コード例 #1
        public BoundedComboBox(string Id, string label, string direct, string emptyText, string headerTitle) : base()
            FieldLabel   = label;
            EmptyText    = emptyText;
            SimpleSubmit = true;
            Store store = new Ext.Net.Store();

            store.ID = label + "Store";
            ID       = Id;
            IDMode   = IDMode.Static;
            store.Proxy.Add(new PageProxy()
                DirectFn = "App.direct." + direct, DirectionParam = ""

            store.IsPagingStore = true;
            store.PageSize      = 10;

            MatchFieldWidth = true;

            Editable = false;

            store.AutoSync = true;
            DisplayField   = "name";
            ValueField     = "recordId";
            ListConfig     = new BoundList();
            ListConfig.Tpl = new XTemplate();

            ListConfig.Tpl.Html = @"<tpl for='.'><tpl if='[xindex] == 1'><h3>" + headerTitle + "</h3><hr/></tpl><h4 class='x-boundlist-item'>{name}</h4><tpl if='[xcount-xindex]==0'><div><a href='#' target='_blank' >Add new one</a><br /></div></tpl></tpl>";

            Listeners.Expand.Handler = "#{" + store.ID + "}.reload();";
コード例 #2
        public static void LoadMap()
            string FullFile = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\Alex\Documents\TestMap.fmf");

            string[] TileData = FullFile.Substring(FullFile.IndexOf("<tile>"), FullFile.IndexOf("</tile>")).Replace("<tile>", "").Replace("</tile>", "").Split(';');
            foreach (string s in TileData)
                if (s != "")
                    string[]  TileSplit = s.Split(':');
                    int       X         = Int32.Parse(TileSplit[0]);
                    int       Y         = Int32.Parse(TileSplit[1]);
                    Texture2D tx        = TextureList[TileSplit[2].Replace("_", "")];
                    TileList.Add(new Tile(X, Y, tx));
            int FFA = FullFile.IndexOf("<obj>");
            int FFB = FullFile.IndexOf("</obj>");

            string[] ObjData = FullFile.Split(new string[] { "<obj>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace("</obj>", "").Split(';');
            foreach (string s in ObjData)
                if (s != "")
                    string[]  TileSplit = s.Split(':');
                    int       X         = Int32.Parse(TileSplit[0]);
                    int       Y         = Int32.Parse(TileSplit[1]);
                    Texture2D tx        = ObjTextureList[TileSplit[2].Replace("_", "").Split('\\')[1]];
                    ObjectList.Add(new WorldObject(X, Y, tx));
                string[] BndData = FullFile.Split(new string[] { "<bound>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace("</bound>", "").Split(';');
                foreach (string s in BndData)
                    if (s != "")
                        string[]  TileSplit = s.Split(':');
                        int       X         = Int32.Parse(TileSplit[0]);
                        int       Y         = Int32.Parse(TileSplit[1]);
                        Texture2D tx        = TextureList["bound"];
                        BoundList.Add(new Tile(X, Y, tx));
            } catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
        public ComboBoxLookup()
            FieldTrigger ft = new FieldTrigger
                //Icon = Ext.Net.TriggerIcon.SimpleArrowDown

            ListConfig = new BoundList
                LoadingText = "Searching..."
            HideTrigger     = false;
            HideBaseTrigger = true;
            MinChars        = 3;
            TypeAhead       = false;
            ForceSelection  = false;
            Editable        = true;
            EmptyText       = "Type something, at least 3 character...";
            //this.PageSize = 10;
            //TriggerIcon = Ext.Net.TriggerIcon.Search;
            MatchFieldWidth = false;
コード例 #4
        private void CheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // update the bound list according to this event
            // 1: cast to checkbox and get the DataContext
            // 2: update the bound list using that model/DataContext

            var cb = sender as CheckBox;

            if (cb == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("This only works with CheckBoxes.");

            var model = cb.DataContext;

            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("DataContext came back as null");

            if (cb.IsChecked != null && cb.IsChecked.Value)
                // if is checked, add it
                if (!BoundList.Contains(model))
            else if (cb.IsChecked == null || !cb.IsChecked.Value)
                if (BoundList.Contains(model))