protected EntityBase Target; //поле ссылки на того, кто будет получать урон public void CastBuff(EntityBase target, BuffState buff) { if (target.State != BuffState.Down) { target.State = buff; } }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (!obj.GetType().Equals(typeof(BuffState))) { return(false); } BuffState target = (BuffState)obj; if (target.statusEffect != statusEffect) { return(false); } if (target.Time != Time) { return(false); } if (!object.Equals(target.tempData, tempData)) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 设置状态 /// 返回设置状态后游戏对象的显示是否发生变化 /// </summary> /// <param name="buffState"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SetState(BuffState buffState) { if (buffState.statusEffect != statusEffect)//重新设置图标 { statusEffect = buffState.statusEffect; StatusDataInfo statusDataInfo = statusData[buffState.statusEffect]; if (statusDataInfo != null) { statusDataInfo.Load(); stateImage.sprite = statusDataInfo.StatusSprite; explaneText.text = statusDataInfo.StatusExplane + "(" + statusDataInfo[buffState.level].LevelExplane + ")"; } else { stateImage.sprite = null; explaneText.text = ""; } } if (buffState.Time > 0) { int shi = (int)buffState.Time / 3600; int fen = ((int)buffState.Time % 3600) / 60; int miao = ((int)buffState.Time % 3600) % 60; timeText.text = shi > 0 ? (shi + ":" + fen + ":" + miao) : (fen > 0 ? (fen + ":" + miao) : miao.ToString()); } bool lastActive = gameObject.activeSelf; gameObject.SetActive(buffState.Time > 0); return(lastActive == (buffState.Time > 0)); }
public static int constructor(IntPtr l) { int result; try { int id; LuaObject.checkType(l, 2, out id); ConfigDataBuffInfo buffInfo; LuaObject.checkType <ConfigDataBuffInfo>(l, 3, out buffInfo); BattleActor applyer; LuaObject.checkType <BattleActor>(l, 4, out applyer); BuffSourceType sourceType; LuaObject.checkEnum <BuffSourceType>(l, 5, out sourceType); ConfigDataSkillInfo sourceSkillInfo; LuaObject.checkType <ConfigDataSkillInfo>(l, 6, out sourceSkillInfo); BuffState o = new BuffState(id, buffInfo, applyer, sourceType, sourceSkillInfo); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); LuaObject.pushValue(l, o); result = 2; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
private void BT_Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { BuffState s = new BuffState() { Name = TB_Name.Text, Frequency = (float)NUD_Freq.Value, Duration = (float)NUD_Dur.Value, Chance = ((float)NUD_Chance.Value) / 100f, Stats = statControl.CurrentStats, // Phase Info //PhaseStartTime = (float)NUD_PhaseStartTime.Value, //PhaseEndTime = (float)NUD_PhaseEndTime.Value, }; // Targeting Includes s.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = CK_AffectsMTank.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false); s.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = CK_AffectsOTank.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false); s.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.TertiaryTank] = CK_AffectsTTank.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false); s.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MeleeDPS] = CK_AffectsMeleeDPS.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false); s.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = CK_AffectsRangedDPS.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false); s.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTankHealer] = CK_AffectsMainTankHealer.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false); s.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffAndTertTankHealer] = CK_AffectsOffTankHealer.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false); s.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RaidHealer] = CK_AffectsRaidHealer.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false); if (isEditing) { // Affect your changes to the currently selected one isEditing = false; int index = LB_TheList.SelectedIndex; TheList.RemoveAt(LB_TheList.SelectedIndex); TheList.Insert(index, s); } else { TheList.Add(s); } SetListBox(); statControl.CurrentStats = new Stats(); statControl.StatsStack.Children.Clear(); }
public bool UpdateEntity()//TODO: добавить проверку хп, и бафчиков всяких { ResetDefence(); switch (this.State) { case BuffState.Curse: { OutputDebugger.Write("O chaos! It took your precious " + (Health * 0.15f).ToString()); this.Health -= Mathf.RoundToInt(Health * 0.15f); } break; case BuffState.Poison: { this.Health -= 15; OutputDebugger.Write("Ew."); } break; } if (Health <= 0) { if (this.tag == "Enemy")// TODO: временно { Destroy(this.gameObject); } else { this.State = BuffState.Down; OutputDebugger.Write(name + " has been KO'd!"); } } return(true); }
private void AddBuff(BuffState buffState) { var go = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(BuffPrefab, transform); var buff = go.GetComponent <UIBuff>(); buff.UpdateState(buffState); _buffs.Add(buff); }
public void Reset() { if (State == BuffState.Active) { Stop(); } State = BuffState.Idle; timer = _originalTimer; }
public void Clear() { BelongtoRuntimeTree = null; BuffState = BuffState.Waiting; CurrentOverlay = 0; MaxLimitTime = 0; BuffData = null; TheUnitFrom = null; TheUnitBelongto = null; }
public void Start() { if (State != BuffState.Idle) { return; } State = BuffState.Active; _OnEnable(); }
private void HandleBuffEvents(BuffState buffState, BuffEventType eventType) { if (buffState.Buff.AffectByEventType.TryGetValue(eventType, out var affects)) { foreach (var affect in affects) { ApplyAffect(buffState, affect); } } }
public void Stop() { if (State != BuffState.Active) { return; } State = BuffState.Expired; _OnDisable(); }
public void AddBuffState(BuffState buffState) { for (int i = 0; i < buffStates.Count; i++) { if ( == buffStates[i].name) { buffStates[i].effectiveTime = Mathf.Max(buffStates[i].effectiveTime, buffState.effectiveTime); return; } } speed += buffState.speed; buffStates.Add(buffState); }
private void LB_TheList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (LB_TheList.SelectedIndex != -1) { BuffState selected = LB_TheList.SelectedItem as BuffState; // TB_Name.Text = selected.Name; NUD_Freq.Value = selected.Frequency; NUD_Dur.Value = selected.Duration; NUD_Chance.Value = selected.Chance * 100f; statControl.CurrentStats = selected.Stats; // Phase Info //NUD_PhaseStartTime.Value = selected.PhaseStartTime; //NUD_PhaseEndTime.Value = selected.PhaseEndTime; // Targeting Includes CK_AffectsMTank.IsChecked = selected.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank]; CK_AffectsOTank.IsChecked = selected.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank]; CK_AffectsTTank.IsChecked = selected.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.TertiaryTank]; CK_AffectsMeleeDPS.IsChecked = selected.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MeleeDPS]; CK_AffectsRangedDPS.IsChecked = selected.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS]; CK_AffectsMainTankHealer.IsChecked = selected.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTankHealer]; CK_AffectsOffTankHealer.IsChecked = selected.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffAndTertTankHealer]; CK_AffectsRaidHealer.IsChecked = selected.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RaidHealer]; // isEditing = true; } else { // Reset the UI to a blank buff state TB_Name.Text = ""; NUD_Freq.Value = 45; NUD_Dur.Value = 10 * 1000; NUD_Chance.Value = 100f; statControl.CurrentStats = new Stats(); // Phase Info NUD_PhaseStartTime.Value = 0; NUD_PhaseEndTime.Value = 20 * 60; // Targeting Includes CK_AffectsMTank.IsChecked = false; CK_AffectsOTank.IsChecked = true; CK_AffectsTTank.IsChecked = true; CK_AffectsMeleeDPS.IsChecked = true; CK_AffectsRangedDPS.IsChecked = true; CK_AffectsMainTankHealer.IsChecked = true; CK_AffectsOffTankHealer.IsChecked = true; CK_AffectsRaidHealer.IsChecked = true; // isEditing = false; } }
public void UpdateState(BuffState buffState) { if (Icon != null) { Icon.sprite = Appearance.GetIcon(buffState.Name); } if (Duration != null) { Duration.text = buffState.Duration.ToString(); } _state = buffState; }
public override void StartFSM() { _leadState = new LeadState <states>(this, flags, leadStopDistance, _treeStartPoint); _attackState = new AttackState <states>(this, flags, _treeStartPoint); _buffState = new BuffState <states>(this, flags, _treeStartPoint); _escapeState = new EscapeState <states>(this, flags, _treeStartPoint); _idleState = new IdleState <states>(this, flags, _treeStartPoint); _reloadState = new ReloadState <states>(this, flags, _treeStartPoint); fsm = new FSM <states>(_idleState); _idleState.AddTransition(states.Attack, _attackState); _idleState.AddTransition(states.Buff, _buffState); _idleState.AddTransition(states.Lead, _leadState); _idleState.AddTransition(states.Escape, _escapeState); _idleState.AddTransition(states.Reload, _reloadState); _leadState.AddTransition(states.Attack, _attackState); _leadState.AddTransition(states.Buff, _buffState); _leadState.AddTransition(states.Escape, _escapeState); _leadState.AddTransition(states.Idle, _idleState); _leadState.AddTransition(states.Reload, _reloadState); _attackState.AddTransition(states.Lead, _leadState); _attackState.AddTransition(states.Buff, _buffState); _attackState.AddTransition(states.Escape, _escapeState); _attackState.AddTransition(states.Idle, _idleState); _attackState.AddTransition(states.Reload, _reloadState); _reloadState.AddTransition(states.Idle, _idleState); _reloadState.AddTransition(states.Attack, _attackState); _reloadState.AddTransition(states.Buff, _buffState); _reloadState.AddTransition(states.Lead, _leadState); _reloadState.AddTransition(states.Escape, _escapeState); _buffState.AddTransition(states.Lead, _leadState); _buffState.AddTransition(states.Attack, _attackState); _buffState.AddTransition(states.Escape, _escapeState); _buffState.AddTransition(states.Idle, _idleState); _buffState.AddTransition(states.Reload, _reloadState); _escapeState.AddTransition(states.Idle, _idleState); _escapeState.AddTransition(states.Lead, _leadState); fsm.SetState(_idleState); }
private void SetStateListMove(BuffState tempBuffState, string buffStateName) { // 重新计算移动速度加成值(衰减值) Action ReCalculateMoveSpeed = () => { }; if (tempBuffState.Time > 0)//如果存在buff则添加到集合中 { } else//如果异常时间到了则从集合中移除 { if (buffOrDebuffStateList_Move.ContainsKey(buffStateName))//如果存在再移除 { buffOrDebuffStateList_Move.Remove(buffStateName); ReCalculateMoveSpeed(); } } }
public static int get_m_id(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); LuaObject.pushValue(l, buffState.m_id); result = 2; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int CanNotDispel(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); bool b = buffState.CanNotDispel(); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); LuaObject.pushValue(l, b); result = 2; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int set_m_sourceType(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); BuffSourceType sourceType; LuaObject.checkEnum <BuffSourceType>(l, 2, out sourceType); buffState.m_sourceType = sourceType; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int set_m_effectTimes(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); int effectTimes; LuaObject.checkType(l, 2, out effectTimes); buffState.m_effectTimes = effectTimes; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int set_m_hasExtraTime(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); bool hasExtraTime; LuaObject.checkType(l, 2, out hasExtraTime); buffState.m_hasExtraTime = hasExtraTime; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int set_m_applyer(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); BattleActor applyer; LuaObject.checkType <BattleActor>(l, 2, out applyer); buffState.m_applyer = applyer; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int set_m_parent(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); BuffState parent; LuaObject.checkType <BuffState>(l, 2, out parent); buffState.m_parent = parent; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int set_m_sourceSkillInfo(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); ConfigDataSkillInfo sourceSkillInfo; LuaObject.checkType <ConfigDataSkillInfo>(l, 2, out sourceSkillInfo); buffState.m_sourceSkillInfo = sourceSkillInfo; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int set_m_displayOrder(IntPtr l) { int result; try { BuffState buffState = (BuffState)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); int displayOrder; LuaObject.checkType(l, 2, out displayOrder); buffState.m_displayOrder = displayOrder; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
private BuffState AddNewBuff( Buff buff, int stacks, CharacterState sourceCharacter, ISubSpellHandler subSpell) { var buffState = new BuffState(buff, sourceCharacter, stacks, subSpell); _buffStates.Add(buffState); #if DEBUG_COMBAT _combatLog.LogFormat("<b>{0}</b> received new buff <b>{1}</b> with <b>{2}</b> stacks",,, stacks); #endif ApplyBuffModifiers(buffState); HandleBuffEvents(buffState, BuffEventType.OnApply); return(buffState); }
protected void InitBuff(Buff buffData, EntityParent caster, EntityParent target, int fromSkillID, int elementType, bool isCommunicateMix = false) { double num = BattleCalculator.CalculateBuffTime(caster.BattleBaseAttrs.GetBuffCtrlAttrs(elementType), target.BattleBaseAttrs.GetBuffCtrlAttrs(elementType), (double)buffData.time); if (LocalAgent.CheckBuffByTargetIDAndBuffID(target.ID, { int overlayModeId = buffData.overlayModeId; if (overlayModeId != 1) { if (overlayModeId == 2) { this.buffStateTable[target.ID][].removeLeftTime = num; } } else { this.buffStateTable[target.ID][].removeLeftTime += num; } return; } BuffState buffState = new BuffState(); buffState.isBlock = false; buffState.isCommunicateMix = isCommunicateMix; buffState.isGlobalBuff = false; buffState.casterID = caster.ID; buffState.fromSkillID = fromSkillID; buffState.fromSkillLevel = caster.GetSkillLevelByID(fromSkillID); buffState.fromSkillAttrChange = caster.GetSkillAttrChangeByID(fromSkillID); buffState.intervalDefaultTime = (float)buffData.interval; buffState.intervalLeftTime = (float)buffData.interval; buffState.removeLeftTime = num; if (!this.buffStateTable.ContainsKey(target.ID)) { this.buffStateTable.Add(target.ID, new XDict <int, BuffState>()); } this.buffStateTable[target.ID].Add(, buffState); this.HandleBuff(buffData, caster, target, fromSkillID, buffState.fromSkillLevel, buffState.fromSkillAttrChange, isCommunicateMix); AddBuffAnnouncer.Announce(LocalAgent.GetEntityByID(target.ID),; LocalBattleProtocolSimulator.SendAddBuff(caster.ID, target.ID,, (int)num); }
private void ApplyBuffModifiers(BuffState state) { if (state.Buff.Modifiers == null) { return; } var oldChanges = state.ActiveChanges.ToArray(); state.ActiveChanges.Clear(); // For each modifier in temporary buff modifiers // Apply each one and save actual change to revert it on buff removal foreach (var mod in state.Buff.Modifiers) { var change = ApplyModifier( mod.Parameter, mod.ChangeAmount.GetValue(state.Stacks), state.SourceCharacter, state.SubSpellHandler, false); // If there is an actual change var activeChange = oldChanges.FirstOrDefault(ch => ch.Parameter.Equals(mod.Parameter)); if (activeChange.Parameter != ModificationParameter.None) { ApplyChange(change + activeChange.Inverse()); } else { ApplyChange(change); } state.ActiveChanges.Add(change); } }
public Ragnaros() { // If not listed here use values from defaults #region Info Name = "Ragnaros"; Instance = "Firelands"; Content = new BossHandler.TierLevels[] { BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_LFR }; Comment = "Not modeled in detail yet."; #endregion #region Basics // Rag "dies" at 10% on normal (goes back under the lava). // Apparently Rag heals to about 50% once he hits phase 4 and starts moving around the platform // So for heroic his health is 90% to phase 4 and 50% while in Phase 4 so 140% health Health = new float[] { 50246820f * 0.9f, 150740464f * 0.9f, 74200000f * 1.40f, 246910064f * 1.40f, 0 }; // TODO: Double check Heroic 10-man health MobType = (int)MOB_TYPES.ELEMENTAL; BerserkTimer = new int[] { 18 * 60, 18 * 60, 18 * 60, 18 * 60, 0 }; SpeedKillTimer = new int[] { 5 * 60, 8 * 60, 12 * 60, 12 * 60, 0 }; InBackPerc_Melee = new double[] { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0 }; InBackPerc_Ranged = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0 }; Max_Players = new int[] { 10, 25, 10, 25, 0 }; Min_Tanks = new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 }; Min_Healers = new int[] { 2, 5, 2, 3, 0 }; TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 45f * 2f, 45f * 2f, (45 * 2f) + 14f, (45 * 2f) + 14f, 0 }; // Assume 45 seconds during each phase transition, and 14 seconds going into phase 4 Under35Perc = new double[] { 0.166666667, 0.166666667, 0.214285714, 0.214285714, 0 }; Under20Perc = new double[] { 0.122222222, 0.122222222, 0.221428571, 0.221428571, 0 }; #endregion #region Offensive //MaxNumTargets = new double[] { 1, 1, 0, 0 }; //MultiTargsPerc = new double[] { 0.00d, 0.00d, 0.00d, 0.00d }; #region Attacks for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Phase ByFirebePurged = new Phase() { Name = "By Fire be Purged!" }; // Phase 1 Phase Intermission1 = new Phase() { Name = "Intermission: Minions of Fire!" }; // Intermission 1 Phase SulfuaswillbeYourEnd = new Phase() { Name = "Sulfuras will be Your End!" }; // Phase 2 Phase Intermission2 = new Phase() { Name = "Intermission: Denizens of Flame!" }; // Intermission 2 Phase BegoneFrommyRealm = new Phase() { Name = "Begone From my Realm!" }; // Phase 3 Phase Intermission3 = new Phase() { Name = "Ah! Outsiders! This is not your Realm!" }; // Intermission 3 Phase TheTruePoweroftheFireLord = new Phase() { Name = "The True Power of the Fire Lord!" }; // Heroic Only float IntermissionLength = 45f; float Intermission3Length = 14f; float phase1to3Length = (BerserkTimer[i] - (45f * 2) - (i > 1 ? Intermission3Length : 0f)) * (i < 2 ? (1f / 3f) : (3f / 14f)); float phase4Length = (BerserkTimer[i] - (45f * 2) - Intermission3Length) * (5f / 14f); Attack melee = GenAStandardMelee(this[i].Content); melee.DamagePerHit *= 1.25f; ByFirebePurged.Attacks.Add(melee); SulfuaswillbeYourEnd.Attacks.Add(melee); BegoneFrommyRealm.Attacks.Add(melee); TheTruePoweroftheFireLord.Attacks.Add(melee); #region By Fire be Purged! #region Sulfuras Smash /*Ragnarose faces a random player and begins prepares to smash Sulfuras on the platform. The * impact creates several Lava Waves which move out in several directions from the point of * impact.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Melee should need to worry about this since they are positioned behind the attack zone thus missing the attack // This should never be hit by the player #region Lava Wave /* A Lava Wave inflicts 87871 to 92379 Fire damage and knocks back all players it passes * through. Targets who are knocked back suffer an additional 25106 to 26394 Fire damage * every 1 sec for 5 sec.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // This SHOULD NEVER happen // Iv anything it should be a movement to move around the attack Impedance LavaWave_Move = new Impedance { Name = "Lava Wave Move", Duration = 2f * 1000f, Chance = 0.20f, // Five possible spots it can hit, thus 20% chance it will hit in your area thus having to move Frequency = 30f, Breakable = false, }; LavaWave_Move.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); LavaWave_Move.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; ByFirebePurged.Moves.Add(LavaWave_Move); #endregion #endregion #region Wrath of Ragnaros /* Ragnaros targets a player, inflicting 75318 to 79182 Fire damage to all players within 6 yards * and knocking them back. * * *Warning* In 25 player raids, Ragnaros targets three players.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack WrathofRagnaros = new Attack { Name = "Wrath of Ragnaros", AttackSpeed = 30f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, DamagePerHit = new float[] { (43875f + 46125f), (43875f + 46125f), (62156f + 65343f), (62156f + 65343f), 0f }[i] / 2f, MaxNumTargets = new float[] { 1f, 3f, 1f, 3f, 0f }[i], SpellID = new float[] { 98263, 100113, 100114, 100115, 0 }[i], }; WrathofRagnaros.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); WrathofRagnaros.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; ByFirebePurged.Attacks.Add(WrathofRagnaros); #endregion #region Hand of Ragnaros /* Ragnaros inflicts 37659 to 39591 Fire damage to all enemies within 55 yards, knocking them * back.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Only affects Melee and Tanks Attack HandofRagnaros = new Attack { Name = "Hand of Ragnaros", AttackSpeed = 25f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, DamagePerHit = new float[] { (21937f + 23062f), (21937f + 23062f), (33150f + 34850f), (33150f + 34850f), 0f }[i] / 2f, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], SpellID = new float[] { 98237, 100383, 100384, 100387, 0 }[i], }; HandofRagnaros.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MeleeDPS] = true; HandofRagnaros.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ByFirebePurged.Attacks.Add(HandofRagnaros); SulfuaswillbeYourEnd.Attacks.Add(HandofRagnaros); BegoneFrommyRealm.Attacks.Add(HandofRagnaros); #endregion #region Magma Trap /*Ragnaros periodically forms a Magmaw Trap at a random player's location. The Magma Trap * persists for the duration of the battle, and will trigger when stepped on, causing a Magma Trap * Eruption.*/ // // damage - // summons after damage - // Normal we are popping them immediatly on spawn // On Heroic we need to wait 45 seconds before popping the next trap. // That means on the bear minimum, we need to pop 4 traps in Phase 1 and 3 traps in phase 2 #region Magma Trap Eruption /* When triggered, a Magma Trap erupts for 75318 to 79182 Fire damage to all enemies * within the Firelands, and violently knocking the player who tripped the Magma Trap into the air. * * *Heroic* An enemy that triggers a Magma Trap will take 50% additional fire damage from the Magma * Trap Eruption for 45 sec. Stacks.*/ // This means we cannot pop the next trap until the debuf wears off or 45 second cooldown // This debuff ONLY increases the damage of your next Magma Trap damage, not overall fire damage /* Eruption * 10 man - * 25 man - * 10 man heroic - * 25 man heroic - */ // Timers are adjusted by 16 seconds Attack MagmaTrapEruption = new Attack { Name = "Magma Trap Eruption", AttackSpeed = (phase1to3Length/ (phase1to3Length - 16f)) * (i < 2 ? 25f : 45f), DamagePerHit = new float[] { (58500f + 61500f), (58500f + 61500f), (82875f + 87125f), (97500f + 102500f), 0f }[i] / 2f, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, SpellID = new float[] { 98175, 100106, 100107, 100108, 0 }[i], }; MagmaTrapEruption.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ByFirebePurged.Attacks.Add(MagmaTrapEruption); Attack MagmaTrapEruptionPhase2 = MagmaTrapEruption.Clone(); // At most 3 traps should be up during phase 2 on Heroic MagmaTrapEruptionPhase2.AttackSpeed = phase1to3Length / 3f; if (i > 1) { SulfuaswillbeYourEnd.Attacks.Add(MagmaTrapEruptionPhase2); } /* Vulnerability * 10-man Heroic - * 25-man heroic - */ // Not going to model this part since I'm factoring in the 45 second debuff into my attack speed #endregion #endregion #region Magma Blast /* Ragnaros blasts magma at his current target if he cannot reach and melee them, * inflicting 73125 to 76875 Fire damage and increasing Fire damage taken by 50% for 6 sec. */ // // This should NEVER happen #endregion #region Burning Wound /* The attacks from Ragnaros open a Burning Wound, inflicting 3656 to 3843 Fire damage every 2 sec * for 20 sec. The wound causes the target's attacks to become infused with fire, causing a * Burning Blast.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - // 5 second cooldown on application // Only allow 4 stacks to be applied float BurningWoundDamage = new float[] { (3656f + 3843f), (3656f + 3843f), (5386f + 5663f), (5386f + 5663f), 0f }[i] / 2f; Attack BurningWound = new Attack { Name = "Burning Wound", AttackSpeed = 40f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, // Average damage after the stacking equates to ABOUT 1.3 times the base damage DamagePerTick = BurningWoundDamage * 1.3f, TickInterval = 2f, Duration = 20f + 20f, // 20 seconds to stack the debuff, 20 seconds to let it drop IsDoT = true, SpellID = new float[] { 99399, 101238, 101239, 101240, 0 }[i], }; BurningWound.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ByFirebePurged.Attacks.Add(BurningWound); #region Burning Blast /* Inflicts 1950 to 2050 Fire damage, each stack of Burning Wound increases the damage of * Burning Blast.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - float BurningBlastDamaage = (1950f + 2050f) / 2f; Stats BurningBlastStat = new Stats(); SpecialEffect BurningBlastSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.PhysicalAttack, new Stats() { FireDamage = BurningBlastDamaage }, 20f, 5f, 1f, 4); BurningBlastStat.AddSpecialEffect(BurningBlastSpecialEffect); BurningBlastSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, BurningBlastStat, 40f, 40f, 1f); BurningBlastStat = new Stats(); BurningBlastStat.AddSpecialEffect(BurningBlastSpecialEffect); BuffState BurningBlast = new BuffState { Name = "Burning Blast", Frequency = 40f, Duration = 40f * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = BurningBlastStat, }; BurningBlast.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ByFirebePurged.BuffStates.Add(BurningBlast); #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Intermission: Minions of Fire! /* At 70% health, Ragnaros will cast Splitting Blow wedging Sulfuras into the platform and creating * Sons of Flame across the platform. Ragnaros will stay submerged for 45 seconds or until all of the * Sons of Flame are destroyed.*/ #region Splitting Blow /* Ragnaros buries Sulfuras within the platform, creating Sons of Flame that attempt to reach the * mighty hammer.*/ /* 12 different ids all with the same descriptions: *;; *;; *;; *;;*/ // initial Summon Sons trigger - // Summon Cast - // Number of summons - // This means that 10 Sons are summoned that need to be slowed and killed within 45 seconds. // The damage from Splitting Blow should NEVER hit a player #endregion #region Son of Flame /*Sons of Flame will cross the platform and attempt to reform with Sulfuras, causing a * Supernova if they are able to reach the mighty weapon.*/ // TargetGroup SonsofFlame = new TargetGroup { Name = "Sons of Flame", Chance = 1f, Frequency = 1f, Duration = IntermissionLength * 1000f, LevelOfTargets = 87, NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 10f, TargetID = 53140f, }; SonsofFlame.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Intermission1.Targets.Add(SonsofFlame); #region Burning Speed /* Sons of Flame move faster as their blaze burns hotter. Their movement speed is * increased by an amount equal to every 1% health they have above 50% health.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Don't Need to model #endregion #region Supernova /* If a Son of Flame reaches Sulfuras, the elemental will explode in a Supernova, * inflicting 112978 to 118772 Fire damage to all players within the Firelands.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Since if this happens at ANY time, it's a wipe, so assuming that this does not take place #endregion #endregion #region Lava Bolt /* While Ragnaros lies submerged underneath the lava, bolts of hot magma fall on four random players every 4 seconds. * A Lava Bolt inflicts 43875 to 46125 Fire Damage. * * In 25 player raids, bolts of hot magma fall on ten players.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - Attack LavaBolt = new Attack { Name = "Lava Bolt", AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackSpeed = 4f, DamagePerHit = new float[] { (43875f + 46125f), (43875f + 46125f), (68250f + 71750f), (68250f + 71750f), 0 }[i] / 2f, MaxNumTargets = new float[] { 4, 10, 4, 10, 0 }[i], SpellID = new float[] { 98981, 100289, 100290, 100291, 0 }[i], }; LavaBolt.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Intermission1.Attacks.Add(LavaBolt); #endregion #endregion #region Sulfuras will be Your End! #region Sulfuras Smash /*Ragnarose faces a random player and begins prepares to smash Sulfuras on the platform. The * impact creates several Lava Waves which move out in several directions from the point of * impact.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #region Lava Wave /* A Lava Wave inflicts 87871 to 92379 Fire damage and knocks back all players it passes * through. Targets who are knocked back suffer an additional 25106 to 26394 Fire damage * every 1 sec for 5 sec.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - SulfuaswillbeYourEnd.Moves.Add(LavaWave_Move); #endregion #endregion #region World of Flames [Heroic Only] /* Ragnaros periodically engulfs one third of the platform in flame every 2.60 sec for 13 sec. * Inflicting 87871 to 92379 Fire damage to players caught in the conflagration.*/ // cast - // spell - #endregion #region Molten Seed /*Ragnaros forms a Molten Seed at the location of 10 random players, inflicing 69042 to 72583 * Fire damage to all players withing 6 yards. After 10 sec the Molten Seed will burst in a Molten * Inferno. * * *Warning* In 25 player raids, Ragnaros targets 20 players.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - /* Molten Inferno * When Molten Seed burst, they cause a Molten Inferno that inflicts 128749 to 128750 * Fire damage to all players who are near the Molten Seed. The damage decreases the * farther away the target is. * * Following the Molten inferno, a Molten Elemental is created at the location of the Seed.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #region Molten Elemental // The Molten Elemental is spawned from a Molten Inferno. It will attack and fixate one random player. // /* Molten Power [Heroic Only] * The Molten Elemental is empowered by nearby Molten Elementals, increasing its * damage by 25% and causing it to be immune to Snare effects.*/ // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #endregion #endregion #region Magma Blast /* Ragnaros blasts magma at his current target if he cannot reach and melee them, * inflicting 73125 to 76875 Fire damage and increasing Fire damage taken by 50% for 6 sec. */ // // This should NEVER happen #endregion #region Burning Wound /* The attacks from Ragnaros open a Burning Wound, inflicting 3656 to 3843 Fire damage every 2 sec * for 20 sec. The wound causes the target's attacks to become infused with fire, causing a * Burning Blast.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - // 5 second cooldown on application // Only allow 4 stacks to be applied SulfuaswillbeYourEnd.Attacks.Add(BurningWound); #region Burning Blast /* Inflicts 1950 to 2050 Fire damage, each stack of Burning Wound increases the damage of * Burning Blast.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - SulfuaswillbeYourEnd.BuffStates.Add(BurningBlast); #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Intermission: Denizens of Flame! /* At 40% health, Ragnaros will cast Splitting Blow, wedging Sulfuras into the platform and creating * Sons of Flame. Ragnaros will stay submerged for 45 seconds or until all of the Sons of Flame are * destroyed.*/ #region Splitting Blow /* Ragnaros buries Sulfuras within the platform, creating Sons of Flame that attempt to reach the * mighty hammer.*/ /* 12 different ids all with the same descriptions: *;; *;; *;; *;;*/ // initial Summon Sons trigger - // Summon Cast - // Number of summons - // This means that 10 Sons are summoned that need to be slowed and killed within 45 seconds. // The damage from Splitting Blow should NEVER hit a player #endregion #region Son of Flame /*Sons of Flame will cross the platform and attempt to reform with Sulfuras, causing a * Supernova if they are able to reach the mighty weapon.*/ // Intermission2.Targets.Add(SonsofFlame); #region Burning Speed /* Sons of Flame move faster as their blaze burns hotter. Their movement speed is * increased by an amount equal to every 1% health they have above 50% health.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Don't need to model #endregion #region Supernova /* If a Son of Flame reaches Sulfuras, the elemental will explode in a Supernova, * inflicting 112978 to 118772 Fire damage to all players within the Firelands.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Since if this happens at ANY time, it's a wipe, so assuming that this does not take place #endregion #endregion #region Lava Scion // One Lava Scion will form on each side of the platform. // TargetGroup LavaScion = new TargetGroup { Name = "Lava Scion", Chance = 1f, Duration = 60f * 1000f, Frequency = 1f, LevelOfTargets = 87, NearBoss = true, NumTargs = 2f, TargetID = 53231, }; LavaScion.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Intermission2.Targets.Add(LavaScion); #region Blazing Heat /* The Lava Scion inflicts a random target with Blazing Heat, causing them to create a trail of * Blazing Heat in their wake. Blazing Heat inflicts 62765 to 65985 Fire damage every 1 * sec, and heals Sons of Flame and Lava Scions for 10% every 1 sec.*/ /* Damaging Part * 10 man - * 25 man - * 10 man heroic - * 25 man heroic -*/ // Healing Part - // Just assume 2 people get chosen with the debuff and have to move for the entire duration // Blazing heat has a 3 second cast and a 9 second duration. So, 12 seconds movement // Not going to model the damaing part or the Healing Part Impedance BlazingHeat_Move = new Impedance { Name = "Blazing Heat Move", Breakable = false, Chance = 2f / (Max_Players[i] - Min_Tanks[i]), Duration = 12f * 1000f, Frequency = IntermissionLength - 12f, }; BlazingHeat_Move.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); BlazingHeat_Move.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); Intermission2.Moves.Add(BlazingHeat_Move); #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Begone From my Realm! #region Sulfuras Smash /*Ragnarose faces a random player and begins prepares to smash Sulfuras on the platform. The * impact creates several Lava Waves which move out in several directions from the point of * impact.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #region Lava Wave /* A Lava Wave inflicts 87871 to 92379 Fire damage and knocks back all players it passes * through. Targets who are knocked back suffer an additional 25106 to 26394 Fire damage * every 1 sec for 5 sec.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - BegoneFrommyRealm.Moves.Add(LavaWave_Move); #endregion #endregion #region World of Flames [Heroic Only] /* Ragnaros periodically engulfs one third of the platform in flame every 2.60 sec for 13 sec. * Inflicting 87871 to 92379 Fire damage to players caught in the conflagration.*/ // cast - // spell - #endregion #region Summon Living Meteor /* Ragnaros calls down an increasing number of Living Meteors over time, inclicting 81595 to * 85780 Fire damage to players within 5 yards of the location.*/ // #region Living Meteor /* The Living Meteor will fixate on a random target and chase them. A player that gets * within 4 yards of the Living Meteor will trigger a Metoer Impact, inflicting 627656 to * 659844 Fire damage to enemies within 8 yards.*/ // // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - TargetGroup LivingMeteor = new TargetGroup { Name = "Living Meteor", Chance = 1f, Duration = phase1to3Length * 1000f, Frequency = 45f, LevelOfTargets = 87, NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 1f, TargetID = 53500, }; LivingMeteor.SetAffectsRoles_All(); BegoneFrommyRealm.Targets.Add(LivingMeteor); #region Meteor Impact /* A player that gets within 4 yards of the Living Meteor will trigger a Metoer Impact, * inflicting 627656 to 659844 Fire damage to enemies within 8 yards.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!!! #endregion #region Combustible /* The Living Meteor is highly Combustible. When attacked, it will cause Combustion, * knocking it back several yards away from the enemy that hit it. Combustible is * removed for several seconds after Combustion is triggered.*/ #region Combustion /* While combustible is active, the Living Meteor is knocked back several yards * from the enemy that hit it.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #endregion // Personal note, Living Meteors can be knocked into the target by way of combustion // #endregion // On Heroic Living Meteors have a 10% additional run speed associated with them // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Living Meteors MAY have a 99% damage reduction associated with them // #endregion #endregion #region Magma Blast /* Ragnaros blasts magma at his current target if he cannot reach and melee them, * inflicting 73125 to 76875 Fire damage and increasing Fire damage taken by 50% for 6 sec. */ // // This should NEVER happen #endregion #region Burning Wound /* The attacks from Ragnaros open a Burning Wound, inflicting 3656 to 3843 Fire damage every 2 sec * for 20 sec. The wound causes the target's attacks to become infused with fire, causing a * Burning Blast.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - // 5 second cooldown on application // Only allow 4 stacks to be applied BegoneFrommyRealm.Attacks.Add(BurningWound); #region Burning Blast /* Inflicts 1950 to 2050 Fire damage, each stack of Burning Wound increases the damage of * Burning Blast.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - BegoneFrommyRealm.BuffStates.Add(BurningBlast); #endregion #endregion #endregion #region The True Power of the Fire Lord [Heroic Only] /* The Fire lord unleashes his full power and is able to move freely around the platform. Players have * the aid of powerful heroes of Azeroth to support them.*/ #region Superheated [Heroic Only] /* Ragnaros is at his full power and is now Superheated, inflicting 2510 to 2640 Fire * damage every 1, increasing damage taken from Superheated by 10%. Stacks.*/ // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #endregion #region Empower Sulfuras [Heroic Only] /*Ragnaros begins to empower Sulfuras. After 5 sec, Sulfuras becomes Empowered and attacks * made by Ragnaros cause Flames of Sulfuras, inflicting 627656 to 659844 Fire damage to all * enemies within the Firelands.*/ /* Cast * 10 man heroic - * 25 man heroic - */ // Damage - #region Flames of Sulfuras [Heroic Only] /* When Sulfuras is Empowered, attacks made by Ragnaros cause Flames of Sulfuras, * inflicting 627656 to 659844 Fire damage to all enemies within the Firelands.*/ // #endregion #endregion #region Dreadflame [Heroic Only] /* Sulfuras creates a Dreadflame at two nearby locations. The Dreadflame multiplies rapidly * and spreads across the platform. Dreadflame inflicts 43935 to 46190 Fire damage and an * additional 4506 to 4507 Fire damage every 1 sec for 30 sec. * * *Warning* In 25 player raids, Dreadflame will strike five locations at once.*/ // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #endregion #region Magma Geyser [Heroic Only] /* Ragnaros will target a Magma Geyser whenever he notices four players in a cluster together. The * Magma Geyser inflicts 69042 to 72583 Fire damage every 1 sec and destroy any nearby * Breadth of Frost. * * *Warning* In 25 player raids, Ragnaros will use Magma Geyser on clusters of 10 players.*/ // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #endregion #region Cenarius [Heroic Only] /* Cenarius is a demigod, the son of Malorne and Elune, and the patron of all of Azeroth's druids. * * Cenarius will support the raid by freezing Living Meteors and reducing the damage caused by * Superheated.*/ // #region Breadth of Frost [Heroic Only] /* Cenarius forms a Breadth of Frost at a nearby location. Any Living Meteors that enter the * Breadth of Frost are Frozen and take 15000% additional damage. Additionally, players who * stand within the Breadth of Frost are immune to Superheated damage and have the * Superheaded debuff removed from them.*/ // Living Meteor - // Shield from Superheated - #endregion #endregion #region Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem [Heroic Only] /* Humuul Runetotem is a tauren druid and leads the druids of Thunder Bluff. In Mount Hyjal, he * assists Ysera in protecting Nordrassil from Ragnaros. * * The arch druid will support the raid by entrapping Ragnaros.*/ // #region Entrapping Roots [Heroic Only] /* Arch Druid Humuul Runetotem forms Entrapping Roots at a nearby location. If * Ragnaros enters the area of the Entrapping Roots, he will become stunned for 10 sec and * take 50% additional damage while stunned.*/ // Cast - // Stun - #endregion #endregion #region Malfurion Stormrage [Heroic Only] /* Malfurion Stormrage is an ancient and powerful night elf druid. He leads the army of Cenarius in * the Defense of Mount Hyjal against the forces of Ragnaros. * * Malfurion will support the raid by protecting players from Dreadflame.*/ // #region Cloudburst [Heroic Only] /* Malfurion forms a Cloudburst. The players who interact with the Cloudburst will be * surrounded with a Deluge. Deluge makes the player immune to Dreadflame damage, and * also allows the player to extinguish any nearby Dreadflame. * * *Warning* In 25 player raids, up to three players can use a single Cloudburst.*/ // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - #region Deluge [Heroic Only] /* Makes the player immune to Dreadflame damage, and also allows the player to * extinguish any nearby Dreadflame.*/ // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Spell that extinguishes the Dreadflame - #endregion #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Apply Phases // Pull then at 30 Sec, Empower Blade w/ 50/50 chance for which blade type. // 15 secs of empowered blade // Return to normal mode. float phasestart = 0; ApplyAPhasesValues(ByFirebePurged, i, 1, phasestart, phase1to3Length, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += phase1to3Length; ApplyAPhasesValues(Intermission1, i, 2, phasestart, IntermissionLength, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += IntermissionLength; ApplyAPhasesValues(SulfuaswillbeYourEnd, i, 3, phasestart, phase1to3Length, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += phase1to3Length; ApplyAPhasesValues(Intermission2, i, 4, phasestart, IntermissionLength, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += IntermissionLength; ApplyAPhasesValues(BegoneFrommyRealm, i, 5, phasestart, phase1to3Length, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += phase1to3Length; if (i > 1) { ApplyAPhasesValues(Intermission3, i, 6, phasestart, Intermission3Length, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += Intermission3Length; ApplyAPhasesValues(TheTruePoweroftheFireLord, i, 7, phasestart, phase4Length, BerserkTimer[i]); } AddAPhase(ByFirebePurged, i); AddAPhase(Intermission1, i); AddAPhase(SulfuaswillbeYourEnd, i); AddAPhase(Intermission2, i); AddAPhase(BegoneFrommyRealm, i); if (i > 1) { AddAPhase(Intermission3, i); AddAPhase(TheTruePoweroftheFireLord, i); } #endregion } #endregion #endregion #region Defensive Resist_Physical = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Frost = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Fire = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Nature = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Arcane = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Shadow = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Holy = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion #region Impedances for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //Moves; //Stuns; //Fears; //Roots; //Disarms; } TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion /* TODO: */ }
// The tank and healing check of the raid instance // ALMOST a Patchwork fight public Baleroc() { // If not listed here use values from defaults #region Info Name = "Baleroc, the Gatekeeper"; Instance = "Firelands"; Content = new BossHandler.TierLevels[] { BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_LFR }; #endregion #region Basics Health = new float[] { 31565310f, 99978288f, 59428676f, 166239664f, 0 }; MobType = (int)MOB_TYPES.ELEMENTAL; BerserkTimer = new int[] { 6 * 60, 6 * 60, 6 * 60, 6 * 60, 0 }; SpeedKillTimer = new int[] { 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 0 }; InBackPerc_Melee = new double[] { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0 }; InBackPerc_Ranged = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0 }; Max_Players = new int[] { 10, 25, 10, 25, 0 }; Min_Tanks = new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 }; Min_Healers = new int[] { 3, 5, 3, 5, 0 }; #endregion #region Offensive #region Attacks for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Phase Normal = new Phase() { Name = "Normal Phase" }; Phase DecimationBlade = new Phase() { Name = "Decimation Blade" }; Phase InfernoBlade = new Phase() { Name = "Inferno Blade" }; Phase BothPhases = new Phase() { Name = "Both Phases" }; Attack Melee = GenAStandardMelee(this[i].Content); Melee.IsDualWielding = true; Melee.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; Normal.Attacks.Add(Melee); #region Blaze of Glory /* Baleroc's assault periodically awakens a burning spark within his primary target, increasing the * target's physical damage taken by 20%, but also raising their maximum health by 20%. * * Every time Baleroc applies Blaze of Glory, he gains an application of Incendiary Soul, increasing Fire * damage done by 20%.*/ // // He averages out to applying this once every 12 seconds Stats BlazeofGloryStats = new Stats(); SpecialEffect BlazeofGlorySpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { BonusHealthMultiplier = 0.2f, DamageTakenReductionMultiplier = -0.20f }, BerserkTimer[i], 12f, 1f, 99); BlazeofGloryStats.AddSpecialEffect(BlazeofGlorySpecialEffect); BuffState BlazeofGlory = new BuffState { Name = "Blaze of Glory", Chance = 1, Frequency = BerserkTimer[i], Stats = BlazeofGloryStats, Breakable = false, Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * 1000f, }; BlazeofGlory.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); BothPhases.BuffStates.Add(BlazeofGlory); /* Incendiary Soul * Every time Baleroc applies Blaze of Glory, he gains an application of Incendiary Soul, increasing Fire * damage done by 20%.*/ // Stats IncendiarySoulStat = new Stats(); SpecialEffect IncendiarySoulSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { FireDamageTakenMultiplier = 0.20f }, BerserkTimer[i], 12f, 1f, 99); IncendiarySoulStat.AddSpecialEffect(IncendiarySoulSpecialEffect); BuffState IncendiarySoul = new BuffState { Name = "Incendiary Soul", Chance = 1, Frequency = BerserkTimer[i], Stats = IncendiarySoulStat, Breakable = false, Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * 1000f, }; IncendiarySoul.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); BothPhases.BuffStates.Add(IncendiarySoul); #endregion #region Shards of Torment /* Baleroc summons *warning* two chrystals *end warning* amonst his foes, which continually channel * a shadowy beam on the player that is nearest to them.*/ // Summon - // NPC - float ShardofTormentDebuff = new float[] { 40, 60, 40, 60 }[i]; #region Torment // Deals 3500 Shadow damage per application to the nearest player, stacking once per second. // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // At most people should be taking 12 stacks of Torment float TormentDamageMultiplier = (1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11) / 12f; float Affected = ((i == 0) || (i == 2 ) ? 1f : 2f ); Attack Torment = new Attack { Name = "Torment", AttackSpeed = 34f, DamagePerTick = new float[] { 3000, 3000, 4250, 4250, 0 }[i] * TormentDamageMultiplier, IsDoT = true, Duration = 12f, TickInterval = 1f, MaxNumTargets = Affected * 2f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Shadow, SpellID = new float[] { 99256, 100230, 100231, 100232, 0 }[i], }; Torment.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); BothPhases.Attacks.Add(Torment); #endregion #region Tormented /* When Torment fades from a player, they are afflicted by the Tormented effect, which increases * Shadow damage taken by 250% and reduces healing done by 75%, for 40 sec. * *Warning* Direct melee contact with any other player will apply a fresh copy of the Tormented effect * to that player. [Heroic ONLY]*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // This should NEVER get placed on a Healer float TormentedDamageIncrease = new float[] { 2.5f, 2.5f, 5f, 5f, 0f }[i]; BuffState Tormented = new BuffState { Name = "Tormented", Chance = Affected / (Max_Players[i] - Min_Healers[i] - Min_Tanks[i]), Breakable = false, Duration = ShardofTormentDebuff * 1000f, Frequency = 34f, Stats = new Stats() { SpellDamageTakenReductionMultiplier = -TormentedDamageIncrease, BonusHealingDoneMultiplier = -0.50f }, }; Tormented.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); BothPhases.BuffStates.Add(Tormented); #endregion #region Wave of Torment /* If there are no players within 15 yards of a Shard of Torment, the Shard pulses this effect, dealing * 14250 to 15750 Shadow damage each second to all players.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // This should NEVER happen #endregion #region Vital Spark /* If a player casts a direct heal on someone who is being damaged by Torment, the healer gains an * application of Vital Spark for each (three/five [Normal/Heroic]) stacks of Torment on the target. * Casting a single-target direct heal on a target affected by Blaze of Glory will trigger Vital Flame, * increasing healing done on such targets by 5% per stack of vital Spark, lasting for 15 sec.*/ // float VitalSparkBaseCD = new float[] { 3, 3, 5, 5, 0 }[i]; float VitalSparkCD = BerserkTimer[i] / ((BerserkTimer[i] * ((Torment.Duration * 2f) / Torment.AttackSpeed)) / VitalSparkBaseCD); Stats VitalSparkStats = new Stats(); // Assume half the healers get the buff at any given time SpecialEffect VitalSparkSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.HealingSpellHit, new Stats() { BonusHealingDoneMultiplier = 0.05f }, 60f, VitalSparkCD, 0.5f, 999); VitalSparkStats.AddSpecialEffect(VitalSparkSpecialEffect); BuffState VitalSpark = new BuffState { Name = "Vital Spark", Breakable = false, Chance = 1f, Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * 1000f, Frequency = BerserkTimer[i] - 1f, Stats = VitalSparkStats, }; VitalSpark.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); BothPhases.BuffStates.Add(VitalSpark); #endregion #region Vital Flame /* Increasing healing done to targets affected by Blaze of Glory by 5% per stack of Vital Spark * consumed to create this effect, lasting for 15 sec. When Vital Flame expires, it restores the * Vital Spark stacks that were consumed to create the effect.*/ // Stats VitalFlameStats = new Stats(); SpecialEffect VitalFlameSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { HealingReceivedMultiplier = 0.05f }, 60f, VitalSparkCD, 1f, 999); VitalFlameStats.AddSpecialEffect(VitalFlameSpecialEffect); BuffState VitalFlame = new BuffState { Name = "Vital Flame", Breakable = false, Chance = 1f, Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * 1000f, Frequency = BerserkTimer[i] - 1f, Stats = VitalFlameStats, }; VitalFlame.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); BothPhases.BuffStates.Add(VitalFlame); #endregion #endregion #region Blades of Baleroc /*Baleroc will periodically empower one of his blades with Shadow or Fire energy, and wield it * alone for 15 sec.*/ /* Decimation Blade * Baleroc's melee strikes deal Shadow damage equal to 90% of the target's maximum health, * instead of their normal physical damage. This damage cannot be resisted or mitigated by * normal means.*/ // // Attack DecimatingStrike = new Attack { // Decimation Blades' Attack speed was reduced for 5 second per swing to 6.25 on Sep 19, 2011 Name = "Decimating Strike", AttackSpeed = 6.25f, DamagePerHit = .9f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Shadow, DamageIsPerc = true, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, SpellID = 99353, Blockable = false, Dodgable = true, Parryable = true, Missable = true, IsDualWielding = false, }; DecimatingStrike.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; DecimationBlade.Attacks.Add(DecimatingStrike); /* Inferno Blade * Baleroc's melee strikes deal 102999 to 103000 Fire damage to the target, instead of their * normal physical damage, while this effect is active.*/ // Initial Cast - // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack InfernoStrike = new Attack { Name = "Inferno Strike", AttackSpeed = 4f, DamagePerHit = new float[] { (73125f + 76875f), (124312f + 130687f), (116025f + 121975f), (197242f + 207357f), 0f }[i] / 2f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, DamageIsPerc = false, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, SpellID = new float[] { 99351, 10100, 101001, 101002, 0 }[i], Blockable = true, Dodgable = true, Parryable = true, Missable = true, IsDualWielding = false, }; InfernoStrike.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; InfernoBlade.Attacks.Add(InfernoStrike); #endregion #region Countdown [Heroic Only] /* Baleroc links two players to each other for 8 sec. If the chosen players move within 3 yards of each * other, the effect will dissipate harmlessly, but if the effect runs its full course, both players will * explode, dealing 125000 Fire damage to all allies within 45 yards.*/ // // possible explosion id: // This should NEVER go off, so one has to move at most 7 of the 8 seconds if (i > 1) { Impedance Countdown_Move = new Impedance { Name = "Countdown Move", Duration = 7f * 1000f, Chance = 2f / (Max_Players[i] - Min_Tanks[i]), Breakable = false, Frequency = 45f, }; Countdown_Move.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); Countdown_Move.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); BothPhases.Moves.Add(Countdown_Move); } #endregion #region Apply Phases // Pull then at 30 Sec, Empower Blade w/ 50/50 chance for which blade type. // 15 secs of empowered blade // Return to normal mode. int phasestart = 0; int EBdur = 15; int NormalDur = 30; InnerPhase InnerPhaseNormal, InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade; InnerPhaseNormal = new InnerPhase(Normal, i, 1, phasestart, NormalDur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += NormalDur; // 30 seconds; OT builds stacks BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseNormal); InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade = new InnerPhase(InfernoBlade, i, 1, phasestart, EBdur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += EBdur; // 45 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade); InnerPhaseNormal = new InnerPhase(Normal, i, 1, phasestart, NormalDur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += NormalDur; // 1 minute 15 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseNormal); InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade = new InnerPhase(DecimationBlade, i, 1, phasestart, EBdur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += EBdur; // 1 minute 30 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade); InnerPhaseNormal = new InnerPhase(Normal, i, 1, phasestart, NormalDur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += NormalDur; // 2 minutes 0 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseNormal); InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade = new InnerPhase(InfernoBlade, i, 1, phasestart, EBdur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += EBdur; // 2 minutes 15 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade); InnerPhaseNormal = new InnerPhase(Normal, i, 1, phasestart, NormalDur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += NormalDur; // 2 minute 45 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseNormal); InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade = new InnerPhase(DecimationBlade, i, 1, phasestart, EBdur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += EBdur; // 3 minute 0 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade); InnerPhaseNormal = new InnerPhase(Normal, i, 1, phasestart, NormalDur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += NormalDur; // 3 minutes 30 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseNormal); InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade = new InnerPhase(InfernoBlade, i, 1, phasestart, EBdur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += EBdur; // 3 minutes 45 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade); InnerPhaseNormal = new InnerPhase(Normal, i, 1, phasestart, NormalDur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += NormalDur; // 4 minute 15 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseNormal); InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade = new InnerPhase(DecimationBlade, i, 1, phasestart, EBdur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += EBdur; // 4 minute 30 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade); InnerPhaseNormal = new InnerPhase(Normal, i, 1, phasestart, NormalDur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += NormalDur; // 5 minutes 0 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseNormal); InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade = new InnerPhase(InfernoBlade, i, 1, phasestart, EBdur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += EBdur; // 5 minutes 15 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade); InnerPhaseNormal = new InnerPhase(Normal, i, 1, phasestart, NormalDur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += NormalDur; // 5 minute 45 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseNormal); InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade = new InnerPhase(DecimationBlade, i, 1, phasestart, EBdur, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += EBdur; // 6 minute 0 seconds BothPhases.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseEmpoweredBlade); ApplyAPhasesValues(BothPhases, i, 1, 0, BerserkTimer[i], BerserkTimer[i]); AddAPhase(BothPhases, i); #endregion } #endregion #endregion #region Defensive Resist_Physical = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Frost = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Fire = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Nature = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Arcane = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Shadow = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Holy = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion #region Impedances for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //Moves; //Stuns; //Fears; //Roots; //Disarms; } TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion /* TODO: * Heroic */ }
/// <summary> /// 尝试获取BuffState对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="iBaseState">接口对象</param> /// <param name="fieldName">字段名</param> /// <param name="buffState">要返回的对象</param> /// <returns>是否取到了BuffState对象</returns> private bool TryGetBuff(IBaseState iBaseState, string fieldName, out BuffState buffState) { if (!GetBuffStateByNameDic.ContainsKey(fieldName)) { if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Chaofeng)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Chaofeng); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Hunluan)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Hunluan); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Jiangzhi)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Jiangzhi); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Kongju)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Kongju); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Meihuo)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Meihuo); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Xuanyun)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Xuanyun); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Zhimang)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Zhimang); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Jingu)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Jingu); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Jinmo)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Jinmo); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <ISpecialState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Mabi)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((ISpecialState)temp).Mabi); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Huoli)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).Huoli); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Jiasu)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).Jiasu); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Jinghua)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).Jinghua); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Minjie)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).Minjie); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Qiangli)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).Qiangli); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Qusan)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).Qusan); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Ruizhi)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).Ruizhi); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.XixueWuli)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).XixueWuli); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IBuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.XixueMofa)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IBuffState)temp).XixueMofa); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Bingdong)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Bingdong); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Chidun)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Chidun); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Dianran)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Dianran); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Diaoling)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Diaoling); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Jiansu)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Jiansu); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Mihuo)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Mihuo); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Wuli)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Wuli); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Xuruo)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Xuruo); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Zhongdu)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Zhongdu); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.Zuzhou)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).Zuzhou); } else if (fieldName == GameState.Instance.GetFieldName <IDebuffState, BuffState>(temp => temp.LiuXue)) { GetBuffStateByNameDic.Add(fieldName, temp => ((IDebuffState)temp).LiuXue); } } if (GetBuffStateByNameDic.ContainsKey(fieldName)) { buffState = GetBuffStateByNameDic[fieldName](iBaseState); return(true); } buffState = default(BuffState); return(false); }
public Alizabal() { // If not listed here use values from defaults #region Info Name = "Alizabal, Mistress of Hate"; Instance = "Baradin Hold"; Content = new BossHandler.TierLevels[] { BossHandler.TierLevels.T13_10, BossHandler.TierLevels.T13_25, BossHandler.TierLevels.T13_10H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T13_25H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T13_LFR }; #endregion #region Basics Health = new float[] { 25166000f, 80900000f, 0, 0, 0 }; MobType = (int)MOB_TYPES.DEMON; // 5 minute Berserk timer BerserkTimer = new int[] { 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 0, 0, 0 }; SpeedKillTimer = new int[] { 3 * 60, 3 * 60, 0, 0, 0 }; InBackPerc_Melee = new double[] { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0, 0, 0 }; InBackPerc_Ranged = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Max_Players = new int[] { 10, 25, 0, 0, 0 }; Min_Tanks = new int[] { 2, 2, 0, 0, 0 }; Min_Healers = new int[] { 3, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 5f * 15f, 5f * 15f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion #region The Phases for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Phase Phase1 = new Phase() { Name = "Phase 1: Soaking" }; Phase Phase2 = new Phase() { Name = "Phase 2: Blade Dance" }; #region MT and OT Melee Swapping // MT and OT tank swap // Each should take half of the total damage // does not melee during Firestorm Attack MTMelee = new Attack { Name = "MT Melee", AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, IsTheDefaultMelee = true, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]], MaxNumTargets = 1f, AttackSpeed = 5f, IsDualWielding = true, }; MTMelee.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; Phase1.Attacks.Add(MTMelee); Attack OTMelee = MTMelee.Clone(); OTMelee.Name = "OT Melee"; OTMelee.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = false; OTMelee.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; Phase1.Attacks.Add(OTMelee); #endregion #region Skewer // Alizabal skewers her current target, stunning them. In addition, Skewer inflicts 20,000 damage // every second and increases damage taken by 100%. // // Tanks switch every 10 seconds so minimize any extra damage the tank gets while stunned. // TODO: double check attack speed of the attack #region Main Attack Attack SkewerMainTank = new Attack { Name = "Skewer", SpellID = 104936, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamagePerTick = (18000f + 22000f) / 2f, IsDoT = true, Duration = 8f, TickInterval = 1f, MaxNumTargets = 1f, // Based on early videos, it appears that the boss applies this every 20 second per tank AttackSpeed = 40f, }; SkewerMainTank.SetUnavoidable(); SkewerMainTank.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); Phase1.Attacks.Add(SkewerMainTank); #endregion #region Stun Impedance SkewerMTImpedance = new Impedance { Name = "Skewer Stun", Chance = 1f, Duration = SkewerMainTank.Duration, Frequency = SkewerMainTank.AttackSpeed, }; SkewerMTImpedance.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); Phase1.Stuns.Add(SkewerMTImpedance); #endregion #region Increased Damage BuffState SkewerMTBuffState = new BuffState { Name = "Skewer Increased Damage Taken", Chance = 1f, Duration = SkewerMainTank.Duration * 1000f, Frequency = SkewerMainTank.AttackSpeed, Breakable = false, Stats = new Stats() { DamageTakenReductionMultiplier = -1f }, }; SkewerMTBuffState.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); Phase1.BuffStates.Add(SkewerMTBuffState); #endregion #endregion #region Seething Hate // Alizabal incites Seething Hate on a random target causing 100,000 damage to all players within // 6 yards, splitting the damage between everyone hit. // Attack is a dot that hits for every 3 seconds lasting 9 seconds. // Raid stacks up to spread the damage // 10-man - // 25-man - Attack SeethingHate = new Attack { Name = "Seething Hate", SpellID = new float[] { 105069, 108094, 0, 0, 0 }[i], IsDoT = true, // From videos watched, it only appeares to affect range dps and healers. AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Shadow, Duration = 9f, TickInterval = 3f, DamagePerTick = (new float[] { (195000f + 205000f), (585000f + 615000f), 0, 0, 0 }[i] / 2f) / Max_Players[i], // Need verification on how many are hit. MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], // Need verification on timing, but there is a dummy effect with an 8 second cooldown // Based on early videos, it appears that it has a 20-21 second cooldown AttackSpeed = 20f, }; SeethingHate.SetUnavoidable(); SeethingHate.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Phase1.Attacks.Add(SeethingHate); #endregion #region Blade Dance // Alizabal enters a Blade Dance inflicting 10,000 physical damage every second to all players // withing 15 yards. In addition, during Blade Dance all incoming attacks are reflected. // // Performed once a minute for 15 second Attack BladeDance = new Attack { Name = "Blade Dance", SpellID = 104994f, DamagePerTick = new float[] { 10000, 10000, 0, 0 }[i], IsDoT = true, TickInterval = 1f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, AttackSpeed = 5f, // Besides the initial whirlwind that hits everyone, you want to have at most 20% of the raid // getting hit with this MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i] * 0.20f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, Duration = 5f * 1000f, }; BladeDance.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Phase2.Attacks.Add(BladeDance); BuffState BladeDance_Hit_Reduction = new BuffState { Name = "Blade Dance Hit Reduction", Duration = 15f * 1000, Frequency = 15f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = new Stats() { SpellHit = -1f, PhysicalHit = -1f }, }; BladeDance_Hit_Reduction.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Phase2.BuffStates.Add(BladeDance_Hit_Reduction); // Everyone needs to move out Impedance BladeDanceImpedance = new Impedance { Name = "Blade Dance Move", Chance = BladeDance.MaxNumTargets / Max_Players[i], Duration = 2f * 3f * 1000f, Frequency = BladeDance.Duration / 1000f, }; BladeDanceImpedance.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Phase2.Moves.Add(BladeDanceImpedance); #endregion #region Apply Phases float phaseStartTime = 0; float phase1length = 45f; float phase2length = 15f; ClearPhase1Values( Phase1); ClearPhase1Values( Phase2); // First Blade dance starts after 35 second ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase1, i, 1, phaseStartTime, 35f, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += 35f; ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase2, i, 2, phaseStartTime, phase2length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase2length; // 50 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase1, i, 3, phaseStartTime, phase1length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase1length; // 95 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase2, i, 4, phaseStartTime, phase2length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase2length; // 110 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase1, i, 5, phaseStartTime, phase1length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase1length; // 155 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase2, i, 6, phaseStartTime, phase2length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase2length; // 170 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase1, i, 7, phaseStartTime, phase1length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase1length; // 215 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase2, i, 8, phaseStartTime, phase2length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase2length; // 230 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase1, i, 9, phaseStartTime, phase1length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase1length; // 275 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase2, i, 10, phaseStartTime, phase2length, this[i].BerserkTimer); phaseStartTime += phase1length; // 275 seconds ApplyAPhasesValues( Phase1, i, 11, phaseStartTime, 10f, this[i].BerserkTimer); // 300 seconds AddAPhase(Phase1, i); AddAPhase(Phase2, i); #endregion } #endregion #region Defensive Resist_Physical = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Frost = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Fire = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Nature = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Arcane = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Shadow = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Holy = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion }
public Bethtilac() { // If not listed here use values from defaults #region Info Name = "Beth'tilac"; Instance = "Firelands"; Content = new BossHandler.TierLevels[] { BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_LFR }; Comment = "Main Tank is tanking Beth'tilac, Off Tank is tanking adds during Cinderweb phase."; #endregion #region Basics Health = new float[] { 17693752f, 53167148f, 27829008f, 83658808f, 0 }; MobType = (int)MOB_TYPES.BEAST; BerserkTimer = new int[] { 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 0 }; SpeedKillTimer = new int[] { 7 * 60, 7 * 60, 7 * 60, 7 * 60, 0 }; InBackPerc_Melee = new double[] { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0 }; InBackPerc_Ranged = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0 }; Max_Players = new int[] { 10, 25, 10, 25, 0 }; Min_Tanks = new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 }; Min_Healers = new int[] { 3, 5, 3, 5, 0 }; TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 8f * 3f, 8f * 3f, 8f * 3f, 8f * 3f, 0 }; #endregion #region Offensive for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Phase TheCinderweb = new Phase() { Name = "The Cinderweb" }; Phase TheFrenzy = new Phase() { Name = "The Frenzy!" }; Phase Devastation = new Phase() { Name = "Devastation" }; Attack Melee = new Attack { Name = "Default Melee", AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]], AttackSpeed = 2.5f, }; Melee.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; Devastation.Attacks.Add(Melee); Attack MeleeP2 = Melee.Clone(); MeleeP2.AttackSpeed = 5f; Melee.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; TheFrenzy.Attacks.Add(MeleeP2); #region The Cinderweb #region Boss Effects // Beth'tilac retreats to her web at the beginning of the battle. Beneath her web // scurry her brood. /* Fire Energy * Beth'tilac will slowly lose Fire Energy over time. In addition, Cinderweb Drones will siphon * some of her energy when they are depleted. Whenever Beth'tilac runs out of Fire Energy, she will * set herself ablaze, causing Smoldering Devastation. */ #region Phase 1 Ember Flare /* Ember Flare * Intense heat burns enemies near Beth'tilac dealing 18500 to 21500 Fire damage to those on the * same side of the web as she is. */ // 10 man - (Upstairs); alt - (on ground) // 25 man -; alt - // 10 man heroic -; alt - // 25 man heroic -; alt - Attack EmberFlare = new Attack { Name = "Ember Flare", DamagePerHit = new float[]{ (14152f + 16447f), (15725f + 18275f), (20229f + 23510f), (25858f + 30051f), 0f }[i] / 2f, // Heroic values are a guess. AttackSpeed = 6f, MaxNumTargets = new float[]{ 3f, 5f, 3f, 5f, 0f }[i], }; EmberFlare.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; EmberFlare.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTankHealer] = true; EmberFlare.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MeleeDPS] = true; Devastation.Attacks.Add(EmberFlare); #endregion #region Meteor Burn /* Meteor Burn * Meteors crash down onto the web, dealing 37000 to 43000 Fire damage to those who stand beneath * them. Additionally, they burn a hole in the web through which players may fall. */ // // Players should not be hit by these Impedance Move_MeteorBurn = new Impedance { Chance = new float[]{ 3f, 5f, 3f, 5f, 0f }[i] / Max_Players[i], Name = "Meteor Burn", Duration = 2f * 1000f, Frequency = 15, // Guess Breakable = false, }; Move_MeteorBurn.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; Move_MeteorBurn.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTankHealer] = true; Move_MeteorBurn.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MeleeDPS] = true; Devastation.Moves.Add(Move_MeteorBurn); #endregion #region Consume /* Consume * Beth'tilac consumes Cinderweb Spiderlings healing for 10% of her life. */ // 2 spell ids with similar wording, providing both //; alt - // This should not happen #endregion #region Smoldering Devastation /* Smoldering Devastation * When Beth'tilac is depleted of Fire Energy she will set herself ablaze, obliterating those who * are not shielded by her web. */ // Impedance Move_SmolderingDevastion = new Impedance { Chance = Move_MeteorBurn.Chance, Name = "Smoldering Devastation", Duration = 8f * 1000f, // 5 seconds to jump down, and 3 second to get back up (about 7 seconds to taunt) Frequency = 90, Breakable = false, }; Move_SmolderingDevastion.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; Move_SmolderingDevastion.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTankHealer] = true; Move_SmolderingDevastion.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MeleeDPS] = true; Devastation.Moves.Add(Move_SmolderingDevastion); #endregion #endregion #region Cinderweb Spinner /* These spiders dangle from the web above. Using Taunt or a similar ability on them will cause * them to drop to the ground. Once killed, their filaments remain allowing players to climb up * to the Cinderweb. */ //; Beast TargetGroup CinderwebSpinner = new TargetGroup { Name = "Cinderweb Spinner", NearBoss = false, NumTargs = new float[] { 2, 5, 2, 5, 0}[i], // 3 groups drop after each devastation Frequency = (Move_SmolderingDevastion.Frequency / 3f), Duration = 10f * 1000f, // Assuming they last for only a few seconds since it's a taunt, and a couple swings. TargetID = 52524, LevelOfTargets = 85, }; CinderwebSpinner.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Devastation.Targets.Add(CinderwebSpinner); #region Cinderweb Spinner Burning Acid /* Burning Acid * The Cinderweb Spinner spits burning venom at a random enemy, dealing 19016 to 21316 Fire damage. */ // 12 different version with layering damage ranges posting the most probable with alts // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack BurningAcid = new Attack { Name = "Cinderweb Spinner: Burning Acid", DamagePerHit = new float[]{ (14420f + 16179f), (16022f + 17977f), (20612f + 23127f), (26347f + 29562f), 0f }[i], DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, // assume only one casts is cast per add before being taunted down AttackSpeed = (Move_SmolderingDevastion.Frequency / 3f) / CinderwebSpinner.NumTargs, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = CinderwebSpinner.NumTargs, Dodgable = false, Parryable = false, Blockable = false, Missable = false, }; BurningAcid.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Devastation.Attacks.Add(BurningAcid); #endregion #region Fiery Web Spin /* Fiery Web Spin [Heroic Only] * The Cinderweb Spinner channels a web onto a random player, stunning them.*/ // // This should never happen if (i > 2) { /*Impedance WebSpin = new Impedance { Name = "Web Spin", Breakable = false, Duration = 25, Frequency = 15, }; WebSpin.SetAffectsRoles_All(); WebSpin.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = false; WebSpin.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = false; TheCinderweb.Stuns.Add(WebSpin); */ } #endregion #endregion #region Cinderweb Drone /* These large spiders climb out of caves below the Cinderweb. When they are depleted of Fire * Energy, they will climb up to Beth'tilac and siphon Fire Energy from her. */ // TargetGroup CinderwebDrone = new TargetGroup { Name = "Cinderweb Drone", NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 1, Duration = 85f * 1000f, // Max duration TargetID = 52581, Frequency = 60, LevelOfTargets = 85, }; CinderwebDrone.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; CinderwebDrone.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MeleeDPS] = true; CinderwebDrone.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; TheCinderweb.Targets.Add(CinderwebDrone); #region Cinderweb Melee Attack DroneMelee = new Attack { Name = "Melee from Drones", DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]] / 2f, AttackSpeed = 2.125f, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = 1, }; DroneMelee.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; TheCinderweb.Attacks.Add(DroneMelee); #endregion #region Cinderweb Drone Consume /* Consume * Cinderweb Drones consume Spinderweb Spiderlings for 20% of their maximum life and provide * them additional movement and attack speed.*/ // // this should never happen #endregion #region Boiling Splatter /* Boiling Splatter * The Cinderweb Drone spits burning venom at enemies in a 60 degree cone, dealing 58968 to * 68531 Fire damage.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // This should only be hit by the off-tank tanking the drones Attack BoilingSplatter = new Attack { Name = "Boiling Splatter", DamagePerHit = new float[] { (50122f + 58251f), (58968f + 68531f), (64472f + 74927f), (76658f + 89089f), 0f }[i] / 2f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackSpeed = 15f, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = 1, Dodgable = false, Parryable = false, Blockable = false, Missable = false, SpellID = new float[] { 99463f, 100121f, 100832f, 100833f, 0f }[i], }; BoilingSplatter.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; TheCinderweb.Attacks.Add(BoilingSplatter); #endregion #region Cinderweb Drone Burning Acid /* Burning Acid * The Cinderweb Drone spits burning venom at a random enemy, dealing 19016 to 21316 Fire damage. */ // 12 different version with layering damage ranges posting the most probable with alts // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack DroneBurningAcid = new Attack { Name = "Cinderweb Drone: Burning Acid", DamagePerHit = new float[] { (14419f + 16179f), (16022f + 17976f), (20612f + 23126f), (26347f + 29561f), 0f }[i], DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackSpeed = 8f, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = 1, Dodgable = false, Parryable = false, Blockable = false, Missable = false, SpellID = new float[] { 99934f, 100829f, 100830f, 100831f, 0f }[i], }; DroneBurningAcid.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); DroneBurningAcid.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); DroneBurningAcid.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; TheCinderweb.Attacks.Add(DroneBurningAcid); #endregion #region Fixate /* Fixate [Heroic Only] * The Cinderweb Drone fixates on a random player, ignoring all others.*/ // Two different ids used // if (i > 1) { Attack DroneFixate = DroneMelee.Clone(); DroneFixate.DamagePerHit *= .25f; DroneFixate.Duration = 10f; DroneFixate.SpellID = 99526f; DroneFixate.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); DroneFixate.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); TheCinderweb.Attacks.Add(DroneFixate); } #endregion #endregion #region Cinderweb Spiderling /* These tiny spiders climb out of caves below the Cinderweb. They instinctively move towards * Cinderweb Drones for protection. Cinderweb Spiderlings can be consumed by larger spiders in order * to restore some of their health.*/ // TargetGroup CinderwebSpiderling = new TargetGroup { Name = "Cinderweb Spiderling", NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 10f, Duration = 15f * 1000f, TargetID = 52447f, Frequency = 20f, LevelOfTargets = 85, }; CinderwebSpiderling.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; TheCinderweb.Targets.Add(CinderwebSpiderling); #region Seeping Venom /* Seeping venom * The Cinderweb Spiderling leaps onto a random enemy within 5 yards, injecting them with venom, * which sears them for 6937 to 8062 Fire damage every 2 seconds for 10 sec.*/ // Attack SeepingVenom = new Attack { Name = "Seeping Venom", DamagePerTick = (6937f + 8062f)/ 2f, Duration = 10f, IsDoT = true, TickInterval = 2f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Nature, AttackSpeed = 20f, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = 1, Dodgable = false, Parryable = false, Blockable = false, Missable = false, SpellID = 97079, }; SeepingVenom.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); SeepingVenom.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); TheCinderweb.Attacks.Add(SeepingVenom); #endregion #endregion #region Cinderweb Broodling [Heroic Only] // These unstable spiders fixate on a random player and explode when they reach their target. if (i > 1) { TargetGroup EngorgedBroodling = new TargetGroup { // These die when touched so they should not be up for more than 3 seconds each Name = "Engorged Broodling", NearBoss = false, NumTargs = new float[] { 0, 0, 1, 3, 0 }[i], Duration = 2f * 1000f, LevelOfTargets = 85, TargetID = new float[] { 0, 0, 53743, 53753, 0 }[i], Frequency = 2f, }; EngorgedBroodling.SetAffectsRoles_All(); TheCinderweb.Targets.Add(EngorgedBroodling); } #region Volatile Burst /* Volatile Burst [Heroic Only] * Upon contact with any enemy, Cinderweb Broodling explode dealing 55500 to 64500 Fire damage * to all enemies within 6 yards.*/ // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - Attack VolatileBurst = new Attack { Name = "Volatile Burst", DamagePerHit = new float[] { 0f, 0f, (38918f + 45229f), (43243f + 50256f), 0f }[i] / 2f, // Heroic values are a guess. AttackSpeed = 2f, MaxNumTargets = new float[] { 0f, 0f, 1f, 3f, 0f }[i], SpellID = new float[] { 0f, 0f, 99990f, 100838f, 0f }[i], AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Nature, IsFromAnAdd = true, }; VolatileBurst.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; VolatileBurst.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffAndTertTankHealer] = true; VolatileBurst.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RaidHealer] = true; TheCinderweb.Attacks.Add(VolatileBurst); #endregion #endregion #endregion #region The Frenzy! /* After she has performed Smouldering Devastation three times, Beth'tilac becomes frenzied. She * emerges from the safety of her Cinderweb canopy and no longer calls for aid from her brood.*/ #region Frenzy /* Frenzy * a stacking buff which increases Beth'tilac's damage done by 5% per stack. A stack is added * every 5 seconds. It acts as a soft enrage timer and this is the reason you want to have * the boss as low on health as possible when entering this phase. */ // SpecialEffect FrenzySpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { DamageTakenReductionMultiplier = -0.05f, }, 4.983f * 60f, 5f, 1f, 50); Stats FrenzyStats = new Stats(); FrenzyStats.AddSpecialEffect(FrenzySpecialEffect); BuffState Frenzy = new BuffState { Name = "Frenzy", Breakable = false, Frequency = BerserkTimer[i] - 1f, Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * 1000f, Stats = FrenzyStats, Chance = 1f, }; Frenzy.SetAffectsRoles_All(); TheFrenzy.BuffStates.Add(Frenzy); #endregion #region The Widow's Kiss /* The Widow's Kiss * Beth'tilac's deadly kiss boils the blood of her current target, reducing the amount that they * can be healed by 10% every 2 seconds for 20 sec. If also causes the target to deal growing Fire * damage to their surrounding allies within 10 yards.*/ // Tanks should not be standing next to each other to be taking the fire damage // (10%) SpecialEffect widowsKissSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { HealingReceivedMultiplier = -0.10f, }, 5f, 2f, 1f, 10); Stats widowsKissStats = new Stats(); widowsKissStats.AddSpecialEffect(widowsKissSpecialEffect); widowsKissSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, widowsKissStats, 25f, 60f, 1f); widowsKissStats = new Stats(); widowsKissStats.AddSpecialEffect(widowsKissSpecialEffect); BuffState WidowsKiss = new BuffState { Name = "The Widow's Kiss", Breakable = false, Frequency = 30f * 2f, Duration = 20f * 1000f, Stats = widowsKissStats, }; WidowsKiss.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); TheFrenzy.BuffStates.Add(WidowsKiss); #endregion #region Phase 2 Ember Flare /* Ember Flare * Intense heat burns enemies near Beth'tilac dealing 18500 to 21500 Fire damage to those on the * same side of the web as she is. */ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack EmberFlarep2 = EmberFlare.Clone(); EmberFlarep2.Name = "Ember Flare Phase 2"; EmberFlarep2.DamagePerHit = new float[] { (15660f + 20340f), (17400f + 22600f), (23809f + 27670f), (30421f + 35355f), 0f }[i] / 2f; EmberFlarep2.MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i]; EmberFlarep2.SetAffectsRoles_All(); TheFrenzy.Attacks.Add(EmberFlarep2); #endregion #region Consume /* Consume * Beth'tilac consumes Cinderweb Spiderlings healing for 10% of her life. */ // 2 spell ids with similar wording, providing both //; alt - // This should never happen #endregion #endregion #region Apply Phases float p1duration = Move_SmolderingDevastion.Frequency; float phaseStart = 0f; InnerPhase InnerPhaseDevasation; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { InnerPhaseDevasation = new InnerPhase(Devastation, i, 1, phaseStart, p1duration, BerserkTimer[i]); phaseStart += p1duration; TheCinderweb.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseDevasation); } ApplyAPhasesValues(TheCinderweb, i, 1, 0, p1duration * 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); AddAPhase(TheCinderweb, i); ApplyAPhasesValues(TheFrenzy, i, 2, (p1duration * 3f), (BerserkTimer[i] - (p1duration * 3f)), BerserkTimer[i]); AddAPhase(TheFrenzy, i); #endregion } #endregion #region Defensive Resist_Physical = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Frost = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Fire = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Nature = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Arcane = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Shadow = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Holy = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion }
public Shannox() { /* Shannox can be done with 1 tank on Normal with the main tank tanking Riplimb at the same time as * Shannox. However for consistency between Normal and Heroic, the Boss Handler will assume the use * of the two tank strat.*/ #region Info Name = "Shannox"; Instance = "Firelands"; Content = new BossHandler.TierLevels[] { BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_LFR }; #endregion #region Basics // Baleroc's health consists of both himself and his dogs Ripgut and Rageface // On heroic mode, you do not kill the dogs. Instead you burn Shannox instead Health = new float[] { (20442296f + (7901028f * 2f)), (61198050f + (25252248f * 2f)), 28619216f, 97100904f, 0 }; MobType = (int)MOB_TYPES.HUMANOID; BerserkTimer = new int[] { 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 0 }; SpeedKillTimer = new int[] { 7 * 60, 7 * 60, 7 * 60, 7 * 60, 0 }; InBackPerc_Melee = new double[] { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0 }; InBackPerc_Ranged = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0 }; Max_Players = new int[] { 10, 25, 10, 25, 0 }; Min_Tanks = new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 }; Min_Healers = new int[] { 3, 5, 3, 5, 0 }; #endregion #region Offensive #region Attacks for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Phase EntireFight = new Phase() { Name = "Entire Fight" }; Phase TwoDogsUp = new Phase() { Name = "Two Dogs Up" }; Phase OneDogUp = new Phase() { Name = "One Dog Up" }; Phase Before30Pct = new Phase() { Name = "Before Shannox reaches 30% Health" }; Phase After30Pct = new Phase() { Name = "After Shannox reaches 30% Health" }; #region Shannox Attack BasicMeleeMT = new Attack { Name = "Melee Shannox", AttackSpeed = 1.4f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]] * (i < 2 ? .5f : 1f), Missable = true, Dodgable = true, Parryable = true, Blockable = true, IsTheDefaultMelee=true, }; BasicMeleeMT.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; TwoDogsUp.Attacks.Add(BasicMeleeMT); // With just one dog up, his attack damage goes up by 15% Attack BasicMeleeMT1DU = BasicMeleeMT.Clone(); BasicMeleeMT1DU.DamagePerHit *= 1.15f; OneDogUp.Attacks.Add(BasicMeleeMT1DU); #region Frenzy /* When both of Shannox's hounds are defeated, he goes into a frenzy, increasing physical damage * and attack speed by 30. Shannox no longer uses Hurl Spear after this point and instead drives his * spear directly into the ground to trigger the same cascade of molten eruptions around the impact * point, which deal 61156 to 67594 Fire damage to enemies that are stand in them.*/ // // If both of his dogs die, his damage goes up by 30% // Does not happen on Heroic Attack BasicMeleeMT0DU = BasicMeleeMT.Clone(); BasicMeleeMT0DU.DamagePerHit *= 1.30f; if (i < 2) After30Pct.Attacks.Add(BasicMeleeMT0DU); else After30Pct.Attacks.Add(BasicMeleeMT); #endregion #region Arcing Slash /* Shannox causes 125% of normal melee damage in a wide arc up to 1 yards in front of him, and * inflicts Jagged Tear on those he strikes.*/ // Attack ArcingSlash = new Attack { Name = "Arcing Slash", AttackSpeed = 12.5f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamagePerHit = BasicMeleeMT.DamagePerHit * 1.25f, SpellID = 99931, }; ArcingSlash.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; TwoDogsUp.Attacks.Add(ArcingSlash); Attack ArcingSlash1DU = ArcingSlash.Clone(); ArcingSlash1DU.DamagePerHit = BasicMeleeMT1DU.DamagePerHit * 1.25f; OneDogUp.Attacks.Add(ArcingSlash1DU); Attack ArcingSlash0DU = ArcingSlash.Clone(); ArcingSlash0DU.DamagePerHit = BasicMeleeMT0DU.DamagePerHit * 1.25f; if (i < 2) After30Pct.Attacks.Add(ArcingSlash0DU); else After30Pct.Attacks.Add(ArcingSlash); #region Jagged Tear /* Shannox's Arcing Slash leaves a Jagged Tear that deals 3000 physical damage every 3 sec for 30 * sec. Stacks.*/ // Attack JaggedTear = new Attack { Name = "Jagged Tear MT", AttackSpeed = 10f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_DOT, IsDoT = true, SpellID = 99937, DamagePerTick = 3000, TickInterval = 3, Duration = 30, }; JaggedTear.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; JaggedTear.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = false; Before30Pct.Attacks.Add(JaggedTear); After30Pct.Attacks.Add(JaggedTear); #endregion #endregion #region Hurl Spear /* Shannox hurls his spear in the direction of his hound, Riplimb. The spear deals 117000 to * 123000 physical damage to anyone it strikes directly as well as 59546 to 69204 Fire damage to * all enemies within 50 yards. The spear strike also triggers a cascade of molten eruptions around the * impact point which deal 61156 to 67594 Fire damage to enemies that are caught in them. * * Riplimb will then break off from combat, fetch the spear, and return it to Shannox.*/ // // Should NEVER get hit by this, one should move away from the landing spot /*Attack HurlSpear = new Attack { Name = "Hurl Spear", AttackSpeed = 25f, // Timing is a rough estimate currently. AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamagePerHit = (99450f + 104550f) / 2f, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, SpellID = 100002, };*/ Impedance HurlSpear_Move = new Impedance { Name = "Hurl Spear Move", Breakable = false, Chance = 1f, Frequency = 20f, Duration = 2f * 1000f, }; HurlSpear_Move.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; HurlSpear_Move.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); HurlSpear_Move.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; Before30Pct.Moves.Add(HurlSpear_Move); #region Magma Flare // The Initial 40% increase to fire damage, as well as the initial damage should never be aplied, but the residual damage should // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man heroic - /*Attack MagmaRapture = new Attack { Name = "Magma Rapture", AttackSpeed = 15f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamagePerHit = new float[] { (64600f + 71400f), (64600f + 71400f), (100937f + 111562f), (100937f + 111562f), 0f }[i], DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, MaxNumTargets = 1f, SpellID = new float[] { 99842, 101205, 101206, 101207, 0 }[i], }; */ // Attack MagmaFlare = new Attack { Name = "Magma Flare", AttackSpeed = 45f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamagePerHit = (39312f + 45687f) / 2f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], SpellID = 100495, }; MagmaFlare.SetUnavoidable(); MagmaFlare.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Before30Pct.Attacks.Add(MagmaFlare); After30Pct.Attacks.Add(MagmaFlare); #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Riplimb /* Shannox has two hounds. Riplimb will attack the target with the most threat. * *Warning* In Heroic Difficulty, Riplimb cannot be permanently slain while his master lives. When * his health reaches zero, he will collapse for up to 30 seconds, and then reanimate at full health to * resume fighting.*/ // TargetGroup Riplimb = new TargetGroup { Name= "Riplimb", // On normal, Riplimb should be the second dog to die, not the first // Heroic, Riplimb stays alive the entire fight Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * (i < 2 ? 0.7f : 1f) * 1000f, Frequency = 1, LevelOfTargets = 88, NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 1, TargetID = 53694, }; Riplimb.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; Before30Pct.Targets.Add(Riplimb); if (i > 1) After30Pct.Targets.Add(Riplimb); #region Melee Attack BasicMeleeOT = new Attack { Name = "Melee Riplimb", AttackSpeed = 1.4f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]] * 0.30f, Missable = true, Dodgable = true, Parryable = true, Blockable = true, }; BasicMeleeOT.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = false; BasicMeleeOT.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; Before30Pct.Attacks.Add(BasicMeleeOT); if (i > 1) After30Pct.Attacks.Add(BasicMeleeOT); #endregion #region Limb Rip /* Riplimb bites savagely, dealing 175% of normal melee damage to an enemy and inflicting * Jagged Tear on those he strikes.*/ // Attack LimbRipOT = new Attack { Name = "Limb Rip", AttackSpeed = 10f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamagePerHit = BasicMeleeOT.DamagePerHit * 1.75f, // Heroic values are unkonwn at this point. Missable = false, Dodgable = false, Parryable = false, Blockable = false, }; LimbRipOT.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = false; LimbRipOT.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; Before30Pct.Attacks.Add(LimbRipOT); if (i > 1) After30Pct.Attacks.Add(LimbRipOT); #endregion #region Jagged Tear /* Riplimb's Limb Rip leaves a Jagged Tear that deals 3000 physical damage every 3 sec for 30 * sec. Stacks.*/ // Attack JaggedTearRL = JaggedTear.Clone(); JaggedTearRL.Name = "Jagged Tear OT"; JaggedTearRL.AttackSpeed = LimbRipOT.AttackSpeed; JaggedTearRL.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = false; JaggedTearRL.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; Before30Pct.Attacks.Add(JaggedTearRL); if (i > 1) After30Pct.Attacks.Add(JaggedTearRL); #endregion #region Frenzied Devotion /* Riplimb goes into an unstoppable rage if he is alive to sitness Shannox's health reach 30%. * This effect increases damage dealth by 200% and attack and movement speed by 100%.*/ // // Only happens on Normal // Never should happen #endregion #region Feeding Frenzy [Heroic Only] /* Riplimb's successful melee attacks grant a stacking 10% bonus to physical damage dealt * for 20sec.*/ // // Never should last more than 1 minute stacks Stats FeedingFrenzyStats = new Stats(); SpecialEffect FeedingFrenzySpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { PhysicalDamageTakenReductionMultiplier = -0.1f }, 20f, 1.2f, 1, 200); FeedingFrenzyStats.AddSpecialEffect(FeedingFrenzySpecialEffect); FeedingFrenzySpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, FeedingFrenzyStats, 60f, 60f); FeedingFrenzyStats = new Stats(); FeedingFrenzyStats.AddSpecialEffect(FeedingFrenzySpecialEffect); if (i > 1) // Heroic only { BuffState FeedingFrenzyRiplimb = new BuffState { Name = "Feeding Frenzy Riplimb", Breakable = false, Chance = 1, Duration = 20 * 1000, Frequency = BasicMeleeOT.AttackSpeed, Stats = FeedingFrenzyStats, }; FeedingFrenzyRiplimb.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; Before30Pct.BuffStates.Add(FeedingFrenzyRiplimb); After30Pct.BuffStates.Add(FeedingFrenzyRiplimb); } #endregion #endregion #region Rageface /* Shannox has two hounds, Rageface cannot be controlled, and will dart about from enemy to * enemy, changing targets periodically.*/ // TargetGroup Rageface = new TargetGroup { Name = "Rageface", // One normal, Rageface should be the first dog to die // Heroic Rageface stays alive the entire fight Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * (i < 2 ? .35f : 1f) * 1000f, Frequency = 1, LevelOfTargets = 88, NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 1, TargetID = 53695, }; Rageface.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); Rageface.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); if (i < 2) TwoDogsUp.Targets.Add(Rageface); else { Before30Pct.Targets.Add(Rageface); After30Pct.Targets.Add(Rageface); } #region Melee Attack RagefaceMelee = new Attack { Name = "Rageface Melee", AttackSpeed = 1.2f, DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]] * 0.1f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, MaxNumTargets = 1f, IsFromAnAdd = true, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, }; RagefaceMelee.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); RagefaceMelee.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); if (i < 2) TwoDogsUp.Attacks.Add(RagefaceMelee); else { Before30Pct.Attacks.Add(RagefaceMelee); After30Pct.Attacks.Add(RagefaceMelee); } #endregion #region Face Rage /* Rageface leaps at a random target, stunning and knockign them to the ground, and bgins to * viciously claw at them. This mauling initially deals 8000 physical damage every 0.50 sec, but * the damage dealt increases over time. While so occupied, Rageface is 1000% more susceptible to * critical strikes. * Rageface will continue until his target is dead, or he receives a single attack that deals at least * 40000 damage.*/ // Attack - // Get off me - Attack FaceRage = new Attack { Name = "Face Rage", AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, AttackSpeed = 15f, DamagePerHit = 30000f, DamagePerTick = 8000f, IsDoT = true, TickInterval = 0.5f, Duration = 30f, Interruptable = true, }; FaceRage.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); FaceRage.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); if (i < 2) TwoDogsUp.Attacks.Add(FaceRage); else { Before30Pct.Attacks.Add(FaceRage); After30Pct.Attacks.Add(FaceRage); } BuffState FaceRageBuff = new BuffState { Name = "Face Rage Crit Buff", Frequency = 15f, Duration = 30f * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = true, Stats = new Stats() { SpellCrit = 10f, PhysicalCrit = 10f }, }; FaceRageBuff.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); if (i < 2) TwoDogsUp.BuffStates.Add(FaceRageBuff); else { Before30Pct.BuffStates.Add(FaceRageBuff); After30Pct.BuffStates.Add(FaceRageBuff); } #endregion #region Feeding Frenzy [Heroic Only] /* Rageface's successful melee attacks grant a stacking 10% bonus to physical damage dealt * for 20sec.*/ // if (i > 1) { BuffState FeedingFrenzyRageface = new BuffState { Name = "Feeding Frenzy Rageface", Breakable = false, Chance = 1, Duration = 20 * 1000, Frequency = RagefaceMelee.AttackSpeed, Stats = FeedingFrenzyStats, }; FeedingFrenzyRageface.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); FeedingFrenzyRageface.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); Before30Pct.BuffStates.Add(FeedingFrenzyRageface); After30Pct.BuffStates.Add(FeedingFrenzyRageface); } #endregion #region Frenzied Devotion /* Rageface goes into an unstoppable rage if he is alive to sitness Shannox's health reach 30%. * This effect increases damage dealth by 200% and attack and movement speed by 100%.*/ // // Only happens on normal // Should NEVER happen #endregion #endregion #region Apply Phases float phaseStartTime = 0; float NormalPhaseOneStartTime = 0; float phaseDuration = BerserkTimer[i] * (1 - .3f); NormalPhaseOneStartTime = phaseDuration / 2f; InnerPhase DogsUp; if (i < 2) { DogsUp = new InnerPhase(TwoDogsUp, i, 1, 0, NormalPhaseOneStartTime, BerserkTimer[i]); Before30Pct.InnerPhases.Add(DogsUp); DogsUp = new InnerPhase(OneDogUp, i, 1, NormalPhaseOneStartTime, NormalPhaseOneStartTime, BerserkTimer[i]); Before30Pct.InnerPhases.Add( DogsUp ); } ApplyAPhasesValues( Before30Pct, i, 1, phaseStartTime, phaseDuration, BerserkTimer[i] ); phaseStartTime += phaseDuration; phaseDuration = BerserkTimer[i] - phaseDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues( After30Pct, i, 1, phaseStartTime, phaseDuration, BerserkTimer[i] ); AddAPhase(Before30Pct, i); AddAPhase(After30Pct, i); #endregion } #endregion #endregion #region Defensive Resist_Physical = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Frost = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Fire = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Nature = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Arcane = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Shadow = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Holy = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion #region Impedances for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //Moves; // TODO: OT Always moves for Hurl Spear. // DPS Moves for Hurl Spear /* Immolation Trap * Shannox launches a fiery trap at the feet of a player. The trap takes 2 seconds to arm, and * triggers when stepped on therafter, dealing 64374 to 64375 Fire damage immediately and * 24462 to 27038 Fire damage every 3 sec. and increasing all damage taken by 40%, for 9 sec.*/ // /* Crystal Prison Trap * Shannox launches a prison trap at the feet of a player. The trap takes 2 seconds to arm, and * triggers when stepped on therafter, encasing the target in a block of magma crystal, preventing all * movement or other actions. Only by destroying the crystal prison can a trapped player be freed.*/ // Spell - // NPC - } TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion /* TODO: * Moves for Hurl Spear & Traps. */ }
public LordRhyolith() { // If not listed here use values from defaults #region Info Name = "Lord Rhyolith"; Instance = "Firelands"; Content = new BossHandler.TierLevels[] { BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_LFR }; #endregion #region Basics // Lord Rhyolith has three parts, Left Leg, Right Leg, Chest // Legs health are tied together // All three have low health, however they start out with an 80% damage // reduction applied to them. Health = new float[] { 13100001f, 40000000f, 20000000f, 60000004f, 0 }; MobType = (int)MOB_TYPES.ELEMENTAL; // Assume people can withstand being in Superheaded for 1 minute // Superheated happens after 6 minutes on normal and 5 minutes on heroic BerserkTimer = new int[] { 480, 480, 400, 400, 0 }; SpeedKillTimer = new int[] { 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 0 }; InBackPerc_Melee = new double[] { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0 }; InBackPerc_Ranged = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0 }; Max_Players = new int[] { 10, 25, 10, 25, 0 }; Min_Tanks = new int[] { 1, 1, 2, 2, 0 }; // Most guilds will only use 1 tank for the adds on normal, 2 on heroic. Min_Healers = new int[] { 2, 5, 3, 5, 0 }; #endregion #region Offensive #region Attacks for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Phase ObsidianForm = new Phase() { Name = "Stage One: Nuisances, Nuisances!" }; Phase LiquidForm = new Phase() { Name = "Stage Two: Now you will BURN!" }; // He doesn't have a default melee attack during Obsidian Form (p1) #region Obsidian Form /* Lord Rhyolith ignores players while his armor is intact, but they can attack his feet to * control his movement.*/ #region Obsidian Armor /* Lord Rhyolish awakens encrusted in a thick coat of Obsidian Armor, which reduces all damage * he takes by 80%. Lord Rhyolith's Obsidian Armor is reduced every time he steps on an active * volcano. * * *Warning* When damaged, Lord Rhyolith's armor comes to life. If not killed, it will restore * 1% of his armor.*/ // Stats ObsidianArmor = new Stats(); ObsidianArmor.BonusDamageMultiplier = -0.80f; BuffState ObsidianArmorBuffState; float superheated = 0f; if (i < 2) { superheated = 6f * 60f; int StacksNormal = 80 / 16; SpecialEffect ObsidianArmorSpecialEffectNormal = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { BonusDamageMultiplier = 0.16f, }, superheated, superheated / StacksNormal, 1f, StacksNormal); ObsidianArmor.AddSpecialEffect(ObsidianArmorSpecialEffectNormal); } else { superheated = 5f * 60f; int StacksHeroic = 80 / 10; SpecialEffect ObsidianArmorSpecialEffectHeroic = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { BonusDamageMultiplier = 0.10f, }, superheated, superheated / StacksHeroic, 1f, StacksHeroic); ObsidianArmor.AddSpecialEffect(ObsidianArmorSpecialEffectHeroic); } ObsidianArmorBuffState = new BuffState { Name = "Obsidian Armor", Chance = 1f, Duration = superheated * 1000f, Frequency = BerserkTimer[i] - 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = ObsidianArmor, }; ObsidianArmorBuffState.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ObsidianForm.BuffStates.Add(ObsidianArmorBuffState); #endregion #region Liquid Obsidian /* The Liquid Obsidian attempts to move within 5 yards of Lord Rhyolith, then use the Fuse * ability on him.*/ // (Elemental) // Only happens on heroic if (i > 1) { TargetGroup LiquidObsidian = new TargetGroup { Name = "Liquid Obsidian", NumTargs = 5, LevelOfTargets = 85, Frequency = (5f * 60f) / 8f, // all 40 should be released by the 5 minute mark Duration = 20f * 1000f, }; LiquidObsidian.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); ObsidianForm.Targets.Add(LiquidObsidian); #region Fuse /* Fuse * The Liquid Obsidian fuses to Lord Rhyolith granting him an additional 1% of damage reduction.*/ // // This should not happen #endregion } #endregion #region Concussive Stomp /* Concussive Stomp * Lord Rhyolith smashes the ground, dealing 32375 to 37625 Fire damage to all players and * knocking away targets within 20 yards. Each stomp creates two to three volcanoes.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack ConcussiveStomp = new Attack { Name = "Concussive Stomp", DamagePerHit = new float[] { (32375f + 37625f), (32375f + 37625f), (42087f + 48912f), (42087f + 48912f), 0 }[i] / 2f, AttackSpeed = 30, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, SpellID = new float[] { 102306, 102307, 102308, 102309, 0 }[i], }; ConcussiveStomp.SetUnavoidable(); ConcussiveStomp.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ObsidianForm.Attacks.Add(ConcussiveStomp); #endregion #region Drink Magma /* Drink Magma * If Lord Rhyolith is ever permitted to reach the edge of his plateau, he will drink from the * liquid magma, then deal 35000 fire damage to all players every second for 4 sec.*/ // Drink = // Spit = // This should never happen #endregion #region Volcano /* Volcano * Lord Rhyolith creates volcanoes when he stomps. Periodically, Lord Rhyolith will bring a * volcano to life, causing it to deal 12000 Fire damage to 3 players every 2 sec. When struck, * the player takes 5% additional Fire damage for 20 sec. Stacks up to 20 times. * * *Warning* In 25 player raids, the Volcano does damage to 6 players.*/ // #region Eruption // // You should only have 1 active volcano up at any given time // Assume the drivers can hit the volcanoes within 20 seconds Attack EruptionAttack = new Attack { Name = "Eruption", DamagePerTick = 12000f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, MaxNumTargets = new float[] { 3, 6, 3, 6, 0 }[i], IsDoT = true, TickInterval = 2f, Duration = 25f * 1000f, SpellID = 98492f, AttackSpeed = ((i < 2) ? 40f : 25.5f), }; EruptionAttack.SetUnavoidable(); EruptionAttack.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ObsidianForm.Attacks.Add(EruptionAttack); Stats EruptionStats = new Stats(); SpecialEffect EruptionSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { FireDamageTakenMultiplier = 0.05f }, 15f, 2f, EruptionAttack.MaxNumTargets / Max_Players[i], 20); EruptionStats.AddSpecialEffect(EruptionSpecialEffect); BuffState EruptionBuffState = new BuffState { Name = "Eruption Debuff", Frequency = EruptionAttack.AttackSpeed, Duration = EruptionAttack.Duration, Chance = EruptionAttack.MaxNumTargets / Max_Players[i], Breakable = false, Stats = EruptionStats, }; EruptionBuffState.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ObsidianForm.BuffStates.Add(EruptionBuffState); #endregion #endregion #region Crater /* Crater * Lord Rhyolith creates a crater when he stops on an active volcano. Occasionally, Lord * Rhyolith will cause streams of lava to flow from a crater. The streams will deal 75000*2] * Fire damage to anyone who stands on them for too long.*/ // Crater - #region Magma Flow // You need to move way from the lines that come from the craters // 2 on 10-man, 3 on 25-man, volcanoes spawn appoximately every 25 seconds // Assume half on 10-man, 2/3rds on 25-man get stomped causing craters Impedance Move_MagmaFlow = new Impedance { Chance = 0.50f, Name = "Meteor Burn", Duration = 2f * 1000f, Frequency = 25f / ((i < 2) ? (1f / 2f) : (2f / 3f)), }; Move_MagmaFlow.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ObsidianForm.Moves.Add(Move_MagmaFlow); #endregion #endregion #region Thermal Ignition /* Lord Rhyolith releases a jet of cinders, which deals 15000 Fire damage to players within 7 yards * and forms part of himself into an elemental. Lord Rhyolith alternates between bringing multiple * Fragments of Lord Rhyolith and single Sparks of Rhyolith to life.*/ // Summon Fragment of Rhyolith - // Summon Spark of Rhyolith - Attack SummonAdds = new Attack { Name = "Summon Fragment or Spark", DamagePerHit = new float[] { 15000, 15000, 15000, 15000, 0 }[i], AttackSpeed = 22.5f, IsDoT = false, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, IsFromAnAdd = true, }; SummonAdds.SetUnavoidable(); SummonAdds.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ObsidianForm.Attacks.Add(SummonAdds); #region Fragments of Rhyolith // Fragments of Rhyolith have low Heath. If not slain within 30 sec, they inflict // damage equal to their current health to a random player. // In 25 person raids, they deal damage equal to half their current health to a // random player. // Fragments should not be damaging anyone besides the tank tanking them. // Meaning they should be killed within the 30 second timeframe. // 5 x Fragments to be tanked & DPS'd down TargetGroup Fragments = new TargetGroup { Name = "Fragments of Rhyolith", NumTargs = 5, LevelOfTargets = 85, Frequency = 45f, Duration = 30f * 1000f, TargetID = 52620, NearBoss = true, }; Fragments.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); Fragments.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ObsidianForm.Targets.Add(Fragments); Attack FragmentMelee = new Attack { Name = "Melee from Fragment Adds", DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]] * 0.1f, AttackSpeed = 2.5f / 5f, // 5 mobs hitting every 2.5 secs. AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, IsFromAnAdd = true, }; FragmentMelee.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ObsidianForm.Attacks.Add(FragmentMelee); #endregion #region Spark of Rhyolith // 1 x Spark to be tanked & DPS'd down. // Sparks should not be up with more than 10 stacks of Infernal Rage TargetGroup Spark = new TargetGroup { Name = "Spark of Rhyolith", NumTargs = 1, LevelOfTargets = 85, Frequency = 70f, Duration = 5f * 10f * 1000f, TargetID = 53211, NearBoss = false, }; Spark.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); Spark.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ObsidianForm.Targets.Add(Spark); #region Spark Melee Attack SparkMelee = new Attack { Name = "Melee from Spark Add", DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]] * 0.35f, AttackSpeed = 2.5f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, Dodgable = true, Missable = true, Parryable = true, Blockable = true, }; SparkMelee.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ObsidianForm.Attacks.Add(SparkMelee); #endregion #region Immolation // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - Attack SparkImmolation = new Attack { Name = "Immolation from Spark", DamagePerTick = (6840f + 7560f) / 2f, IsDoT = true, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, TickInterval = 1, Duration = Spark.Duration, // Max length is how long it takes to drop him. Let's assume just as long until the next add pack. Missable = false, Dodgable = false, Parryable = false, Blockable = false, SpellID = new float[] { 98598f, 100414, 98598, 100414, 0 }[i], }; SparkImmolation.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); SparkImmolation.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; ObsidianForm.Attacks.Add(SparkImmolation); #endregion #region Infernal Rage // Sparks of Rhyolith increase their damage dealt by 10% and damage taken // by 10% every 5 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times. // This should not stack up more than 10 stacks Stats InfernalRageStats = new Stats(); // all adds disappear going into Phase 2, so have the debuff last until superheated should be appropriat SpecialEffect InfernalRageSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { BonusDamageMultiplier = 0.10f, DamageTakenReductionMultiplier = -0.10f, }, superheated, 5f, 1f, 20); InfernalRageStats.AddSpecialEffect(InfernalRageSpecialEffect); InfernalRageSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, InfernalRageStats, Spark.Duration / 1000f, Spark.Frequency, 1f); InfernalRageStats = new Stats(); InfernalRageStats.AddSpecialEffect(InfernalRageSpecialEffect); BuffState InfernalRage = new BuffState { Name = "Infernal Rage", Duration = Spark.Duration, Chance = 1f, Frequency = Spark.Frequency, Breakable = false, Stats = InfernalRageStats, }; InfernalRage.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ObsidianForm.BuffStates.Add(InfernalRage); #endregion #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Liquid Form /* When Lord Rhyolith reaches 25% health, his armor shatters. He becomes attackable and * no longer ignores players.*/ #region Melee Attack Attack BasicMeleeMT = new Attack { Name = "Default Melee", AttackSpeed = 5f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]], Missable = true, Dodgable = true, Parryable = true, Blockable = true, }; BasicMeleeMT.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; LiquidForm.Attacks.Add(BasicMeleeMT); #endregion #region Immolation /* Immolation * Lord Rhyolith's fiery presence deals 7003 to 9004 Fire damage to all players every second.*/ // Attack Immolation = new Attack { Name = "Phase 2 Immolation", DamagePerTick = (7000f + 9000f) / 2f, IsDoT = true, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, TickInterval = 1, Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * .25f * 1000f, // for the duration of this phase. SpellID = 99845f, }; Immolation.SetUnavoidable(); Immolation.SetAffectsRoles_All(); LiquidForm.Attacks.Add(Immolation); #endregion #region Concussive Stomp //Concussive Stomp Attack ConcussiveStopPhase2 = ConcussiveStomp.Clone(); ConcussiveStopPhase2.AttackSpeed = 10f; LiquidForm.Attacks.Add(ConcussiveStopPhase2); #endregion #region Unleashed Flame /* Unleashed Flame * Lord Rhyolithunleashes beams of fire which pursue random players, dealing 10000 Fire damage * to all players within 5 yards.*/ // if (i > 1) { Attack UnleashedFlame = new Attack { Name = "Unleashed Flame", DamagePerTick = 10000f, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], IsDoT = true, TickInterval = 1f, Duration = Immolation.Duration, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, SpellID = 100974f, }; UnleashedFlame.SetUnavoidable(); UnleashedFlame.SetAffectsRoles_All(); LiquidForm.Attacks.Add(UnleashedFlame); } #endregion #endregion #region Add Phases int phaseStartTime = 0; int phaseDuration = (int)((float)BerserkTimer[i] * (1 - .25f)); // Phase change at 25% health when the armor is gone. ApplyAPhasesValues( ObsidianForm, i, 1, phaseStartTime, phaseDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); AddAPhase(ObsidianForm, i); phaseStartTime = phaseStartTime + phaseDuration; phaseDuration = BerserkTimer[i] - phaseDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues( LiquidForm, i, 1, phaseStartTime, phaseDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); AddAPhase(LiquidForm, i); #endregion } #endregion #endregion #region Defensive Resist_Physical = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Frost = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Fire = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Nature = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Arcane = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0}; Resist_Shadow = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Holy = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion #region Impedances for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //Moves; //Stuns; //Fears; //Roots; //Disarms; } TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion /* TODO: * Impedances. This is a rediculous movement fight and I'm not sure how to model that yet. */ }
public Alysrazor() { // If not listed here use values from defaults #region Info Name = "Alysrazor"; Instance = "Firelands"; Content = new BossHandler.TierLevels[] { BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_LFR }; Comment = "Not modeled in detail yet."; #endregion #region Basics Health = new float[] { 38651400f, 115954200f, 71892800f, 197122144f, 0 }; // TODO: double check 25-man normal and 10-man heroic health pool MobType = (int)MOB_TYPES.ELEMENTAL; // 3 full phases on Normal; 2 full phases on Heroic; or 15 minute enrage timer. BerserkTimer = new int[] { 15 * 60, 15 * 60, 15 * 60, 15 * 60, 0 }; SpeedKillTimer = new int[] { 8 * 60, 8 * 60, 8 * 60, 8 * 60, 0 }; InBackPerc_Melee = new double[] { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0 }; InBackPerc_Ranged = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0 }; Max_Players = new int[] { 10, 25, 10, 25, 0 }; Min_Tanks = new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 }; Min_Healers = new int[] { 3, 5, 3, 5, 0 }; #endregion #region Offensive #region Attacks for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Phase InitialPull = new Phase() { Name = "Initial Pull" }; Phase FlightofFlames = new Phase() { Name = "Flight of Flames" }; Phase FlightofFlamesPart2 = new Phase() { Name = "Flight of Flames" }; Phase UltimateFirepower = new Phase() { Name = "Ultimate Firepower" }; Phase Burnout = new Phase() { Name = "Burnout" }; Phase ReIgnition = new Phase() { Name = "Re-Ignition" }; //Mini-Phase variables Phase HatchlingPhase = new Phase() { Name = "Hatchlings" }; Phase FireStormPhase = new Phase() { Name = "Firestorm Phase" }; InnerPhase InnerPhaseHatchling, InnerPhaseFirestorm; float FlightofFlamesPhaseTime = new float[] { 190f, 190f, 250f, 250f, 0f }[i]; float FirestormCD = new float[] { 0, 0, 83f, 83f, 0 }[i]; float MeteorCD = new float[] { 0, 0, 37, 37, 0 }[i]; float FieryTornadoDuration = 35f; float BurnoutDuration = 33f; float ReIgniteDuration = 50f / 3f; #region Initial Pull #region Initial Pull Firestorm /* Firestorm * At the beginning of the battle, Alysrazor ascends into the sky dealing 30000 Fire damage to all * enemies and knocking them back. In addition, Alysrazor will continue to deal 10000 Fire damage * to all enemies every 1 seconds for 10 sec.*/ // Initial damage // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - // Addition damage - Attack InitialFirestorm = new Attack { Name = "Initial Pull Firestorm", AttackSpeed = BerserkTimer[i] - 1f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, Interruptable = false, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], DamagePerHit = new float[] { 20000f, 20000f, 25000f, 25000f, 0 }[i], DamagePerTick = 8000f, IsDoT = true, Duration = 10f * 1000f, TickInterval = 1f, SpellID = new float[] { 99605, 101658, 101659, 101660, 0 }[i], }; InitialFirestorm.SetAffectsRoles_All(); InitialPull.Attacks.Add(InitialFirestorm); #endregion #region Volcanic Fire /* Volcanic Fire * A massive eruption creates patches of Fire which block escape from Alysrazor's domain. Volcanic * Fire patches deal 92500 to 107500 Fire damage to enemies within 6 yards every 1 seconds.*/ // // This should never be hit #endregion #endregion #region Flight of Flames /* Alysrazor flies around the area, allowing her minions to corner her foes far below. She will * periodically fly through the center of the arena to claw at floes as well.*/ #region Firestorm [Heroic Only] /* Alysrazor faces the center of the arena and kicks up a powerful, fiery wind. After 5 seconds, * the arena is bathed in flames, dealing 100000 Fire damage every 1 seconds to all enemies within * line of sight for 5 sec.*/ // Initicial cast - // Actual Damage - // Personal Note - Stopping a Molten Meteor which is summoned by a Herald of the Burning End allows // people to Line of Sight the Firestorm damage, thus negating the damage (aka interuptable). // This should never be hit, but people should move on the cast part if (i > 1) { /*Attack Firestorm = new Attack { Name = "Firestorm", DamagePerTick = 50000f, IsDoT = true, TickInterval = 1f, Duration = 5f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackSpeed = FirestormCD, }; Firestorm.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Firestorm.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; */ Impedance Firestorm_move = new Impedance { Name = "Move to Hide from Firestorm", Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Duration = 5f * 1000f, Frequency = 10f, }; Firestorm_move.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Firestorm_move.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; FireStormPhase.Moves.Add(Firestorm_move); } #endregion #region Molting // Alysrazor begins to mold, creating Molten Feathers nearby. // She channels this for 9 seconds. // 10-man/Heroic -, she drops every second // 25-man/Heroic -, every 400 milliseconds float feathers = 9f / new float[] { 1f, 0.4f, 1f, 0.4f, 0f }[i]; #region Molten Feather [DPS Note] /* Molten Feathers can be picked up by players, up to a maximum of three. While holding a * Molten Feather, all spells can be cast while moving and movement speed is increased by 30% * per feather. Once three feathers have been obtained, the player gains Wings of Flame.*/ // float AirGroupSize = new float[] { 1f, 3f, 1f, 3f, 0f }[i]; BuffState MoltenFeatherAirGroup = new BuffState { Name = "Molten Feather Air Group", Chance = AirGroupSize / (Max_Players[i] - Min_Tanks[i] - Min_Healers[i]), // Assume that it does not fall off until the end of Burnout Duration = FlightofFlamesPhaseTime * 1000f, Frequency = FlightofFlamesPhaseTime, Breakable = false, Stats = new Stats() { MovementSpeed = (0.30f * 3f) }, }; MoltenFeatherAirGroup.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; // On heroic air group needs to grab 1 feather each after each Firestorm to keep their flying buff up. float remainingfeathers = (feathers - (AirGroupSize * 3f)) + (feathers - ((i > 1) ? AirGroupSize : 0f)) * 2f; BuffState MoltenFeatherGroundGroup = new BuffState { Name = "Molten Feather Ground Group", Chance = (Max_Players[i] - AirGroupSize) / Max_Players[i], Duration = MoltenFeatherAirGroup.Duration, Frequency = MoltenFeatherAirGroup.Frequency, Breakable = false, Stats = new Stats() { MovementSpeed = (0.30f * (3f * (remainingfeathers / (feathers * 3f)))) }, }; MoltenFeatherGroundGroup.SetAffectsRoles_All(); FlightofFlames.BuffStates.Add(MoltenFeatherGroundGroup); FlightofFlamesPart2.BuffStates.Add(MoltenFeatherGroundGroup); // Since people are getting feathers, casters can cast while moving, thus eliminating most movement impedances #endregion #region Wings of Flame // Allows the player to fly for 20 sec.*/ // MoltenFeatherAirGroup.Stats.MovementSpeed = 2.25f; FlightofFlames.BuffStates.Add(MoltenFeatherAirGroup); FlightofFlamesPart2.BuffStates.Add(MoltenFeatherAirGroup); #endregion #endregion #region Flying // Players in flight using Wings of Flame contend with additional elements of the battle. #region Blazing Power /* While flying, Alysrazor periodically gives off rings of fire, which last for 3 seconds. * Enemies that pass through the ring gain Blazing Power, wich increases haste by 4% and * stacks up to 25 times. In addition, each stack of Blazing Power restores mana, rage, * energy, runic power, and holy power, and refreshes the duration of Wings of Flame.*/ // // Restores 5% of mana, rage, energy, runic power, and holy power. Stats BlazingPowerStats = new Stats(); SpecialEffect BlazingPowerSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { ManaorEquivRestore = 0.05f, PhysicalHaste = 0.08f, SpellHaste = 0.08f }, 40f, 5f, 1f, 25); BlazingPowerStats.AddSpecialEffect(BlazingPowerSpecialEffect); BuffState BlazingPower = new BuffState { Name = "Blazing Power", Frequency = MoltenFeatherAirGroup.Frequency, Duration = MoltenFeatherAirGroup.Duration, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = BlazingPowerStats, }; BlazingPower.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; FlightofFlames.BuffStates.Add(BlazingPower); FlightofFlamesPart2.BuffStates.Add(BlazingPower); #endregion #region Alysra's Razor /* If a player gains 25 stacks of Blazing Power, they gain Alysra's Razor, which increases * critical strike chance by 50% for 30 sec.*/ // // Normal there is no break in the timing on normal, // Flyer should have 25 stacks during the second Firestorm, so only 10 seconds while not refreshing the stack float AlysrasRazorStartTime = (i < 2 ? 125f : 135f); BuffState AlysrasRazor = new BuffState { Name = "Alysra's Razor", Frequency = MoltenFeatherAirGroup.Frequency, Duration = MoltenFeatherAirGroup.Duration - (AlysrasRazorStartTime * 1000f), Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = new Stats() { SpellCrit = 0.75f, PhysicalCrit = 0.75f }, }; AlysrasRazor.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; FlightofFlames.BuffStates.Add(AlysrasRazor); FlightofFlamesPart2.BuffStates.Add(AlysrasRazor); #endregion #region Incendiary Cloud /* While flying, Alysrazor periodically gives off between one and three Incendiary Clouds, * which last for 3 seconds. Enemies that pass through the cloud suffer 27750 to 32250 Fire * damage every 1.50 sec. * * *Warning* In Heroic Difficulty, Alysrazor always creates three Incindiary Clouds.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // These should NEVER be hit by the Air group Attack IncendiaryCloud = new Attack { Name = "Incendiary Cloud", DamagePerTick = new float[] { (27750f + 32250f), (27750f + 32250f), (55500f + 64500f), (55500f + 64500f), 0 }[i] / 2f, IsDoT = true, TickInterval = 1.5f, Duration = 3f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, AttackSpeed = 5f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, SpellID = new float[] { 99427, 100729, 100730, 100731, 0 }[i], // Normal has 2 clouds, Heroic has 3 clouds MaxNumTargets = new float[] { 2, 2, 3, 3, 0 }[i], // By flying around the clouds, you can "interrupt" the attacks Interruptable = true, }; IncendiaryCloud.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; FlightofFlames.Attacks.Add(IncendiaryCloud); FlightofFlamesPart2.Attacks.Add(IncendiaryCloud); #endregion #endregion #region Blazing Talon Initiate /* Blazing Talon Initiates will periodically fly in from the Firelands to assist Alysrazor * in defeating enemy forces on the ground.*/ // West-side - // East-side - // Timer - Both - Normal - 17; Heroic - 17 // Both - Normal - 31; heroic - 22 // East - Normal - 21; Heroic - 53 // West - Normal - 21; Heroic - 21 // East - Normal - 21; Heroic - 21 // West - Normal - 21; Heroic - 40 float WestBlazingTalonInitiateFrequence = (i > 1 ? (17f + 22f + (63f + 21f) + (21f + 40f)) : (17f + 31f + (31f + 21f) + (21f + 21f))) / 4f; float EastBlazingTalonInitiateFrequence = (i > 1 ? (17f + 22f + 63f + (21f + 21f)) : (17f + 31f + 31f + (21f + 21f))) / 4f; TargetGroup BlazingTalonInitiateWest = new TargetGroup { Name = "Blazing Talon Initiate West", Chance = 1f, Frequency = WestBlazingTalonInitiateFrequence, Duration = WestBlazingTalonInitiateFrequence * 1000f, LevelOfTargets = 87, NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 1f, TargetID = 53896, }; BlazingTalonInitiateWest.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); HatchlingPhase.Targets.Add(BlazingTalonInitiateWest); FlightofFlames.Targets.Add(BlazingTalonInitiateWest); FlightofFlamesPart2.Targets.Add(BlazingTalonInitiateWest); TargetGroup BlazingTalonInitiateEast = new TargetGroup { Name = "Blazing Talon Initiate East", Chance = 1f, Frequency = EastBlazingTalonInitiateFrequence, Duration = EastBlazingTalonInitiateFrequence * 1000f, LevelOfTargets = 87, NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 1f, TargetID = 53369, }; BlazingTalonInitiateEast.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); HatchlingPhase.Targets.Add(BlazingTalonInitiateEast); FlightofFlames.Targets.Add(BlazingTalonInitiateEast); FlightofFlamesPart2.Targets.Add(BlazingTalonInitiateEast); #region Brushfire /* The Blazing Talon Initiate conjures a fiery ball that moves across the arena, dealing * 27750 to 32250 damage every 1 sec to enemies within 0 yards.*/ // Initiates are now stunnable so these can be "interupted" now // Original cast - // Summons - // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack Brushfire = new Attack { Name = "Brushfire", DamagePerHit = new float[] { (27750f + 32250f), (27750f + 32250f), (55500f + 64500f), (55500f + 64500f), 0f }[i], DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, MaxNumTargets = 1f, Interruptable = true, IsFromAnAdd = true, SpellID = new float[] { 98885, 100715, 100716, 100717, 0 }[i], AttackSpeed = new float[] { 4f, 4f, 8f, 8f, 0f }[i], }; Brushfire.SetAffectsRoles_All(); FlightofFlames.Attacks.Add(Brushfire); FlightofFlamesPart2.Attacks.Add(Brushfire); #endregion #region Fieroblast /* The Blazing Talon Initiate hurls a fiery boulder at an enemy, inflicting 27750 to 32250 Fire * damage and 10000 Fire damage every 3 seconds for 12 sec.*/ // After the September 20, 2011 nerf to Firelands in general, this is only cast on heroic // Cast after every Brushfire (Brushfire/Fieroblast/Burshfire/Fieroblast/etc) // These are interuptable // 10 man Heroic - // 25 man Heroic - if (i > 1 ) { Attack Fieroblast = new Attack { Name = "Fieroblast", DamagePerHit = new float[] { 0, 0, (37000f + 43000f), (37000f + 43000f), 0f }[i], DamagePerTick = new float[] { 0, 0, 20000, 20000, 0 }[i], IsDoT = true, TickInterval = 3f, Duration = 12f, AttackSpeed = new float[] { 0, 0, 8f, 8f, 0f }[i], AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_DOT, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, Interruptable = true, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = 1f, }; Fieroblast.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Fieroblast.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; FlightofFlames.Attacks.Add(Fieroblast); FlightofFlamesPart2.Attacks.Add(Fieroblast); } #endregion #endregion #region Voracious Hatchling [Tank Note] /* Early in Stage 1, two Blazing Broodmothers drop off two Molten Eggs. After several seconds, * the eggs hatch into Voracious Hatchlings. Voracious Hatchlings are indeed voracious and will * throw a Tantrum if not fed Plump Lava Worms.*/ // East Hatchling - // West hatchling - TargetGroup WestVoraciousHatchling = new TargetGroup { Name = "West Voracious Hatchling", Chance = 1f, Frequency = (i > 1 ? FirestormCD : FlightofFlamesPhaseTime) - 1f, Duration = ((i > 1 ? FirestormCD : FlightofFlamesPhaseTime) - 12f) * 1000f, NearBoss = false, NumTargs = 1f, TargetID = 53509, LevelOfTargets = 87, }; WestVoraciousHatchling.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; if (i < 2) { FlightofFlames.Targets.Add(WestVoraciousHatchling); FlightofFlamesPart2.Targets.Add(WestVoraciousHatchling); } else FireStormPhase.Targets.Add(WestVoraciousHatchling); TargetGroup EastVoraciousHatchling = WestVoraciousHatchling.Clone(); EastVoraciousHatchling.Name = "East Voracious Hatchling"; EastVoraciousHatchling.TargetID = 53509; EastVoraciousHatchling.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = false; EastVoraciousHatchling.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; if (i < 2) { FlightofFlames.Targets.Add(EastVoraciousHatchling); FlightofFlamesPart2.Targets.Add(EastVoraciousHatchling); } else FireStormPhase.Targets.Add(EastVoraciousHatchling); Attack VoraciousHatchlingMelee = new Attack { Name = "Voracious hatchling Melee", DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]], AttackSpeed = 1f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = 1f, Missable = true, Parryable = true, Dodgable = true, Blockable = true, IsTheDefaultMelee = true, }; VoraciousHatchlingMelee.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); if (i < 2) { FlightofFlames.Attacks.Add(VoraciousHatchlingMelee); FlightofFlamesPart2.Attacks.Add(VoraciousHatchlingMelee); } else FireStormPhase.Attacks.Add(VoraciousHatchlingMelee); #region Imprinted /* Upon hatchling, Voracious Hatchlings become imprinted on the nearest enemy. The hatchling * will only attack that target, but the target gains 1000% additional damage against the * hatchling.*/ //; alt - WestVoraciousHatchling.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; EastVoraciousHatchling.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = true; BuffState Imprint = new BuffState { Name = "Imprint", Frequency = WestVoraciousHatchling.Frequency, Duration = WestVoraciousHatchling.Duration, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = new Stats() { BonusDamageMultiplier = 10f }, }; Imprint.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); if (i < 2) { FlightofFlames.BuffStates.Add(Imprint); FlightofFlamesPart2.BuffStates.Add(Imprint); } else FireStormPhase.BuffStates.Add(Imprint); #endregion #region Satiated /* The Voracious Hatchling will not throw a Tantrum when Satiated, which lasts for 15 sec. * Voracious Hatchlings hatch fully Satiated, and can become Satiated again if they are fed * Lava Worms.*/ // 15 seconds // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10 seconds // 10-man heroic - // 25-man heroic - #endregion #region Hungry /* A Voracious Hatchling that is no longer Satiated becomes Hungry. When Hungry, hatchling * have a 20% chance on hit to throw a Tantrum.*/ // #endregion #region Tantrum // The Voracious Hatchling throws a Tantrum, increasing damage by 50% and haste by 50%. // // This should never happen on heroic Stats TantrumStats = new Stats(); SpecialEffect TantrumSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.DamageTaken, new Stats() { DamageTakenReductionMultiplier = -0.50f }, 10f, (i < 2 ? 35 : 25 ), 0.20f); TantrumStats.AddSpecialEffect(TantrumSpecialEffect); BuffState Tantrum = new BuffState { Name = "Tantrum", Chance = 1f, Breakable = true, Frequency = (i < 2 ? 30 : 20 ), Duration = 10f * 1000f, Stats = TantrumStats, }; Tantrum.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); if (i < 2) { FlightofFlames.BuffStates.Add(Tantrum); FlightofFlamesPart2.BuffStates.Add(Tantrum); } else FireStormPhase.BuffStates.Add(Tantrum); #endregion #region Gushing Wound [Healer Note] /* The Voracious Hatchling strikes all targets within a 6-yard cone, causing them to bleed for * 3000 Physical damage every 0.20 seconds or until the target's health falls below 50% of * their maximum health.*/ // 10 man -; alt - // 25 man -; alt - // 10 man heroic -; alt - // 25 man heroic -; alt - Attack GushingWound = new Attack { Name = "Gushing Wound", DamagePerTick = new float[] { 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 0 }[i], TickInterval = 0.20f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, Duration = 60f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, AttackSpeed = 60f, IsDoT = true, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = 1f, }; GushingWound.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); if (i < 2) { FlightofFlames.Attacks.Add(GushingWound); FlightofFlamesPart2.Attacks.Add(GushingWound); } else FireStormPhase.Attacks.Add(GushingWound); #endregion #endregion #region Plump Lava Worm [Tank Note] /* During Stage 1, two sets of four Lava Worms will erupt from the molten ground. Lava Worms * cannot be attacked by players. Voracious Hatchlings that are near a Lava Worm will rush * to devour it, becoming temporarily Satiated.*/ // this means the tank tanking the Hatchlings need to move to position the hatchlings near the worms // when they need to be satiated. // TargetGroup PlumpLavaWorm = new TargetGroup { Name = "Plump Lava Worm", NumTargs = (i < 2f ? 8f : 4f), // four worms spawn at any given time // two worm will last for the full duration, while the first two will last half that // so an average of 75% of the full duration for all of the worms. Duration = WestVoraciousHatchling.Duration * 0.75f, Frequency = WestVoraciousHatchling.Frequency, Chance = 1f, LevelOfTargets = 85, NearBoss = false, TargetID = 53520, }; PlumpLavaWorm.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); if (i < 2) { FlightofFlames.Targets.Add(PlumpLavaWorm); FlightofFlamesPart2.Targets.Add(PlumpLavaWorm); } else FireStormPhase.Targets.Add(PlumpLavaWorm); #region Lava Spew /* Plump Lava Worms spew a molten cone of fire dealing 27750 to 32250 damage every 1 sec * to all enemies within a 14-yard cone.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack LavaSpew = new Attack { Name = "Lava Spew", AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, DamagePerHit = new float[] { (27750f + 32250f), (27750f + 32250f), (55500f + 64500f), (55500f + 64500f), 0f }[i] / 2f, AttackSpeed = 1f, Interruptable = true, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], SpellID = new float[] { 99336, 100725, 100726, 100727, 0 }[i], }; LavaSpew.SetAffectsRoles_All(); if (i < 2) { FlightofFlames.Attacks.Add(LavaSpew); FlightofFlamesPart2.Attacks.Add(LavaSpew); } else FireStormPhase.Attacks.Add(LavaSpew); #endregion #endregion #region Herald of the Burning End [Heroic Only] if (i > 1) { /* During Stage 1, a Herald of the Burning End will periodically appear and begin casting * Cataclysm. The Herald is immune to all damage, but will die once Cataclysm is cast.*/ #region Cataclysm [Heroic Only] /* The Herald of the Burning End summons a powerful Molten Meteor, dealing 462500 to * 537500 Flamestrike damage to enemies within 0 yards.*/ // NPC - // You cannot target this harm this npc since this npc will deal a 50,000 AOE damage to anyone // near him and is immune to all attacks. He disappears after casting Cataclysm. #region Molten Meteor [Heroic Only] /* After being summoned by the Herald of the Burning End, a Molten Meteor will roll in one * of 8 random directions, dealing 462500 to 537500 Flamestrike damage to enemies within * 0 yards every 1.50 sec. * 10-man heroic - * 25-man heroic - * This should NEVER happen*/ TargetGroup MoltenMeteor = new TargetGroup { Name = "Molten Meteor", // meteors lasts at most 9 seconds before they explode, at least one of theses needs to // survive before a firestorm Duration = 9f * 1000f, Chance = 1f, LevelOfTargets = 87, TargetID = new float[] { 0, 0, 53489, 54563, 0 }[i], NumTargs = 1f, NearBoss = false, Frequency = FirestormCD / 2f, }; MoltenMeteor.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; FireStormPhase.Targets.Add(MoltenMeteor); /* If the meteor reaches a wall, it will break apart into three Molten Boulders, which * ricochet back to the opposite direction. If it is destroyed before it reaches a wall, * the Molten Meteor becomes temporarily stationary and block line of sight.*/ // Explosion - // Personal note, this is what is used to negate the damage from the 100,000 damage every second // from Firestorm. // Players should NEVER get hit by this. #endregion #region Molten Boulder [Heroic Only] /* Three Molten Boulders form when a Molten Meteor hits a wall and breaks apart. Molten Boulder * deals 29600 to 34400 Flamestrike damage to enemies within 2 yards every 1.50 sec and knock * them back.*/ // NPC - // Damage - Impedance MoltenBoulder_Move = new Impedance { Name = "Molten Boulder", Duration = 2f * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Frequency = MoltenMeteor.Frequency, Breakable = false, }; MoltenBoulder_Move.SetAffectsRoles_All(); FireStormPhase.Moves.Add(MoltenBoulder_Move); #endregion } #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Ultimate Firepower /* Alysrazor flies in a tight circle, removing Wings of Flame from all players after 5 seconds, * and begins her ultimate attack.*/ // This lasts for 35 seconds #region Fiery Vortex /* A Fiery Vortex appears in the middle of the arena, dealing 100000 Fire damage every 0.50 * seconds to enemies within 0 yards.*/ // // This should NEVER be hit #endregion #region Fiery Tornado /* Fiery Tornadoes erupt from the Fiery Vortex and begin moving rapidly around Alysrazor's arena, * dealing 25000 Fire damage every 1 sec to enemies within 0 yards.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // These should never be hit /*Attack FieryTornado = new Attack { Name = "Fiery Tornado", DamagePerHit = new float[] { 20000, 25000, 60000, 70000, 0 }[i], DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, AttackSpeed = 1f, MaxNumTargets = 1f, Interruptable = true, SpellID = new float[] { 99816, 100733, 100734, 100735, 0 }[i], }; FieryTornado.SetAffectsRoles_All(); FieryTornado.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; */ #endregion #region Blazing Power /* Alysrazor continues to give off rings of fire, which appear on the ground of the arena and * lasts for 3 seconds. Players who pass through the ring gain Blazing Power, which increase haste * by 8% and stacks up to 25 times. In addition, each stack of Blazing Power restores mana, rage, * energy, runic power, and holy power.*/ // // Restores 5% of mana, rage, energy, runic power, and holy power. BuffState BlazingPowerPhase2 = new BuffState { Name = "Blazing Power Phase 2", Frequency = FieryTornadoDuration, Duration = FieryTornadoDuration * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = BlazingPowerStats, }; BlazingPowerPhase2.SetAffectsRoles_All(); UltimateFirepower.BuffStates.Add(BlazingPowerPhase2); // Assume the air group has 25 stacks at this point and still refreshing during Tornadoes BuffState BlazingPowerPhase2AirGroup = new BuffState { Name = "Blazing Power Phase 2 Air Group", Frequency = FieryTornadoDuration, Duration = FieryTornadoDuration * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = new Stats() { SpellHaste = 2f, PhysicalHaste = 2f, CritRating = 0.75f }, }; BlazingPowerPhase2.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.AlysrazorAirGroup] = true; UltimateFirepower.BuffStates.Add(BlazingPowerPhase2AirGroup); #endregion #endregion #region Burnout [DPS Note] /* Alysrazor crashes to the ground and becomes vulnerable, with 0 Molten Power. This stage lasts * until Alyrazor's energy bar reaches 50 Molten Power.*/ #region Blazing Power BuffState BlazingPowerPhase3 = new BuffState { Name = "Blazing Power Phase 3", Frequency = BurnoutDuration, Duration = BurnoutDuration * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = new Stats() { SpellHaste = 0.08f * 7f, PhysicalHaste = 0.08f * 7f }, }; BlazingPowerPhase3.SetAffectsRoles_All(); Burnout.BuffStates.Add(BlazingPowerPhase3); BuffState BlazingPowerPhase3AirGroup = BlazingPowerPhase2AirGroup.Clone(); BlazingPowerPhase3AirGroup.Name = "Blazing Power Phase 3 Air Group"; BlazingPowerPhase3AirGroup.Frequency = BurnoutDuration; BlazingPowerPhase3AirGroup.Duration = BurnoutDuration * 1000f; Burnout.BuffStates.Add(BlazingPowerPhase3AirGroup); #endregion #region Burnout /* Alysrazor's fire burns out, causing her to become immobile and increasing damage taken by 100%. * In addition, when struck with a harmful spell, Alysrazor emits Essence of the Green.*/ // BuffState BurnoutBuffState = new BuffState { Name = "Burnout DeBuff", Breakable = false, Chance = 1f, Duration = BurnoutDuration * 1000f, Frequency = BurnoutDuration, Stats = new Stats() { BonusDamageMultiplier = 1f }, }; BurnoutBuffState.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); BurnoutBuffState.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); Burnout.BuffStates.Add(BurnoutBuffState); #endregion #region Essence of the Green [Healer Note] /* During Burnout, if Alysrazor is struck by a harmful spell, she emits Essence of the Green * restoring 10% of maximum mana to players.*/ // Stats EssenceoftheGreenStats = new Stats(); SpecialEffect EssenceoftheGreenSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.DamageSpellHit, new Stats() { ManaRestoreFromMaxManaPerSecond = 0.10f }, 0, 0, 1f); EssenceoftheGreenStats.AddSpecialEffect(EssenceoftheGreenSpecialEffect); BuffState EssenceoftheGreen = new BuffState { Name = "Essence of the Green", Breakable = false, Chance = 1f, Duration = BurnoutDuration * 1000f, Frequency = BurnoutDuration, Stats = EssenceoftheGreenStats, }; EssenceoftheGreen.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); EssenceoftheGreen.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); Burnout.BuffStates.Add(EssenceoftheGreen); #endregion #region Spark /* A bright spark continues to burn within the heart of Alyrazor, restoring 3 Molten Power * every 2 seconds.*/ // #endregion #region Blazing Talon Clawshaper /* At the start of stage 2, two Blazing Talon Clawshapers will fly in and begin to re-energize * Alysrazor.*/ // TargetGroup BlazingTalonClawshaper = new TargetGroup { Name = "Blazing Talon Clawshaper", Chance = 1f, Duration = BurnoutDuration * 1000f, Frequency = BurnoutDuration, // Originally they are not near the boss but they can be pulled/kited to next to the boss, NearBoss = true, NumTargs = 2f, TargetID = 53734, LevelOfTargets = 86, }; BlazingTalonClawshaper.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); Burnout.Targets.Add(BlazingTalonClawshaper); /* Ignition * Blazing Talon Clawshapers channel molten energy into Alysrazor, restoring 1 Molten Power * every 1 seconds.*/ // #endregion // Personal note - Between the Spark and Clawshapers, this stage lasts for 15 seconds if nothing // is done to the Clawshapers, 34 seconds if the Clawshapers are interupted. #endregion #region Re-Ignition /* Alysrazor's fire becomes re-ignited at 50 Molten Power. This stage lasts until Alysrazor * reaches 100 Molten Power.*/ #region Ignited /* Alysrazor's fiery core begins to combust once again, rapidly restoring Molten Power. Restores * 3 Molten Power every 1 seconds.*/ // // Personal Note - This means that the phase will last 17 seconds #endregion #region Blazing Claw [Tank Note] /* Alysrazor claws her enemies, dealing 92500 to 107500 Physical damage to enemies in a 25-yard cone * every 1.50 seconds. In addition, each swipe increases the Fire and Physical damage taken by the * target by 10% for 15 sec.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - // Personal Note, this means that there needs to be a tank swap at the 5-6 stack mark Attack BlazingClaw = new Attack { Name = "Blazing Claw", DamagePerHit = new float[] { (69375f + 80625f), (83250f + 96750f), (92500f + 107500f), (115625f + 134375f), 0 }[i] / 2f, AttackSpeed = 1.5f * 2, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, MaxNumTargets = 1f, SpellID = new float[] { 99844, 101729, 101730, 101731, 0 }[i], }; BlazingClaw.SetUnavoidable(); BlazingClaw.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ReIgnition.Attacks.Add(BlazingClaw); Stats BlazingClawStats = new Stats(); SpecialEffect BlazingClawSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect(Trigger.Use, new Stats() { BossPhysicalDamageDealtReductionMultiplier = -0.10f, FireDamageTakenMultiplier = 0.10f }, 15, 1.5f, 0.5f, 11); BlazingClawStats.AddSpecialEffect(BlazingClawSpecialEffect); BuffState BlazingClawBuffState = new BuffState { Name = "Blazing Claw Debuff", Frequency = ReIgniteDuration, Duration = ReIgniteDuration * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = BlazingClawStats, }; BlazingClawBuffState.SetAffectsRoles_Tanks(); ReIgnition.BuffStates.Add(BlazingClawBuffState); #endregion #region Blazing Buffet /* Alysrazor's Fiery core emits powerful bursts of flame, dealing 9250 to 10750 Fire damage to all * enemies every 1 seconds for as long as Alysrazor remains ignited.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack BlazingBuffet = new Attack { Name = "Blazing Buffet", DamagePerHit = new float[] { (6937f + 8062f), (10406f + 12093f), (11793f + 13706f), (11793f + 13706f), 0 }[i] / 2f, AttackSpeed = 1f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], SpellID = new float[] { 99757, 100739, 100740, 100741, 0 }[i], }; BlazingBuffet.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ReIgnition.Attacks.Add(BlazingBuffet); #endregion #region Full Power [Healer Note] /* When Alysrazor reaches 100 Molten Power, she is at Full Power, which deals 50000 Fire damage * to all enemies and knocks them back. Once she reaches Full Power, Alysrazor will begin her * Stage 1 activities once again.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack FullPower = new Attack { Name = "Full Power", DamagePerHit = new float[] { 37500, 45000, 60000, 70000, 0 }[i], AttackSpeed = ReIgniteDuration - 1, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], SpellID = new float[] { 99925, 100736, 100737, 100738, 0 }[i], }; FullPower.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ReIgnition.Attacks.Add(FullPower); #endregion #endregion #region Apply Phases // Pull then at 30 Sec, Empower Blade w/ 50/50 chance for which blade type. // 15 secs of empowered blade // Return to normal mode. float phasestart = 0; float HeroicFofStart = 0; float HeroicFoFLength = 0; if (i < 2) { ApplyAPhasesValues(InitialPull, i, 1, 0, 10f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 10f; ApplyAPhasesValues(FlightofFlames, i, 2, phasestart, FlightofFlamesPhaseTime, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FlightofFlamesPhaseTime; ApplyAPhasesValues(UltimateFirepower, i, 3, phasestart, FieryTornadoDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FieryTornadoDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(Burnout, i, 4, phasestart, BurnoutDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += BurnoutDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(ReIgnition, i, 5, phasestart, ReIgniteDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ReIgniteDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(FlightofFlames, i, 6, phasestart, FlightofFlamesPhaseTime, BerserkTimer[i]); ApplyAPhasesValues(UltimateFirepower, i, 7, phasestart, FieryTornadoDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FieryTornadoDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(Burnout, i, 8, phasestart, BurnoutDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += BurnoutDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(ReIgnition, i, 9, phasestart, ReIgniteDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ReIgniteDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(FlightofFlames, i, 10, phasestart, FlightofFlamesPhaseTime, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FlightofFlamesPhaseTime; ApplyAPhasesValues(UltimateFirepower, i, 11, phasestart, FieryTornadoDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FieryTornadoDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(Burnout, i, 12, phasestart, BurnoutDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += BurnoutDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(ReIgnition, i, 13, phasestart, ReIgniteDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); // She will stay in this phase until the raid wipes; } else { ApplyAPhasesValues(InitialPull, i, 1, 0, 10f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 10f; HeroicFofStart = phasestart; InnerPhaseHatchling = new InnerPhase(HatchlingPhase, i, 1, phasestart, FirestormCD, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FirestormCD; HeroicFoFLength += FirestormCD; FlightofFlames.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseHatchling); InnerPhaseFirestorm = new InnerPhase(FireStormPhase, i, 1, phasestart, 10f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 10f; HeroicFoFLength += 10f; FlightofFlames.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseFirestorm); InnerPhaseHatchling = new InnerPhase(HatchlingPhase, i, 1, phasestart, FirestormCD, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FirestormCD; HeroicFoFLength += FirestormCD; FlightofFlames.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseHatchling); InnerPhaseFirestorm = new InnerPhase(FireStormPhase, i, 1, phasestart, 10f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 10f; HeroicFoFLength += 10f; FlightofFlames.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseFirestorm); InnerPhaseHatchling = new InnerPhase(HatchlingPhase, i, 1, phasestart, FlightofFlamesPhaseTime - HeroicFoFLength, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += (FlightofFlamesPhaseTime - HeroicFoFLength); HeroicFoFLength = 0; FlightofFlames.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseHatchling); ApplyAPhasesValues(FlightofFlames, i, 2, HeroicFofStart, FlightofFlamesPhaseTime, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FlightofFlamesPhaseTime; ApplyAPhasesValues(UltimateFirepower, i, 3, phasestart, FieryTornadoDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FieryTornadoDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(Burnout, i, 4, phasestart, BurnoutDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += BurnoutDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(ReIgnition, i, 5, phasestart, ReIgniteDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ReIgniteDuration; HeroicFofStart = phasestart; InnerPhaseHatchling = new InnerPhase(HatchlingPhase, i, 6, phasestart, FirestormCD, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FirestormCD; HeroicFoFLength += FirestormCD; FlightofFlamesPart2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseHatchling); InnerPhaseFirestorm = new InnerPhase(FireStormPhase, i, 6, phasestart, 10f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 10f; HeroicFoFLength += 10f; FlightofFlamesPart2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseFirestorm); InnerPhaseHatchling = new InnerPhase(HatchlingPhase, i, 6, phasestart, FirestormCD, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FirestormCD; HeroicFoFLength += FirestormCD; FlightofFlamesPart2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseHatchling); InnerPhaseFirestorm = new InnerPhase(FireStormPhase, i, 6, phasestart, 10f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 10f; HeroicFoFLength += 10f; FlightofFlamesPart2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseFirestorm); InnerPhaseHatchling = new InnerPhase(HatchlingPhase, i, 6, phasestart, FlightofFlamesPhaseTime - HeroicFoFLength, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += (FlightofFlamesPhaseTime - HeroicFoFLength); HeroicFoFLength = 0; FlightofFlamesPart2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseHatchling); ApplyAPhasesValues(FlightofFlamesPart2, i, 6, HeroicFofStart, FlightofFlamesPhaseTime, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FlightofFlamesPhaseTime; ApplyAPhasesValues(UltimateFirepower, i, 7, phasestart, FieryTornadoDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += FieryTornadoDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(Burnout, i, 8, phasestart, BurnoutDuration, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += BurnoutDuration; ApplyAPhasesValues(ReIgnition, i, 9, phasestart, BerserkTimer[i] - phasestart, BerserkTimer[i]); // She will stay in this phase until the raid wipes; } AddAPhase(InitialPull, i); AddAPhase(FlightofFlames, i); AddAPhase(UltimateFirepower, i); AddAPhase(Burnout, i); AddAPhase(ReIgnition, i); #endregion } #endregion #endregion #region Defensive Resist_Physical = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Frost = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Fire = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Nature = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Arcane = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Shadow = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Holy = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion #region Impedances for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //Moves; //Stuns; //Fears; //Roots; //Disarms; } TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion /* TODO: * All */ }
public MajordomoStaghelm() { // If not listed here use values from defaults #region Info Name = "Majordomo Staghelm"; Instance = "Firelands"; Content = new BossHandler.TierLevels[] { BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_10H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_25H, BossHandler.TierLevels.T12_LFR }; Comment = "Not modeled in detail yet."; #endregion #region Basics Health = new float[] { 38221940f, 133927104f, 105990728f, 367274176f, 0 }; // TODO: Double check 25-man normal health value MobType = (int)MOB_TYPES.HUMANOID; BerserkTimer = new int[] { 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 0 }; SpeedKillTimer = new int[] { 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 5 * 60, 0 }; InBackPerc_Melee = new double[] { 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0 }; InBackPerc_Ranged = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0 }; Max_Players = new int[] { 10, 25, 10, 25, 0 }; Min_Tanks = new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 }; Min_Healers = new int[] { 3, 5, 3, 5, 0 }; #endregion #region Offensive //MaxNumTargets = new double[] { 1, 1, 0, 0 }; //MultiTargsPerc = new double[] { 0.00d, 0.00d, 0.00d, 0.00d }; #region Attacks for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Phase NEPhase = new Phase() { Name = "Night Elf Phase" }; Phase ShapeshiftingPhase1 = new Phase() { Name = "Shapeshifting Phase One" }; Phase ShapeshiftingPhase2 = new Phase() { Name = "Shapeshifting Phase Two" }; Phase ShapeshiftingPhase3 = new Phase() { Name = "Shapeshifting Phase Three" }; Phase ShapeshiftingPhase4 = new Phase() { Name = "Shapeshifting Phase Four" }; Phase ShapeshiftingPhase5 = new Phase() { Name = "Shapeshifting Phase Five" }; Phase ShapeshiftingPhase6 = new Phase() { Name = "Shapeshifting Phase Six" }; Phase ScorpionPhase1 = new Phase() { Name = "Scorpion Phase One" }; Phase CatPhase1 = new Phase() { Name = "Cat Phase One" }; Phase ScorpionPhase2 = new Phase() { Name = "Scorpion Phase Two" }; Phase CatPhase2 = new Phase() { Name = "Cat Phase Two" }; Phase ScorpionPhase3 = new Phase() { Name = "Scorpion Phase Three" }; Phase CatPhase3 = new Phase() { Name = "Cat Phase Three" }; Phase ScorpionPhase4 = new Phase() { Name = "Scorpion Phase Four" }; Phase CatPhase4 = new Phase() { Name = "Cat Phase Four" }; Phase ScorpionPhase5 = new Phase() { Name = "Scorpion Phase Five" }; Phase CatPhase5 = new Phase() { Name = "Cat Phase Five" }; Phase ScorpionPhase6 = new Phase() { Name = "Scorpion Phase Six" }; Phase CatPhase6 = new Phase() { Name = "Cat Phase Six" }; float SevenStackLength = 17.3f + 13.4f + 11f + 8.6f + 7.4f + 7.4f + 6.1f + 6.1f; float SevenStackAverageLength = SevenStackLength / 8f; float FiveStackLength = 17.3f + 13.4f + 11f + 8.6f + 7.4f + 7.4f; float FiveStackAverageLength = FiveStackLength / 6f; float ThreeStackLength = 17.3f + 13.4f + 11f + 8.6f; // Spread once the bar reaches 70% float ZeroStackLength = 17.3f * 0.7f; #region Main Tank Damage Attack MTMelee0Stacks = GenAStandardMelee(Content[i]); MTMelee0Stacks.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Zero Stacks"; MTMelee0Stacks.DamagePerHit *= 0.80f; MTMelee0Stacks.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.OffTank] = false; MTMelee0Stacks.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; ScorpionPhase1.Attacks.Add(MTMelee0Stacks); Attack MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - One Stack"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.10f; CatPhase1.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Two Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.20f; ScorpionPhase2.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Three Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.30f; CatPhase2.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Four Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.40f; ScorpionPhase3.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Five Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.50f; CatPhase3.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Six Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.60f; ScorpionPhase4.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Seven Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.70f; CatPhase4.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Eight Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.80f; ScorpionPhase5.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Nine Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 1.90f; CatPhase5.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Ten Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 2.00f; ScorpionPhase6.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); MTMeleeTemp = MTMelee0Stacks.Clone(); MTMeleeTemp.Name = "Main Taink Melee - Eleven Stacks"; MTMeleeTemp.DamagePerHit *= 2.10f; CatPhase6.Attacks.Add(MTMeleeTemp); #endregion #region Concentration [Heroic Only] /* Each player who engages Fandral on heroic difficulty is granted a Concentration power bar. * This bar fills over time, increasing damage and healing done by 25% for every 25 Concentration * up to 100. Players hit by a damaging attack or spell will lose all currently accumulated * Concentration.*/ // // Uncommon (25%) - // Rare (50%) - // Epic (75%) - // Legendary (100%) - Stats ConcentrationStat = new Stats(); SpecialEffect ConcentrationSpecialEffect = new SpecialEffect ( Trigger.Use, new Stats() { BonusDamageMultiplier = 0.25f, BonusHealingDoneMultiplier = 0.25f }, BerserkTimer[i], 5f, 1, 4 ); ConcentrationStat.AddSpecialEffect(ConcentrationSpecialEffect); if (i > 1) { BuffState Concentration = new BuffState { Name = "Concentration", Frequency = 1f, Duration = BerserkTimer[i] * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, Stats = ConcentrationStat, }; // Do to the fact that this only triggers when NOT getting hit, the tank will not be able to gain any stacks Concentration.SetAffectsRoles_DPS(); Concentration.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); ShapeshiftingPhase1.BuffStates.Add(Concentration); ShapeshiftingPhase2.BuffStates.Add(Concentration); ShapeshiftingPhase3.BuffStates.Add(Concentration); ShapeshiftingPhase4.BuffStates.Add(Concentration); ShapeshiftingPhase5.BuffStates.Add(Concentration); ShapeshiftingPhase6.BuffStates.Add(Concentration); } #endregion #region Behold the Rage of the Firelands! /* Fandral transforms into a Cat when his enemies are not clustered together or into a Scorpion when * 7 or more of his enemies are clustered together.*/ #region Cat Form // Fandral transforms into a Cat when his enemies are not clustered together. // #region Leaping Flames /* Fandral leaps at an enemy, inflicting 36404 to 40846 Fire damage in a small area and * creating a Spirit of the Flame. This attack costs 100 energy.*/ // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - // Move but assume the person get hit with four ticks of the AOE Impedance LeapingFlames_Move = new Impedance { Name = "Leaping Flames Movement", Duration = 2f * 1000f, Frequency = SevenStackAverageLength, Chance = 1f / Max_Players[i], Breakable = false, }; LeapingFlames_Move.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); LeapingFlames_Move.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; CatPhase1.Moves.Add(LeapingFlames_Move); CatPhase2.Moves.Add(LeapingFlames_Move); CatPhase3.Moves.Add(LeapingFlames_Move); CatPhase4.Moves.Add(LeapingFlames_Move); CatPhase5.Moves.Add(LeapingFlames_Move); CatPhase6.Moves.Add(LeapingFlames_Move); Attack LeapingFlames = new Attack { Name = "Leaping Flames", DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamagePerTick = new float[] { (17671f + 19828f), (17671f + 19828f), (26036f + 29213f), (26036f + 29213f), 0f }[i] / 2f, Duration = 2f, TickInterval = 0.5f, IsDoT = true, SpellID = new float[] { 98535, 100206, 100207, 100208, 0 }[i], }; LeapingFlames.SetAffectsRoles_Healers(); LeapingFlames.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.RangedDPS] = true; Attack LeapingFlames_temp = LeapingFlames.Clone(); LeapingFlames_temp.DamagePerTick *= 1.10f; CatPhase1.Attacks.Add(LeapingFlames_temp); LeapingFlames_temp = LeapingFlames.Clone(); LeapingFlames_temp.DamagePerTick *= 1.30f; CatPhase2.Attacks.Add(LeapingFlames_temp); LeapingFlames_temp = LeapingFlames.Clone(); LeapingFlames_temp.DamagePerTick *= 1.50f; CatPhase3.Attacks.Add(LeapingFlames_temp); LeapingFlames_temp = LeapingFlames.Clone(); LeapingFlames_temp.DamagePerTick *= 1.70f; CatPhase4.Attacks.Add(LeapingFlames_temp); LeapingFlames_temp = LeapingFlames.Clone(); LeapingFlames_temp.DamagePerTick *= 1.90f; CatPhase5.Attacks.Add(LeapingFlames_temp); LeapingFlames_temp = LeapingFlames.Clone(); LeapingFlames_temp.DamagePerTick *= 2.10f; CatPhase6.Attacks.Add(LeapingFlames_temp); #endregion #region Spirit of the Flame // These small burning cats attack enemeis until defeated. // TargetGroup SpiritOfTheFlame = new TargetGroup { Name = "Spirit of the Flame", LevelOfTargets = 85, Chance = 1f, NearBoss = true, NumTargs = 1f, TargetID = 52593, Duration = SevenStackAverageLength * 1000f, Frequency = SevenStackAverageLength, }; SpiritOfTheFlame.SetAffectsRoles_All(); CatPhase1.Targets.Add(SpiritOfTheFlame); CatPhase2.Targets.Add(SpiritOfTheFlame); CatPhase3.Targets.Add(SpiritOfTheFlame); CatPhase4.Targets.Add(SpiritOfTheFlame); CatPhase5.Targets.Add(SpiritOfTheFlame); CatPhase6.Targets.Add(SpiritOfTheFlame); Attack SpiritOfTheFlameMelee = new Attack { Name = "Spirit Of The Flame Melee", DamagePerHit = BossHandler.StandardMeleePerHit[(int)Content[i]] * .666f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Physical, IsFromAnAdd = true, MaxNumTargets = 1f, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, AttackSpeed = 1.8f, Blockable = true, Dodgable = true, Missable = true, Parryable = true, }; SpiritOfTheFlameMelee.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = true; CatPhase1.Attacks.Add(SpiritOfTheFlameMelee); CatPhase2.Attacks.Add(SpiritOfTheFlameMelee); CatPhase3.Attacks.Add(SpiritOfTheFlameMelee); CatPhase4.Attacks.Add(SpiritOfTheFlameMelee); CatPhase5.Attacks.Add(SpiritOfTheFlameMelee); CatPhase6.Attacks.Add(SpiritOfTheFlameMelee); #endregion #region Adrenaline /* Fandral gains a stack of Adrenaline each time he performs Leaping Flames. Adrenaline * increases his energy regeneration rate by 1% per application. Fandral loses all stacks of * Adrenaline when he switches form.*/ // #endregion #region Fury /* Fandral gains a stack of Fury each time he transforms into a Cat or Scorpion, * permanently increasing the Physical damage he deals by 10%.*/ // #endregion #endregion #region Scorpion Form // Fandral transforms into a Scorpion when 7 or more of his enemies are clustered together. #region Flame Scythe // Fandral inflicts 562000 Fire damage to enemies in front of him. Damage is split equally // among targets hit. This attack costs 100 energy. // Damage needs to be split between all players // 10 man - // 25 man - // 10 man heroic - // 25 man heroic - Attack FlameSythe = new Attack { Name = "Flame Sythe", AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_MELEE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, DamagePerHit = new float[] { 562000, 1687000, 765000, 2295000, 0 }[i] / Max_Players[i], AttackSpeed = (i < 2 ? SevenStackAverageLength : FiveStackAverageLength), SpellID = new float[] { 98474, 100212, 100213, 100214, 0 }[i], MaxNumTargets = Max_Players[i], }; FlameSythe.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ScorpionPhase1.Attacks.Add(FlameSythe); Attack FlameSythe_temp = FlameSythe.Clone(); FlameSythe_temp.DamagePerHit *= 1.2f; if (i < 2) ScorpionPhase2.Attacks.Add(FlameSythe_temp); FlameSythe_temp = FlameSythe.Clone(); FlameSythe_temp.DamagePerHit *= 1.4f; if (i < 2) ScorpionPhase3.Attacks.Add(FlameSythe_temp); FlameSythe_temp = FlameSythe.Clone(); FlameSythe_temp.DamagePerHit *= 1.6f; if (i < 2) ScorpionPhase4.Attacks.Add(FlameSythe_temp); FlameSythe_temp = FlameSythe.Clone(); FlameSythe_temp.DamagePerHit *= 1.8f; if (i < 2) ScorpionPhase5.Attacks.Add(FlameSythe_temp); FlameSythe_temp = FlameSythe.Clone(); FlameSythe_temp.DamagePerHit *= 2.0f; if (i < 2) ScorpionPhase6.Attacks.Add(FlameSythe_temp); #endregion #region Adrenaline /* Fandral gains a stack of Adrenaline each time he performs Flame Scythe. Adrenaline * increases his energy regeneration rate by 1% per application. Fandral loses all stacks of * Adrenaline when he switches form.*/ // #endregion #region Fury /* Fandral gains a stack of Fury each time he transforms into a Cat or Scorpion, * permanently increasing the Physical damage he deals by 10%.*/ // #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Blaze of Glory! /* Fandral continues to transform into a Cat or Scorpion. * * On every third transform, Fandral pauses in human form to briefly envelop his enemies in a Fiery * Cyclone and cast an additional spell. When he is switching from Cat form to Scorpion form, Fandral * unleashes Searing Seeds. When he is switching from Scorpion form to Cat form, Fandral unleashes * Burning Orbs.*/ #region Fiery Cyclone /* On every third transform, Fandral pauses in human form to briefly envelop his enemies in a * Fiery Cyclone. * * The Fiery Cyclone tosses all enemy targets into the air, preventing all action but making them * invulnerable for 3 sec.*/ Impedance FieryCyclone = new Impedance { Name = "Fiery Cyclone", Frequency = 1f, Duration = 3f * 1000f, Chance = 1f, Breakable = false, }; FieryCyclone.SetAffectsRoles_All(); NEPhase.Stuns.Add(FieryCyclone); #endregion #region Searing Seeds /* When Fandral switches from Cat form to Scorpion form, he unleashes Searing Seeds. * * Searing Seeds implants fiery seeds in Fandral's enemies. Each seed grows at a different rate. * When fully grown, the seeds explode, inflicting 51499 to 51500 Fire damage to targets within * 10 yards.*/ // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - Attack SearingSeed = new Attack { Name = "Searing Seed", DamagePerHit = new float[] { 45000, 45000, 63750, 63750, 0 }[i], AttackSpeed = (SevenStackLength * (i < 2 ? 2f : 1f)) - 1f, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, MaxNumTargets = 1f, SpellID = new float[] { 98620, 100215, 100216, 100217, 0 }[i], }; SearingSeed.SetAffectsRoles_All(); SearingSeed.AffectsRole[PLAYER_ROLES.MainTank] = false; ShapeshiftingPhase2.Attacks.Add(SearingSeed); ShapeshiftingPhase4.Attacks.Add(SearingSeed); ShapeshiftingPhase6.Attacks.Add(SearingSeed); #endregion #region Burning Orbs /* When Fandral switches from Scorpion form to Cat form, he unleashes Burning Orbs. * * Fandral summons several orbs around the room. Each orb attacks the player nearest to it, * burning them for 7276 to 8174 Fire damage every 2 sec. Stacks.*/ // No more than 4 stacks // Meaning to get the average amount after 4 stacks, you multiply by 2.5 // 10-man - // 25-man - // 10-man Heroic - // 25-man Heroic - Attack BurningOrbs = new Attack { Name = "Burning Orb", DamagePerHit = new float[] { 3750, 3750, 7650, 7650, 0 }[i] * 10f, DamagePerTick = new float[] { 3750, 3750, 7650, 7650, 0 }[i] * 2.5f, IsDoT = true, Duration = 6f, TickInterval = 2f, AttackSpeed = 14f, MaxNumTargets = new float[] { 2, 5, 2, 5, 0 }[i], AttackType = ATTACK_TYPES.AT_AOE, DamageType = ItemDamageType.Fire, SpellID = new float[] { 98584, 100209, 100210, 100211, 0 }[i], }; BurningOrbs.SetAffectsRoles_All(); ShapeshiftingPhase3.Attacks.Add(BurningOrbs); ShapeshiftingPhase5.Attacks.Add(BurningOrbs); #endregion #endregion #region Apply Phases float phasestart = 0; float ShapshiftingStart = 0; InnerPhase InnerPhaseShapeShifting; // On Normal we are running a 7 stack each phase. That leaves only a 3 stack during the final Cat phase for Berserk if (i < 2) { InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase1, i, 1, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase1.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase1, i, 1, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase1.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase1, i, 1, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ShapshiftingStart; ApplyAPhasesValues(NEPhase, i, 2, phasestart, 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 3f; ShapshiftingStart = 0f; AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase1, i); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase2, i, 3, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase2, i, 3, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase2, i, 3, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ShapshiftingStart; ApplyAPhasesValues(NEPhase, i, 4, phasestart, 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 3f; ShapshiftingStart = 0f; AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase2, i); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase3, i, 5, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase3.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase3, i, 5, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase3.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase3, i, 5, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ShapshiftingStart; ApplyAPhasesValues(NEPhase, i, 6, phasestart, 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 3f; ShapshiftingStart = 0f; AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase3, i); AddAPhase(NEPhase, i); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase4, i, 7, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase4.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase4, i, 7, ShapshiftingStart, ThreeStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += ThreeStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase4.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase4, i, 7, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase4, i); } // On Heroic We are running a 5 Stack on the first Scorpion // Then a 7 Stack on Cat and 0 stack [70% before the first stack goes off] on the Scorpion phase else { InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase1, i, 1, ShapshiftingStart, FiveStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += FiveStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase1.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase1, i, 1, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase1.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase1, i, 1, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ShapshiftingStart; ApplyAPhasesValues(NEPhase, i, 2, phasestart, 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 3f; ShapshiftingStart = 0f; AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase1, i); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase2, i, 3, ShapshiftingStart, ZeroStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += ZeroStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase2, i, 3, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase2.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase2, i, 3, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ShapshiftingStart; ApplyAPhasesValues(NEPhase, i, 4, phasestart, 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 3f; ShapshiftingStart = 0f; AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase2, i); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase3, i, 5, ShapshiftingStart, ZeroStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += ZeroStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase3.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase3, i, 5, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase3.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase3, i, 5, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ShapshiftingStart; ApplyAPhasesValues(NEPhase, i, 6, phasestart, 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 3f; ShapshiftingStart = 0f; AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase3, i); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase4, i, 7, ShapshiftingStart, ZeroStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += ZeroStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase4.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase4, i, 7, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase4.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase4, i, 7, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ShapshiftingStart; ApplyAPhasesValues(NEPhase, i, 8, phasestart, 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 3f; ShapshiftingStart = 0f; AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase3, i); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase5, i, 9, ShapshiftingStart, ZeroStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += ZeroStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase5.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase5, i, 9, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += SevenStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase5.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase5, i, 9, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += ShapshiftingStart; ApplyAPhasesValues(NEPhase, i, 10, phasestart, 3f, BerserkTimer[i]); phasestart += 3f; ShapshiftingStart = 0f; AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase3, i); AddAPhase(NEPhase, i); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(ScorpionPhase6, i, 11, ShapshiftingStart, ZeroStackLength, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += ZeroStackLength; ShapeshiftingPhase6.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); InnerPhaseShapeShifting = new InnerPhase(CatPhase6, i, 11, ShapshiftingStart, SevenStackLength - 4.45f, BerserkTimer[i]); ShapshiftingStart += (SevenStackLength - 4.45f); ShapeshiftingPhase6.InnerPhases.Add(InnerPhaseShapeShifting); ApplyAPhasesValues(ShapeshiftingPhase6, i, 11, phasestart, ShapshiftingStart, BerserkTimer[i]); AddAPhase(ShapeshiftingPhase3, i); } #endregion } #endregion #endregion #region Defensive Resist_Physical = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Frost = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Fire = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Nature = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Arcane = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Shadow = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; Resist_Holy = new double[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion #region Impedances for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //Moves; //Stuns; //Fears; //Roots; //Disarms; } TimeBossIsInvuln = new float[] { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0, 0, 0 }; #endregion /* TODO: * all */ }