コード例 #1
    public void MergeChildBrick(bool accInvertNext, short color, Matrix4x4 trMatrix, BrickMeshInfo childMesh)
        int vtCnt = Vertices.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < childMesh.Vertices.Count; ++i)

        for (int i = 0; i < childMesh.ColorIndices.Count; ++i)
            ColorIndices.Add(LdConstant.GetEffectiveColorIndex(childMesh.ColorIndices[i], color));

        bool inverted = accInvertNext ^ (trMatrix.determinant < 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < childMesh.Triangles.Count; i += 3)
            if (inverted)
                Triangles.Add(vtCnt + childMesh.Triangles[i]);
                Triangles.Add(vtCnt + childMesh.Triangles[i + 2]);
                Triangles.Add(vtCnt + childMesh.Triangles[i + 1]);
                Triangles.Add(vtCnt + childMesh.Triangles[i]);
                Triangles.Add(vtCnt + childMesh.Triangles[i + 1]);
                Triangles.Add(vtCnt + childMesh.Triangles[i + 2]);
コード例 #2
 public void RefreshMeshInfo()
     if (meshInfo == null)
         meshInfo = BrickMeshManager.Instance.GetBrickMeshInfo(Name);
コード例 #3
    public BrickMesh(string meshName)
        Name       = meshName;
        BfcEnabled = false;
        InvertNext = false;
        BrickColor = LdConstant.LD_COLOR_MAIN;
        LocalTr    = Matrix4x4.identity;
        meshInfo   = BrickMeshManager.Instance.GetBrickMeshInfo(meshName);

        Children = new List <BrickMesh>();
コード例 #4
    public bool RegisterBrickMeshInfo(BrickMeshInfo info)
        if (infoPool.ContainsKey(info.Name))
            Debug.Log(string.Format("Cannot register duplicated brickMeshInfo: {0}", info.Name));

        infoPool.Add(info.Name, info);

        //Debug.Log(string.Format("Registered BrickMeshInfo: {0}", info.Name));
コード例 #5
    private BrickMesh(BrickMesh rhs)
        Name       = rhs.Name;
        BfcEnabled = rhs.BfcEnabled;
        InvertNext = rhs.InvertNext;
        BrickColor = rhs.BrickColor;
        LocalTr    = rhs.LocalTr;
        meshInfo   = rhs.meshInfo;

        Children = new List <BrickMesh>();
        foreach (BrickMesh entry in rhs.Children)
            Children.Add(new BrickMesh(entry));
コード例 #6
 public void CreateMeshInfo()
     meshInfo = new BrickMeshInfo(Name);
コード例 #7
    public static void Optimize(this BrickMeshInfo mesh, float angle)
        if (mesh == null || mesh.Vertices.Count == 0)

        var triangles  = mesh.Triangles;
        var vertices   = mesh.Vertices;
        var colors     = mesh.ColorIndices;
        var triNormals = new Vector3[triangles.Count / 3]; //Holds the normal of each triangle

        //Debug.Log(string.Format("Start optimize {0}: vtCnt:{1}, triCnt:{2}, colorCnt:{3}",
        //    mesh.name, vertices.Count, triangles.Count, colors.Count));

        angle = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        var dictionary = new Dictionary <VertexKey, VertexEntry>(vertices.Count);

        // Set vertex index dictionary
        var vtIndices = new Dictionary <int, VertexIndexEnry>(vertices.Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; ++i)
            vtIndices.Add(i, new VertexIndexEnry(i));

        // Goes through all the triangles and gathers up data to be used later
        for (var i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i += 3)
            int i1 = triangles[i];
            int i2 = triangles[i + 1];
            int i3 = triangles[i + 2];

            int color1 = colors[i1];
            int color2 = colors[i2];
            int color3 = colors[i3];

            //Calculate the normal of the triangle
            Vector3 p1       = vertices[i2] - vertices[i1];
            Vector3 p2       = vertices[i3] - vertices[i1];
            Vector3 normal   = Vector3.Cross(p1, p2).normalized;
            int     triIndex = i / 3;
            triNormals[triIndex] = normal;

            VertexEntry entry;
            VertexKey   key;

            //For each of the three points of the triangle
            //  > Add this triangle as part of the triangles they're connected to.

            if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(key = new VertexKey(vertices[i1]), out entry))
                entry = new VertexEntry();
                dictionary.Add(key, entry);
            entry.Add(i1, triIndex, color1);

            if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(key = new VertexKey(vertices[i2]), out entry))
                entry = new VertexEntry();
                dictionary.Add(key, entry);
            entry.Add(i2, triIndex, color2);

            if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(key = new VertexKey(vertices[i3]), out entry))
                entry = new VertexEntry();
                dictionary.Add(key, entry);
            entry.Add(i3, triIndex, color3);

        bool isShrinkNeeded = false;

        // Shrink vertcies index dictionary
        foreach (var value in dictionary.Values)
            for (var i = 0; i < value.Count; ++i)
                for (var j = i + 1; j < value.Count; ++j)
                    if (value.vertexIndex[i] == value.vertexIndex[j])

                    if (value.colorIndex[i] != value.colorIndex[j])

                    float dot = Vector3.Dot(
                    dot = Mathf.Clamp(dot, -0.99999f, 0.99999f);
                    float acos = Mathf.Acos(dot);

                    if (acos <= angle)
                        var srcIndex    = value.vertexIndex[j];
                        var targetIndex = value.vertexIndex[i];

                        //Debug.Log(string.Format("Mark replace: {0} to {1}", srcIndex, targetIndex));

                        vtIndices[srcIndex].replaceFlag  = true;
                        vtIndices[srcIndex].replaceIndex = targetIndex;

                        isShrinkNeeded = true;

        if (isShrinkNeeded)
            List <Vector3> shrinkedVertices = new List <Vector3>();
            List <short>   shrinkedColors   = new List <short>();

            var vtKeys = vtIndices.Keys.ToList();

            int serialIndex = 0;
            foreach (var key in vtKeys)
                if (vtIndices[key].replaceFlag)
                    int firstReplaceIndex = vtIndices[key].replaceIndex;
                    int finalReplaceIndex = firstReplaceIndex;
                    while (vtIndices[finalReplaceIndex].replaceFlag)
                        finalReplaceIndex = vtIndices[finalReplaceIndex].replaceIndex;
                        if (finalReplaceIndex == firstReplaceIndex)
                            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Cancle Replace: {0} with {1}", vtIndices[key].replaceIndex, firstReplaceIndex));
                            vtIndices[key].replaceFlag = false;

                    if (vtIndices[key].replaceFlag)
                        //Debug.Log(string.Format("Replace: {0} to {1}", vtIndices[key].replaceIndex, finalReplaceIndex));
                        vtIndices[key].replaceIndex = finalReplaceIndex;


                vtIndices[key].validPos = serialIndex++;

            for (var i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
                var oriIndex    = triangles[i];
                var resultIndex = vtIndices[oriIndex].replaceFlag ?
                                  vtIndices[vtIndices[oriIndex].replaceIndex].validPos : vtIndices[oriIndex].validPos;
                triangles[i] = resultIndex;

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Reduced vertices of {0} : {1} to {2}", mesh.name, vertices.Count, shrinkedVertices.Count));

            mesh.Vertices     = shrinkedVertices;
            mesh.ColorIndices = shrinkedColors;