コード例 #1
    public override void ViewNext(IList <Branch> branches)
        var validBranches = from branch in branches where branch.IsValid select branch;

        _currentData       = new BranchData();
        AboutToRequestMain = false;

        if (validBranches.Count() <= 1 || ArticyManager.Instance.CharacterHub)
        AboutToRequestMain = true;
        Debug.Log("BranchesManager about to request main.");

        //We create buttons for all posible options
        foreach (var branch in validBranches)
            var menuObject = branch.Target as IObjectWithText;
            var text       = menuObject?.Text ?? "";
            _currentData.AddButton(new BranchButtonData {
                text = text, callback = () => EndDecision(branch)

        //Create the text and show image
        if (_flowPlayer.CurrentObject.HasReference)
            var node = _flowPlayer.CurrentObject.GetObject();
            if (node is IObjectWithText textObject)
                _currentData.description = textObject.Text;

            if (node is DialogueFragment dialog)
                if (dialog.Speaker is IObjectWithPreviewImage previewImage)
                    var asset = previewImage.PreviewImage.Asset;
                    if (asset != null)
                        _currentData.portrait = asset.LoadAssetAsSprite();