void Awake() { initLife = life; if (name != "shiro") { BusyoInfoGet busyo = new BusyoInfoGet(); belongDaimyoId = busyo.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(name)); if (belongDaimyoId == 0) { belongDaimyoId = busyo.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(name)); } } }
// Use this for initialization public void PrepareBusyoScrollMenu(List <string> jinkeiBusyo_list) { //Clear Previous Unit foreach (Transform chd in GameObject.Find("Content").transform) { //Delete Destroy(chd.gameObject); } //Scroll View Change string myBusyoString = PlayerPrefs.GetString("myBusyo"); char[] delimiterChars = { ',' }; List <string> myBusyo_list = new List <string>(); if (myBusyoString.Contains(",")) { myBusyo_list = new List <string>(myBusyoString.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { myBusyo_list.Add(myBusyoString); } for (int i = 0; i < jinkeiBusyo_list.Count; i++) { myBusyo_list.Remove(jinkeiBusyo_list[i]); } //Instantiate scroll view string scrollPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Slot"; BusyoInfoGet busyoScript = new BusyoInfoGet(); for (int j = 0; j < myBusyo_list.Count; j++) { //Slot GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(scrollPath)) as GameObject; prefab.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find("Content").transform); prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); prefab.name = "Slot"; prefab.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().minHeight = 110; prefab.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().minWidth = 110; //Busyo if (Application.loadedLevelName == "preKassen") { string busyoPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject busyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(busyoPath)) as GameObject; busyo.name = myBusyo_list[j]; //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(busyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(busyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(busyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(busyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(busyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); busyo.transform.SetParent(prefab.transform); busyo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(3, 3, 3); busyo.name = myBusyo_list[j].ToString(); busyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(busyo.name); busyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } else if (Application.loadedLevelName == "preKaisen") { preKaisen prekasienScript = new preKaisen(); int busyoId = int.Parse(myBusyo_list[j]); string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/Ship"; GameObject tsyBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; tsyBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); prekasienScript.getShipSprite(tsyBusyo, busyoId); //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(tsyBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(tsyBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(tsyBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; tsyBusyo.transform.SetParent(prefab.transform); tsyBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(3, 3, 3); tsyBusyo.name = myBusyo_list[j].ToString(); tsyBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(tsyBusyo.name); tsyBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } } }
public void GetPlayerSenryoku(string busyoId) { int i = 0; bool result = int.TryParse(busyoId, out i); if (result) { //Parent int myDaimyoBusyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyoBusyo"); if (int.Parse(busyoId) == myDaimyoBusyo) { myDaimyoBusyoFlg = true; } BusyoInfoGet busyo = new BusyoInfoGet(); belongDaimyoId = busyo.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(busyoId)); if (belongDaimyoId == 0) { belongDaimyoId = busyo.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(busyoId)); } shipId = busyo.getShipId(int.Parse(busyoId)); lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(busyoId, 1); StatusGet sts = new StatusGet(); int hp = sts.getHp(int.Parse(busyoId), lv); int atk = sts.getAtk(int.Parse(busyoId), lv); int dfc = sts.getDfc(int.Parse(busyoId), lv); int spd = sts.getSpd(int.Parse(busyoId), lv); int adjHp = hp * 100; int adjAtk = atk * 10; int adjDfc = dfc * 10; JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku(); int addJyosyuHei = jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku(busyoId.ToString()); KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet(); string[] KahouStatusArray = kahouSts.getKahouForStatus(busyoId, adjHp, adjAtk, adjDfc, spd); int totalBusyoHp = 0; int totalBusyoAtk = 0; int totalBusyoDfc = 0; string kanniTmp = "kanni" + busyoId; float addAtkByKanni = 0; float addHpByKanni = 0; float addDfcByKanni = 0; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(kanniTmp)) { int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(kanniTmp); if (kanniId != 0) { Kanni kanni = new Kanni(); //Status string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId); int effect = kanni.getEffect(kanniId); if (kanniTarget == "atk") { addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect) / 100; } else if (kanniTarget == "hp") { addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect) / 100; } else if (kanniTarget == "dfc") { addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect) / 100; } } } totalBusyoAtk = adjAtk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni); totalBusyoHp = adjHp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addHpByKanni) + addJyosyuHei; totalBusyoDfc = adjDfc + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addDfcByKanni); totalSpd = spd + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[3]); if (Application.loadedLevelName == "preKaisen") { if (shipId == 1) { totalBusyoHp = totalBusyoHp * 2; } else if (shipId == 2) { totalBusyoHp = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)totalBusyoHp * 1.5f); } } //Child string heiId = "hei" + busyoId.ToString(); string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString(heiId, "0"); if (chParam == "0" || chParam == "") { StatusGet statusScript = new StatusGet(); string heisyu = statusScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(busyoId)); chParam = heisyu + ":1:1:1"; PlayerPrefs.SetString(heiId, chParam); PlayerPrefs.Flush(); } char[] delimiterChars = { ':' }; if (chParam.Contains(":")) { string[] ch_list = chParam.Split(delimiterChars); chQty = int.Parse(ch_list [1]); chlv = int.Parse(ch_list [2]); int ch_status = int.Parse(ch_list [3]); int totalChldHp = 0; int totalChldAtk = 0; int totalChldDfc = 0; ch_status = ch_status * 10; int atkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, totalBusyoHp); totalChldHp = ch_status * chQty; totalChldAtk = atkDfc * chQty; totalChldDfc = atkDfc * chQty; //Set value totalHp = totalBusyoHp + totalChldHp; totalAtk = totalBusyoAtk + totalChldAtk; totalDfc = totalBusyoDfc + totalChldDfc; } } }
public void OnClick() { AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> (); audioSources [0].Play(); //Panel GameObject.Find("Touyou").GetComponent <Canvas>().sortingLayerName = "unit"; //Pop View BusyoStatusButton pop = new BusyoStatusButton(); GameObject board = pop.commonPopup(27); if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { GameObject.Find("popText").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Samurai Recruitment"; } else { GameObject.Find("popText").GetComponent <Text>().text = "武将登用"; } //Kamon string kamonPath = "Prefabs/Touyou/kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(kamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(board.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-310, 0); BusyoInfoGet busyoScript = new BusyoInfoGet(); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(busyoId); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(busyoId); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Busyo View string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject Busyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; Busyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); Busyo.transform.SetParent(board.transform); Busyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(3.5f, 3.5f); Busyo.GetComponent <DragHandler>().enabled = false; RectTransform busyo_transform = Busyo.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); busyo_transform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(350, 300, 0); busyo_transform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(100, 100); //Ship Rank string shipPath = "Prefabs/Busyo/ShipSts"; GameObject ShipObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(shipPath)) as GameObject; ShipObj.transform.SetParent(Busyo.transform); preKaisen kaisenScript = new preKaisen(); int shipId = kaisenScript.getShipSprite(ShipObj, busyoId); ShipObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-40, -40, 0); ShipObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { if (shipId == 1) { ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "High"; } else if (shipId == 2) { ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Mid"; } else if (shipId == 3) { ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Low"; } } else { if (shipId == 1) { ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "上"; } else if (shipId == 2) { ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "中"; } else if (shipId == 3) { ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "下"; } } //Text Modification Busyo.transform.FindChild("Text").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().enabled = false; //Rank Text Modification GameObject rank = Busyo.transform.FindChild("Rank").gameObject; RectTransform rank_transform = rank.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rank_transform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, -50, 0); rank_transform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(200, 200); rank.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = 200; /*Status*/ string statusPath = "Prefabs/Touyou/busyoStatus"; GameObject status = Instantiate(Resources.Load(statusPath)) as GameObject; status.transform.SetParent(board.transform); status.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); RectTransform status_transform = status.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); status_transform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(245, -40, 0); Entity_busyo_mst busyoMst = Resources.Load("Data/busyo_mst") as Entity_busyo_mst; Entity_senpou_mst senpouMst = Resources.Load("Data/senpou_mst") as Entity_senpou_mst; string busyoName = busyoScript.getName(busyoId); GameObject.Find("busyoNameValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = busyoName; GameObject.Find("TosotsuValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = busyoMst.param [busyoId - 1].minHp.ToString() + "00"; GameObject.Find("BuyuuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = busyoMst.param [busyoId - 1].minAtk.ToString() + "0"; GameObject.Find("ChiryakuValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = busyoMst.param [busyoId - 1].minDfc.ToString() + "0"; GameObject.Find("SpeedValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = busyoMst.param [busyoId - 1].minSpd.ToString(); string heisyuType = busyoMst.param [busyoId - 1].heisyu; string heisyu = ""; Message msg = new Message(); if (heisyuType == "KB") { heisyu = msg.getMessage(55); } else if (heisyuType == "YR") { heisyu = msg.getMessage(56); } else if (heisyuType == "TP") { heisyu = msg.getMessage(57); } else if (heisyuType == "YM") { heisyu = msg.getMessage(58); } GameObject.Find("ChildNameValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = heisyu; int senpouId = busyoMst.param [busyoId - 1].senpou_id; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { GameObject.Find("SenpouValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = senpouMst.param[senpouId - 1].nameEng; } else { GameObject.Find("SenpouValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = senpouMst.param[senpouId - 1].name; } int senpouStatus = senpouMst.param [senpouId - 1].lv1; int each = (int)senpouMst.param [senpouId - 1].each; int ratio = (int)senpouMst.param [senpouId - 1].ratio; int term = (int)senpouMst.param [senpouId - 1].term; string senpouExp = ""; if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { senpouExp = senpouMst.param [senpouId - 1].effectionEng; } else { senpouExp = senpouMst.param[senpouId - 1].effection; } if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese) { senpouExp = senpouExp.Replace("ABC", senpouStatus.ToString()); senpouExp = senpouExp.Replace("DEF", each.ToString()); senpouExp = senpouExp.Replace("GHI", ratio.ToString()); senpouExp = senpouExp.Replace("JKL", term.ToString()); } else { senpouExp = senpouExp.Replace("A", senpouStatus.ToString()); senpouExp = senpouExp.Replace("B", each.ToString()); senpouExp = senpouExp.Replace("C", ratio.ToString()); senpouExp = senpouExp.Replace("D", term.ToString()); } GameObject.Find("SenpouExpValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = senpouExp; /*Saku*/ Saku saku = new Saku(); List <string> sakuList = new List <string>(); sakuList = saku.getSakuInfo(busyoId); //Icon string sakuPath = "Prefabs/Saku/saku" + sakuList[0]; GameObject sakuIcon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(sakuPath)) as GameObject; GameObject StatusSaku = status.transform.FindChild("StatusSaku").gameObject; foreach (Transform n in StatusSaku.transform) { if (n.tag == "Saku") { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } sakuIcon.transform.SetParent(StatusSaku.transform); sakuIcon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f); sakuIcon.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false; RectTransform sakuIcon_transform = sakuIcon.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); sakuIcon_transform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(-235, 0, 0); StatusSaku.transform.FindChild("SakuExp").transform.FindChild("SakuExpValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = sakuList[2]; /*daimyo busyo check*/ Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo(); daimyoFlg = daimyo.daimyoBusyoCheck(busyoId); //pass data to button GameObject touyouBtn = GameObject.Find("TouyouButton").gameObject; touyouBtn.GetComponent <DoTouyou> ().busyoId = busyoId; touyouBtn.GetComponent <DoTouyou> ().busyoName = busyoName; touyouBtn.GetComponent <DoTouyou> ().heisyu = heisyuType; touyouBtn.GetComponent <DoTouyou> ().sequence = int.Parse(name); touyouBtn.GetComponent <DoTouyou> ().rank = busyoRank; touyouBtn.GetComponent <DoTouyou> ().daimyoFlg = daimyoFlg; //Tutorial if (Application.loadedLevelName == "tutorialTouyou") { TutorialController tutorialScript = new TutorialController(); Vector2 vect = new Vector2(0, 50); GameObject btn = tutorialScript.SetPointer(touyouBtn, vect); btn.transform.localScale = new Vector2(150, 150); } //Hired Check if (Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialTouyou") { string myBusyo = PlayerPrefs.GetString("myBusyo"); char[] delimiterChars = { ',' }; if (myBusyo != null && myBusyo != "") { List <string> myBusyoList = new List <string>(); if (myBusyo.Contains(",")) { myBusyoList = new List <string>(myBusyo.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { myBusyoList.Add(myBusyo); } if (myBusyoList.Contains(busyoId.ToString())) { msg.makeMessage(msg.getMessage(137)); } } //Zukan Check string zukanBusyoHst = PlayerPrefs.GetString("zukanBusyoHst"); if (zukanBusyoHst != null && zukanBusyoHst != "") { List <string> myZukanList = new List <string>(); if (zukanBusyoHst.Contains(",")) { myZukanList = new List <string>(zukanBusyoHst.Split(delimiterChars)); } else { myZukanList.Add(zukanBusyoHst); } if (myZukanList.Contains(busyoId.ToString())) { string zukanPath = "Prefabs/Touyou/Zukan"; GameObject zukan = Instantiate(Resources.Load(zukanPath)) as GameObject; zukan.transform.SetParent(board.transform); zukan.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); zukan.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-41, 167); } } } }
public void OnClick() { AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> (); audioSources [0].Play(); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); ButtonColorChanger(name); if (Application.loadedLevelName == "preKassen") { preKassen preKassenScript = GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <preKassen>(); int jinkei = 0; if (name == "Gyorin") { jinkei = 1; } else if (name == "Kakuyoku") { jinkei = 2; } else if (name == "Engetsu") { jinkei = 3; } else if (name == "Gankou") { jinkei = 4; } int weatherId = preKassenScript.weatherId; bool isAttackedFlg = preKassenScript.isAttackedFlg; preKassenScript.prekassenPlayerJinkei(jinkei, weatherId, isAttackedFlg, true); } else if (Application.loadedLevelName == "preKaisen") { preKaisen preKassenScript = GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <preKaisen>(); int jinkei = 0; if (name == "Gyorin") { jinkei = 1; } else if (name == "Kakuyoku") { jinkei = 2; } else if (name == "Engetsu") { jinkei = 3; } else if (name == "Gankou") { jinkei = 4; } int weatherId = preKassenScript.weatherId; bool isAttackedFlg = preKassenScript.isAttackedFlg; preKassenScript.prekassenPlayerJinkei(jinkei, weatherId, isAttackedFlg, true); } else { GameObject kakuteiButton = GameObject.Find("KakuteiButton"); GameObject gameScene = GameObject.Find("GameScene") as GameObject; int busyoQty = 0; //Clear Previous Unit foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { if (obs.transform.childCount > 0) { //Delete DestroyImmediate(obs.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject); } } //魚鱗 BusyoInfoGet busyoScript = new BusyoInfoGet(); if (name == "Gyorin") { int soudaisyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("soudaisyo1"); List <string> jinkeiBusyo_list = new List <string>(); kakuteiButton.GetComponent <Jinkei>().selectedJinkei = 1; foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 1,2,7,8,11,12,13,14,17,18,21,22 if (obs.name == "Slot1" || obs.name == "Slot2" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot11" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot13" || obs.name == "Slot14" || obs.name == "Slot17" || obs.name == "Slot18" || obs.name == "Slot21" || obs.name == "Slot22") { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; string mapId = "1map" + obs.name.Substring(4); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(mapId)) { busyoQty = busyoQty + 1; int busyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(mapId); //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.parent = obs.transform; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); jinkeiBusyo_list.Add(busyoId.ToString()); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 3,4,5,6,9,15,16,19,20,23,24,25 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } gameScene.GetComponent <JinkeiScene>().UnitOnScrollView(jinkeiBusyo_list); //鶴翼 } else if (name == "Kakuyoku") { int soudaisyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("soudaisyo2"); List <string> jinkeiBusyo_list = new List <string>(); kakuteiButton.GetComponent <Jinkei>().selectedJinkei = 2; foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 3,4,5,7,8,11,12,17,18,23,24,25 if (obs.name == "Slot3" || obs.name == "Slot4" || obs.name == "Slot5" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot11" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot17" || obs.name == "Slot18" || obs.name == "Slot23" || obs.name == "Slot24" || obs.name == "Slot25") { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; string mapId = "2map" + obs.name.Substring(4); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(mapId)) { busyoQty = busyoQty + 1; int busyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(mapId); //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.parent = obs.transform; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); jinkeiBusyo_list.Add(busyoId.ToString()); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 1,2,6,9,10,13,14,15,16,19,20,21 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } gameScene.GetComponent <JinkeiScene>().UnitOnScrollView(jinkeiBusyo_list); //偃月 } else if (name == "Engetsu") { int soudaisyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("soudaisyo3"); List <string> jinkeiBusyo_list = new List <string>(); kakuteiButton.GetComponent <Jinkei>().selectedJinkei = 3; foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 3,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16,20,21,25 if (obs.name == "Slot3" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot9" || obs.name == "Slot11" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot14" || obs.name == "Slot15" || obs.name == "Slot16" || obs.name == "Slot20" || obs.name == "Slot21" || obs.name == "Slot25") { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; string mapId = "3map" + obs.name.Substring(4); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(mapId)) { busyoQty = busyoQty + 1; int busyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(mapId); //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.parent = obs.transform; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); jinkeiBusyo_list.Add(busyoId.ToString()); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 1,2,4,5,6,10,13,17,18,19,22,23,24 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } gameScene.GetComponent <JinkeiScene>().UnitOnScrollView(jinkeiBusyo_list); //雁行 } else if (name == "Gankou") { int soudaisyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("soudaisyo4"); List <string> jinkeiBusyo_list = new List <string>(); kakuteiButton.GetComponent <Jinkei>().selectedJinkei = 4; foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 1,2,7,8,12,13,14,18,19,20,24,25 if (obs.name == "Slot1" || obs.name == "Slot2" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot13" || obs.name == "Slot14" || obs.name == "Slot18" || obs.name == "Slot19" || obs.name == "Slot20" || obs.name == "Slot24" || obs.name == "Slot25") { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; string mapId = "4map" + obs.name.Substring(4); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(mapId)) { busyoQty = busyoQty + 1; int busyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(mapId); //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.parent = obs.transform; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); jinkeiBusyo_list.Add(busyoId.ToString()); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 3,4,5,6,9,10,11,15,16,17,21,22,23 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } gameScene.GetComponent <JinkeiScene>().UnitOnScrollView(jinkeiBusyo_list); } //Qty of Busyo on Status GameObject.Find("jinkeiQtyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = busyoQty.ToString(); JinkeiPowerEffection powerEffection = new JinkeiPowerEffection(); powerEffection.UpdateSenryoku(); } }
public string createScrollView(List <string> myBusyo_list, string minBusyoId, GameObject mainController, bool initflg) { //Scroll View string myBusyoString = ""; bool tutorialDoneFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool("tutorialDoneFlg"); if (!tutorialDoneFlg || Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialBusyo") { myBusyoString = PlayerPrefs.GetString("myBusyo"); } else { //retry tutorial myBusyoString = "19," + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("tutorialBusyo").ToString();; } char[] delimiterChars = { ',' }; myBusyo_list.AddRange(myBusyoString.Split(delimiterChars)); //Sort by Jinkei List <string> myBusyoList = new List <string>(); List <string> jinkeiTrueBusyoList = new List <string>(); if (!tutorialDoneFlg || Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialBusyo") { List <string> jinkeiFalseBusyoList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < myBusyo_list.Count; i++) { int busyoId = int.Parse(myBusyo_list[i]); bool jinkeiFlg = jinkeiBusyoCheck(busyoId); if (jinkeiFlg) { jinkeiTrueBusyoList.Add(busyoId.ToString()); } else { jinkeiFalseBusyoList.Add(busyoId.ToString()); } } myBusyoList.AddRange(jinkeiTrueBusyoList); myBusyoList.AddRange(jinkeiFalseBusyoList); } else { //retry tutorial myBusyoList.AddRange(myBusyo_list); } //Instantiate scroll view string scrollPath = "Prefabs/Busyo/Slot"; BusyoInfoGet busyoScript = new BusyoInfoGet(); GameObject content = GameObject.Find("Content"); for (int j = 0; j < myBusyoList.Count; j++) { //Slot GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(scrollPath)) as GameObject; prefab.transform.SetParent(content.transform); prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(330, -75, 0); //Busyo string busyoPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject busyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(busyoPath)) as GameObject; busyo.name = myBusyoList[j].ToString(); busyo.transform.SetParent(prefab.transform); busyo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(4, 4, 4); busyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(100, -75, 0); prefab.name = "Slot" + busyo.name; busyo.GetComponent <DragHandler> ().enabled = false; //Default if (initflg) { if (j == 0) { firstSlot = prefab.gameObject; } } //kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(busyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(busyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(busyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(busyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(busyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); //Jinkei Exist if (jinkeiTrueBusyoList.Contains(busyo.name)) { prefab.GetComponent <BusyoView>().jinkeiFlg = true; } } minBusyoId = myBusyoList[0].ToString(); mainController.GetComponent <NowOnBusyo>().OnBusyo = myBusyoList[0].ToString(); string busyoName = busyoScript.getName(int.Parse(minBusyoId)); mainController.GetComponent <NowOnBusyo>().OnBusyoName = busyoName; //Busyo Qty Limit int stockLimit = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("stockLimit"); GameObject.Find("LimitBusyoQtyValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = stockLimit.ToString(); GameObject.Find("NowBusyoQtyValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = myBusyoList.Count.ToString(); return(minBusyoId); }
public void UnitOnScrollViewTutorial() { //Clear Previous Unit foreach (Transform chd in GameObject.Find("Content").transform) { //Delete Destroy(chd.gameObject); } //Scroll View Change string myBusyoTutorial = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("tutorialBusyo").ToString(); //Instantiate scroll view string scrollPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Slot"; BusyoInfoGet busyoScript = new BusyoInfoGet(); if (myBusyoTutorial != "0") { //Slot GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(scrollPath)) as GameObject; prefab.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find("Content").transform); prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); prefab.name = "Slot"; //Busyo string busyoPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject busyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(busyoPath)) as GameObject; busyo.name = myBusyoTutorial; //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(busyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(busyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(busyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(busyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(busyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); busyo.transform.SetParent(prefab.transform); busyo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(4, 4, 4); busyo.name = myBusyoTutorial.ToString(); busyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(busyo.name); busyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } }
void Start() { bool tutorialDoneFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool("tutorialDoneFlg"); if (!tutorialDoneFlg || Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialHyojyo") { //Kamon int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo"); string myDaimyoStatusPath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + myDaimyo.ToString(); GameObject.Find("KamonView").GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(myDaimyoStatusPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //jinkei limit update Exp kuniExp = new Exp(); int kuniLv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("kuniLv"); int jinkeiLimit = kuniExp.getJinkeiLimit(kuniLv); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("jinkeiLimit", jinkeiLimit); PlayerPrefs.Flush(); /*Status Initial View*/ int addLimit = 0; if (PlayerPrefs.GetBool("addJinkei1")) { addLimit = 1; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetBool("addJinkei2")) { addLimit = addLimit + 1; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetBool("addJinkei3")) { addLimit = addLimit + 1; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetBool("addJinkei4")) { addLimit = addLimit + 1; } int totalLimit = jinkeiLimit + addLimit; GameObject.Find("jinkeiLimitValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = totalLimit.ToString(); totalHpValue = GameObject.Find("totalHpValue").gameObject; totalAtkValue = GameObject.Find("totalAtkValue").gameObject; totalDfcValue = GameObject.Find("totalDfcValue").gameObject; KakuteiButton = GameObject.Find("KakuteiButton").gameObject; JinkeiFormButton jinkeiForm = new JinkeiFormButton(); List <string> jinkeiBusyo_list = new List <string>(); //Jinkei View Change int jinkei = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("jinkei"); KakuteiButton.GetComponent <Jinkei> ().selectedJinkei = jinkei; BusyoInfoGet busyoScript = new BusyoInfoGet(); if (jinkei == 1) { int soudaisyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("soudaisyo1"); //Clear Previous Unit foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 1,2,7,8,11,12,13,14,17,18,21,22 if (obs.name == "Slot1" || obs.name == "Slot2" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot11" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot13" || obs.name == "Slot14" || obs.name == "Slot17" || obs.name == "Slot18" || obs.name == "Slot21" || obs.name == "Slot22") { obs.GetComponent <Image> ().enabled = true; string mapId = "1map" + obs.name.Substring(4); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(mapId)) { int busyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(mapId); jinkeiBusyo_list.Add(busyoId.ToString()); //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.parent = obs.transform; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 3,4,5,6,9,10,15,16,19,20,23,24,25 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image> ().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } UnitOnScrollView(jinkeiBusyo_list); //Button Color jinkeiForm.ButtonColorChanger("Gyorin"); //鶴翼 } else if (jinkei == 2) { int soudaisyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("soudaisyo2"); foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 3,4,5,7,8,11,12,17,18,23,24,25 if (obs.name == "Slot3" || obs.name == "Slot4" || obs.name == "Slot5" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot11" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot17" || obs.name == "Slot18" || obs.name == "Slot23" || obs.name == "Slot24" || obs.name == "Slot25") { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; string mapId = "2map" + obs.name.Substring(4); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(mapId)) { int busyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(mapId); jinkeiBusyo_list.Add(busyoId.ToString()); //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.parent = obs.transform; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 1,2,6,9,10,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } UnitOnScrollView(jinkeiBusyo_list); //Button Color jinkeiForm.ButtonColorChanger("Kakuyoku"); } else if (jinkei == 3) { int soudaisyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("soudaisyo3"); foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 3,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16,20,21,25 if (obs.name == "Slot3" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot9" || obs.name == "Slot11" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot14" || obs.name == "Slot15" || obs.name == "Slot16" || obs.name == "Slot20" || obs.name == "Slot21" || obs.name == "Slot25") { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; string mapId = "3map" + obs.name.Substring(4); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(mapId)) { int busyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(mapId); jinkeiBusyo_list.Add(busyoId.ToString()); //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.parent = obs.transform; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 1,2,4,5,6,10,13,17,18,19,22,23,24 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } UnitOnScrollView(jinkeiBusyo_list); //Button Color jinkeiForm.ButtonColorChanger("Engetsu"); } else if (jinkei == 4) { int soudaisyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("soudaisyo4"); foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 1,2,7,8,12,13,14,18,19,20,24,25 if (obs.name == "Slot1" || obs.name == "Slot2" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot13" || obs.name == "Slot14" || obs.name == "Slot18" || obs.name == "Slot19" || obs.name == "Slot20" || obs.name == "Slot24" || obs.name == "Slot25") { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; string mapId = "4map" + obs.name.Substring(4); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(mapId)) { int busyoId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(mapId); jinkeiBusyo_list.Add(busyoId.ToString()); //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.SetParent(obs.transform); chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 3,4,5,6,9,10,11,15,16,17,21,22,23 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } UnitOnScrollView(jinkeiBusyo_list); //Button Color jinkeiForm.ButtonColorChanger("Gankou"); } JinkeiPowerEffection powerEffection = new JinkeiPowerEffection(); powerEffection.UpdateSenryoku(); StatusView(); SenryokuView(); } else { //retry tutorial //Kamon int myDaimyo = 1; string myDaimyoStatusPath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + myDaimyo.ToString(); GameObject.Find("KamonView").GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(myDaimyoStatusPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //jinkei limit update GameObject.Find("jinkeiLimitValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = 3.ToString(); int jinkei = 1; totalHpValue = GameObject.Find("totalHpValue").gameObject; totalAtkValue = GameObject.Find("totalAtkValue").gameObject; totalDfcValue = GameObject.Find("totalDfcValue").gameObject; KakuteiButton = GameObject.Find("KakuteiButton").gameObject; KakuteiButton.GetComponent <Jinkei>().selectedJinkei = jinkei; BusyoInfoGet busyoScript = new BusyoInfoGet(); JinkeiFormButton jinkeiForm = new JinkeiFormButton(); int soudaisyo = 19; foreach (GameObject obs in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slot")) { //Enable 1,2,7,8,11,12,13,14,17,18,21,22 if (obs.name == "Slot1" || obs.name == "Slot2" || obs.name == "Slot7" || obs.name == "Slot8" || obs.name == "Slot11" || obs.name == "Slot12" || obs.name == "Slot13" || obs.name == "Slot14" || obs.name == "Slot17" || obs.name == "Slot18" || obs.name == "Slot21" || obs.name == "Slot22") { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; if (obs.name == "Slot12") { int busyoId = 19; //Instantiate string path = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit"; GameObject chldBusyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.parent = obs.transform; chldBusyo.name = busyoId.ToString(); chldBusyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Senryoku>().GetPlayerSenryoku(chldBusyo.name); chldBusyo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Button chldBusyo.AddComponent <Button>(); chldBusyo.AddComponent <Soudaisyo>(); chldBusyo.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick); //soudaisyo if (soudaisyo == int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)) { chldBusyo.GetComponent <Soudaisyo>().OnClick(); } //Add Kamon string KamonPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/Kamon"; GameObject kamon = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KamonPath)) as GameObject; kamon.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform); kamon.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); kamon.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-15, -12); int daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); if (daimyoId == 0) { daimyoId = busyoScript.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); } string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + daimyoId.ToString(); kamon.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //Add Heisyu string heisyu = busyoScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(chldBusyo.name)); string heisyuPath = "Prefabs/Jinkei/" + heisyu; GameObject heisyuObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(heisyuPath)) as GameObject; heisyuObj.transform.SetParent(chldBusyo.transform, false); heisyuObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(10, -10); heisyuObj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); } //Disable 3,4,5,6,9,10,15,16,19,20,23,24,25 } else { obs.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; if (obs.transform.IsChildOf(obs.transform)) { foreach (Transform n in obs.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(n.gameObject); } } } } UnitOnScrollViewTutorial(); //Button Color jinkeiForm.ButtonColorChanger("Gyorin"); } }