コード例 #1
ファイル: BrgFile.cs プロジェクト: heinezen/Age-of-Mythology
        public void UpdateMeshSettings(int meshIndex, BrgMeshFlag flags, BrgMeshFormat format, BrgMeshAnimType animType, BrgMeshInterpolationType interpolationType)
            if (meshIndex > 0)
                ((BrgMesh)this.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations[meshIndex - 1]).Header.Flags             = flags;
                ((BrgMesh)this.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations[meshIndex - 1]).Header.Format            = format;
                ((BrgMesh)this.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations[meshIndex - 1]).Header.AnimationType     = animType;
                ((BrgMesh)this.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations[meshIndex - 1]).Header.InterpolationType = interpolationType;
                ((BrgMesh)this.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations[meshIndex - 1]).Header.Flags            |= BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH;
                ((BrgMesh)this.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations[meshIndex - 1]).Header.AnimationType    &= ~BrgMeshAnimType.NonUniform;
                this.Meshes[meshIndex].Header.Flags             = flags;
                this.Meshes[meshIndex].Header.Format            = format;
                this.Meshes[meshIndex].Header.AnimationType     = animType;
                this.Meshes[meshIndex].Header.InterpolationType = interpolationType;

                if (this.Meshes[meshIndex].Header.AnimationType == BrgMeshAnimType.NonUniform)
                    this.Meshes[meshIndex].NonUniformKeys = new List <float>(this.Header.NumMeshes);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumMeshes; i++)
                        this.Meshes[meshIndex].NonUniformKeys[i] = this.Animation.MeshKeys[i] / this.Animation.Duration;
コード例 #2
ファイル: BrgFile.cs プロジェクト: heinezen/Age-of-Mythology
        public void UpdateMeshSettings(BrgMeshFlag flags, BrgMeshFormat format, BrgMeshAnimType animType, BrgMeshInterpolationType interpolationType)
            if (this.Meshes.Count == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i <= this.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations.Count; i++)
                UpdateMeshSettings(i, flags, format, animType, interpolationType);
コード例 #3
        public BrgMesh()
            magic         = 1230193997; //MESI
            meshFormat    = 22;
            unknown01b    = 12;
            numVertices   = 0;
            numFaces      = 0;
            unknown02     = 256;
            unknown03     = new float[9];
            unknown04     = new byte[6];
            unknown04[4]  = 40;
            flags         = 0;
            unknown07     = new float[3];
            meshX         = 0f;
            meshY         = 0f;
            meshZ         = 0f;
            vertices      = new Vector3 <float> [numVertices];
            normals       = new Vector3 <float> [numVertices];
            texVertices   = new Vector2 <float> [numVertices];
            faceMaterials = new Int16[numFaces];
            faceVertices  = new Vector3 <Int16> [numFaces];
            vertMaterials = new Int16[numVertices];

            unknown09  = new float[12];
            checkSpace = 0;
            unknown09e = 0;
            unknown09b = 1;
            lenSpace   = 0;
            unknown09d = 2;

            // Implement this later
            //if (unknown05 == 97 || unknown06 == 200 || unknown06 == 204 || unknown06 == 72 || (unknown06 == 76 && unknown05 != 98)) {
            //    byte unknown0a[4 * numVertices];

            numMatrix    = 0;
            numIndex     = 0;
            unknown10    = 1;
            attachpoints = new List <BrgAttachpoint>(numMatrix);
            unknown14    = new float[lenSpace];
コード例 #4
ファイル: BrgMax.cs プロジェクト: heinezen/Age-of-Mythology
        public void Export()
            BrgFile brg = this.File;

            Maxscript.Command("exportStartTime = timeStamp()");
            //Maxscript.Command("print heapSize");
            BrgMeshFlag              flags             = brg.Meshes[0].Header.Flags;
            BrgMeshFormat            format            = brg.Meshes[0].Header.Format;
            BrgMeshAnimType          animationType     = brg.Meshes[0].Header.AnimationType;
            BrgMeshInterpolationType interpolationType = brg.Meshes[0].Header.InterpolationType;

            int totalNumVerts = Maxscript.QueryInteger("brgtotalNumVerts");
            int totalNumFaces = Maxscript.QueryInteger("brgtotalNumFaces");
            int meshCount     = Maxscript.QueryInteger("brgMeshes.count");

            if (meshCount == 0)
                throw new Exception("No Editable_Mesh objects detected!");
            if (Maxscript.QueryBoolean("keys.Count == 0"))
                throw new Exception("Could not acquire animation keys!");

            brg.Header.NumMeshes = Maxscript.QueryInteger("keys.Count");
            brg.Animation        = new Animation();
            for (int i = 1; i <= brg.Header.NumMeshes; ++i)
                brg.Animation.MeshKeys.Add(Maxscript.QueryFloat("keys[{0}]", i));
            if (brg.Header.NumMeshes == 1)
                brg.Animation.Duration = 0;
                brg.Animation.Duration = Maxscript.QueryFloat("(animationRange.end.ticks - animationRange.start.ticks) / 4800.0");
            brg.Animation.TimeStep = brg.Animation.Duration / (float)brg.Header.NumMeshes;

            string mainObject = "mainObject";

            brg.Materials = new List <BrgMaterial>();
            brg.Meshes    = new List <BrgMesh>(brg.Header.NumMeshes);
            for (int m = 0; m < meshCount; ++m)
                Maxscript.Command("{0} = brgMeshes[{1}]", mainObject, m + 1);

                // Materials
                Dictionary <int, int> matIdMapping = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                if (Maxscript.QueryBoolean("classof {0}.material == Multimaterial", mainObject))
                    brg.Header.NumMaterials = Maxscript.QueryInteger("{0}.material.materialList.count", mainObject);
                    for (int i = 0; i < brg.Header.NumMaterials; i++)
                        BrgMaterial mat = new BrgMaterial(brg);
                        mat.Id = brg.Materials.Count + 1;
                        Maxscript.Command("mat = {0}.material.materialList[{1}]", mainObject, i + 1);
                        this.ExportBrgMaterial(mainObject, mat);

                        int matListIndex = brg.Materials.IndexOf(mat);
                        int actualMatId  = Maxscript.QueryInteger("{0}.material.materialIdList[{1}]", mainObject, i + 1);
                        if (matListIndex >= 0)
                            if (!matIdMapping.ContainsKey(actualMatId))
                                matIdMapping.Add(actualMatId, brg.Materials[matListIndex].Id);
                            if (matIdMapping.ContainsKey(actualMatId))
                                matIdMapping[actualMatId] = mat.Id;
                                matIdMapping.Add(actualMatId, mat.Id);
                else if (Maxscript.QueryBoolean("classof {0}.material == Standardmaterial", mainObject))
                    BrgMaterial mat = new BrgMaterial(brg);
                    mat.Id = brg.Materials.Count + 1;
                    Maxscript.Command("mat = {0}.material", mainObject);
                    this.ExportBrgMaterial(mainObject, mat);

                    int matListIndex = brg.Materials.IndexOf(mat);
                    if (matListIndex >= 0)
                        matIdMapping.Add(1, brg.Materials[matListIndex].Id);
                        matIdMapping.Add(1, mat.Id);
                    if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIAL))
                        throw new Exception("Not all meshes have a material applied! " + Maxscript.QueryString("{0}.name", mainObject));

                // Mesh Animations
                for (int i = 0; i < brg.Header.NumMeshes; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        if (m == 0)
                            BrgMesh mesh = new BrgMesh(brg);
                            mesh.Vertices           = new List <Vector3>(totalNumVerts);
                            mesh.Normals            = new List <Vector3>(totalNumVerts);
                            mesh.TextureCoordinates = new List <Vector3>(totalNumVerts);
                            mesh.Faces = new List <Face>(totalNumFaces);
                        brg.UpdateMeshSettings(i, flags, format, animationType, interpolationType);
                        this.ExportBrgMesh(mainObject, (BrgMesh)brg.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations[i - 1], brg.Animation.MeshKeys[i], matIdMapping);
                        if (m == 0)
                            BrgMesh mesh = new BrgMesh(brg);
                            mesh.Vertices           = new List <Vector3>(totalNumVerts);
                            mesh.Normals            = new List <Vector3>(totalNumVerts);
                            mesh.TextureCoordinates = new List <Vector3>(totalNumVerts);
                            mesh.Faces = new List <Face>(totalNumFaces);
                        brg.UpdateMeshSettings(i, flags, format, animationType, interpolationType);
                        this.ExportBrgMesh(mainObject, brg.Meshes[i], brg.Animation.MeshKeys[i], matIdMapping);

            // Export Attachpoints, and Update some Mesh data
            HashSet <int> usedFaceMaterials = new HashSet <int>();
            string        attachDummy       = Maxscript.NewArray("attachDummy");

            Maxscript.Command("{0} = for helpObj in ($helpers/Dummy_*) where classof helpObj == Dummy collect helpObj", attachDummy);//"$helpers/Dummy_* as array");
            for (int i = 0; i < brg.Header.NumMeshes; i++)
                BrgMesh mesh;
                if (i > 0)
                    mesh = (BrgMesh)brg.Meshes[0].MeshAnimations[i - 1];
                    mesh = brg.Meshes[i];

                this.ExportAttachpoints(attachDummy, mesh, brg.Animation.MeshKeys[i]);
                HashSet <int> diffFaceMats = new HashSet <int>();
                if (!mesh.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH) &&
                    for (int j = 0; j < mesh.Faces.Count; ++j)

                    if (diffFaceMats.Count > 0)
                        mesh.ExtendedHeader.NumMaterials       = (byte)(diffFaceMats.Count - 1);
                        mesh.ExtendedHeader.NumUniqueMaterials = diffFaceMats.Count;
                mesh.ExtendedHeader.AnimationLength = this.File.Animation.Duration;
            List <BrgMaterial> usedMats = new List <BrgMaterial>(brg.Materials.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < brg.Materials.Count; ++i)
                if (usedFaceMaterials.Contains(brg.Materials[i].Id))
            brg.Materials           = usedMats;
            brg.Header.NumMaterials = brg.Materials.Count;

            //Maxscript.Command("print heapSize");
            Maxscript.Command("exportEndTime = timeStamp()");
            Maxscript.Format("Export took % seconds\n", "((exportEndTime - exportStartTime) / 1000.0)");
コード例 #5
        public void ReadBr3(BrgBinaryReader reader)
            numVertices = reader.ReadInt16();
            numFaces    = reader.ReadInt16();
            flags       = (BrgMeshFlag)reader.ReadInt16();

            vertices = new Vector3 <float> [numVertices];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                reader.ReadVector3(out vertices[i], false);
            normals = new Vector3 <float> [numVertices];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                reader.ReadVector3(out normals[i], false);

            if (!flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.NOTFIRSTMESH) || flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MOVINGTEX))
                if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.TEXTURE))
                    texVertices = new Vector2 <float> [numVertices];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                        reader.ReadVector2(out texVertices[i]);

            if (!flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.NOTFIRSTMESH))
                if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIALS))
                    faceMaterials = new Int16[numFaces];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
                        faceMaterials[i] = (Int16)reader.ReadInt32();

                faceVertices = new Vector3 <Int16> [numFaces];
                for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
                    reader.ReadVector3(out faceVertices[i]);
                    faceVertices[i].X -= 1;
                    faceVertices[i].Y -= 1;
                    faceVertices[i].Z -= 1;

                if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIALS))
                    vertMaterials = new Int16[numVertices];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
                        vertMaterials[faceVertices[i].X] = faceMaterials[i];
                        vertMaterials[faceVertices[i].Y] = faceMaterials[i];
                        vertMaterials[faceVertices[i].Z] = faceMaterials[i];

            if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.ATTACHPOINTS))
                numMatrix = (Int16)reader.ReadInt32();

                attachpoints = new List <BrgAttachpoint>(numMatrix);
                for (int i = 0; i < attachpoints.Count; i++)
                    attachpoints.Add(new BrgAttachpoint());
                    attachpoints[i].NameId = BrgAttachpoint.GetIdByName(reader.ReadString());

                    Vector3 <float> x3, y3, z3;
                    reader.ReadVector3(out x3);
                    reader.ReadVector3(out y3);
                    reader.ReadVector3(out z3);
                    reader.ReadVector3(out attachpoints[i].position, false);

                    attachpoints[i].x.X = x3.Z;
                    attachpoints[i].x.Y = z3.Z;
                    attachpoints[i].x.Z = y3.Z;

                    attachpoints[i].y.X = x3.Y;
                    attachpoints[i].y.Y = z3.Y;
                    attachpoints[i].y.Z = y3.Y;

                    attachpoints[i].z.X = x3.X;
                    attachpoints[i].z.Y = z3.X;
                    attachpoints[i].z.Z = y3.X;
コード例 #6
        public BrgMesh(BrgBinaryReader reader)
            magic = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (magic != EndianBitConverter.Little.ToInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("MESI"), 0))
                throw new Exception("Improper mesh header!");

            meshFormat  = reader.ReadInt16();
            unknown01b  = reader.ReadInt16();
            numVertices = reader.ReadInt16();
            numFaces    = reader.ReadInt16();
            unknown02   = reader.ReadInt32();

            unknown03 = new float[9];
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                unknown03[i] = reader.ReadSingle();

            unknown04 = new byte[6];
            unknown04 = reader.ReadBytes(6);

            flags     = (BrgMeshFlag)reader.ReadInt16();
            unknown07 = new float[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                unknown07[i] = reader.ReadSingle();

            meshX = reader.ReadSingle();
            meshY = reader.ReadSingle();
            meshZ = reader.ReadSingle();

            vertices = new Vector3 <float> [numVertices];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                reader.ReadVector3(out vertices[i], true, true);
            normals = new Vector3 <float> [numVertices];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                reader.ReadVector3(out normals[i], true, true);

            if (!flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.NOTFIRSTMESH) || flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MOVINGTEX))
                if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.TEXTURE))
                    texVertices = new Vector2 <float> [numVertices];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                        reader.ReadVector2(out texVertices[i], true);

            if (!flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.NOTFIRSTMESH))
                if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIALS))
                    faceMaterials = new Int16[numFaces];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
                        faceMaterials[i] = reader.ReadInt16();

                faceVertices = new Vector3 <Int16> [numFaces];
                for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
                    reader.ReadVector3(out faceVertices[i]);

                if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIALS))
                    vertMaterials = new Int16[numVertices];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                        vertMaterials[i] = reader.ReadInt16();

            unknown09 = new float[12];
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                unknown09[i] = reader.ReadHalf();
            checkSpace = reader.ReadInt16();
            unknown09e = reader.ReadInt16();

            if (checkSpace == 0)
                unknown09b = reader.ReadSingle();
                lenSpace   = reader.ReadInt32(); //09c
                unknown09d = reader.ReadInt32();

            // Implement this later
            //if (unknown05 == 97 || unknown06 == 200 || unknown06 == 204 || unknown06 == 72 || (unknown06 == 76 && unknown05 != 98)) {
            //    byte unknown0a[4 * numVertices];

            if (flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.ATTACHPOINTS))
                numMatrix = reader.ReadInt16();
                numIndex  = reader.ReadInt16();
                unknown10 = reader.ReadInt16();

                BrgAttachpoint[] attpts = new BrgAttachpoint[numMatrix];
                for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++)
                    attpts[i] = new BrgAttachpoint();
                for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++)
                    reader.ReadVector3(out attpts[i].x, true, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++)
                    reader.ReadVector3(out attpts[i].y, true, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++)
                    reader.ReadVector3(out attpts[i].z, true, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++)
                    reader.ReadVector3(out attpts[i].position, true, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++)
                    reader.ReadVector3(out attpts[i].unknown11a, true, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++)
                    reader.ReadVector3(out attpts[i].unknown11b, true, true);

                List <int> nameId = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < numIndex; i++)
                    int duplicate = reader.ReadInt32(); // have yet to find a model with duplicates
                    reader.ReadInt32();                 // Skip the id (at least I think its an ID)
                    for (int j = 0; j < duplicate; j++)

                attachpoints = new List <BrgAttachpoint>(nameId.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < nameId.Count; i++)
                    attachpoints.Add(new BrgAttachpoint(attpts[reader.ReadByte()]));
                    attachpoints[i].NameId = nameId[i];

                if (checkSpace == 0 && lenSpace > 0)
                    unknown14 = new float[lenSpace];
                    for (int i = 0; i < lenSpace; i++)
                        unknown14[i] = reader.ReadSingle();