コード例 #1
            public static void PlayerAction_BuildDetermineBuildPreviewsPostfix(PlayerAction_Build __instance)
                // Do we have cached inserters?
                var ci = PatchCopyInserters.cachedInserters;

                if (CopyInserters.copyEnabled && ci.Count > 0)
                    var bpCount = __instance.buildPreviews.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < bpCount; i++)
                        BuildPreview buildingPreview = __instance.buildPreviews[i];

                        if (!buildingPreview.item.prefabDesc.isInserter)
                            foreach (var inserter in ci)
                                var bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(LDB.items.Select(inserter.protoId), LDB.items.Select(inserter.protoId).prefabDesc, true);

                                bp.lpos           = buildingPreview.lpos + buildingPreview.lrot * inserter.posDelta;
                                bp.lrot           = buildingPreview.lrot * inserter.rot;
                                bp.lpos2          = buildingPreview.lpos + buildingPreview.lrot * inserter.pos2Delta;
                                bp.lrot2          = buildingPreview.lrot * inserter.rot2;
                                bp.ignoreCollider = true;
コード例 #2
        public static PastedEntity ConcurrentPasteBelt(int threadIndex, BeltCopy belt, Vector2 targetSpr, float yaw, int pasteIndex)
            var actionBuild = _abs[threadIndex];
            int pasteId     = PASTE_INDEX_MULTIPLIER * pasteIndex + belt.originalId;

            if (!BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryGetValue(pasteId, out PastedEntity pastedEntity))
                BuildPreview bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(belt.itemProto, belt.itemProto.prefabDesc, false);

                pastedEntity = new PastedEntity()
                    pasteIndex   = pasteIndex,
                    pasteId      = pasteId,
                    status       = EPastedStatus.NEW,
                    type         = EPastedType.BELT,
                    sourceBelt   = belt,
                    buildPreview = bp,

                BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryAdd(pasteId, pastedEntity);

                lock (actionBuild.buildPreviews)
                pastedEntity.status = EPastedStatus.UPDATE;

            Vector2 newRelative = belt.cursorRelativePos.Rotate(yaw * Mathf.Deg2Rad, belt.originalSegmentCount);
            Vector2 sprPos      = newRelative + targetSpr;

            int   newSegmentCount = Util.GetSegmentsCount(sprPos);
            float sizeDeviation   = belt.originalSegmentCount / (float)newSegmentCount;

            sprPos = new Vector2(newRelative.x, newRelative.y * sizeDeviation) + targetSpr;

            Vector3 absoluteBeltPos = sprPos.SnapToGrid(belt.altitude * 1.3333333f / 2);

            // belts have always 0 yaw
            Quaternion absoluteBeltRot = Maths.SphericalRotation(absoluteBeltPos, 0f);

            Pose pose = new Pose(absoluteBeltPos, absoluteBeltRot);

            pastedEntity.objId = InserterPoses.AddOverride(pose, belt.itemProto);
            pastedEntity.pose  = pose;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lpos = absoluteBeltPos;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lrot = absoluteBeltRot;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.condition = EBuildCondition.Ok;

コード例 #3
ファイル: BlueprintManager.cs プロジェクト: zhangxp1998/QOL
        public static void PasteInserter(PlayerAction_Build actionBuild, int index, InserterCopy inserter, float yaw)
            InserterPosition positionData = InserterPoses.GetPositions(actionBuild, inserter, yaw * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

            BuildPreview bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(LDB.items.Select(inserter.itemProto.ID), inserter.itemProto.prefabDesc, true);

            bp.lpos  = positionData.absoluteInserterPos;
            bp.lpos2 = positionData.absoluteInserterPos2;

            bp.lrot  = positionData.absoluteInserterRot;
            bp.lrot2 = positionData.absoluteInserterRot2;

            bp.inputToSlot    = 1;
            bp.outputFromSlot = 0;

            bp.inputOffset   = positionData.pickOffset;
            bp.outputOffset  = positionData.insertOffset;
            bp.outputToSlot  = positionData.endSlot;
            bp.inputFromSlot = positionData.startSlot;
            bp.condition     = positionData.condition;

            bp.filterId = inserter.filterId;

            if (pastedEntities.TryGetValue(positionData.inputOriginalId, out PastedEntity inputEntity))
                bp.input = inputEntity.buildPreview;
                bp.inputObjId = positionData.inputObjId;

            if (pastedEntities.TryGetValue(positionData.outputOriginalId, out PastedEntity outputEntity))
                bp.output = outputEntity.buildPreview;
                bp.outputObjId = positionData.outputObjId;

            lock (parallelPastedEntities)
                parallelPastedEntities.Add(inserter.originalId, new PastedEntity()
                    type         = EPastedType.INSERTER,
                    index        = index,
                    buildPreview = bp,
コード例 #4
ファイル: BlueprintManager.cs プロジェクト: zhangxp1998/QOL
        public static void PasteBelt(int index, BeltCopy belt, Vector2 targetSpr, float yaw)
            Vector2 newRelative = belt.cursorRelativePos.Rotate(yaw * Mathf.Deg2Rad, belt.originalSegmentCount);
            Vector2 sprPos      = newRelative + targetSpr;

            float rawLatitudeIndex = (sprPos.x - Mathf.PI / 2) / 6.2831855f * 200;
            int   latitudeIndex    = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.Abs(rawLatitudeIndex) - 0.1f));
            int   newSegmentCount  = PlanetGrid.DetermineLongitudeSegmentCount(latitudeIndex, 200);

            float sizeDeviation = belt.originalSegmentCount / (float)newSegmentCount;

            sprPos = new Vector2(newRelative.x, newRelative.y * sizeDeviation) + targetSpr;

            Vector3 absoluteBeltPos = sprPos.SnapToGrid(belt.altitude * 1.3333333f / 2);

            // belts have always 0 yaw
            Quaternion absoluteBeltRot = Maths.SphericalRotation(absoluteBeltPos, 0f);

            BuildPreview bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(belt.itemProto, belt.itemProto.prefabDesc, false);

            bp.lpos           = absoluteBeltPos;
            bp.lrot           = absoluteBeltRot;
            bp.outputToSlot   = -1;
            bp.outputFromSlot = 0;

            bp.inputFromSlot = -1;
            bp.inputToSlot   = 1;

            bp.outputOffset = 0;
            bp.inputOffset  = 0;

            Pose pose = new Pose(absoluteBeltPos, absoluteBeltRot);

            int objId = InserterPoses.AddOverride(pose, belt.itemProto);

            pastedEntities.Add(belt.originalId, new PastedEntity()
                type         = EPastedType.BELT,
                index        = index,
                pose         = pose,
                objId        = objId,
                buildPreview = bp,

コード例 #5
ファイル: BlueprintManager.cs プロジェクト: zhangxp1998/QOL
        public static void PasteBuilding(int index, BuildingCopy building, Vector2 targetSpr, float yaw)
            Vector2 newRelative = building.cursorRelativePos.Rotate(yaw * Mathf.Deg2Rad, building.originalSegmentCount);
            Vector2 sprPos      = newRelative + targetSpr;

            float rawLatitudeIndex = (sprPos.x - Mathf.PI / 2) / 6.2831855f * 200;
            int   latitudeIndex    = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.Abs(rawLatitudeIndex) - 0.1f));
            int   newSegmentCount  = PlanetGrid.DetermineLongitudeSegmentCount(latitudeIndex, 200);

            float sizeDeviation = building.originalSegmentCount / (float)newSegmentCount;

            sprPos = new Vector2(newRelative.x, newRelative.y * sizeDeviation) + targetSpr;

            Vector3 absoluteBuildingPos = sprPos.SnapToGrid();

            Quaternion   absoluteBuildingRot = Maths.SphericalRotation(absoluteBuildingPos, yaw + building.cursorRelativeYaw);
            PrefabDesc   desc = GetPrefabDesc(building);
            BuildPreview bp   = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(building.itemProto, desc, true);

            bp.desc     = desc;
            bp.item     = building.itemProto;
            bp.recipeId = building.recipeId;
            bp.lpos     = absoluteBuildingPos;
            bp.lrot     = absoluteBuildingRot;

            Pose pose = new Pose(absoluteBuildingPos, absoluteBuildingRot);

            int objId = InserterPoses.AddOverride(pose, building.itemProto);

            pastedEntities.Add(building.originalId, new PastedEntity()
                type           = EPastedType.BUILDING,
                index          = index,
                sourceBuilding = building,
                pose           = pose,
                objId          = objId,
                buildPreview   = bp

コード例 #6
        public static void DetermineBuildPreviews_Postfix(ref PlayerAction_Build __instance)
            if (IsMultiBuildRunning())

                if (__instance.previewPose.position == Vector3.zero)

                __instance.previewPose.position = Vector3.zero;
                __instance.previewPose.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

                int       snapPath = path;
                Vector3[] snaps    = new Vector3[1024];

                var snappedPointCount = __instance.planetAux.SnapLineNonAlloc(startPos, __instance.groundSnappedPos, ref snapPath, snaps);

                var        desc        = __instance.handPrefabDesc;
                Collider[] colliders   = new Collider[desc.buildColliders.Length];
                Vector3    previousPos = Vector3.zero;

                var usedSnaps = new List <Vector3>(10);

                var maxSnaps = Math.Max(1, snappedPointCount - spacing);

                for (int s = 0; s < maxSnaps; s++)
                    var pos = snaps[s];
                    var rot = Maths.SphericalRotation(snaps[s], __instance.yaw);

                    if (s > 0)
                        var sqrDistance = (previousPos - pos).sqrMagnitude;

                        // power towers
                        if (desc.isPowerNode && sqrDistance < 12.25f)

                        // wind turbines
                        if (desc.windForcedPower && sqrDistance < 110.25f)

                        // ray receivers
                        if (desc.gammaRayReceiver && sqrDistance < 110.25f)

                        // logistic stations
                        if (desc.isStation && sqrDistance < (desc.isStellarStation ? 841f : 225f))

                        // ejector
                        if (desc.isEjector && sqrDistance < 110.25f)

                        if (desc.hasBuildCollider)
                            var foundCollision = false;
                            for (var j = 0; j < desc.buildColliders.Length && !foundCollision; j++)
                                var colliderData = desc.buildColliders[j];
                                colliderData.pos = pos + rot * colliderData.pos;
                                colliderData.q   = rot * colliderData.q;
                                // check only collision with layer 27 (the layer used by the our own building colliders for the previously 'placed' building)
                                foundCollision = Physics.CheckBox(colliderData.pos, colliderData.ext, colliderData.q, 134217728, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);

                            if (foundCollision)

                    if (s > 0 && spacing > 0)
                        s  += spacing;
                        pos = snaps[s];
                        rot = Maths.SphericalRotation(snaps[s], __instance.yaw);

                    previousPos = pos;

                    var bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(__instance.handItem, __instance.handPrefabDesc, true);
                    bp.desc     = desc;
                    bp.lpos     = pos;
                    bp.lrot     = rot;
                    bp.item     = __instance.handItem;
                    bp.recipeId = __instance.copyRecipeId;
                    bp.filterId = __instance.copyFilterId;

                    if (desc.hasBuildCollider)
                        for (var j = 0; j < desc.buildColliders.Length; j++)
                            // create temporary collider entities for the latest 'positioned' building
                            if (colliders[j] != null)

                            var colliderData = desc.buildColliders[j];
                            colliderData.pos = pos + rot * colliderData.pos;
                            colliderData.q   = rot * colliderData.q;
                            colliders[j]     = ColliderPool.TakeCollider(colliderData);
                            colliders[j].gameObject.layer = 27;


                foreach (var collider in colliders)
                    if (collider != null)

                ActivateColliders(ref __instance.nearcdLogic, usedSnaps);
コード例 #7
        public static void DetermineBuildPreviews_Postfix(PlayerAction_Build __instance, PlanetFactory ___factory, PlanetAuxData ___planetAux, NearColliderLogic ___nearcdLogic, Player ___player)
            // Do we have cached inserters?
            var ci = cachedInserters;

            if (CopyInserters.copyEnabled && ci.Count > 0 && !__instance.multiLevelCovering)
                var bpCount = __instance.buildPreviews.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < bpCount; i++)
                    BuildPreview buildPreview = __instance.buildPreviews[i];

                    if (!buildPreview.item.prefabDesc.isInserter)
                        foreach (var cachedInserter in ci)
                            var positionData = GetPositions(__instance, ___factory, ___planetAux, ___nearcdLogic, buildPreview, cachedInserter);

                            var bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(LDB.items.Select(cachedInserter.protoId), LDB.items.Select(cachedInserter.protoId).prefabDesc, true);

                            bp.lrot  = buildPreview.lrot * cachedInserter.rot;
                            bp.lrot2 = buildPreview.lrot * cachedInserter.rot2;

                            if (buildPreview.lpos == Vector3.zero)
                                bp.lpos  = buildPreview.lpos + buildPreview.lrot * positionData.posDelta;
                                bp.lpos2 = buildPreview.lpos + buildPreview.lrot * positionData.pos2Delta;
                                bp.lpos  = positionData.absoluteInserterPos;
                                bp.lpos2 = positionData.absoluteInserterPos2;

                            if (positionData.condition == null)
                                positionData.condition = EBuildCondition.Ok;

                                Vector3 lpos    = positionData.absoluteInserterPos;
                                Vector3 lpos2   = positionData.absoluteInserterPos2;
                                Vector3 forward = lpos2 - lpos;

                                Pose pose;
                                pose.position = Vector3.Lerp(lpos, lpos2, 0.5f);
                                pose.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, lpos.normalized);

                                var colliderData = bp.desc.buildColliders[0];
                                colliderData.ext = new Vector3(colliderData.ext.x, colliderData.ext.y, Vector3.Distance(lpos2, lpos) * 0.5f + colliderData.ext.z - 0.5f);

                                if (cachedInserter.otherIsBelt)
                                    if (cachedInserter.incoming)
                                        colliderData.pos.z -= 0.4f;
                                        colliderData.ext.z += 0.4f;
                                        colliderData.pos.z += 0.4f;
                                        colliderData.ext.z += 0.4f;

                                if (colliderData.ext.z < 0.1f)
                                    colliderData.ext.z = 0.1f;
                                colliderData.pos = pose.position + pose.rotation * colliderData.pos;
                                colliderData.q   = pose.rotation * colliderData.q;

                                //int mask = 165888;// the following is equivalent but explicitly states layers affected
                                int mask            = Convert.ToInt32(LayerMaskConstants.layer12 | LayerMaskConstants.layer16 | LayerMaskConstants.layer18);
                                int collisionsFound = Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc(colliderData.pos, colliderData.ext, _tmp_cols, colliderData.q, mask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);

                                int collisionLimit = cachedInserter.otherIsBelt ? 0 : 1;

                                if (collisionsFound > collisionLimit)
                                    PlanetPhysics physics2 = ___player.planetData.physics;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < collisionsFound; j++)
                                        physics2.GetColliderData(_tmp_cols[j], out ColliderData colliderData2);
                                        if (colliderData2.objId != 0)
                                            if (colliderData2.usage == EColliderUsage.Build)
                                                positionData.condition = EBuildCondition.Collide;

                            bp.condition = (EBuildCondition)positionData.condition;

                            if (bp.condition == EBuildCondition.Ok)
                                if (cachedInserter.incoming)
                                    bp.inputObjId = positionData.otherId;
                                    bp.outputObjId = positionData.otherId;


コード例 #8
        public static void DetermineBuildPreviews(PlayerAction_Build _this)
            if (AdvancedBuildDestruct.buildKeyUp)
                AdvancedBuildDestruct.buildKeyUp = false;
                beginPos = _this.groundSnappedPos;
                begin    = !begin;
            _this.waitConfirm = _this.cursorValid;
            int path  = 0;
            int count = 0;

            if (begin)
                count = _this.planetAux.SnapLineNonAlloc(beginPos, _this.groundSnappedPos, ref path, snaps);
            if (VFInput._tabKey.onDown)
            if (VFInput._rotate.onDown)
                _this.yaw += 90f;
                _this.yaw  = Mathf.Repeat(_this.yaw, 360f);
                _this.yaw  = Mathf.Round(_this.yaw / 90f) * 90f;
            if (VFInput._counterRotate.onDown)
                _this.yaw -= 90f;
                _this.yaw  = Mathf.Repeat(_this.yaw, 360f);
                _this.yaw  = Mathf.Round(_this.yaw / 90f) * 90f;
            if (_this.handPrefabDesc.minerType != EMinerType.Vein)
                _this.yaw = Mathf.Round(_this.yaw / 90f) * 90f;
            _this.multiLevelCovering   = false;
            _this.previewPose.position = _this.groundSnappedPos;
            _this.previewPose.rotation = Maths.SphericalRotation(_this.previewPose.position, _this.yaw);

            if (begin)
                List <Vector3>      posList = new List <Vector3>();
                List <ColliderData> cList   = new List <ColliderData>();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var desc = _this.handPrefabDesc;
                    if (i > 0)
                        // 电力设备
                        // Debug.Log("判断电力设备");
                        float x   = posList[posList.Count - 1].x - snaps[i].x;
                        float y   = posList[posList.Count - 1].y - snaps[i].y;
                        float z   = posList[posList.Count - 1].z - snaps[i].z;
                        float dis = x * x + y * y + z * z;
                        if (dis < 12.25f)
                        if (desc.isPowerNode && !desc.isAccumulator)
                            if (desc.windForcedPower && dis < 110.25f)
                                continue;                                        // 风力发电机
                            if (_this.handItem.ModelIndex == 73 && dis < 110.25f)
                                continue;                                                   // 射线接收站

                        // 物流站
                        // Debug.Log("判断物流站");
                        if (desc.isStation)
                            float dis2 = (desc.isStellarStation) ? 841f : 225f;
                            if ((posList[posList.Count - 1] - snaps[i]).sqrMagnitude < dis2)
                        // 发射器
                        // Debug.Log("判断发射器");
                        if (desc.isEjector)
                            if (dis < 110.25f)
                        // 建造碰撞器
                        // Debug.Log("判断碰撞器");
                        if (desc.hasBuildCollider)
                            ColliderData c = desc.buildCollider;
                            c.pos = snaps[i] + Maths.SphericalRotation(snaps[i], _this.yaw) * c.pos;
                            c.q   = Maths.SphericalRotation(snaps[i], _this.yaw) * c.q;
                            if (_this.handItem.BuildMode == 1)
                                float mul = 1f;
                                if (_this.handItem.ModelIndex == 64)
                                    mul = 1.05f;
                                if (_this.handItem.ModelIndex == 54 || _this.handItem.ModelIndex == 118)
                                    if (!CheckBox(cList[cList.Count - 1], c))
                                        if (dis < 16)
                                else if (!CheckBox(cList[cList.Count - 1], c, mul))
                                    // Debug.Log("因碰撞器跳过");
                    i += AdvancedBuildDestruct.BuildExtraSpacing.Value;
                    _this.AddBuildPreview(BuildPreview.CreateSingle(_this.handItem, _this.handPrefabDesc, true));
                    if (desc.hasBuildCollider)
                        ColliderData c = desc.buildCollider;
                        c.pos = snaps[i] + Maths.SphericalRotation(snaps[i], _this.yaw) * c.pos;
                        c.q   = Maths.SphericalRotation(snaps[i], _this.yaw) * c.q;
                for (int i = 0; i < _this.buildPreviews.Count; i++)
                    BuildPreview buildPreview = _this.buildPreviews[i];
                    buildPreview.item     = _this.handItem;
                    buildPreview.desc     = _this.handPrefabDesc;
                    buildPreview.recipeId = _this.copyRecipeId;
                    buildPreview.filterId = _this.copyFilterId;
                    buildPreview.lpos     = posList[i];
                    buildPreview.lrot     = Maths.SphericalRotation(posList[i], _this.yaw);
                _this.AddBuildPreview(BuildPreview.CreateSingle(_this.handItem, _this.handPrefabDesc, true));
                BuildPreview buildPreview = _this.buildPreviews[0];
                buildPreview.item     = _this.handItem;
                buildPreview.desc     = _this.handPrefabDesc;
                buildPreview.recipeId = _this.copyRecipeId;
                buildPreview.filterId = _this.copyFilterId;
コード例 #9
        public static PastedEntity ConcurrentPasteInserter(int threadIndex, InserterCopy inserter, float yaw, int pasteIndex, bool connectToPasted = false)
            var actionBuild = _abs[threadIndex];
            int pasteId     = PASTE_INDEX_MULTIPLIER * pasteIndex + inserter.originalId;

            if (!BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryGetValue(pasteId, out PastedEntity pastedEntity))
                BuildPreview bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(inserter.itemProto, inserter.itemProto.prefabDesc, true);

                pastedEntity = new PastedEntity()
                    pasteIndex     = pasteIndex,
                    pasteId        = pasteId,
                    status         = EPastedStatus.NEW,
                    type           = EPastedType.INSERTER,
                    sourceInserter = inserter,
                    buildPreview   = bp,

                bp.filterId       = inserter.filterId;
                bp.inputToSlot    = 1;
                bp.outputFromSlot = 0;

                BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryAdd(pasteId, pastedEntity);

                lock (actionBuild.buildPreviews)
                pastedEntity.status = EPastedStatus.UPDATE;

            InserterPosition positionData = InserterPoses.GetPositions(actionBuild, inserter, yaw * Mathf.Deg2Rad, pasteIndex, connectToPasted);

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lpos  = positionData.absoluteInserterPos;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lpos2 = positionData.absoluteInserterPos2;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lrot  = positionData.absoluteInserterRot;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lrot2 = positionData.absoluteInserterRot2;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.inputOffset   = positionData.pickOffset;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.outputOffset  = positionData.insertOffset;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.outputToSlot  = positionData.endSlot;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.inputFromSlot = positionData.startSlot;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.condition = positionData.condition;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.input       = null;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.inputObjId  = 0;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.output      = null;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.outputObjId = 0;

            if (BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryGetValue(positionData.inputPastedId, out PastedEntity inputPastedEntity))
                pastedEntity.buildPreview.input = inputPastedEntity.buildPreview;
                pastedEntity.buildPreview.inputObjId = positionData.inputEntityId;

            if (BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryGetValue(positionData.outputPastedId, out PastedEntity outputPastedEntity))
                pastedEntity.buildPreview.output = outputPastedEntity.buildPreview;
                pastedEntity.buildPreview.outputObjId = positionData.outputEntityId;

コード例 #10
        public static PastedEntity ConcurrentPasteBuilding(int threadIndex, BuildingCopy building, Vector2 targetSpr, float yaw, int pasteIndex)
            var actionBuild = _abs[threadIndex];
            int pasteId     = PASTE_INDEX_MULTIPLIER * pasteIndex + building.originalId;

            if (!BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryGetValue(pasteId, out PastedEntity pastedEntity))
                PrefabDesc   desc = BlueprintManager.GetPrefabDesc(building);
                BuildPreview bp   = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(building.itemProto, desc, true);
                bp.desc     = desc;
                bp.item     = building.itemProto;
                bp.recipeId = building.recipeId;

                pastedEntity = new PastedEntity()
                    pasteIndex     = pasteIndex,
                    pasteId        = pasteId,
                    status         = EPastedStatus.NEW,
                    type           = EPastedType.BUILDING,
                    sourceBuilding = building,
                    buildPreview   = bp,

                BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryAdd(pasteId, pastedEntity);

                lock (actionBuild.buildPreviews)
                pastedEntity.status = EPastedStatus.UPDATE;

            Vector2 newRelative = building.cursorRelativePos.Rotate(yaw * Mathf.Deg2Rad, building.originalSegmentCount);
            Vector2 sprPos      = newRelative + targetSpr;

            int newSegmentCount = Util.GetSegmentsCount(sprPos);

            float sizeDeviation = building.originalSegmentCount / (float)newSegmentCount;

            sprPos = new Vector2(newRelative.x, newRelative.y * sizeDeviation) + targetSpr;

            Vector3    absoluteBuildingPos = sprPos.SnapToGrid();
            Quaternion absoluteBuildingRot = Maths.SphericalRotation(absoluteBuildingPos, yaw + building.cursorRelativeYaw);

            absoluteBuildingPos += absoluteBuildingRot * (building.altitude * pastedEntity.buildPreview.desc.lapJoint);

            Pose pose = new Pose(absoluteBuildingPos, absoluteBuildingRot);

            pastedEntity.objId = InserterPoses.AddOverride(pose, building.itemProto);
            pastedEntity.pose  = pose;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lpos      = absoluteBuildingPos;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lrot      = absoluteBuildingRot;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.condition = EBuildCondition.Ok;


コード例 #11
        public static bool DetermineBuildPreviews_Prefix(ref PlayerAction_Build __instance)
            var runOriginal = true;

            if (__instance.controller.cmd.mode == 1 && __instance.player.planetData.type != EPlanetType.Gas && __instance.cursorValid)
                if (__instance.handPrefabDesc != null && __instance.handPrefabDesc.minerType != EMinerType.None)
                __instance.waitConfirm        = __instance.cursorValid;
                __instance.multiLevelCovering = false;
                if (__instance.handPrefabDesc != null && __instance.handPrefabDesc.multiLevel)
                    int objectProtoId = __instance.GetObjectProtoId(__instance.castObjId);
                    if (objectProtoId == __instance.handItem.ID)
                        __instance.multiLevelCovering = true;
                if (__instance.multiLevelCovering && !MultiBuild.IsMultiBuildRunning())

                // full hijacking of DetermineBuildPreviews
                runOriginal = false;

                if (VFInput._switchSplitter.onDown)

                if (VFInput._rotate.onDown)
                    __instance.yaw += 90f;
                    __instance.yaw  = Mathf.Repeat(__instance.yaw, 360f);
                    __instance.yaw  = Mathf.Round(__instance.yaw / 90f) * 90f;
                if (VFInput._counterRotate.onDown)
                    __instance.yaw -= 90f;
                    __instance.yaw  = Mathf.Repeat(__instance.yaw, 360f);
                    __instance.yaw  = Mathf.Round(__instance.yaw / 90f) * 90f;
                __instance.yaw = Mathf.Round(__instance.yaw / 90f) * 90f;

                /*__instance.previewPose.position = Vector3.zero;
                 * __instance.previewPose.rotation = Quaternion.identity;*/

                __instance.previewPose.position = __instance.cursorTarget;
                __instance.previewPose.rotation = Maths.SphericalRotation(__instance.previewPose.position, __instance.yaw);

                var inversePreviewRot = Quaternion.Inverse(__instance.previewPose.rotation);
                if (copiedAssemblers.Count == 0)
                    copiedAssemblers.Add(0, new AssemblerCopy()
                        itemProto = __instance.handItem,

                        recipeId = __instance.copyRecipeId

                var previews = new List <BuildPreview>();

                if (lastPosition == __instance.groundSnappedPos)
                lastPosition = __instance.groundSnappedPos;
                if (copiedAssemblers.Count == 1 && MultiBuild.IsMultiBuildRunning())
                    int       snapPath = path;
                    Vector3[] snaps    = new Vector3[1024];

                    var snappedPointCount = __instance.planetAux.SnapLineNonAlloc(MultiBuild.startPos, __instance.groundSnappedPos, ref snapPath, snaps);

                    var        desc        = copiedAssemblers[0].itemProto.prefabDesc;
                    Collider[] colliders   = new Collider[desc.buildColliders.Length];
                    Vector3    previousPos = Vector3.zero;

                    var usedSnaps = new List <Vector3>(10);

                    var maxSnaps = Math.Max(1, snappedPointCount - MultiBuild.spacingStore[MultiBuild.spacingIndex]);

                    for (int s = 0; s < maxSnaps; s++)
                        var pos = snaps[s];
                        var rot = Maths.SphericalRotation(snaps[s], __instance.yaw);

                        if (s > 0)
                            var sqrDistance = (previousPos - pos).sqrMagnitude;

                            // power towers
                            if (desc.isPowerNode && !desc.isAccumulator && sqrDistance < 12.25f)

                            // wind turbines
                            if (desc.windForcedPower && sqrDistance < 110.25f)

                            // ray receivers
                            if (desc.gammaRayReceiver && sqrDistance < 110.25f)

                            // logistic stations
                            if (desc.isStation && sqrDistance < (desc.isStellarStation ? 841f : 225f))

                            // ejector
                            if (desc.isEjector && sqrDistance < 110.25f)

                            if (desc.hasBuildCollider)
                                var foundCollision = false;
                                for (var j = 0; j < desc.buildColliders.Length && !foundCollision; j++)
                                    var colliderData = desc.buildColliders[j];
                                    colliderData.pos = pos + rot * colliderData.pos;
                                    colliderData.q   = rot * colliderData.q;
                                    // check only collision with layer 27 (the layer used by the our own building colliders for the previously 'placed' building)
                                    foundCollision = Physics.CheckBox(colliderData.pos, colliderData.ext, colliderData.q, 134217728, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);

                                if (foundCollision)

                        if (s > 0 && MultiBuild.spacingStore[MultiBuild.spacingIndex] > 0)
                            s  += MultiBuild.spacingStore[MultiBuild.spacingIndex];
                            pos = snaps[s];
                            rot = Maths.SphericalRotation(snaps[s], __instance.yaw);

                        previousPos = pos;

                        var bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(copiedAssemblers[0].itemProto, copiedAssemblers[0].itemProto.prefabDesc, true);
                        bp.desc     = copiedAssemblers[0].itemProto.prefabDesc;
                        bp.item     = copiedAssemblers[0].itemProto;
                        bp.lpos     = inversePreviewRot * (pos - __instance.previewPose.position);
                        bp.lrot     = inversePreviewRot * rot;
                        bp.recipeId = copiedAssemblers[0].recipeId;

                        //pose.position - this.previewPose.position =  this.previewPose.rotation * buildPreview.lpos;
                        //pose.rotation = this.previewPose.rotation * buildPreview.lrot;
                        if (desc.hasBuildCollider)
                            for (var j = 0; j < desc.buildColliders.Length; j++)
                                // create temporary collider entities for the latest 'positioned' building
                                if (colliders[j] != null)

                                var colliderData = desc.buildColliders[j];
                                colliderData.pos = pos + rot * colliderData.pos;
                                colliderData.q   = rot * colliderData.q;
                                colliders[j]     = ColliderPool.TakeCollider(colliderData);
                                colliders[j].gameObject.layer = 27;


                    foreach (var collider in colliders)
                        if (collider != null)

                    ActivateColliders(ref __instance.nearcdLogic, usedSnaps);
                    foreach (var copiedAssembler in copiedAssemblers.Values)
                        var absoluteBuildingRot = Maths.SphericalRotation(__instance.groundSnappedPos, __instance.yaw);
                        var absolutePosition    = __instance.planetAux.Snap(__instance.groundSnappedPos + absoluteBuildingRot * copiedAssembler.cursorRelativePos, true, true);

                        if (copiedAssembler.snapCount > 0)
                            absolutePosition = __instance.groundSnappedPos;
                            // Note: rotates each move relative to the rotation of the new building
                            for (int u = 0; u < copiedAssembler.snapCount; u++)
                                absolutePosition = __instance.planetAux.Snap(absolutePosition + absoluteBuildingRot * copiedAssembler.snapMoves[u], true, false);

                        BuildPreview bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(copiedAssembler.itemProto, copiedAssembler.itemProto.prefabDesc, true);
                        bp.desc     = copiedAssembler.itemProto.prefabDesc;
                        bp.item     = copiedAssembler.itemProto;
                        bp.recipeId = copiedAssembler.recipeId;
                        bp.lpos     = inversePreviewRot * (absolutePosition - __instance.previewPose.position);
                        bp.lrot     = inversePreviewRot * Maths.SphericalRotation(absolutePosition, __instance.yaw + copiedAssembler.cursorRelativeYaw);


                for (var i = 0; i < previews.Count; i++)
                    if (i >= __instance.buildPreviews.Count)
                        var original = __instance.buildPreviews[i];
                        var updated  = previews[i];
                        if (original.desc != updated.desc || original.item != updated.item)
                            original.desc = updated.desc;
                            original.item = updated.item;
                        original.recipeId  = updated.recipeId;
                        original.filterId  = updated.filterId;
                        original.condition = EBuildCondition.Ok;

                        original.lpos = updated.lpos;
                        original.lrot = updated.lrot;

                        original.lpos2 = updated.lpos2;
                        original.lrot2 = updated.lrot2;

                if (__instance.buildPreviews.Count > previews.Count)
                    var toRemove = __instance.buildPreviews.Count - previews.Count;

                    for (var i = 0; i < toRemove; i++)
