/** * Method to update references, used when a * new buyingoffer is placed on a salesSupply. */ public void AddBuyingOfferToSalesSupply(SalesSupply sale, BuyingOffer offer) { SalesSupply dbSalesSupply = SalesSupplies .Where(s => s.Id == sale.Id) .FirstOrDefault(); dbSalesSupply.HighestBuyingOffer = offer; dbSalesSupply.HighestPrice = offer.PriceAmount; offer.SalesSupply = dbSalesSupply; }
//------------------------------ EVENTHANDLERS -------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method assigns the best BuyingOffer * of a salesSupply to a new value object, * overwriting the existing value. */ private void CreateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string priceStr = TxtBoxPriceOffer.Text; double oldOffer = _salesSupply.HighestPrice; if (priceStr == null || priceStr == "" || priceStr == "Angiv pris") { ErrorLabel.Content = "Indtast venligst et beløb."; ErrorLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { try { double price = Convert.ToDouble(priceStr); if (price > oldOffer && !priceStr.Contains("-")) { BuyingOffer offer = new BuyingOffer(price, _salesSupply, _buyerInfo); _context.AddBuyingOfferToSalesSupply(_salesSupply, offer); _context.SaveChanges(); _main.ListBox.ItemsSource = null; _main.ListBox.ItemsSource = _context.GetSalesSupplies(); _main.Show(); this.Hide(); } else if (priceStr.Contains("-")) { ErrorLabel.Content = "Indtast venligst et positivt tal."; ErrorLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { ErrorLabel.Content = "Indtast venligst et beløb som overgår det forrige bud."; ErrorLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } catch (Exception) { ErrorLabel.Content = "Indtast venligst et tal."; ErrorLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } }