// Check if nearest neighbour has same color or shape or if there is duplicat in nearest neighbourhood public bool CanBePlaced1(int _shapeIndex, int _colorIndex) { if (BoxX != null) { if (!BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().FreePlace) { if ((_shapeIndex != BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ShapeIndex&& _colorIndex != BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ColorIndex) || (_shapeIndex == BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ShapeIndex&& _colorIndex == BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ColorIndex)) { return(false); } } } if (BoxMinusX != null) { if (!BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().FreePlace) { if ((_shapeIndex != BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ShapeIndex&& _colorIndex != BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ColorIndex) || (_shapeIndex == BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ShapeIndex&& _colorIndex == BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ColorIndex)) { return(false); } } } if (BoxZ != null) { if (!BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().FreePlace) { if ((_shapeIndex != BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ShapeIndex&& _colorIndex != BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ColorIndex) || (_shapeIndex == BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ShapeIndex&& _colorIndex == BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ColorIndex)) { return(false); } } } if (BoxMinusZ != null) { if (!BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().FreePlace) { if ((_shapeIndex != BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ShapeIndex&& _colorIndex != BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ColorIndex) || (_shapeIndex == BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ShapeIndex&& _colorIndex == BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ColorIndex)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
// check if boxes are played in one row or one column public bool CanBePlaced3() { List <BoxScript> playedBoxes = BoxManagerScript.instance.GetPlayedBoxes(); if (playedBoxes.Count == 0) { return(true); } List <BoxScript> listX = new List <BoxScript>(); List <BoxScript> listZ = new List <BoxScript>(); bool x = true; bool z = true; if (BoxX != null) { BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(DIRECTIONS.X, listX); } if (BoxMinusX != null) { BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(DIRECTIONS.MINUS_X, listX); } if (BoxZ != null) { BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(DIRECTIONS.Z, listZ); } if (BoxMinusZ != null) { BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(DIRECTIONS.MINUS_Z, listZ); } for (int i = 0; i < playedBoxes.Count; i++) { if (!listX.Contains(playedBoxes[i])) { x = false; } if (!listZ.Contains(playedBoxes[i])) { z = false; } } return(z || x); }
public void ListCheck(DIRECTIONS direction, List <BoxScript> list) { if (!FreePlace) { if (!list.Contains(this)) { list.Add(this); } switch (direction) { case DIRECTIONS.X: if (BoxX != null) { BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(direction, list); } break; case DIRECTIONS.MINUS_X: if (BoxMinusX != null) { BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(direction, list); } break; case DIRECTIONS.Z: if (BoxZ != null) { BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(direction, list); } break; case DIRECTIONS.MINUS_Z: if (BoxMinusZ != null) { BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(direction, list); } break; default: break; } } }
public void PlaceBox(int _shapeIndex, int _colorIndex) { ColorIndex = _colorIndex; ShapeIndex = _shapeIndex; Material material = DataScript.instance.GetShape(_shapeIndex); Color32 color = DataScript.instance.GetColor(_colorIndex); FreePlace = false; gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = material; gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = color; gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true; if (BoxX == null) { BoxX = CreateBox(material, new Vector3(transform.position.x + 1, transform.position.y, transform.position.z)); BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().BondBoxMinusX(gameObject); BoxManagerScript.instance.FreeBoxesInGame.Add(BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>()); } if (BoxMinusX == null) { BoxMinusX = CreateBox(material, new Vector3(transform.position.x - 1, transform.position.y, transform.position.z)); BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().BondBoxX(gameObject); BoxManagerScript.instance.FreeBoxesInGame.Add(BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>()); } if (BoxZ == null) { BoxZ = CreateBox(material, new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z + 1)); BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().BondBoxMinusZ(gameObject); BoxManagerScript.instance.FreeBoxesInGame.Add(BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>()); } if (BoxMinusZ == null) { BoxMinusZ = CreateBox(material, new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z - 1)); BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().BondBoxZ(gameObject); BoxManagerScript.instance.FreeBoxesInGame.Add(BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>()); } }
public void SeekNeighbours() { if (BoxX == null) { GameObject box = SeekBox(new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); if (box != null) { BoxX = box; BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().BondBoxMinusX(gameObject); } } if (BoxMinusX == null) { GameObject box = SeekBox(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0)); if (box != null) { BoxMinusX = box; BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().BondBoxX(gameObject); } } if (BoxZ == null) { GameObject box = SeekBox(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); if (box != null) { BoxZ = box; BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().BondBoxMinusZ(gameObject); } } if (BoxMinusZ == null) { GameObject box = SeekBox(new Vector3(0, 0, -1)); if (box != null) { BoxMinusZ = box; BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().BondBoxZ(gameObject); } } }
// Check rows and cols if there already is such a box and if box fits rows public bool CanBePlaced2(int _shapeIndex, int _colorIndex) { List <BoxScript> listX = new List <BoxScript>(); List <BoxScript> listMinusX = new List <BoxScript>(); List <BoxScript> listZ = new List <BoxScript>(); List <BoxScript> listMinusZ = new List <BoxScript>(); if (BoxX != null) { BoxX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(DIRECTIONS.X, listX); } if (BoxMinusX != null) { BoxMinusX.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(DIRECTIONS.MINUS_X, listMinusX); } if (BoxZ != null) { BoxZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(DIRECTIONS.Z, listMinusZ); } if (BoxMinusZ != null) { BoxMinusZ.GetComponent <BoxScript>().ListCheck(DIRECTIONS.MINUS_Z, listZ); } if (listX.Count > 0 && listMinusX.Count == 0 && listZ.Count == 0 && listMinusZ.Count == 0) { if (listX.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (listX.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } } else if (listX.Count == 0 && listMinusX.Count > 0 && listZ.Count == 0 && listMinusZ.Count == 0) { if (listMinusX.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (listMinusX.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listMinusX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } } else if (listX.Count == 0 && listMinusX.Count == 0 && listZ.Count > 0 && listMinusZ.Count == 0) { if (listZ.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (listZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } } else if (listX.Count == 0 && listMinusX.Count == 0 && listZ.Count == 0 && listMinusZ.Count > 0) { if (listMinusZ.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (listMinusZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listMinusZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } } else if (listX.Count > 0 && listMinusX.Count > 0 && listZ.Count == 0 && listMinusZ.Count == 0) { if (listX.Count + listMinusX.Count >= 6) { return(false); } List <BoxScript> tempList = new List <BoxScript>(); for (int i = 0; i < listX.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listX[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < listMinusX.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listMinusX[i]); } if (HasDuplicats(tempList)) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in tempList) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (!IsOneShape(tempList) && !IsOneColor(tempList)) { return(false); } } else if (listX.Count == 0 && listMinusX.Count == 0 && listZ.Count > 0 && listMinusZ.Count > 0) { if (listZ.Count + listMinusZ.Count >= 6) { return(false); } List <BoxScript> tempList = new List <BoxScript>(); for (int i = 0; i < listZ.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listZ[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < listMinusZ.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listMinusZ[i]); } if (HasDuplicats(tempList)) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in tempList) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (!IsOneShape(tempList) && !IsOneColor(tempList)) { return(false); } } else if (listX.Count > 0 && listMinusX.Count == 0 && listZ.Count > 0 && listMinusZ.Count == 0) { if (listX.Count == 6 || listZ.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (listX.Count > 1 && listZ.Count == 1) { if (IsOneShape(listX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listX.Count == 1 && listZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listX.Count > 1 && listZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (IsOneShape(listZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } } else if (listX.Count > 0 && listMinusX.Count == 0 && listZ.Count == 0 && listMinusZ.Count > 0) { if (listX.Count == 6 || listMinusZ.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (listX.Count > 1 && listMinusZ.Count == 1) { if (IsOneShape(listX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listX.Count == 1 && listMinusZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listMinusZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listX.Count > 1 && listMinusZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (IsOneShape(listMinusZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } } else if (listX.Count == 0 && listMinusX.Count > 0 && listZ.Count > 0 && listMinusZ.Count == 0) { if (listMinusX.Count == 6 || listZ.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (listMinusX.Count > 1 && listZ.Count == 1) { if (IsOneShape(listMinusX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listMinusX.Count == 1 && listZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listMinusX.Count > 1 && listZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listMinusX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (IsOneShape(listZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } } else if (listX.Count == 0 && listMinusX.Count > 0 && listZ.Count == 0 && listMinusZ.Count > 0) { if (listMinusX.Count == 6 || listMinusZ.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (listMinusX.Count > 1 && listMinusZ.Count == 1) { if (IsOneShape(listMinusX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listMinusX.Count == 1 && listMinusZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listMinusZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listMinusX.Count > 1 && listMinusZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneShape(listMinusX)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusX[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusX[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } if (IsOneShape(listMinusZ)) { if (_shapeIndex != listMinusZ[0].shapeIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (_colorIndex != listMinusZ[0].colorIndex) { return(false); } } } } else if (listX.Count > 0 && listMinusX.Count > 0 && listZ.Count > 0 && listMinusZ.Count == 0) { if ((listX.Count + listMinusX.Count) >= 6 || listZ.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } List <BoxScript> tempList = new List <BoxScript>(); for (int i = 0; i < listX.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listX[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < listMinusX.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listMinusX[i]); } if (HasDuplicats(tempList)) { return(false); } if (!IsOneShape(tempList) && !IsOneColor(tempList)) { return(false); } if (listZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneColor(listZ)) { if (listZ[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (listZ[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } if (IsOneColor(tempList)) { if (tempList[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (tempList[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listX.Count > 0 && listMinusX.Count > 0 && listZ.Count == 0 && listMinusZ.Count > 0) { if ((listX.Count + listMinusX.Count) >= 6 || listMinusZ.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } List <BoxScript> tempList = new List <BoxScript>(); for (int i = 0; i < listX.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listX[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < listMinusX.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listMinusX[i]); } if (HasDuplicats(tempList)) { return(false); } if (!IsOneShape(tempList) && !IsOneColor(tempList)) { return(false); } if (listMinusZ.Count > 1) { if (IsOneColor(listMinusZ)) { if (listMinusZ[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (listMinusZ[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } if (IsOneColor(tempList)) { if (tempList[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (tempList[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listX.Count > 0 && listMinusX.Count == 0 && listZ.Count > 0 && listMinusZ.Count > 0) { if ((listZ.Count + listMinusZ.Count) >= 6 || listX.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } List <BoxScript> tempList = new List <BoxScript>(); for (int i = 0; i < listZ.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listZ[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < listMinusZ.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listMinusZ[i]); } if (HasDuplicats(tempList)) { return(false); } if (!IsOneShape(tempList) && !IsOneColor(tempList)) { return(false); } if (listX.Count > 1) { if (IsOneColor(listX)) { if (listX[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (listX[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } if (IsOneColor(tempList)) { if (tempList[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (tempList[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listX.Count == 0 && listMinusX.Count > 0 && listZ.Count > 0 && listMinusZ.Count > 0) { if ((listZ.Count + listMinusZ.Count) >= 6 || listMinusX.Count == 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } List <BoxScript> tempList = new List <BoxScript>(); for (int i = 0; i < listZ.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listZ[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < listMinusZ.Count; i++) { tempList.Add(listMinusZ[i]); } if (HasDuplicats(tempList)) { return(false); } if (!IsOneShape(tempList) && !IsOneColor(tempList)) { return(false); } if (listMinusX.Count > 1) { if (IsOneColor(listMinusX)) { if (listMinusX[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (listMinusX[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } if (IsOneColor(tempList)) { if (tempList[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (tempList[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } else if (listX.Count > 0 && listMinusX.Count > 0 && listZ.Count > 0 && listMinusZ.Count > 0) { if ((listX.Count + listMinusX.Count) >= 6 || (listZ.Count + listMinusZ.Count) >= 6) { return(false); } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listZ) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listMinusX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } foreach (BoxScript bS in listX) { if (bS.shapeIndex == _shapeIndex && bS.colorIndex == _colorIndex) { return(false); } } List <BoxScript> tempListZ = new List <BoxScript>(); for (int i = 0; i < listZ.Count; i++) { tempListZ.Add(listZ[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < listMinusZ.Count; i++) { tempListZ.Add(listMinusZ[i]); } if (HasDuplicats(tempListZ)) { return(false); } List <BoxScript> tempListX = new List <BoxScript>(); for (int i = 0; i < listX.Count; i++) { tempListX.Add(listX[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < listMinusX.Count; i++) { tempListX.Add(listMinusX[i]); } if (HasDuplicats(tempListX)) { return(false); } if (!IsOneShape(tempListZ) && !IsOneColor(tempListZ)) { return(false); } if (!IsOneShape(tempListX) && !IsOneColor(tempListX)) { return(false); } if (IsOneColor(tempListX)) { if (tempListX[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (tempListX[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } if (IsOneColor(tempListZ)) { if (tempListZ[0].ColorIndex != _colorIndex) { return(false); } } else { if (tempListZ[0].ShapeIndex != _shapeIndex) { return(false); } } } return(true); }