コード例 #1
        static void Initialize()
            initialized = true;

            DefaultCost           = new Costs(new ShipStateChange(0, 0, 0, 0), new ShipStateChange(0, 0, 0, 0), null);
            DefaultDelay          = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(0));
            DefaultDamageDelay    = new Bounded <float>(.08f);
            DefaultTargetingTypes = TargetingInfo.None;
            DefaultInitialRadius  = ShofixtiScout.DefaultShape.BoundingRadius;
            DefaultExpansionRate  = ShofixtiScout.DefaultShape.BoundingRadius + TimeWarp.ScaleRange(13);
            DefaultMass           = 2;
            DefaultLeverPulls     = 3;
            DefaultLifeTime       = new LifeSpan(1);
            DefaultEffectCollection.Effects.Add(new ShipStateEffect(TargetingInfo.All, EffectTypes.None, new EffectSounds(), new ShipStateChange(-2, 0, 0, 0)));
            DefaultEffectCollection.AttachmentFlags |= EffectAttachmentFlags.ClonedAttachment;
            DefaultActionSounds = new ActionSounds();
コード例 #2
        public void BindWorld(Vector2D position)
            Bounded <float> arenaXSize = new Bounded <float>(ArenaXSize.Lower + position.X, 0, ArenaXSize.Upper + position.X, true);
            Bounded <float> arenaYSize = new Bounded <float>(ArenaYSize.Lower + position.Y, 0, ArenaYSize.Upper + position.Y, true);

            foreach (ICollidableBody collidable in world.Collidables)
                Vector2D pos = collidable.Current.Position.Linear;
                pos.X = arenaXSize.Binder.Bind(pos.X);
                pos.Y = arenaYSize.Binder.Bind(pos.Y);
                if (collidable.Current.Position.Linear != pos)
                    collidable.Current.Position.Linear = pos;
コード例 #3
        static void Initialize()
            initialized = true;

            //DefaultTargetingTypes =  TargetingInfo.Enemy;
            DefaultTargetingTypes = new TargetingInfo(TargetingTypes.Other);
            DefaultCost           = new Costs(new ShipStateChange(0, 2, 0, 0), null, null);
            DefaultDelay          = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(0));
                new ShipStateEffect(
                    new EffectSounds(),
                    new ShipStateChange(-.25f, 0, 0, 0)));
            DefaultLifeTime     = new LifeSpan(TimeWarp.RateToTime(0));
            DefaultActionSounds = new ActionSounds("Laser2", null, null);
            DefaultEffectCollection.AttachmentFlags |= EffectAttachmentFlags.ClonedAttachment;
コード例 #4
        static void Initialize()
            initialized = true;

            DefaultTargetingTypes = TargetingInfo.None;
            DefaultCost           = new Costs(new ShipStateChange(0, 0, 0, 0), null, null);
            DefaultRange          = TimeWarp.ScaleRange(8);
            DefaultDelay          = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(0));
                new ShipStateEffect(
                    new EffectSounds(),
                    new ShipStateChange(-1f / (float)DefaultWeaponCount, 0, 0, 0)));
            DefaultLifeTime     = new LifeSpan(TimeWarp.RateToTime(0));
            DefaultActionSounds = new ActionSounds("EnergyField1", null, null);
            DefaultEffectCollection.AttachmentFlags |= EffectAttachmentFlags.ClonedAttachment;
コード例 #5
        static void Initialize()
            initialized = true;

            DefaultTargetingTypes = TargetingInfo.None;
            DefaultMovementInfo   = new ShipMovementInfo(
                new Bounded <float>(0),
                new Bounded <float>(0),
                new Bounded <float>(0),
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleVelocity(120)));
            DefaultDelay    = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(0));
            DefaultLifeTime = new LifeSpan(TimeWarp.RangeToTime(11, 120));
            DefaultState    = new ShipState(new Bounded <float>(1), new Bounded <float>(0), new Bounded <float>(0), new Bounded <float>(0));

            DefaultCost = new Costs(new ShipStateChange(0, 1, 0, 0), null, null);
            DefaultEffectCollection.Effects.Add(new ShipStateEffect(TargetingInfo.All, EffectTypes.None, new EffectSounds(), new ShipStateChange(-1, 0, 0, 0)));
            DefaultActionSounds = new ActionSounds("Gun3", null, null);
コード例 #6
        static void Initialize()
            initialized = true;

            DefaultMass          = .5f;
            DefaultInitialRadius = 20;
            DefaultExpansionRate = 7;

            DefaultMovementInfo = new ShipMovementInfo(
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.AngularAcceleration),
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleTurning(1)),
                new Bounded <float>(1000),
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleVelocity(35)));
            DefaultDelay    = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(5));
            DefaultLifeTime = new LifeSpan(TimeWarp.RangeToTime(60, 35));
            DefaultState    = new ShipState(new Bounded <float>(4), new Bounded <float>(0), new Bounded <float>(0), new Bounded <float>(0));
            DefaultCost     = new Costs(new ShipStateChange(0, 20, 0, 0), null, null);
            DefaultEffectCollection.Effects.Add(new DiminishingShipStateEffect(TargetingInfo.All, EffectTypes.None, new EffectSounds(), new ShipStateChange(-10, 0, 0, 0)));
            DefaultTargetingTypes = new TargetingInfo(TargetingTypes.None, TargetingTypes.Enemy | TargetingTypes.Ship, TargetingTypes.None);
            DefaultActionSounds   = new ActionSounds("DeepEcho", null, null);
コード例 #7
        static void Initialize()
            initialized = true;

            DefaultMovementInfo = new ShipMovementInfo(
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.AngularAcceleration),
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleTurning(4)),
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleAcceleration(6, 3)),
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleVelocity(18)));
            DefaultState = new ShipState(new Bounded <float>(10),
                                         new Bounded <float>(30),
                                         new Bounded <float>(0),
                                         new Bounded <float>(0));//TimeWarp.RechargeRateToPerSeconds(150, 30)));
            DefaultRechargeDelay = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(150));

            DefaultControlableSounds = new ControlableSounds(null, "ShipDies");
            DefaultShipSounds        = new ShipSounds("UmgahDroneDitty");
コード例 #8
            static void Initialize()
                initialized = true;
                DefaultMovementInfo = new ShipMovementInfo(
                    new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.AngularAcceleration),
                    new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleTurning(0)),
                    new Bounded <float>(100000),
                    new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleVelocity(25)));

                DefaultState      = new ShipState(new Bounded <float>(2), new Bounded <float>(0), new Bounded <float>(0), new Bounded <float>(0));
                DefaultCost       = new Costs(new ShipStateChange(0, 3, 0, 0), null, null);
                DefaultDelay      = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(0));
                DefaultLifeTime   = new LifeSpan(TimeWarp.RangeToTime(50, 25));
                DefaultEffectsWho = new TargetingInfo(TargetingTypes.Enemy | TargetingTypes.Debris, TargetingTypes.None, TargetingTypes.None);

                DefaultEffectCollection.Effects.Add(new ShipStateEffect(DefaultEffectsWho, EffectTypes.None, new EffectSounds(), new ShipStateChange(-2, 0, 0, 0)));

                DefaultTargetingTypes = new TargetingInfo(TargetingTypes.None, TargetingTypes.Enemy | TargetingTypes.Ship, TargetingTypes.None);
                DefaultActionSounds   = new ActionSounds("BubblePop", null, null);
コード例 #9
        static void Initialize()
            initialized = true;

            DefaultTargetingTypes = new TargetingInfo(TargetingTypes.None, TargetingTypes.Enemy | TargetingTypes.Ship, TargetingTypes.None);
            DefaultEffectsWho     = new TargetingInfo(TargetingTypes.Enemy | TargetingTypes.Debris);
            DefaultMovementInfo = new ShipMovementInfo(
                new Bounded <float>(0),
                new Bounded <float>(0),
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleAcceleration(4, 0)),
                new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.ScaleVelocity(64)));
            DefaultDelay    = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(6));
            DefaultLifeTime = new LifeSpan(20);
            DefaultState    = new ShipState(new Bounded <float>(6), new Bounded <float>(0), new Bounded <float>(0), new Bounded <float>(0));

            DefaultCost = new Costs(new ShipStateChange(0, 6, 0, 0), new ShipStateChange(), new ShipStateChange());

            DefaultEffectCollection.Effects.Add(new ShipStateEffect(DefaultEffectsWho, EffectTypes.None, new EffectSounds(), new ShipStateChange(-4, 0, 0, 0)));

            DefaultActionSounds = new ActionSounds("MechanicalGun", null, null);
コード例 #10
 public GunAction(
     Bounded <float> delay,
     TargetingInfo targetableTypes,
     Costs costs,
     bool needsTarget,
     ActionSounds actionSounds,
     float velocityAngle,
     float offsetAngle,
     ISolidWeapon weapon,
     float randomVelocityAngle,
     float randomOffsetAngle,
     float randomDistance)
     : this(
         delay, targetableTypes, costs, needsTarget, actionSounds,
         new float[] { velocityAngle },
         new float[] { offsetAngle },
         new ISolidWeapon[] { weapon },
         new float[] { randomVelocityAngle },
         new float[] { randomOffsetAngle },
         new float[] { randomDistance })
コード例 #11
 public GunAction(
     Bounded <float> delay,
     TargetingInfo targetableTypes,
     Costs costs,
     bool needsTarget,
     ActionSounds actionSounds,
     float[] velocityAngles,
     float[] offsetAngles,
     ISolidWeapon[] weapons,
     float[] randomVelocityAngles,
     float[] randomOffsetAngles,
     float[] randomDistances)
     : base(delay, targetableTypes, costs, needsTarget, actionSounds)
     this.velocityAngles       = velocityAngles;
     this.randomVelocityAngles = randomVelocityAngles;
     this.offsetAngles         = offsetAngles;
     this.randomOffsetAngles   = randomOffsetAngles;
     this.randomDistances      = randomDistances;
     this.weapons        = weapons;
     this.aIInfo         = new MultiGunActionAIInfo(costs.ActivationCost);
     this.currentWeapons = new ISolidWeapon[weapons.Length];
コード例 #12
        static void Initialize()
            initialized = true;

            //what it can target.
            DefaultTargetingTypes = TargetingInfo.Self;
            //what it can effect.
            DefaultEffectsWho = DefaultTargetingTypes;
            //the cost.
            DefaultCost = new Costs(new ShipStateChange(0, 3, 0, 0), null, null);
            // teh delay before it can be activated again.
            DefaultDelay = new Bounded <float>(TimeWarp.RateToTime(2));

            //Adds a effect.
                new RandomTeleport(        // its a random teleport!
                    DefaultTargetingTypes, //what it can target.
                    EffectTypes.None,      //extra effect types.
                    new EffectSounds(),    // sounds played on applied.
                    3000));                // the maximum distance it can travel.
            //The sounds it plays!
            DefaultActionSounds = new ActionSounds("QuasiJump", null, null);
コード例 #13
 public UmgahDrone(UmgahDrone copy)
     : base(copy)
     this.rechargeDelay = new Bounded <float> (copy.rechargeDelay);
コード例 #14
 public BordingPartyEffect(TargetingInfo effectsWho, EffectTypes harmfulEffectTypes, EffectSounds effectSounds, LifeSpan lifeTime, Bounded <float> damageDelay, float damageAmount)
     : base(effectsWho, harmfulEffectTypes | EffectTypes.Health, effectSounds, lifeTime)
     this.damageDelay  = damageDelay;
     this.damageAmount = damageAmount;
コード例 #15
ファイル: BoundedTests.cs プロジェクト: 0xCM/Meta.Core
        public void Test01()
            var b1 = Bounded.make <int>();

            claim.satisfies(b1, b => b.minval == Int32.MinValue && b.maxval == Int32.MaxValue);
コード例 #16
 protected BordingPartyEffect(BordingPartyEffect copy)
     : base(copy)
     this.damageDelay  = new Bounded <float>(copy.damageDelay);
     this.damageAmount = copy.damageAmount;
コード例 #17
 public MultipleHitWeaponsLogic(MultipleHitWeaponsLogic copy)
     : base(copy)
     this.damageDelay  = new Bounded <float>(copy.damageDelay);
     this.didCollision = false;