コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of BulkAdGroupProductPartition that represent a product partition tree for the specified ad group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">The identifier of the ad group whose product partition tree you want to get.</param>
        /// <returns>The BulkAdGroupProductPartition download results, filtered by the specified ad group ID.</returns>
        private async Task <IList <BulkAdGroupProductPartition> > GetBulkAdGroupProductPartitionTree(long adGroupId)
            var downloadParameters = new DownloadParameters
                Entities            = BulkDownloadEntity.AdGroupProductPartitions,
                ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
                ResultFileName      = "download.csv",
                OverwriteResultFile = true,
                LastSyncTimeInUTC   = null

            var bulkFilePath = await BulkService.DownloadFileAsync(downloadParameters);

            Reader = new BulkFileReader(bulkFilePath, ResultFileType.FullDownload, FileType);
            var bulkEntities = Reader.ReadEntities().ToList();
            var bulkAdGroupProductPartitionResults = bulkEntities.OfType <BulkAdGroupProductPartition>().ToList();


            IList <BulkAdGroupProductPartition> bulkAdGroupProductPartitions = new List <BulkAdGroupProductPartition>();

            foreach (var bulkAdGroupProductPartitionResult in bulkAdGroupProductPartitionResults)
                if (bulkAdGroupProductPartitionResult.AdGroupCriterion != null &&
                    bulkAdGroupProductPartitionResult.AdGroupCriterion.AdGroupId == adGroupId)

コード例 #2
        public void Import <T>(string source) where T : class
            var documents = source.ExtractDocuments <T>();
            var response  = new BulkService <T>().SendBulk(documents, GetIndexName <T>());

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads a list of BulkAdGroupProductPartition objects that must represent
        /// a product partition tree for one ad group. You can include BulkAdGroupProductPartition records for more than one
        /// ad group per upload, however, this code example assumes that only one ad group is in scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="partitionActions">The list of BulkAdGroupProductPartition objects that must represent
        /// a product partition tree.</param>
        /// <returns>The BulkAdGroupProductPartition upload results.</returns>
        private async Task <IList <BulkAdGroupProductPartition> > BulkApplyProductPartitionActions(
            IList <BulkAdGroupProductPartition> partitionActions)
            var fileUploadParameters = new FileUploadParameters
                ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
                ResultFileName      = ResultFileName,
                OverwriteResultFile = true,
                UploadFilePath      = FileDirectory + UploadFileName,
                ResponseMode        = ResponseMode.ErrorsAndResults

            Writer = new BulkFileWriter(FileDirectory + UploadFileName);
            foreach (var partitionAction in partitionActions)

            var bulkFilePath =
                await BulkService.UploadFileAsync(fileUploadParameters);

            Reader = new BulkFileReader(bulkFilePath, ResultFileType.Upload, FileType);

            var bulkEntities = Reader.ReadEntities().ToList();
            var bulkAdGroupProductPartitionResults = bulkEntities.OfType <BulkAdGroupProductPartition>().ToList();



コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the specified entities to a local file and uploads the file. We could have uploaded directly
        /// without writing to file. This example writes to file as an exercise so that you can view the structure
        /// of the bulk records being uploaded as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uploadEntities"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <BulkFileReader> UploadEntities(IEnumerable <BulkEntity> uploadEntities)
            Writer = new BulkFileWriter(FileDirectory + UploadFileName);

            foreach (var entity in uploadEntities)


            var fileUploadParameters = new FileUploadParameters
                ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
                CompressUploadFile  = true,
                ResultFileName      = ResultFileName,
                OverwriteResultFile = true,
                UploadFilePath      = FileDirectory + UploadFileName,
                ResponseMode        = ResponseMode.ErrorsAndResults

            var bulkFilePath = await BulkService.UploadFileAsync(fileUploadParameters);

            return(new BulkFileReader(bulkFilePath, ResultFileType.Upload, FileType));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the specified entities to a local temporary file prior to upload.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uploadEntities"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected async Task <List <BulkEntity> > UploadEntitiesAsync(
            IEnumerable <BulkEntity> uploadEntities,
            Progress <BulkOperationProgressInfo> progress)
            // The system temp directory will be used if another working directory is not specified. If you are
            // using a cloud service such as Azure you'll want to ensure you do not exceed the file or directory limits.
            // You can specify a different working directory for each BulkServiceManager instance.

            BulkService.WorkingDirectory = FileDirectory;

            var entityUploadParameters = new EntityUploadParameters
                Entities            = uploadEntities,
                OverwriteResultFile = true,
                ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
                ResultFileName      = ResultFileName,
                ResponseMode        = ResponseMode.ErrorsAndResults

            // The UploadEntitiesAsync method returns IEnumerable<BulkEntity>, so the result file will not
            // be accessible e.g. for CleanupTempFiles until you iterate over the result e.g. via ToList().

            var resultEntities = (await BulkService.UploadEntitiesAsync(entityUploadParameters)).ToList();

            // The CleanupTempFiles method removes all files (not sub-directories) within the working directory,
            // whether or not the files were created by this BulkServiceManager instance.


コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// You can submit a download or upload request and the BulkServiceManager will automatically
        /// return results. The BulkServiceManager abstracts the details of checking for result file
        /// completion, and you don't have to write any code for results polling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="downloadParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task BackgroundCompletionAsync(
            DownloadParameters downloadParameters,
            Progress <BulkOperationProgressInfo> progress)
            // You may optionally cancel the DownloadFileAsync operation after a specified time interval.
            var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();


            var resultFilePath = await BulkService.DownloadFileAsync(downloadParameters, progress, tokenSource.Token);

            OutputStatusMessage(String.Format("Download result file: {0}\n", resultFilePath));
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit the download request and then use the BulkDownloadOperation result to
        /// track status until the download is complete e.g. either using
        /// TrackAsync or GetStatusAsync.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="submitDownloadParameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task SubmitAndDownloadAsync(SubmitDownloadParameters submitDownloadParameters)
            var bulkDownloadOperation = await BulkService.SubmitDownloadAsync(submitDownloadParameters);

            // You may optionally cancel the TrackAsync operation after a specified time interval.
            var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();


            BulkOperationStatus <DownloadStatus> downloadStatus = await bulkDownloadOperation.TrackAsync(null, tokenSource.Token);

            // You can use TrackAsync to poll until complete as shown above,
            // or use custom polling logic with GetStatusAsync as shown below.

            //BulkOperationStatus<DownloadStatus> downloadStatus;
            //var waitTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5);

            //for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
            //    Thread.Sleep(waitTime);

            //    downloadStatus = await bulkDownloadOperation.GetStatusAsync();

            //    if (downloadStatus.Status == DownloadStatus.Completed)
            //    {
            //        break;
            //    }

            var resultFilePath = await bulkDownloadOperation.DownloadResultFileAsync(
                decompress : true,
                overwrite : true // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.

            OutputStatusMessage(String.Format("Download result file: {0}\n", resultFilePath));