/// <summary> /// Calculates the size of the box layout container. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">The container to lay out.</param> /// <param name="args">The parameters to use for layout.</param> /// <param name="direction">The direction which is being calculated.</param> /// <returns>The minimum and preferred box layout size.</returns> private static BoxLayoutResults Calc(GameObject obj, BoxLayoutParams args, PanelDirection direction) { var transform = obj.AddOrGet <RectTransform>(); int n = transform.childCount; var result = new BoxLayoutResults(direction, n); var components = ListPool <Component, BoxLayoutGroup> .Allocate(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var child = transform.GetChild(i)?.gameObject; if (child != null && child.activeInHierarchy) { // Only on active game objects components.Clear(); child.GetComponents(components); var hc = PUIUtils.CalcSizes(child, direction, components); if (!hc.ignore) { if (args.Direction == direction) { result.Accum(hc, args.Spacing); } else { result.Expand(hc); } result.children.Add(hc); } } } components.Recycle(); return(result); }
internal BoxLayoutGroup() { horizontal = null; layoutPriority = 1; parameters = new BoxLayoutParams(); vertical = null; }
protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); SetDirty(); horizontal = null; vertical = null; }
/// <summary> /// Lays out components in the box layout container parallel to the layout axis. /// </summary> /// <param name="required">The calculated minimum and preferred sizes.</param> /// <param name="args">The parameters to use for layout.</param> /// <param name="status">The current status of layout.</param> private static void DoLayoutLinear(BoxLayoutResults required, BoxLayoutParams args, BoxLayoutStatus status) { var total = required.total; var components = ListPool <ILayoutController, BoxLayoutGroup> .Allocate(); var direction = args.Direction; // Determine flex size ratio float size = status.size, prefRatio = 0.0f, minSize = total.min, prefSize = total.preferred, excess = Math.Max(0.0f, size - prefSize), flexTotal = total. flexible, offset = status.offset, spacing = args.Spacing; if (size > minSize && prefSize > minSize) { // Do not divide by 0 prefRatio = Math.Min(1.0f, (size - minSize) / (prefSize - minSize)); } if (excess > 0.0f && flexTotal == 0.0f) { // If no components can be expanded, offset all offset += PUIUtils.GetOffset(args.Alignment, status.direction, excess); } foreach (var child in required.children) { var obj = child.source; // Active objects only if (obj != null && obj.activeInHierarchy) { float compSize = child.min; if (prefRatio > 0.0f) { compSize += (child.preferred - child.min) * prefRatio; } if (excess > 0.0f && flexTotal > 0.0f) { compSize += excess * child.flexible / flexTotal; } // Place and size component obj.AddOrGet <RectTransform>().SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(status.edge, offset, compSize); offset += compSize + ((compSize > 0.0f) ? spacing : 0.0f); // Invoke SetLayout on dependents components.Clear(); obj.GetComponents(components); foreach (var component in components) { if (direction == PanelDirection.Horizontal) { component.SetLayoutHorizontal(); } else // if (direction == PanelDirection.Vertical) { component.SetLayoutVertical(); } } } } components.Recycle(); }
public override void CalculateLayoutInputVertical() { var margin = parameters.Margin; float gap = (margin == null) ? 0.0f : margin.top + margin.bottom; vertical = Calc(gameObject, parameters, PanelDirection.Vertical); var vTotal = vertical.total; minHeight = vTotal.min + gap; preferredHeight = vTotal.preferred + gap; #if DEBUG_LAYOUT PUIUtils.LogUIDebug("CalculateLayoutInputVertical for {0} preferred {1:F2}".F( gameObject.name, preferredHeight)); #endif }
public override void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() { var margin = parameters.Margin; float gap = (margin == null) ? 0.0f : margin.left + margin.right; horizontal = Calc(gameObject, parameters, PanelDirection.Horizontal); var hTotal = horizontal.total; minWidth = hTotal.min + gap; preferredWidth = hTotal.preferred + gap; #if DEBUG_LAYOUT PUIUtils.LogUIDebug("CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal for {0} preferred {1:F2}".F( gameObject.name, preferredWidth)); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Lays out components in the box layout container. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The parameters to use for layout.</param> /// <param name="required">The calculated minimum and preferred sizes.</param> /// <param name="size">The total available size in this dimension.</param> private static void DoLayout(BoxLayoutParams args, BoxLayoutResults required, float size) { if (required == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(required)); } var direction = required.direction; var status = new BoxLayoutStatus(direction, args.Margin ?? new RectOffset(), size); if (args.Direction == direction) { DoLayoutLinear(required, args, status); } else { DoLayoutPerp(required, args, status); } }
/// <summary> /// Lays out components in the box layout container against the layout axis. /// </summary> /// <param name="required">The calculated minimum and preferred sizes.</param> /// <param name="args">The parameters to use for layout.</param> /// <param name="status">The current status of layout.</param> private static void DoLayoutPerp(BoxLayoutResults required, BoxLayoutParams args, BoxLayoutStatus status) { var components = ListPool <ILayoutController, BoxLayoutGroup> .Allocate(); var direction = args.Direction; float size = status.size; foreach (var child in required.children) { var obj = child.source; // Active objects only if (obj != null && obj.activeInHierarchy) { float compSize = size; if (child.flexible <= 0.0f) { // Does not expand to all compSize = Math.Min(compSize, child.preferred); } float offset = (size > compSize) ? PUIUtils.GetOffset(args.Alignment, status.direction, size - compSize) : 0.0f; // Place and size component obj.AddOrGet <RectTransform>().SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(status.edge, offset + status.offset, compSize); // Invoke SetLayout on dependents components.Clear(); obj.GetComponents(components); foreach (var component in components) { if (direction == PanelDirection.Horizontal) { component.SetLayoutVertical(); } else // if (direction == PanelDirection.Vertical) { component.SetLayoutHorizontal(); } } } } components.Recycle(); }
protected override void OnDisable() { base.OnDisable(); horizontal = null; vertical = null; }