コード例 #1
        public void BuildValidator_NOT_OK()
            bool           expected = false;
            BuildValidator bv       = new BuildValidator();

            bv.TeamCityUrl         = "teamcity.binckbank.nv";
            bv.TeamCityBuildConfID = "T1_02BuildCompilation";
            bool actual = bv.Validate(1591777);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
コード例 #2
        public EditBuildViewModel(IBuildViewModel <PoEBuild> buildVm, BuildValidator buildValidator)
            _buildVm        = buildVm;
            _buildValidator = buildValidator;
            var build = buildVm.Build;

            Name          = build.Name;
            Note          = build.Note;
            CharacterName = build.CharacterName;
            AccountName   = build.AccountName;
            LastUpdated   = build.LastUpdated;
コード例 #3
        public async Task <bool> EditBuildAsync(object context, IBuildViewModel <PoEBuild> buildVm,
                                                BuildValidator buildValidator)
            var vm = new EditBuildViewModel(buildVm, buildValidator);

            if (!await ShowDialogAsync(context, vm, new EditBuildWindow()))
            var build = buildVm.Build;

            build.Name          = vm.Name;
            build.Note          = vm.Note;
            build.AccountName   = vm.AccountName;
            build.CharacterName = vm.CharacterName;
コード例 #4
        public BuildsControlViewModel(IExtendedDialogCoordinator dialogCoordinator, IPersistentData persistentData, ISkillTree skillTree)
            _dialogCoordinator = dialogCoordinator;
            PersistentData     = persistentData;
            DropHandler        = new CustomDropHandler(this);
            _buildValidator    = new BuildValidator(PersistentData.Options);
            BuildRoot          = new BuildFolderViewModel(persistentData.RootBuild, Filter, BuildOnCollectionChanged);

            _fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher
                Path = PersistentData.Options.BuildsSavePath,
                IncludeSubdirectories = true,
                NotifyFilter          = NotifyFilters.DirectoryName | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite
            _fileSystemWatcher.Error              += FileSystemWatcherOnError;
            _fileSystemWatcher.Changed            += FileSystemWatcherOnChanged;
            _fileSystemWatcher.Created            += FileSystemWatcherOnChanged;
            _fileSystemWatcher.Deleted            += FileSystemWatcherOnChanged;
            _fileSystemWatcher.Renamed            += FileSystemWatcherOnChanged;
            _fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

            // The monitor alone is not enough because delays are necessary and those shouldn't block other save
            // operations, which would happen if delays are awaited directly in the save method.
            // It could be done awaited with .ConfigureAwait(false) if SimpleMonitor would be thread safe.
            _changingFileSystemMonitor.Entered += (sender, args) => _changingFileSystemCounter++;
            _changingFileSystemMonitor.Freed   += async(sender, args) =>
                // Wait because FileSystemWatcherOnChanged calls are delayed a bit.
                await Task.Delay(2000);

                // This is a counter and not boolean because other save operations may happen while waiting on delay.

            CurrentBuild  = TreeFindBuildViewModel(PersistentData.CurrentBuild);
            SelectedBuild = TreeFindBuildViewModel(PersistentData.SelectedBuild);
            PersistentData.PropertyChanged         += PersistentDataOnPropertyChanged;
            PersistentData.Options.PropertyChanged += OptionsOnPropertyChanged;

            NewFolderCommand = new AsyncRelayCommand <IBuildFolderViewModel>(
                vm => vm != null && _buildValidator.CanHaveSubfolder(vm));
            NewBuildCommand = new AsyncRelayCommand <IBuildFolderViewModel>(NewBuild);
            DeleteCommand   = new AsyncRelayCommand <IBuildViewModel>(
                o => o != BuildRoot);
            OpenBuildCommand = new RelayCommand <BuildViewModel>(build => CurrentBuild = build);
            SaveBuildCommand = new AsyncRelayCommand <BuildViewModel>(
                b => b != null && b.Build.IsDirty);
            SaveBuildAsCommand   = new AsyncRelayCommand <BuildViewModel>(SaveBuildAs);
            SaveAllBuildsCommand = new AsyncRelayCommand(
                () => TreeFind <BuildViewModel>(b => b.Build.IsDirty, BuildRoot) != null);
            RevertBuildCommand = new RelayCommand <BuildViewModel>(
                build => build.Build.RevertChanges(),
                b => b != null && b.Build.IsDirty && b.Build.CanRevert);
            MoveUpCommand = new RelayCommand <IBuildViewModel>(
                o => o != BuildRoot && o.Parent.Children.IndexOf(o) > 0);
            MoveDownCommand = new RelayCommand <IBuildViewModel>(
                o => o != BuildRoot && o.Parent.Children.IndexOf(o) < o.Parent.Children.Count - 1);
            EditCommand = new AsyncRelayCommand <IBuildViewModel>(Edit);
            CutCommand  = new AsyncRelayCommand <IBuildViewModel>(
                b => b != BuildRoot && b != CurrentBuild);
            CopyCommand               = new RelayCommand <IBuildViewModel <PoEBuild> >(Copy);
            PasteCommand              = new AsyncRelayCommand <IBuildViewModel>(Paste, CanPaste);
            ReloadCommand             = new AsyncRelayCommand(Reload);
            OpenBuildsSavePathCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Process.Start(PersistentData.Options.BuildsSavePath));
            ExpandAllCommand          = new RelayCommand(ExpandAll);
            CollapseAllCommand        = new RelayCommand(CollapseAll);

            SkillTree        = skillTree;
            ClassFilterItems = GenerateAscendancyClassItems().ToList();
            ClassFilter      = NoFilterItem;