コード例 #1
 public int GetSortKey(int constraintIndex, ref Buffer <Vector <int> > bodyReferences)
     BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(constraintIndex, out var bundleIndex, out var innerIndex);
     //We sort based on the body references within the constraint.
     //Note that it is impossible for there to be two references to the same body within a constraint batch,
     //so there's no need to worry about the case where the comparison is equal.
     return(GatherScatter.Get(ref bodyReferences[bundleIndex], innerIndex));
コード例 #2
        public unsafe void EnumerateAccumulatedImpulses <TEnumerator>(ref TypeBatch typeBatch, int indexInTypeBatch, ref TEnumerator enumerator) where TEnumerator : IForEach <float>
            BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(indexInTypeBatch, out var bundleIndex, out var innerIndex);
            var bundleSizeInFloats = ConstrainedDegreesOfFreedom * Vector <float> .Count;

            ValidateAccumulatedImpulsesSizeInBytes(bundleSizeInFloats * 4);
            var impulseAddress = (float *)typeBatch.AccumulatedImpulses.Memory + (bundleIndex * bundleSizeInFloats + innerIndex);

            for (int i = 1; i < ConstrainedDegreesOfFreedom; ++i)
                impulseAddress += Vector <float> .Count;
コード例 #3
 public sealed unsafe override void EnumerateConnectedBodyIndices <TEnumerator>(ref TypeBatch typeBatch, int indexInTypeBatch, ref TEnumerator enumerator)
     BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(indexInTypeBatch, out var constraintBundleIndex, out var constraintInnerIndex);
     ref var indices = ref GatherScatter.GetOffsetInstance(ref Buffer <FourBodyReferences> .Get(typeBatch.BodyReferences.Memory, constraintBundleIndex), constraintInnerIndex);
コード例 #4
 public void GetPoint(int pointIndex, out Vector3 point)
     BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(pointIndex, out var bundleIndex, out var innerIndex);
     Vector3Wide.ReadSlot(ref Points[bundleIndex], innerIndex, out point);
コード例 #5
        public sealed override void EnumerateConnectedBodyIndices <TEnumerator>(ref TypeBatch typeBatch, int indexInTypeBatch, ref TEnumerator enumerator)
            BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(indexInTypeBatch, out var constraintBundleIndex, out var constraintInnerIndex);

            ref var indexA = ref GatherScatter.Get(ref Buffer <TwoBodyReferences> .Get(ref typeBatch.BodyReferences, constraintBundleIndex).IndexA, constraintInnerIndex);
コード例 #6
 public unsafe void GatherOldImpulses(ref ConstraintReference constraintReference, float *oldImpulses)
     BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(constraintReference.IndexInTypeBatch, out var bundleIndex, out var inner);
     ref var buffer = ref constraintReference.TypeBatch.AccumulatedImpulses;
コード例 #7
 public sealed override void EnumerateConnectedBodyIndices <TEnumerator>(ref TypeBatch typeBatch, int indexInTypeBatch, ref TEnumerator enumerator)
     BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(indexInTypeBatch, out var constraintBundleIndex, out var constraintInnerIndex);
     enumerator.LoopBody(GatherScatter.Get(ref Buffer <Vector <int> > .Get(ref typeBatch.BodyReferences, constraintBundleIndex), constraintInnerIndex));
コード例 #8
 public unsafe void GatherOldImpulses(ref ConstraintReference constraintReference, float *oldImpulses)
     //Note that we do not modify the friction accumulated impulses. This is just for simplicity- the impact of accumulated impulses on friction *should* be relatively
     //hard to notice compared to penetration impulses. TODO: We should, however, test this assumption.
     BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(constraintReference.IndexInTypeBatch, out var bundleIndex, out var inner);
     ref var buffer = ref constraintReference.TypeBatch.AccumulatedImpulses;