public void TestUpload() { NavigationHelper.NavigateToUrl(ObjectRepository.Config.GetWebsite()); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.Id("enter_bug")); TextBoxHelper.TypeInTextBox(By.Id("Bugzilla_login"), ObjectRepository.Config.GetUsername()); TextBoxHelper.TypeInTextBox(By.Id("Bugzilla_password"), ObjectRepository.Config.GetPassword()); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.Id("log_in")); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.LinkText("Testng")); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.XPath("//div[@id='attachment_false']/input")); GenericHelper.WaitForWebElement(By.Id("data"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.Id("data")); Console.WriteLine("\"" + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\ExcelData.xlsx" + "\""); var processinfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = "FileUpload.exe", Arguments = "\"" + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\ExcelData.xlsx" + "\"" }; //processinfo.FileName = @"F:\Auto\FileUpload.exe"; //processinfo.Arguments = @"C:\downloads\ExcelData.xlsx"; //Process process = Process.Start(processinfo); //process.WaitForExit(); //process.Close(); using (var process = Process.Start(processinfo)) { process.WaitForExit(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); ButtonHelper.Logout(); }
public void TestAlert() { NavigationHelper.NavigateToUrl(""); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.XPath("//div[@id='main']/descendant::a[position()=3]")); BrowserHelper.SwitchToWindow(1); IWebElement textarea = ObjectRepository.Driver.FindElement(By.Id("textareaCode")); JavaScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("document.getElementById('textareaCode').setAttribute('style','display: inline;')"); TextBoxHelper.ClearTextBox(By.CssSelector("#textareawrapper")); BrowserHelper.SwitchToFrame(By.Id("iframeResult")); // ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.XPath("//button[text()='Try it']")); var text = JavaScriptPopHelper.GetPopUpText(); JavaScriptPopHelper.ClickOkOnPopup(); //IAlert alert = ObjectRepository.Driver.SwitchTo().Alert(); //var text = alert.Text; //alert.Accept(); ObjectRepository.Driver.SwitchTo().DefaultContent(); GenericHelper.WaitForWebElement(By.Id("textareaCode"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)); //TextBoxHelper.ClearTextBox(By.Id("textareaCode")); //TextBoxHelper.TypeInTextBox(By.Id("textareaCode"),text); Logger.Info("Test Alert Complete"); GenericHelper.Wait(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.Id("id")), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)); }
private void InitHander() { this.gridHelper = new GridHelper(this.gridWebGrid); this.buttonHelper = new ButtonHelper(this); this.gridHelper.Grid.DisplayLayout.AllowUpdateDefault = AllowUpdate.No; }
public void ThenIClickOnLink(string linkText) { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.LinkText(linkText)); }
public Cars NavigateToCars() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(Cars_Hmenu); return(new Cars(driver)); }
public By JoinRewardsLnk = By.Id("header-language-2058"); // Join Rewards #endregion Header Menus #endregion IWebElements #region Actions public void SignOut() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(HelloUserMenu); LinkHelper.ClickLink(AccountSignOutLnk); }
public void clickNext() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(_btnNext); }
//运行 private void RunTool(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.IconCard.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(RunButton, true); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PackageIn.Text)) { error.ErrorTo("发现错误(SOS - 001):输入为空。", Percent, Errorsay); ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(RunButton, false); this.RunCard.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; return; } try { string url = ""; string packageof = "[{\"package\":\"" + PackageIn.Text + "\"}]"; string GetJson = HttpUitls.Post(url, packageof, "", "application/json"); JObject obj = JObject.Parse(GetJson); JToken record = obj["body"]["app_icon"][PackageIn.Text]; JToken recorda = obj["body"]["app_icon"][PackageIn.Text]; int num = -1; int numa = 0; if (!Directory.Exists("SSTB/Files/Logo")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("SSTB/Files/Logo"); } if (!fist) { Grid grida = new Grid(); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { grida = Iconall.FindName(names[i]) as Grid; Iconall.Children.Remove(grida); Iconall.UnregisterName(names[i]); } } fist = false; foreach (JObject jpa in recorda) { numa++; } names = new String[numa]; foreach (JObject jp in record) { num++; if (!Directory.Exists("SSTB/Files/Logo/" + num)) { Directory.CreateDirectory("SSTB/Files/Logo/" + num); } string filepath = "SSTB/Files/Logo/" + num + "/logo.png"; string filepatha = "SSTB/Files/Logo/" + num + "/md5.xml"; string filepathb = "SSTB/Files/Logo/logo" + num + ".png"; WebClient mywebclient = new WebClient(); string urlPng = jp["logo"].ToString(); string urlmd5 = jp["md5"].ToString(); mywebclient.DownloadFile(urlPng, filepath); mywebclient.DownloadFile(urlmd5, filepatha); mywebclient.DownloadFile(urlPng, filepathb); Image img = new Image(); Grid grid = new Grid(); Iconall.Children.Add(grid); grid.Children.Add(img); RegisterName("grid" + num, grid); names[num] = "grid" + num; img.Height = 256; img.Width = 540; Thickness thickness = new Thickness(); thickness.Left = 0; thickness.Top = 18; thickness.Right = 0; thickness.Bottom = 15; img.Margin = thickness; img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(urlPng)); //this.T.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(urlPng)); } T5.Text = "原图以及MD5检验文件已保存在程序所在目录的File/Logo文件夹下"; this.IconCard.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.RunCard.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } catch (Exception ex) { error.ErrorTo("发现错误(SOS - 003):请求图标失败, 错误原因:", "" + ex, Percent, Errorsay); this.RunCard.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(RunButton, false); return; } ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(RunButton, false); }
public void WhenUserClickOnTheCreateSchedule() { ButtonHelper.ClickOnButton(By.XPath("//button//span[text()='Create Schedule']")); }
public void SelectMacOption() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(_macOption); }
public void SelectDesktopHeader() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(_desktopHeader); }
private void Seeing() { if (!Directory.Exists("Cache")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Cache"); } if (File.Exists("Cache\\logs.log")) { File.Delete("Cache\\logs.log"); } this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart) delegate() { NamePorc.Text = "加载中"; IDPorc.Text = "加载中"; UsePorc.Text = "加载中"; Ping.Text = "加载中"; }); Process p = SSUserClass.Proc.GetProc("edge"); PerformanceCounter pf1 = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Working Set - Private", p.ProcessName); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart) delegate() { isRun = true; ButtonHelper.SetIcon(Run, ""); IconHelper.SetFontSize(Run, 15); NamePorc.Text = p.ProcessName; IDPorc.Text = p.Id + "/" + p.SessionId; UsePorc.Text = pf1.NextValue() / 1024 + "KB"; ProgressBarHelper.SetAnimateTo(openPer, 100); isOpen.Text = "启动完成"; TaskBar.ToolTipText = "N2N Desktop Launcher - 正在运行"; taskBarRun.IsChecked = true; logTextBox.Text = ">[ 进程守护 ] 进程监控已正常运转——\n"; PingReply reply = SSUserClass.Net.GetPing(nowUsed.severIP, "abcd"); ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(Run, false); if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { Ping.Text = (reply.RoundtripTime).ToString() + "ms"; } }); int failepingTimes = 0; int passtime = 0; while (SSUserClass.Proc.HasProc("edge")) { String nexline = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nexline)) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart) delegate() { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("Cache\\logs.log")) { sw.WriteLine(nexline); } if (nexline.IndexOf("WARNING") > 0) { logTextBox.Text += nexline + "\n"; logTextBox.Text += ">[ 进程守护 ] 发现疑似报错!\n"; } else if (nexline.IndexOf("ERROR") > 0) { logTextBox.Text += nexline + "\n"; logTextBox.Text += ">[ 进程守护 ] 发现严重错误!\n"; panErrorMsg.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; errMode = 0; errorTitle.Text = "错误"; errorSays.Text = "发现了错误:" + nexline; SSUserClass.Proc.KillProc(SSUserClass.Proc.GetProc("edge")); } else { logTextBox.Text += nexline + "\n"; } }); } if (passtime >= 30000) { passtime = 0; } if (passtime % 2000 == 0) { //刷新进程信息 try { p = SSUserClass.Proc.GetProc("edge"); pf1 = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Working Set - Private", p.ProcessName); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart) delegate() { NamePorc.Text = p.ProcessName; IDPorc.Text = p.Id + "/" + p.SessionId; UsePorc.Text = pf1.NextValue() / 1024 + "KB"; ProgressBarHelper.SetAnimateTo(openPer, 100); }); } catch { } //刷新Ping PingReply reply = SSUserClass.Net.GetPing(nowUsed.severIP, "abcd"); if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { failepingTimes = 0; this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart) delegate() { Ping.Text = (reply.RoundtripTime).ToString() + "ms"; }); } else { failepingTimes++; if (failepingTimes >= 5) { //判定掉线重启 SSUserClass.Proc.KillProc(SSUserClass.Proc.GetProc("edge")); RunFun(); } } } passtime += 20; Thread.Sleep(20); } this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart) delegate() { RunInfo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ProgressBarHelper.SetAnimateTo(openPer, 0); isOpen.Text = "未启用"; TaskBar.ToolTipText = "N2N Desktop Launcher -未启用"; ButtonHelper.SetIcon(Run, ""); IconHelper.SetFontSize(Run, 25); taskBarRun.IsChecked = false; }); isRun = false; }
public void TestConfirmation() { NavigationHelper.NavigateToUrl(""); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.Id("confirm")); PopupHelper.ClickCancelButton(); }
public void ShoppingCart() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(_shoppingCartButton); }
private void RunTool(object sebder, RoutedEventArgs s) { bool Error = false; bool[] InPutHas = new bool[4]; String ErrorString = ""; int which = 0; String[] ColorList = new string[2]; ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(RunButton, true); this.Errorsay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.RunCard.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.Percent.Foreground = ColorFst; ProgressBarHelper.SetAnimateTo(Percent, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { InPutHas[i] = true; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(J16.Text)) { InPutHas[0] = false; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RGBA.Text)) { InPutHas[1] = false; } { bool has = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (InPutHas[i] && !has) { has = true; which = i; continue; } if (InPutHas[i] && has) { Error = true; ErrorString = "发现错误(ECC - 002):有多个无法统一的输入。"; } } } if ((InPutHas[0] || InPutHas[1]) == false) { Error = true; ErrorString = "发现错误(ECC - 001):输入内容为空。"; } ProgressBarHelper.SetAnimateTo(Percent, 100 / 3); if (Error) { error.ErrorTo(ErrorString, Percent, Errorsay); } else { SolidColorBrush ChangeColor = new SolidColorBrush(); ChangeColor.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(255, 209, 93, 93); switch (which + 1) { case 1: { //十六进制 ColorList[0] = this.J16.Text; int[] Color; if (this.J16.Text[0] != '#' || this.J16.Text.Length != 9) { Error = true; error.ErrorTo("发现错误(ECC - 003):输入内容无效,请检查。错误内容为……你瞎几把输入了些什么玩意。", Percent, Errorsay); break; } for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (this.J16.Text[i] != '0' && this.J16.Text[i] != '1' && this.J16.Text[i] != '2' && this.J16.Text[i] != '3' && this.J16.Text[i] != '4' && this.J16.Text[i] != '5' && this.J16.Text[i] != '6' && this.J16.Text[i] != '7' && this.J16.Text[i] != '8' && this.J16.Text[i] != '9' && this.J16.Text[i] != 'A' && this.J16.Text[i] != 'B' && this.J16.Text[i] != 'C' && this.J16.Text[i] != 'D' && this.J16.Text[i] != 'E' && this.J16.Text[i] != 'F') { Error = true; error.ErrorTo("发现错误(ECC - 003):输入内容无效,请检查。错误内容为十六进制值大于F", Percent, Errorsay); } else { goto A; } } break; A : Color = toRGBA(this.J16.Text, 1); if (Color[4] == -1) { Error = true; break; } ColorList[1] = Color[1] + "," + Color[2] + "," + Color[3] + "," + Color[0]; ChangeColor.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(byte.Parse(Color[0].ToString()), byte.Parse(Color[1].ToString()), byte.Parse(Color[2].ToString()), byte.Parse(Color[3].ToString())); SolidColorBrush CardColor = new SolidColorBrush(); if (Color[0] != 255) { CardColor.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255); } else { CardColor.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255); } this.ColorCard.Background = CardColor; this.Color.Fill = ChangeColor; } break; case 2: { //RGBA ColorList[1] = this.RGBA.Text; byte r, g, b, a; string[] sArray = this.RGBA.Text.Split(','); int row = sArray.GetLength(0); //第一维的长度(即行数),结果为2 if (row == 4) { if (int.Parse(sArray[0]) > 255 || int.Parse(sArray[1]) > 255 || int.Parse(sArray[2]) > 255 || int.Parse(sArray[3]) > 255) { Error = true; error.ErrorTo("发现错误(ECC - 003):输入内容无效,请检查。错误内容为RGBA值大于255。", Percent, Errorsay); break; } r = byte.Parse(sArray[0]); g = byte.Parse(sArray[1]); b = byte.Parse(sArray[2]); a = byte.Parse(sArray[3]); ChangeColor.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b); SolidColorBrush CardColor = new SolidColorBrush(); if (a != 255) { CardColor.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255); } else { CardColor.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255); } String aa = RGBATo(r, g, b, a, 1); ColorList[0] = aa.ToUpper(); this.ColorCard.Background = CardColor; this.Color.Fill = ChangeColor; } else { Error = true; error.ErrorTo("发现错误(ECC - 003):输入内容无效,请检查。错误内容为……你瞎几把输入了些什么玩意。", Percent, Errorsay); break; } } break; default: { Error = true; error.ErrorTo("发现错误(ECC - 004):在判断输入时发生未知错误,错误变量为which,数值为" + which + ",错误类型为无法匹配。", Percent, Errorsay); MessageBoxX.Show("发现错误(ECC - 004),是否反馈。", "错误", Application.Current.MainWindow); } break; } ProgressBarHelper.SetAnimateTo(Percent, 100 / 3 * 2); } ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(RunButton, false); this.J16.Text = ColorList[0]; this.RGBA.Text = ColorList[1]; if (!Error) { this.Errorsay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.RunCard.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.Percent.Foreground = ColorFst; ProgressBarHelper.SetAnimateTo(Percent, 0); } Error = false; ErrorString = ""; which = 0; ColorList = new string[2]; }
public static bool CharacterCreation_ShowDetails(CharacterCreation __instance, ButtonHelper myButton) { if (__instance.loadMenu.gameObject.activeSelf) { return(true); } Image image = null; Text title = null; Text text = null; if (myButton.scrollingButtonUnlock.unlockType == UnlockTypes.Item) { image = __instance.detailsImageItems; title = __instance.detailsTitleItems; text = __instance.detailsTextItems; } else if (myButton.scrollingButtonUnlock.unlockType == UnlockTypes.Trait) { image = __instance.detailsImageTraits; title = __instance.detailsTitleTraits; text = __instance.detailsTextTraits; } else if (myButton.scrollingButtonUnlock.unlockType == UnlockTypes.Ability) { image = __instance.detailsImageAbilities; title = __instance.detailsTitleAbilities; text = __instance.detailsTextAbilities; } else if (myButton.scrollingButtonUnlock.unlockType == UnlockTypes.BigQuest) { image = __instance.detailsImageBigQuests; title = __instance.detailsTitleBigQuests; text = __instance.detailsTextBigQuests; } if (image != null) { DisplayedUnlock du = (DisplayedUnlock)myButton.scrollingButtonUnlock.__RogueLibsCustom; title.text = du.GetName(); text.text = du.GetFancyDescription(); image.sprite = du.GetImage(); image.gameObject.SetActive(image.sprite != null); } __instance.curSelectedButton = myButton; __instance.curSelectedButtonNum = myButton.scrollingButtonNum; return(false); }
private void RevertButtonColors() { ButtonHelper.RevertColors(btnListaUposlenika, btnNoviUposlenik, btnNoviZahtjev, btnPregledZahtjeva); }
private void RevertColors() { ButtonHelper.RevertColors(btnDostupniMaterijal, btnPotroseniMaterijal, btnNoviMaterijal); }
public Page5() { InitializeComponent(); this.Height = 477; String stTitle = "F**k QQ"; this.Title.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.Title.FontFamily = baseColora.Fonts;; this.Title.FontSize = 17; Title.Text = stTitle; String stSays = "这儿是所有QQ相关功能的集合。某些操作需要使用到你的QQ号,请保证此QQ在登录状态。"; this.Says.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.Says.FontFamily = baseColora.Fonts; this.Says.FontSize = 14; Says.Text = stSays; this.T1.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T1.FontFamily = baseColora.Fonts; this.T1.FontSize = 13; this.T4.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T4.FontFamily = baseColora.Fonts; this.T4.FontSize = 13; this.T5.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T5.FontFamily = baseColora.Fonts; this.T5.FontSize = 13; this.T3.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T3.FontFamily = baseColora.Fonts; this.T3.FontSize = 13; this.MT2.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.MT2.FontFamily = baseColora.Fonts; this.MT2.FontSize = 15; this.MT3.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.MT3.FontFamily = baseColora.Fonts; this.MT3.FontSize = 15; this.CD1.Background = baseColora.Card; this.RunCard.Background = baseColora.Card; this.HandCard.Background = baseColora.Card; this.ColCard.Background = baseColora.Card; this.RunButton.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.RunButton.Background = baseColora.Tran; this.About.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.About.Background = baseColora.Tran; this.Chat.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.Chat.Background = baseColora.Tran; this.QQ.Background = baseColora.Bg; this.QQY.Background = baseColora.Bg; this.QQ.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.QQY.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; ButtonHelper.SetHoverBrush(RunButton, baseColora.DBg); this.Percent.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.RunCard.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.Errorsay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.HandCard.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.ColCard.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
public static void ExecuteScript(IPage pageObject, string xlPath, string text) { // var totalRow = ExcelReaderHelper.GetTotalRows(xlPath, sheetName); // for (var i = 2; i < totalRow; i++) // { var action = ""; //ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 1); var webEle = ""; //ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 2); var locator = pageObject.GetLocatorOfWebElement(webEle); Log.Info("Action " + action + ", WebElement " + webEle + ", Locator " + locator); switch (action) { case "SendKeys": { // var text = ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 3); TextBoxHelper.TypeInTextBox(locator, text); } break; case "ClearAndSendKeys": { //var text = ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 3); TextBoxHelper.ClearTextBox(locator); TextBoxHelper.TypeInTextBox(locator, text); } break; case "Click": { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(locator); } break; case "ClickIfExist": { if (GenericHelper.IsElementPresentQuick(locator)) { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(locator); } } break; case "Select": { // var text = ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 3); DropDownHelper.SelectByVisibleText(locator, text); } break; case "SelectIndex": { //var text = ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 3); DropDownHelper.SelectByIndex(locator, Convert.ToInt32(text)); } break; case "WaitForEle": { // var text = ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 3); if (text == string.Empty) { GenericHelper.WaitForElement(locator); } else { GenericHelper.WaitForElement(locator, Convert.ToInt32(text)); } } break; case "Sleep": { // var text = ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 3); Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(text)); } break; case "SelectFile": { // var text = ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 3); pageObject.FileUpload(text); } break; case "AssertTitle": { // var text = ExcelReaderHelper.GetCellValue(xlPath, sheetName, i, 3); Assert.AreEqual(text, ObjectRepository.Driver.Title); } break; case "PerformClick": { MouseActionHelper.PerformClick(locator); } break; // } } }
public void wlll() { // Test name: wlll // Step # | name | target | value | comment // 1 | open | /login?returnUrl=%2F | | NavigationHelper.NavigateToUrl(""); // 2 | setWindowSize | 1720x934 | | // driver.Manage().Window.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1720, 934); // 3 | click | css=.form-group:nth-child(1) > .form-control | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".form-group:nth-child(1) > .form-control")); // 4 | type | | chadmin | TextboxHelper.TypeInTextbox(By.CssSelector(".ng-valid"), "chadmin"); // 5 | type | | j06 | TextboxHelper.TypeInTextbox(By.CssSelector(".ng-untouched"), "j06"); // 6 | click | css=.btn-outline-primary | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".btn-outline-primary")); // 7 | click | name=search | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.Name("search")); // 8 | type | name=search | smith | TextboxHelper.TypeInTextbox(By.Name("search"), "smith"); // 9 | click | css=.iconic-magnifying-glass | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".iconic-magnifying-glass")); // 10 | click | > .ng-star-inserted > .inline .ng-star-inserted:nth-child(2) > .ng-star-inserted | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".ng-star-inserted:nth-child(1) > .ng-star-inserted > .inline .ng-star-inserted:nth-child(2) > .ng-star-inserted")); // 11 | click | .ng-star-inserted:nth-child(2) > .ng-star-inserted | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".active .ng-star-inserted:nth-child(2) > .ng-star-inserted")); // 12 | click | css=.col-3 > .form-control-plaintext | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".col-3 > .form-control-plaintext")); // 13 | mouseOver | css=#bannerBtnLv1MedLists > .iconic-list | | { var element = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#bannerBtnLv1MedLists > .iconic-list")); Actions builder = new Actions(driver); builder.MoveToElement(element).Perform(); } // 14 | mouseOut | css=#bannerBtnLv1MedLists > .iconic-list | | { var element = ObjectRepository.Driver.FindElement(By.TagName("body")); Actions builder = new Actions(driver); builder.MoveToElement(element, 0, 0).Perform(); } // 15 | mouseOver | id=bannerBtnLv1MedLists | | { var element = ObjectRepository.Driver.FindElement(By.Id("bannerBtnLv1MedLists")); Actions builder = new Actions(driver); builder.MoveToElement(element).Perform(); } // 16 | mouseOut | id=bannerBtnLv1MedLists | | { var element = ObjectRepository.Driver.FindElement(By.TagName("body")); Actions builder = new Actions(driver); builder.MoveToElement(element, 0, 0).Perform(); } // 17 | click | name=search | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.Name("search")); // 18 | type | name=search | smith | TextboxHelper.TypeInTextbox(By.Name("search"), "smith"); // 19 | click | css=.btn-primary:nth-child(4) | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".btn-primary:nth-child(4)")); // 20 | click | css=.list-group-item:nth-child(1) .list-view-pf-main-info:nth-child(3) | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".list-group-item:nth-child(1) .list-view-pf-main-info:nth-child(3)")); // 21 | click | css=.iconic-people | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".iconic-people")); // 22 | click | css=.list-group-item:nth-child(2) .flex-1 | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".list-group-item:nth-child(2) .flex-1")); // 23 | click | css=.navbar-brand > .ng-tns-c1-0 | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".navbar-brand > .ng-tns-c1-0")); // 24 | click | css=.navbar-brand > .ng-tns-c1-0 | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".navbar-brand > .ng-tns-c1-0")); // 25 | click | css=.iconic-home | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".iconic-home")); // 26 | click | css=.iconic-share | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.CssSelector(".iconic-share")); // 27 | click | name=search | | ButtonHelper.ClickButton(By.Name("search")); // 28 | type | name=search | smith | TextboxHelper.TypeInTextbox(By.Name("search"), "smith"); // 29 | sendKeys | name=search | ${KEY_ENTER} | TextboxHelper.TypeInTextbox(By.Name("search"), Keys.Enter); // 30 | close | | | }
public void LogIn(string userName, string password) { TextBoxHelper.TypeInTextBox(EmailAddressTxtBox, userName); TextBoxHelper.TypeInTextBox(PasswordTxtBox, password); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(SignInBtn); }
public KillSTL() { InitializeComponent(); Height = 500; Topmost = true; this.T20.Text = "这就是一个超级简单的、超级普通的、超级正常的养成对战类回合制文字游戏 / ?,灵感来自STL。同时这也是SSTB内涵的第一个游戏为主的彩蛋。"; this.T19.Text = "相杀象征相爱\nBy Stapx Steve [ 林槐 ] @2019 / 版权所有"; setTitle(version); this.T2.Text = "Version - " + version; this.T18.Text = "Version - " + version; WindowXCaption.SetBackground(this, baseColora.Main); WindowXCaption.SetForeground(this, baseColora.FontM); BG.BeginInit(); BG.Source = baseColora.Bgpa; BG.EndInit(); BG1.BeginInit(); BG1.Source = baseColora.Bgpa; BG1.EndInit(); BG2.BeginInit(); BG2.Source = baseColora.Bgpa; BG2.EndInit(); this.TT.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.T.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T1.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T2.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T3.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T4.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T5.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T6.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T7.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T8.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T9.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T10.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T11.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T12.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T13.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T14.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T15.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T16.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T17.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T18.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T19.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.T20.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; this.TopIcon.Background = baseColora.Main; this.TopIcon.Foreground = baseColora.FontM; ButtonHelper.SetHoverBrush(TopIcon, baseColora.Main); ButtonHelper.SetClickCoverOpacity(TopIcon, 1); this.RunButton.Foreground = baseColora.Font; this.RunButton.Background = baseColora.Tran; ButtonHelper.SetHoverBrush(RunButton, baseColora.Main); this.Pass.Foreground = baseColora.Font; this.Pass.Background = baseColora.DBg; ButtonHelper.SetHoverBrush(Pass, baseColora.Main); this.Exit.Foreground = baseColora.Font; this.Exit.Background = baseColora.DBg; ButtonHelper.SetHoverBrush(Exit, baseColora.Main); this.Hits.Foreground = baseColora.Font; this.Hits.Background = baseColora.DBg; ButtonHelper.SetHoverBrush(Hits, baseColora.Main); this.MainTab.Background = baseColora.Bg; this.MainTab.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; TabControlHelper.SetHeaderPanelBackground(MainTab, baseColora.DBg); TabControlHelper.SetItemIcon(MainTab, baseColora.DBg); TabControlHelper.SetSelectedBackground(MainTab, baseColora.Bg); TabControlHelper.SetSelectedForeground(MainTab, baseColora.Fg); this.GameTab.Background = baseColora.Bg; this.GameTab.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; TabControlHelper.SetHeaderPanelBackground(GameTab, baseColora.DBg); TabControlHelper.SetItemIcon(GameTab, baseColora.DBg); TabControlHelper.SetSelectedBackground(GameTab, baseColora.Bg); TabControlHelper.SetSelectedForeground(GameTab, baseColora.Fg); this.Hit.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.Hit.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; ComboBoxHelper.SetShadowColor(Hit, baseColora.Bg.Color); ComboBoxHelper.SetHoverBackground(Hit, baseColora.Bg); ComboBoxHelper.SetHoverForeground(Hit, baseColora.Fg); ComboBoxHelper.SetSelectedBackground(Hit, baseColora.DBg); ComboBoxHelper.SetSelectedForeground(Hit, baseColora.Fg); this.Do.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.Do.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; ComboBoxHelper.SetShadowColor(Do, baseColora.Bg.Color); ComboBoxHelper.SetHoverBackground(Do, baseColora.Bg); ComboBoxHelper.SetHoverForeground(Do, baseColora.Fg); ComboBoxHelper.SetSelectedBackground(Do, baseColora.DBg); ComboBoxHelper.SetSelectedForeground(Do, baseColora.Fg); this.Give.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.Give.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; ComboBoxHelper.SetShadowColor(Give, baseColora.Bg.Color); ComboBoxHelper.SetHoverBackground(Give, baseColora.Bg); ComboBoxHelper.SetHoverForeground(Give, baseColora.Fg); ComboBoxHelper.SetSelectedBackground(Give, baseColora.DBg); ComboBoxHelper.SetSelectedForeground(Give, baseColora.Fg); this.BagBD.Background = baseColora.DBg; ListViewItem listViewItem = new ListViewItem(); listViewItem.Name = "空"; TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock(); textBlock.Text = " 空"; textBlock.Foreground = baseColora.Font; textBlock.FontSize = 14; listViewItem.Content = textBlock; Bag.Items.Add(listViewItem); this.Health.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.Health.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.Love.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.Love.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.Hug.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.Hug.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.Duang.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.Duang.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.yHealth.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.yHealth.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.yLove.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.yLove.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.yHug.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.yHug.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.yDuang.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.yDuang.Foreground = baseColora.Main; this.Run.Background = baseColora.DBg; this.Run.Foreground = baseColora.Fg; CMD.Foreground = baseColora.Font; CMDCOL.Foreground = baseColora.Font; this.MainGame.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; CMDIN.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (PageHD2.opin) { you = "Stapx Steve"; op = true; } customHit.Add(new customerHit() { ID = 0, Name = " - 空 -", ShowName = "空", Hit = 0, HitMax = 0, Love = 0, LoveMax = 0, Hug = 0, HugMax = 0, Duang = 0, DuangMax = 0 }); customHit.Add(new customerHit() { ID = 1, Name = " - 轻拳 -", ShowName = "轻拳", Hit = -10, HitMax = -5, Love = -1, LoveMax = 0, Hug = -45, HugMax = -25, Duang = 1, DuangMax = 2 }); Hit.ItemsSource = customHit; Hit.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; Hit.SelectedValuePath = "ID"; Hit.SelectedValue = 0; customGive.Add(new customerGive() { ID = 0, Name = " - 空 -", ShowName = "空", Hit = 0, HitMax = 0, Love = 0, LoveMax = 0, Hug = 0, HugMax = 0, Buff = "", BuffPes = 0 }); customGive.Add(new customerGive() { ID = 1, Name = " - 面包 -", ShowName = "面包", Hit = 0, HitMax = 0, Love = 0, LoveMax = 2, Hug = 10, HugMax = 10, Buff = "吃撑", BuffPes = 5 }); Give.ItemsSource = customGive; Give.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; Give.SelectedValuePath = "ID"; Give.SelectedValue = 0; customDo.Add(new customerDo() { ID = 0, Name = " - 空 -", ShowName = "空", Hit = 0, HitMax = 0, Love = 0, LoveMax = 0, Hug = 0, HugMax = 0, Buff = "", BuffPes = 0 }); customDo.Add(new customerDo() { ID = 1, Name = " - 捏捏 -", ShowName = "捏捏", Hit = 0, HitMax = 0, Love = 0, LoveMax = 2, Hug = -5, HugMax = -2, Buff = "", BuffPes = 0 }); Do.ItemsSource = customDo; Do.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; Do.SelectedValuePath = "ID"; Do.SelectedValue = 0; }
public VacationRentals NavigateToVacationRentals() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(VacationRentals_Hmenu); return(new VacationRentals(driver)); }
//private void ClearBasket() //{ // ButtonHelper.ClickButtonPrev(Manager.Driver); // DimensionWCServices dimension = new DimensionWCServices(Manager); // dimension.GetDimensions().GetFieldByDescription("A").PlusSign.ClickIfElementIsClickable(Manager.Driver); // //DriverManager.AcceptAlert(); // ButtonHelper.ClickButtonNext(Manager.Driver); //} #region HelpersMethod private void GoToSecondStep() { homeServices.GetHomePageModel().StartButton.ClickIfElementIsClickable(Manager.Driver); ButtonHelper.ClickButtonNext(Manager.Driver); }
public SignIn NavigateToSignIn() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(AccountMenu); ButtonHelper.ClickButton(SignInMenuBtn); return(new SignIn(driver)); }
public void clicarBuscar() { ButtonHelper.ClickButton(btnBuscar); //Reporter.AddLogStep("buscar"); //Thread.Sleep(3000); }
public void ThenILogoutFromTheApplication() { ButtonHelper.Logout(); }
public static bool CharacterCreation_PushedButton(CharacterCreation __instance, ButtonHelper myButton) { bool debug = RogueFramework.IsDebugEnabled(DebugFlags.UnlockMenus); if (__instance.selectedSpace == "Load") { if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug("Redirecting the button push to the original method."); } return(true); } if (debug) { RogueFramework.LogDebug($"Pressing \"{myButton.myText.text}\" ({myButton.scrollingButtonNum}, {myButton.scrollingButtonType}) button."); } string type = myButton.scrollingButtonUnlock.unlockType; List <ButtonData> buttonsData = type == UnlockTypes.Item ? __instance.buttonsDataItems : type == UnlockTypes.Trait ? __instance.buttonsDataTraits : type == UnlockTypes.Ability ? __instance.buttonsDataAbilities : type == UnlockTypes.BigQuest ? __instance.buttonsDataBigQuests : null; ButtonData buttonData = buttonsData[myButton.scrollingButtonNum]; DisplayedUnlock du = (DisplayedUnlock)buttonData.__RogueLibsCustom; try { du.OnPushedButton(); } catch (Exception e) { RogueFramework.LogError(e, "DisplayedUnlock.OnPushedButton", du, du.Menu); } __instance.curSelectedButton = myButton; __instance.curSelectedButtonNum = myButton.scrollingButtonNum; return(false); }
void bw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { //取消后台登录 if (this.cancellationOperation) { this.cancellationOperation = false; //恢复以前状态 return; //截断 } switch (feedBack) { case 1: //登录成功 //获取新的登录信息 var userInfo = new UserInfo { AutomaticLogon = (bool)this.checkBox2.IsChecked, RememberPwd = (bool)this.checkBox1.IsChecked, UserName = AccountNmaeTxt.Text.Trim(), UserPwd = PwdTxt.Password.Trim(), }; if (!(bool)this.checkBox1.IsChecked) { userInfo.UserPwd = ""; } listUserInfo.Remove(listUserInfo.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == userInfo.UserName)); listUserInfo.Insert(0, userInfo); //保存登录信息 loginInfoXmlHelper.CreateXml(listUserInfo.ToList()); HomeWindow home = new HomeWindow(); home.Show(); this.Close(); break; case 0: MessageBox.Show("登录失败!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); break; case -1: System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("数据库未连接!", "系统提示", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Error); ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(this.LoginBtn, false); break; case -2: System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("用户名不能为空!", "系统提示", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Information); ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(this.LoginBtn, false); break; case -3: System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("密码不能为空!", "系统提示", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Information); ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(this.LoginBtn, false); break; case -4: System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("密码含有特殊字符!", "系统提示", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Information); break; //case -5: // System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("用户名不正确!", "系统提示", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Information); // break; case -6: System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("用户名或密码不正确!", "系统提示", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Information); ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(this.LoginBtn, false); break; default: MessageBox.Show("未知错误!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); ButtonHelper.SetIsWaiting(this.LoginBtn, false); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Renders a Twitter Bootstrap Button Component /// </summary> /// <param name="helper">The helper.</param> /// <param name="text">The text.</param> /// <param name="action">The action.</param> /// <param name="controller">The controller.</param> /// <param name="status">The status.</param> /// <param name="htmlAttributes">The HTML attributes.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MvcHtmlString Button(this HtmlHelper helper, string text, string action, string controller="", ButtonStatus status = ButtonStatus.Default, object htmlAttributes = null) { ButtonHelper button = new ButtonHelper(helper, GetStatusStrategy(status), text, action, controller, status, htmlAttributes); return new MvcHtmlString(button.Render()); }