コード例 #1
        private static BundlesInfo ParseNoneSharedBundleInfo(ref DependenciesInfo depsInfo, ref BundlesInfo sharedBundles)
            // Parse none shared bundle info
            var noneSharedBundles = new BundlesInfo();

            foreach (var kv in depsInfo)
                var assetName = kv.Key;
                var bundles   = kv.Value.referenceInBundles;

                var sharedBundle = sharedBundles.FirstOrDefault(skv => skv.Value.assets.Contains(assetName)).Key ?? "";

                foreach (var bundle in bundles)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sharedBundles.FirstOrDefault(skv => skv.Key == bundle).Key))
                        continue; // Equals to shared bundle, pass.
                    if (!noneSharedBundles.ContainsKey(bundle))
                        noneSharedBundles.Add(bundle, new BundleInfo());

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sharedBundle))

            // Move *.unity files to independent bundles, because 'Cannot mark assets and scenes in one AssetBundle'
            var sceneBundles = new BundlesInfo();

            foreach (var kv in noneSharedBundles)
                var noneSharedAssets = kv.Value.assets;
                var removed          = new List <string>();
                foreach (var asset in noneSharedAssets)
                    if (!asset.EndsWith(".unity"))

                    var sceneBundleName = string.Format(BundlerBuildSettings.kSceneBundleFormatter,
                    sceneBundleName = PathUtility.NormalizeAssetBundlePath(sceneBundleName);

                    if (sceneBundles.ContainsKey(sceneBundleName))
                        throw new BundleException("Scene asset bundle duplicated: " + sceneBundleName);

                    var bundle = new BundleInfo();

                    sceneBundles.Add(sceneBundleName, bundle);


                removed.ForEach(v => noneSharedAssets.Remove(v));

            // Merge to none shared bundles
            foreach (var kv in sceneBundles)
                noneSharedBundles.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value);

コード例 #2
        private static BundlesInfo ParseSharedBundleInfo(ref DependenciesInfo depsInfo,
                                                         ref ReservedSharedBundleInfo reserved, ref DependencyCache cache)
            var sharedDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var index = 0;

            // Determine shared bundles
            foreach (var kv in depsInfo)
                var asset = kv.Key;

                // Ignore this asset when forced build in shared bundle.
                if (reserved.ContainsKey(asset))

                var depSet = kv.Value;

                // The count of dependencies no greater than 1 means that there are no other bundles
                // sharing this asset
                if (depSet.referenceInBundles.Count <= 1)

                // Otherwise, assets which depended by the same bundles will be separated to shared bundle.
                if (!sharedDict.ContainsKey(asset))
                    sharedDict[asset] = string.Format(BundlerBuildSettings.kSharedBundleFormatter,

                    // Sub-assets dependencies.
                    var deps = CollectDependencies(asset, ref cache);
                    foreach (var dep in deps)
                        if (reserved.ContainsKey(dep))
                        sharedDict[dep] = string.Format(BundlerBuildSettings.kSharedBundleFormatter,

            // Collect shared bundles info
            var bundlesInfo = new BundlesInfo();

            foreach (var kv in sharedDict)
                var name = sharedDict[kv.Key];
                if (bundlesInfo.ContainsKey(name))
                    throw new BundleException("Shared bundle duplicated: " + name);

                bundlesInfo[name] = new BundleInfo();

            // Generate unique bundle name according to assets list.
            var sharedBundle = new BundlesInfo();

            foreach (var kv in bundlesInfo)
                var assets = kv.Value.assets.ToList();
                assets.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a, b, StringComparison.Ordinal));

                var bundleName = string.Join("-", assets.ToArray());
                if (BundlerBuildSettings.kHashSharedBundle)
                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bundleName)))
                        var nameHash = CalculateMd5(stream);
                        bundleName = string.Format(BundlerBuildSettings.kSharedBundleFormatter, nameHash);
                    bundleName = string.Format(BundlerBuildSettings.kSharedBundleFormatter, bundleName.ToLower());

                var bundleInfo = new BundleInfo();
                foreach (var asset in kv.Value.assets)
                sharedBundle.Add(bundleName, bundleInfo);

            // Add reserved shared bundles info
            foreach (var kv in reserved)
                var assetName = kv.Key;
                var bundle    = kv.Value;
                if (!sharedBundle.ContainsKey(bundle))
                    sharedBundle.Add(bundle, new BundleInfo());
