コード例 #1
    public static void Draw()
        //options menu box
        BoxStruct Box1 = new BoxStruct();
        Box1.left = (Screen.width/2)-((Screen.width/6)/2);
        Box1.top = (Screen.height/2)-((Screen.height/2)/2);
        Box1.width = (Screen.width/6);
        Box1.height = (Screen.height/2);
        Box1.text = GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("optionsmenu", "title");
        GUI.Box(new Rect(Box1.left, Box1.top, Box1.width, Box1.height), Box1.text);

        //options menu language selector
        //QuitButton.left has to be calculated after QuitButton.width!
        ButtonStruct LanguageButton = new ButtonStruct();
        LanguageButton.top = Box1.top + ((Box1.height/4));
        LanguageButton.width = (Box1.width - (Box1.width/8));
        LanguageButton.left = Box1.left + ((Box1.width - LanguageButton.width)/2);
        LanguageButton.height = 20;
        LanguageButton.text = GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("optionsmenu", "language");

        GUIContent[] listContent = new GUIContent[3];
        listContent[0] = new GUIContent("");
        listContent[1] = new GUIContent(GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("optionsmenu", "english"));
        listContent[2] = new GUIContent(GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("optionsmenu", "german"));

        GUIStyle listStyle = new GUIStyle();
        //listStyle.padding.left = listStyle.padding.right = listStyle.padding.top = listStyle.padding.bottom = 10;
        listStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
        Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1, 1);
        listStyle.hover.background = tex;
        listStyle.onHover.background = tex;
        //listStyle.hover.textColor = Color.grey;
        //listStyle.onHover.textColor = Color.grey;
        listStyle.padding.left = listStyle.padding.right = listStyle.padding.top = listStyle.padding.bottom = 4;

        Popup.List(new Rect(LanguageButton.left, LanguageButton.top, LanguageButton.width, LanguageButton.height), ref showList, ref selectedItem, new GUIContent(LanguageButton.text), listContent, listStyle);

        //options menu cancel button
        //CancelButton.left has to be calculated after CancelButton.width!
        ButtonStruct CancelButton = new ButtonStruct();
        CancelButton.top = LanguageButton.top + (LanguageButton.height * (listContent.Length + 1)) + (LanguageButton.height/2);
        CancelButton.width = (Box1.width - (Box1.width/8));
        CancelButton.left = Box1.left + ((Box1.width - CancelButton.width)/2);
        CancelButton.height = 20;
        CancelButton.text = GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("escmenu", "cancel");
        if (GUI.Button (new Rect(CancelButton.left, CancelButton.top, CancelButton.width, CancelButton.height), CancelButton.text)) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: EscMenu.cs プロジェクト: qrioniclabs/TestProject
    public static void Draw()
        //escape menu box
        BoxStruct Box1 = new BoxStruct();
        Box1.left = (Screen.width/2)-((Screen.width/6)/2);
        Box1.top = (Screen.height/2)-((Screen.height/2)/2);
        Box1.width = (Screen.width/6);
        Box1.height = (Screen.height/2);
        Box1.text = GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("escmenu", "title");
        GUI.Box(new Rect(Box1.left, Box1.top, Box1.width, Box1.height), Box1.text);

        //escape menu options button
        //QuitButton.left has to be calculated after QuitButton.width!
        ButtonStruct OptionsButton = new ButtonStruct();
        OptionsButton.top = Box1.top + ((Box1.height/4));
        OptionsButton.width = (Box1.width - (Box1.width/8));
        OptionsButton.left = Box1.left + ((Box1.width - OptionsButton.width)/2);
        OptionsButton.height = 20;
        OptionsButton.text = GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("escmenu", "options");
        if (GUI.Button (new Rect(OptionsButton.left, OptionsButton.top, OptionsButton.width, OptionsButton.height), OptionsButton.text)) {
            EscMenuActive = false;

        //escape menu quit button
        //OptionsButton.left has to be calculated after CancelButton.width!
        ButtonStruct QuitButton = new ButtonStruct();
        QuitButton.top = OptionsButton.top + OptionsButton.height + (OptionsButton.height/2);
        QuitButton.width = (Box1.width - (Box1.width/8));
        QuitButton.left = Box1.left + ((Box1.width - OptionsButton.width)/2);
        QuitButton.height = 20;
        QuitButton.text = GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("escmenu", "quit");
        if (GUI.Button (new Rect(QuitButton.left, QuitButton.top, QuitButton.width, QuitButton.height), QuitButton.text)) {

        //escape menu cancel button
        //CancelButton.left has to be calculated after CancelButton.width!
        ButtonStruct CancelButton = new ButtonStruct();
        CancelButton.top = QuitButton.top + QuitButton.height + (QuitButton.height/2);
        CancelButton.width = (Box1.width - (Box1.width/8));
        CancelButton.left = Box1.left + ((Box1.width - CancelButton.width)/2);
        CancelButton.height = 20;
        CancelButton.text = GetLanguageValueXml.GetValue("escmenu", "cancel");
        if (GUI.Button (new Rect(CancelButton.left, CancelButton.top, CancelButton.width, CancelButton.height), CancelButton.text)) {
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks collision between box A and the supplied coordinates. If they collide, return true.
 /// </summary>
 protected bool CheckCollision(VertexStruct PlayerPosition, BoxStruct Box)
         (PlayerPosition.PositionX >= Box.MinX && PlayerPosition.PositionX <= Box.MaxX) &&
         (PlayerPosition.PositionY >= Box.MinY && PlayerPosition.PositionY <= Box.MaxY) &&
         (PlayerPosition.PositionZ >= Box.MinZ && PlayerPosition.PositionZ <= Box.MaxZ)
コード例 #4
 public BoxStruct(BoxStruct <T> other) : this(other.top, other.bottom, other.left, other.right)
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs collision handlers used for collision detection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BoxPath">Path to the .OBJ file defining multiple boxes.</param>
        private CollisionHandler ConstructBox(string BoxPath)
            // Define Handler
            CollisionHandler Collision_Handler = new CollisionHandler();

            // Allocate Memory
            Collision_Handler.collisionBoxes = new List <BoxStruct>();

            // Read The Box Collision Files.
            List <VertexStruct> Vertices = new List <VertexStruct>(); // List of vertices for spline.

            string[]  OBJ_File = File.ReadAllLines(BoxPath);          // Read all of the lines.
            string[]  Vertex_XYZ;                                     // Used when splitting current lines of OBJ Files.
            BoxStruct CollisionBox = new BoxStruct();

            // Iterate over all lines.
            for (int x = 0; x < OBJ_File.Length; x++)
                    // Convert 3DS Notation
                    if (OBJ_File[x].StartsWith("v  "))
                        OBJ_File[x] = OBJ_File[x].Replace("v  ", "v ");

                    if (OBJ_File[x].Contains("object"))
                        // Get largest and smallest vertex in each axis from a list of structs containing XYZ.
                        CollisionBox.MinX = Vertices.Min(z => z.PositionX);
                        CollisionBox.MinY = Vertices.Min(z => z.PositionY);
                        CollisionBox.MinZ = Vertices.Min(z => z.PositionZ);
                        CollisionBox.MaxX = Vertices.Max(z => z.PositionX);
                        CollisionBox.MaxY = Vertices.Max(z => z.PositionY);
                        CollisionBox.MaxZ = Vertices.Max(z => z.PositionZ);

                        // Add current Collision Box.

                        // Reset the box struct and vertex struct.
                        Vertices     = new List <VertexStruct>();
                        CollisionBox = new BoxStruct();
                    else if (OBJ_File[x].StartsWith("v "))
                        // Remove spaces, place strings to array.
                        Vertex_XYZ = OBJ_File[x].Split(' ');

                        // Define a new Vertex.
                        VertexStruct TempVertex;

                        // Get coordinates.
                        TempVertex.PositionX = Convert.ToSingle(Vertex_XYZ[1]);
                        TempVertex.PositionY = Convert.ToSingle(Vertex_XYZ[2]);
                        TempVertex.PositionZ = Convert.ToSingle(Vertex_XYZ[3]);

                        // Add vertex to list of vertices.
                catch { }

            // Spaghetti Code Warning - Add Last/First (if only) Box
                CollisionBox.MinX = Vertices.Min(z => z.PositionX); CollisionBox.MinY = Vertices.Min(z => z.PositionY); CollisionBox.MinZ = Vertices.Min(z => z.PositionZ); CollisionBox.MaxX = Vertices.Max(z => z.PositionX); CollisionBox.MaxY = Vertices.Max(z => z.PositionY);  CollisionBox.MaxZ = Vertices.Max(z => z.PositionZ);
            } catch { }
