public void SetupTest() { go = new GameObject(); bossWeakSpot = go.AddComponent <ConcreteWeakSpot>(); }
public ParticleSystem CartoonImpact;//Draw some corny start particles private void OnGrenadeHit(Collider2D col) { GenericEnemy en = col.GetComponent <GenericEnemy>(); Vector2 vec = new Vector2((this.transform.position.x - lastposition.x), (this.transform.position.y - lastposition.y)); float dmg = Damage; if ((DirectHit != null) && col.Equals(DirectHit)) { dmg = (Damage + DIRECTDAMAGE); } else { float mag = (col.transform.position - ExplosionPosition).magnitude; dmg = (Mathf.Lerp(Damage, Damage * MINDAMAGERATIO, Mathf.Clamp01(mag / BLASTRADIUS))); } if (en != null) { //if (col.isTrigger) return; en.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (en.Health / en.MaxHealth) * (en.Alive ? 1f : 0f), !en.Alive); explode(); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(CartoonImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); return; } IceBlock ib = col.GetComponentInParent <IceBlock>(); if (ib != null) { //be.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f);//Damage //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(CartoonImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); ib.Remove(); explode(); Remove(); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); return; } BossGolem bo = col.GetComponent <BossGolem>(); bool weakspot = false; BossWeakSpot bwsp = col.GetComponent <BossWeakSpot>(); if (bwsp != null) { bo = bwsp.MyBossGolem; weakspot = true; } if (bo != null) { if (col.Equals(bo.MyWeakSpot)) { weakspot = true; } float di = dmg; if (weakspot) { di = (di * 2f); if (di >= 1f) { bo.CriticalHitEffect.Emit(1); bo.CriticalHitEffectSub.Emit(1); } else { bo.damagelayover = (bo.damagelayover + dmg); if ((bo.damagelayover) >= 1f) { bo.damagelayover -= 1f; bo.CriticalHitEffect.Emit(1); bo.CriticalHitEffectSub.Emit(1); } } bo.TakeDamage(di, vec * 1f);//Damage } else { bo.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f);//Damage } explode(); Remove(); //Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(Damage, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 0f : 1f), bo.Defeated); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(CartoonImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); return; } BreakableIceWall be = col.GetComponent <BreakableIceWall>(); if (be != null) { be.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f);//Damage Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (be.Health / be.MaxHealth) * (be.Alive ? 1f : 0f), !be.Alive); explode(); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(CartoonImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); return; } if (col.gameObject.CompareTag("Water")) { //Splash MyRigidbody.velocity = (MyRigidbody.velocity * .5f); Damage *= .5f; return; } explode(); Remove(); }
private void OnBulletHit(Collider2D col) { if (col == null) { return; } GenericEnemy en = col.GetComponent <GenericEnemy>(); Vector2 vec = new Vector2((this.transform.position.x - lastposition.x), (this.transform.position.y - lastposition.y)); if (en != null) { //if (col.isTrigger) return; en.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(Damage, (en.Health / en.MaxHealth) * (en.Alive?1f:0f), !en.Alive); GameManager.TheGameManager.ignoreTutorialTip(TutorialSystem.TutorialTip.Shoot); if (RailSlug) { ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(RailPierceParticles, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); } else { ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); } return; } IceBlock ib = col.GetComponentInParent <IceBlock>(); if (ib != null) { //be.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f);//Damage ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); ib.Remove(); if (RailSlug) { } else { GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); } return; } BossGolem bo = col.GetComponent <BossGolem>(); bool weakspot = false; BossWeakSpot bwsp = col.GetComponent <BossWeakSpot>(); if (bwsp != null) { bo = bwsp.MyBossGolem; weakspot = true; } if (bo != null) { if (col.Equals(bo.MyWeakSpot)) { weakspot = true; } float dmg = Damage; if (weakspot) { float di = (dmg * 2f); if (di >= 1f) { bo.CriticalHitEffect.Emit(1); bo.CriticalHitEffectSub.Emit(1); bo.CriticalSparks.Emit((int)(20 * (dmg / 40f))); Astronaut.PlayBossCriticalHitSound(bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 1f : 0f), bo.Defeated); } else { bo.damagelayover = (bo.damagelayover + di); if ((bo.damagelayover) >= 1f) { bo.damagelayover -= 1f; bo.CriticalHitEffect.Emit(1); bo.CriticalHitEffectSub.Emit(1); bo.CriticalSparks.Emit(20); Astronaut.PlayBossCriticalHitSound(bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 1f : 0f), bo.Defeated); } } bo.TakeDamage(di, vec * 1f);//Damage } else { bo.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f);//Damage } //Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(Damage, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 0f : 1f), bo.Defeated); weakspot = false; if (RailSlug) { } else { ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); } return; } BreakableIceWall be = col.GetComponent <BreakableIceWall>(); if (be != null) { be.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f);//Damage Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(Damage, (be.Health / be.MaxHealth) * (be.Alive ? 1f : 0f), !be.Alive); if (RailSlug) { } else { ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); } return; } if (col.gameObject.CompareTag("Water")) { //Splash MyRigidbody.velocity = (MyRigidbody.velocity * .5f); Damage *= .5f; return; } ParticleSystem ps = GameObject.Instantiate(GeometryImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(ps.gameObject, 1f); //Collision with geometry Remove(); }