data.Length > 0) { double temperature = 0; byte[] bdata = RawRead.Data; string sdata = ByteFormat.ToHex(bdata, "", ""); if (sdata.Trim().Equals("0000")) { return(0); } Console.WriteLine("sdata={0} {1} {2}", sdata, sdata.Substring(0, 2), sdata.Substring(2, 2)); int t1 = Convert.ToInt32(sdata.Substring(0, 2), 16); int t2 = Convert.ToInt32(sdata.Substring(2, 2), 16); temperature = (t1 - 30) + (t2 / (double)256); Console.WriteLine("t1={0}, t2={1}", t1 - 30, t2 / (double)256); Console.WriteLine("temperature=" + temperature); Console.WriteLine(); //temp = temperature; temp = Math.Round(temperature, 2);//保留两位小数 } return(temp); }
/// <summary> /// Create new ByteValue, but default to base 1024 /// </summary> /// /// <param name="value">The number value in the specified format</param> /// <param name="initialFormat">The initial format to parse the value as</param> /// <param name="numBase">he base for calculations, i.e. a megabyte is base 1000 but a mebibyte is 1024</param> public ByteValue(double value, ByteFormat initialFormat, int numBase = 1024) { Base = numBase; // Convert everything to bytes for ease of calculation switch (initialFormat) { case ByteFormat.B: Bytes = value; break; case ByteFormat.KB: Bytes = value * Math.Pow(numBase, 1); break; case ByteFormat.MB: Bytes = value * Math.Pow(numBase, 2); break; case ByteFormat.GB: Bytes = value * Math.Pow(numBase, 3); break; case ByteFormat.TB: Bytes = value * Math.Pow(numBase, 4); break; } }
void ReConnect(Mach mc) { int i, j, k; String Ret = ""; if (mc.ReConnectedCount > 5) { /*本设备重连超过五次不成功,可能连接存在问题 */ MyManager.AddInfoToDB("错误", mc.MachName + "重连5次不成功,不再尝试连接。"); return; } try { mc.ReConnectedCount++; MyManager.AddInfoToDB("信息", mc.MachName + "开始重连."); mc.rd = Reader.Create(mc.MachIP, ModuleTech.Region.NA, 4); int[] connectedants = (int[])mc.rd.ParamGet("ConnectedAntennas"); if (connectedants.Length < 1) { Ret = ""; int[] xx = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (j = 0; j < connectedants.Length; j++) { xx[connectedants[j] - 1] = 1; } for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (xx[k] == 0) { Ret += (k + 1).ToString() + " "; } } Ret = mc.MachName + "," + Ret + "号天线未连接!!"; MyManager.AddInfoToDB("错误", Ret); } mc.ConnectedAnts = (int[])connectedants.Clone(); Gen2TagFilter filter = new Gen2TagFilter(ByteFormat.FromHex("FFFFFFFF"), MemBank.EPC, 32, false); mc.rd.ParamSet("Singulation", filter); SimpleReadPlan searchPlan = new SimpleReadPlan(mc.ConnectedAnts); mc.rd.ParamSet("ReadPlan", searchPlan); mc.Mthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TagMonitorThread)); mc.Mthread.Start(mc); MyManager.AddInfoToDB("信息", mc.MachName + "重连并启动监视线程成功!"); mc.ReConnectedCount--; } catch (Exception ex) { Ret = mc.MachName + ",重连-->" + ex.ToString(); MyManager.AddInfoToDB("错误", Ret); ReConnect(mc); } mc.ReConnectedCount = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Refresh button to generate random 10 byte challenge /// </summary> private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Random rnd = new Random(); Byte[] b = new Byte[10]; rnd.NextBytes(b); lblRandomChallengeValue.Content = ByteFormat.ToHex(b, "", " "); }
/// <summary> /// Human-readable representation /// </summary> /// <returns>Human-readable representation</returns> public override string ToString() { return(String.Join(" ", new string[] { "\n UID : " + ByteFormat.ToHex(uid), "\n SensorData : " + sensorData.ToString(), "\n UTCTimestamp=" + utcTimestamp, })); }
private void btnWrite_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { Mouse.SetCursor(Cursors.Wait); Window mainWindow = App.Current.MainWindow; ComboBox CheckRegionCombobx = (ComboBox)mainWindow.FindName("regioncombo"); if (CheckRegionCombobx.SelectedValue.ToString() == "Select") { MessageBox.Show("Please select region", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if ((bool)rbFirstTag.IsChecked) { antenna = ((null != GetSelectedAntennaList()) ? (GetSelectedAntennaList()[0]) : antenna); } objReader.ParamSet("/reader/tagop/antenna", antenna); if ((bool)rbSelectedTag.IsChecked) { TagFilter searchSelect = null; if (lblSelectFilter.Content.ToString().Contains("EPC ID")) { searchSelect = new TagData(txtEpc.Text); } else { byte[] SearchSelectData = ByteFormat.FromHex(txtData.Text); if (null == SearchSelectData) { dataLength = 0; } else { dataLength = SearchSelectData.Length; } searchSelect = new Gen2.Select(false, selectMemBank, Convert.ToUInt16(startAddress * 16), Convert.ToUInt16(dataLength * 8), SearchSelectData); } WriteEPC(searchSelect, txtWriteEPC.Text); } else { WriteEPC(null, txtWriteEPC.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } finally { Mouse.SetCursor(Cursors.Arrow); } }
/// <exception cref="TextFormatNotSupportedException">Text-formatted GBX files are not supported.</exception> internal bool Read(GameBoxReader reader) { if (!reader.HasMagic(GameBox.Magic)) { Log.Write("GBX magic missing! Corrupted file or not a GBX file.", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } Log.Write("GBX recognized!", ConsoleColor.Green); Version = reader.ReadInt16(); Log.Write("- Version: " + Version.ToString()); if (Version >= 3) { ByteFormat = (GameBoxByteFormat)reader.ReadByte(); Log.Write("- Byte format: " + ByteFormat.ToString()); if (ByteFormat == GameBoxByteFormat.Text) { throw new TextFormatNotSupportedException(); } CompressionOfRefTable = (GameBoxCompression)reader.ReadByte(); Log.Write("- Ref. table compression: " + CompressionOfRefTable.ToString()); CompressionOfBody = (GameBoxCompression)reader.ReadByte(); Log.Write("- Body compression: " + CompressionOfBody.ToString()); if (Version >= 4) { UnknownByte = (char)reader.ReadByte(); Log.Write("- Unknown byte: " + UnknownByte.ToString()); } ID = CMwNod.Remap(reader.ReadUInt32()); Log.Write("- Class ID: 0x" + ID.Value.ToString("X8")); if (Version >= 6) { var userDataSize = reader.ReadInt32(); Log.Write($"- User data size: {(userDataSize / 1024f).ToString()} kB"); if (userDataSize > 0) { UserData = reader.ReadBytes(userDataSize); } } NumNodes = reader.ReadInt32(); Log.Write("- Number of nodes: " + NumNodes.ToString()); } Log.Write("Header completed!", ConsoleColor.Green); return(true); }
public void TestByteUnsignedRange() { ByteFormat bFormat = new ByteFormat(); int expectedUMax = bFormat.GetUMax(); int expectedUMin = bFormat.GetUMin(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedUMax, 255); Assert.AreEqual(expectedUMin, 0); }
public void TestByteSignedRange() { ByteFormat bFormat = new ByteFormat(); int expectedMax = bFormat.GetSMax(); int expectedMin = bFormat.GetSMin(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedMax, 127); Assert.AreEqual(expectedMin, -128); }
public void Add(TagReadData addData) { lock (new Object()) { string key = null; if (chkbxUniqueByData) { if (true == chkbxShowFailedDataReads) { //key = addData.EpcString + ByteFormat.ToHex(addData.Data, "", " "); // When CHECKED - Add the entry to the database. This will result in // potentially two entries for every tag: one with the requested data and one without. if (addData.Data.Length > 0) { key = addData.EpcString + ByteFormat.ToHex(addData.Data, "", " "); } else { key = addData.EpcString + ""; } } else if ((false == chkbxShowFailedDataReads) && (addData.Data.Length == 0)) { // When UNCHECKED (default) - If the embedded read data fails (data.length==0) then don't add the entry to // the database, thus it won't be displayed. return; } else { key = addData.EpcString + ByteFormat.ToHex(addData.Data, "", " "); } } else { key = addData.EpcString; //if only keying on EPCID } UniqueTagCounts = 0; TotalTagCounts = 0; if (!EpcIndex.ContainsKey(key)) { TagReadRecord value = new TagReadRecord(addData); value.SerialNumber = (uint)EpcIndex.Count + 1; _tagList.Add(value); EpcIndex.Add(key, value); //Call this method to calculate total tag reads and unique tag read counts UpdateTagCountTextBox(EpcIndex); } else { EpcIndex[key].Update(addData); UpdateTagCountTextBox(EpcIndex); } } }
static void objReader_Transport(object sender, TransportListenerEventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(String.Format( "{0}: {1} (timeout={2:D}ms)", e.Tx ? "TX" : "RX", ByteFormat.ToHex(e.Data, "", " "), e.Timeout )); }
/// <summary> /// Get the value in a given ByteFormat /// </summary> /// /// <param name="format">The target format</param> /// /// <returns>The value in the given ByteFormat</returns> public double Get(ByteFormat format) { return(format switch { ByteFormat.B => Bytes, ByteFormat.KB => Kilobytes, ByteFormat.MB => Megabytes, ByteFormat.GB => Gigabytes, ByteFormat.TB => Terabytes, _ => - 1, });
/// <summary> /// Decrypts custom data /// </summary> /// <param name="CipherData">Encrypted data</param> /// <param name="key">key to decrypt encrypted data</param> /// <param name="IV">Initialization vector</param> /// <returns></returns> public string DecryptCustomData(byte[] CipherData, byte[] key, byte[] IV) { byte[] decipheredText = new byte[16]; decipheredText = DecryptIchallenge(CipherData, key); byte[] CustomData = new byte[16]; for (int i = 0; i < IV.Length; i++) { CustomData[i] = (byte)(decipheredText[i] ^ IV[i]); } return(ByteFormat.ToHex(CustomData, "", " ")); }
/// <summary> /// Parse user memory data and populate the user mem textboxes /// </summary> /// <param name="userData">accepts read user memory data</param> private void ParseUserMemData(ushort[] userData) { string userMemData = string.Empty; if (null != userData) { userMemData = ByteFormat.ToHex(ByteConv.ConvertFromUshortArray(userData), "", ""); txtUserDataValue.Text = ReplaceSpecialCharInAsciiData(Utilities.HexStringToAsciiString(userMemData).ToCharArray()); txtUserMemData.Text = ByteFormat.ToHex(ByteConv.ConvertFromUshortArray(userData), "", " "); } }
public static void parseGetSystemInfoResponse(byte[] systemInfo) { int readIndex = 0; // Extract 1 byte of Information Flags from response byte infoFlags = systemInfo[readIndex++]; //Extract UID - 8 bytes for Iso15693 int uidLength = 8; byte[] uid = new byte[uidLength]; Array.Copy(systemInfo, readIndex, uid, 0, uidLength); Console.WriteLine("UID: " + ByteFormat.ToHex(uid)); readIndex += uidLength; if (infoFlags == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No information flags are enabled"); } else { // Checks Information flags are supported or not and then extracts respective fields information. if ((infoFlags & 0x0001) == 0x0001) { Console.WriteLine("DSFID is supported and DSFID field is present in the response"); //Extract 1 byte of DSFID byte dsfid = systemInfo[readIndex++]; Console.WriteLine("DSFID: " + dsfid.ToString()); } if ((infoFlags & 0x0002) == 0x0002) { Console.WriteLine("AFI is supported and AFI field is present in the response"); //Extract 1 byte of AFI byte afi = systemInfo[readIndex++]; Console.WriteLine("AFI: " + afi.ToString()); } if ((infoFlags & 0x0004) == 0x0004) { Console.WriteLine("VICC memory size is supported and VICC field is present in the response"); //Extract 2 bytes of VICC information UInt16 viccInfo = ByteConv.ToU16(systemInfo, readIndex); byte maxBlockCount = (byte)(viccInfo & 0xFF); // holds the number of blocks Console.WriteLine("Max Block count: " + maxBlockCount); byte blocksize = (byte)((viccInfo & 0x1F00) >> 8); // holds blocksize Console.WriteLine("Block Size: " + blocksize); readIndex += 2; } if ((infoFlags & 0x0008) == 0x0008) { Console.WriteLine("IC reference is supported and IC reference is present in the response"); // Extract 1 byte of IC reference byte icRef = systemInfo[readIndex++]; Console.WriteLine("IC Reference: " + icRef.ToString()); } } }
public static List <byte> Get14443AMemory(Reader reader, Iso14443a.TagType tag, ref byte blockCount, string UID) { List <byte> data = new List <byte>(); byte[] _uid = ByteFormat.FromHex(UID); TagFilter tagFilter = new Select_UID((byte)(_uid.Length * 8), _uid); string[] block = Get14443AMemoryLayout(tag); data = GetTagData(reader, tagFilter, Convert.ToInt32(block[0]), 0, ref blockCount); return(data); }